Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2001
Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Alexandre Paulino Loretti; Severo Sales de Barros; Claudio Santos Liborio Barros
An outbreak of spontaneous Senecio brasiliensis poisoning in grazing sheep in the county of Mata, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, is described. The disease occurred on one farm in middle January 1997. Fifty-one (54.25%) out of 94 sheep were affected, and 50 animals (53.2%) died. This flock of sheep had been grazing for approximately 7 months (from June 1996 to January 1997) in paddocks heavily infested with S. brasiliensis. Clinical signs included photodermatitis, progressive emaciation, apathy, weakness, neurological signs such as drownsiness, aimless walking and unsteady gait, jaundice and hemoglobinuria. There was amelioration of the skin lesions in those sheep that developed hepatogenous photosensitization. Main necropsy findings in 9 sheep included small, firm, tan or greenish liver with few to numerous small, yellowish, well-circumscribed nodules measuring up to 3 mm in diameter and randomly scattered throughout the hepatic parenchyma. There was also marked distension of the gallbladder which contained large amounts of inspissated, dark green bile and straw-colored cavitary effusions (hydropericardium and ascitis). Five sheep developed lethal acute hemolytic crisis, secondary to massive release into the blood stream of copper accumulated in the liver (hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning). Apart from the aforementioned liver lesions, other gross findings in those animals included severe and diffuse jaundice, dark brown urine (hemoglobinuria) and swollen, friable, finely stippled or diffusely dark kidneys. The main histopathological findings included hepatomegalocytosis, biliary ductal proliferation (bile duct hyperplasia) and moderate periportal fibrosis. The portal triads were infiltrated with variable numbers of mononuclear cells. There was heavy accumulation of brownish pigment in macrophages identified as ceroid or copper with PAS and rhodanine stainings, respectively. Those ceroid and copper-laden macrophages were scattered on the remnant hepatic parenchyma or formed small aggregates in the portal triads. Main histopathological findings in the kidneys of 5 sheep, that developed fatal hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning, included tubular nephrosis, accumulation of hemoglobin and hemosiderin in epithelial tubular cells and hemoglobin casts (hemoglobinuric nephrosis). Morphological evidence of hepatic encephalopathy included spongy degeneration (status spongiosus) of the cerebral white matter. Ultrastructural changes in the liver of affected sheep included degenerative hepatocellular changes of varying severity. There was accumulation of numerous lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes and lysosomes containing substances of high electron-density that corresponded to ceroid-lipofuscin in most of the cases. In addition, there was mild swelling of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and moderate hyperplasia of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in some areas of the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Proximal convoluted tubular epithelial cells showed intracellular edema and a variety of mitochondrial degenerative changes. These included disarrangement and breakup of cristae, finely granular matrix, accumulation of lipid globules and rupture of the membranes in a few cases. Many epithelial tubular cells displayed substances of high electron-density within lysosomes. Chemical analysis of copper in liver and kidney samples of affected sheep revealed high concentrations varying from 369 ppm to 1248 ppm in the liver and ranging from 152 ppm to 687 ppm in the kidneys (dry matter). The diagnosis of Senecio brasiliensis poisoning was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, necropsy findings, histological lesions and laboratory data.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
Glaucia D. Kommers; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Claudio Severo Lombardo de Barros
From 1978 to 1996, out of a total of 3,259 dogs necropsied, sixteen (0.49%) were parasitized by Dioctophyma renale. Twelve of those (75%) were stray dogs. Thirteen dogs (81.2%) presented one or more specimens of D. renale in the right kidney. In three dogs (18.7%), the parasite was observed in the abdominal cavity. In those cases of renal parasitism, there was marked atrophy of the kidney which became a fibrous-walled bag within which the parasite was found imersed in a semiliquid necro-hemorrhagic exudate. In five cases, compensatory hypertrophy of the contralateral kidney was observed. The life cycle of D. renale is complex and not fully understood. It envolves intermediate and parathenic hosts. The high incidence of the disease in stray dog suggests that the infection is related to the poor selective feeding habits of this kind of dog.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 1999
Alexandre Paulino Loretti; Pedro Soares Bezerra Jr; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Severo Sales de Barros; Claudio S.L. Barros
The ground burs of Xanthium cavanillesii (Asteraceae) were force fed to 15 adult sheep in single doses or divided in two doses. Nine sheep died. Doses of 2 g/kg and above were lethal for the sheep. A single dose of 1,25 g/kg and a total of 2,5 g/kg divided in two administrations of 1,25 g/kg consecutive daily doses did not cause the toxicosis. Clinical signs were observed only in the animals that died and occurred between 5 hours and 20 hours after the beginning of the administration of the burs. The toxicosis had a peracute (90 minutes to 3 hours) to acute (9 to 13 hours) course. Clinical signs included apathy, anorexia, decreased rate and intensity of ruminal movements, generalized muscle tremors, stiff and incoordinated gait, unwillingness to move, instability, falls and recumbency. Most affected sheep presented seromucous nasal discharge with labored breathing. In terminal stages, there were trismus, drooling of saliva, convulsive seizures, nystagmus, paddling movements, periods of apnea and death. Main necropsy findings included accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver, focal hemorrhages on the capsular and cut surfaces, distension accompanied by edema and hemorrhages of the gall bladder wall, ascites, hydrotorax, and translucent and gelatinous perirenal edema. The contents of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon were dry, impacted and covered by mucus and streaks of clotted blood; there were disseminated petechiae and suffusions. The main histopathological change consisted of marked coagulative hepatocellular necrosis, which varied from centrilobular to massive, associated with congestion and hemorrhages. In the remaining of the hepatic lobule there was either swelling or vacuolation of the hepatocytes.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 1999
Claudio S.L. Barros; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Pedro Soares Bezerra Júnior; Ingeborg Maria Langohr; Glaucia D. Kommers
Three outbreaks of Senna occidentalis poisoning in cattle exclusively at pasture are described. The outbreaks occurred in the fall and early winter on three farms of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Affected cattle had access to pastures previously used as culture fields for soybean and corn, which were heavily infested by coffee senna (S. occidentalis). On farm 1, 10 (29,1%) out of a total of 34 about 18-month-old heifers died; on farm 2, 9 (4,2%) out of 212 pregnant cows died, and on farm 3, 36 (12,0%) out of 50 adult cattle died. Clinical courses varied from 3 to 6 days, and clinical signs included dark urine, muscle weakness, tremors, staggering gait, sternal recumbency and death. Even when in recumbency, affected cattle remained alert and with normal reflexes; they drunk water and kept their appetite until few hours before death. On farm 2, clinical signs appeared 7 days after the animals had been removed from the coffee senna infested fields. The main gross pathological findings were pale areas in the skeletal muscles, mainly in the heavy muscles of the hindlimbs, and pale yellowish streaks in the myocardium. The main histopathological finding was necrosis of skeletal muscles (multifocal and multiphasic toxic degenerative myopathy). The diagnosis of S. occidentalis poisoning in these three outbreaks was based on the epidemiological and clinical data, the necropsy and histopathological findings.Three outbreaks of Senna occidentalis poisoning in cattle exclusively at pasture are described. The outbreaks occurred in the fall and early winter on three farms of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Affected cattle had access to pastures previously used as culture fields for soybean and corn, which were heavily infested by coffee senna (S. occidentalis). On farm 1, 10 (29,1%) out of a total of 34 about 18-month-old heifers died; on farm 2, 9 (4,2%) out of 212 pregnant cows died, and on farm 3, 36 (12,0%) out of 50 adult cattle died. Clinical courses varied from 3 to 6 days, and clinical signs included dark urine, muscle weakness, tremors, staggering gait, sternal recumbency and death. Even when in recumbency, affected cattle remained alert and with normal reflexes; they drunk water and kept their appetite until few hours before death. On farm 2, clinical signs appeared 7 days after the animals had been removed from the coffee senna infested fields. The main gross pathological findings were pale areas in the skeletal muscles, mainly in the heavy muscles of the hindlimbs, and pale yellowish streaks in the myocardium. The main histopathological finding was necrosis of skeletal muscles (multifocal and multiphasic toxic degenerative myopathy). The diagnosis of S. occidentalis poisoning in these three outbreaks was based on the epidemiological and clinical data, the necropsy and histopathological findings.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2004
Alexandre Paulino Loretti; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Irene Breitsameter; C.S. Faraco
Descrevem-se seis casos de alteracao fibroadenomatosa mamaria felina (AFAMF) associada a administracao de uma unica injecao de acetato de medroxiprogesterona (AMP) na dose recomendada pelos fabricantes. A doenca foi observada em gatas jovens nao-castradas atendidas em dois hospitais veterinarios de 1999 a 2001. O diagnostico de AFAMF foi feito com base no historico, sinais clinicos e achados macroscopicos e confirmado histologicamente em quatro dos seis casos. Sugere-se que a ocorrencia da AFAMF esteja associada ao efeito prolongado de uma unica injecao de AMP de deposito administrada em situacoes nas quais o emprego dessa terapia nao e recomendado.
Ciencia Rural | 2000
Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Claudio Severo Lombardo de Barros
Entre 1970 e 1997, de 3.927 caes e 435 gatos necropsiados, nove caes (0,23%) e seis gatos (1,38%) apresentaram capilariose hepatica. Um gato e dois caes apresentaram sinais clinicos relacionados ao parasitismo, nos demais animais, a parasitose foi considerada um achado incidental de necropsia. A prevalencia maior em gatos foi atribuida ao comportamento social e habitos alimentares da especie. Dados relativos a sexo, idade, raca, procedencia, sinais clinicos, lesoes macro e microscopicas dos animais afetados sao apresentados e discutidos.
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2003
Gustavo Frassetto Amendola; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Raquel Berger; Rafael Stedile; João Eduardo Schossler
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a utilizacao de osso canino conservado em mel como implante em defeitos osseos criados em femures de caes. METODOS: Doze caninos adultos foram submetidos a remocao de um segmento osseo retangular compreendendo um terco do diâmetro do osso por 2cm de comprimento da diafise femural. Posteriormente foram inseridos dois pinos intramedulares e fixado um implante osseo conservado de tamanho compativel com o defeito atraves de cerclagem com fio de aco. Os animais foram avaliados radiograficamente no dia da intervencao cirurgica e aos 30 e 60 dias. RESULTADOS: Apos o final dos 60 dias foi possivel verificar incorporacao do implante em oito animais enquanto que em quatro houve reabsorcao do material implantado. CONCLUSAO: O mel pode ser adequado como conservante de ossos.
Ciencia Rural | 2000
Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Pedro Soares Bezerra Júnior; Adrien Wilhelm Dilger Sanches; Claudio Severo Lombardo de Barros
Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is described in three chinchillas. In one of these cases there was also trophoblastic infiltration to the myometrium. The ages of the chinchillas varied from 14 months to six years. One of them was in the late gestation and the other two in the puerperium. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism is reported in pregnant women and chinchillas. In both species it is considered an incidental finding; however, occasionally, can be the cause of death in women. Trophoblastic pulmonary embolism in chinchillas could serve as an animal model of human diseases to study the pathogenesis as it applies for the condition in women. In these three cases the embolism was considered an incidental finding.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2001
Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Franklin Riet-Correa; Claudio S. L. Barros
Three outbreaks of dysthermic syndrome (hyperthermia) associated with poisoning by Claviceps purpurea are described in dairy cattle in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. During the summer of 1999/2000, 37 cattle out of 66 (56%) were affected up to 3 months after the introduction of a new batch of feed contaminated by this fungus. The main clinical signs included pyrexia, dull, rough and long hair coats, intense salivation, difficult respiration with open mouth and, in some cases, with the tongue protruding from the mouth. Affected cattle sought shade or remained within water ponds. There was a 10-30% reduction in feed intake and loss of weight. Reduction in milk yield was 30-50%. Clinical signs were more intense during daytime, and their intensity were directly proportional to the environmental temperature. Necropsy findings in one necropsied cow included mild pulmonary emphysema, mainly in dorsal aspect of the diaphragmatic lobes. Histollogically, there were moderate hypertrophy of the smooth muscle layer of bronchioles, rupture of alveolar septae with resulting club-shaped alveolar stumps. Sclerotia of C. purpurea were found in the ration fed to cattle in the three farms where the outbreaks occurred. Affected cattle recovered approximately 60 days after feeding the contaminated ration was discontinued. Diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, clinical signs, presence of sclerotia of C. purpurea in the feed of affected cattle, necropsy and histopathological findings. The pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology of dysthermic syndrome are discussed and compared to other reports on this condition.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Adriana Lücke Stigger; Gabriela Riet-Correa; Ingeborg Maria Langohr; Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha; Claudio Severo Lombardo de Barros
Nasal granuloma affecting 13 female Jersey cattle with ages ranging from 9 months to 3-year-old occurred in a farm in Pinhal Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Clinical signs included serous to serosanguineous or mucous nasal discharge, snoring, sniffling, difficult in breathing, lacrimation, congestion of the vessels of the sclera and rubbing the nose against trees and other hard surfaces. Clinical signs were exacerbated by exercise. The clinical examination of 10 affected cattle revealed small nodules in the mucous membrane of the proximal portion of the nasal cavity. Cytology carried out in the nasal discharge of 9 affected cattle revealed mainly eosinophils in numbers directly proportional to the severity of clinical signs. There were no abnormalities in the hemogram. One clinically affected heifer was euthanatized and necropsied. Main gross findings were raised, firm, white, multifocal, 2-4mm in diameter polypoid nodules clustered in the proximal portion of both nasal cavities. Histologically, these nodules consisted of hyperplastic respiratory epithelium with squamous metaplasia covering a fibrovascular tissue heavily infiltrated by eosinophils and, to a lesser extent, by macrophages, and plasma cells.