Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Featured researches published by Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes.
Ciencia Rural | 2009
Marcel Ferreira Bastos Avanza; José Dantas Ribeiro Filho; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Fernanda Saules Ignácio; Thony Assis Carvalho; José Domingos Guimarães
In the present study, the effects of four different electrolyte solutions on the packed cell volume (PCV), plasma volume and plasma concentrations of total protein, sodium, potassium, chloride, total magnesium, and ionized calcium in healthy and experimentally dehydrated horses were evaluated. Four crossbred horses, two males and two females were used. In experiment 1 (E1Des) the animals were experimentally dehydrated, while in the second experiment (E2Hig) healthy equines were used. In both experiments the animals were subjected to the following treatments: SE - isotonic electrolyte solution; SEGlu - glucose-enriched SE; SEMalt - maltodextrine-enriched SE and SEMg - magnesium sulphate-enriched SE. The electrolyte solutions used in all treatments were administered at 15mL kg-1 h-1 during 12h through small-bore nasoesophagus tube by continuous flow. The treatments with the electrolyte solutions resulted in an increase of plasma volume and a decrease in total plasma protein, hematocrit, while the electrolytes remained within the reference values.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Antonio Cezar de Oliveira Dearo; Alexander Welker Biondo; Luiz Fernando Pita Godin; Paulo Iamaguti; Armen Thomassian; Aguemi Kohayagawa
Intraperitoneal application of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) has been used for peritoneal adhesions prevention in animals and humans. The objectives of this research was to study the peritoneal response to surgical trauma and application of CMC and also to study how CMC excretion occurs. Nineteen healthy mixed breed horses were submited to laparotomy to produce lesions in distal jejunum by serosal abrasion and ischemia. In the nine horses of the treatment group, 7ml/kg of a 1% CMC sterile solution were instilated in peritoneal cavity before abdominal wall syntesis. No medication was instiled in peritoneal cavitiy of the control group horses. After surgery, blood and peritoneal fluid were colected in 9 postoperative moments: 4 hours after surgical end, on the morning of the 3 subsequent days and on the morning of the 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th postoperative days. Laboratory tests showed that all animals developed peritoneal inflammation. However, in treatement group, inflammation was more severe. It also could be observed that CMC excretion occured by fagocitosis.
Ciencia Rural | 2009
Paula Vieira Evans Hossell Laranjeira; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Maria Julia Salim Pereira; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Carlos Henrique Coelho de Campos; Luciana Cunha de Assis Brasil Caiuby; Patrícia Nunez Bastos de Souza
This research aimed to verify the profile and distribution of colic syndrome in horses of three military units in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which were Regimento Escola de Cavalaria (REsC), Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN), and Esquadrao Escola de Cavalaria (EEC). From 2003 to 2004, 770 horses were followed up for the incidence of colic cases. A descriptive analysis of clinical data, incidence of colic cases and rate of horses affected was established. Chi-squared test was used to evaluate the association among colic syndrome and variables related to horses characteristics and management. Colic syndrome incidence varied among military units as follows: 0.12 cases/horse-year at AMAN, 0.21 at EEC and 0.95 at REsC, affecting 15% of horses in AMAN, 30% in EEC and 69% in REsC. The highest incidence was of gastric episodes (76.5%). Recurrence cases were 62.5% in REsC, 36.7% in AMAN and 29.0% in EEC. Colic syndrome occurred associated with variables: military unit, management, amount of intake grains and supplemented mineral-vitamin. High incidence, recurrence and horses rate with colic were differentiated among the three units. Although the horses of military units had common characteristic , they formed a heterogeneous group in respect to colic syndrome occurrence, probably due to different management conditions.
Ciencia Rural | 1998
Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Antonio Cezar de Oliveira Dearo; Paulo Iamaguti; Armen Thomassian; Laura Maria Alvares de Figueiredo
Peritoneal adhesions form very often in horses submitted to laparotomy. Adhesions may be assymptomatic or they could cause complications such as colic and intestinal obstruction, sometimes with vascular strangulation. To evaluate intra-peritoneal use of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in prevention of peritoneal adhesions in horses, the following experiment was conducted: eighteen clinically normal mixed breed horses were anesthetized and submitted to ventral midline laparotomy. Lesions in the distal jejunum were produced to induce peritoneal adhesion formation. In four horses (block I) six lesions were created: one segment 45cm in length was submitted to ischemia by ocluding mural circulation and mesenteric vessels for two hours; in five small areas with approximately three x five centimeters serosal abrasion was produced by rubbing a dry gauze sponge 100 times with a single chromic catgut suture placed in the center through the seromuscular layer. For the other fourteen animals (block II) the model adopted was similar with small chances: instead of one ischemic segment, four segments 25cm in length were created: abrasion of the five areas was produced with the jaw of an open Rochester forceps; the suture made in the center of the abrasion areas was a line of a simple continuous pattern with 2.5cm in length approximately. Horses were randomly placed into two groups. In nine animals (treatment group), a volume of 7 ml/kg of 1%cmC was instilled in the peritoneal cavity before abdominal wall synthesis. In the other nine animals (control group) the wall was sutured in the same way, but no drug was instilled in the peritoneal cavity. Horses were monitored daily. All animals were submitted to euthanasiu and necropsy fourteen days after surgery. Six of the nine animals in the control group and four of nine animals of treatment group developed peritaneal adhesions. There were no significant differences between the numher of animals with adhesians in the two groups nor between the number and the grade of adhesions developed in the groups. Animals in the treatment group did not show any sign of toxicity or hypersensivity forcmC. Based on these results it may be concluded that carboxymethylcellulose was not efficient in preventing peritoneal adhesions in equine small intestine induced by serosal abrasion and ischemia. Also it may be concluded that this drug did not cause any collateral effects neither impaired peritoneal healing.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 1998
Antonio Cezar de Oliveira Deado; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Waldir Gandolfi
A ulcera gastrica constitui-se numa das mais importantes causas de desconforto abdominal em equinos jovens. Com o objetivo de se verificar a prevalencia de lesoes gastricas (ulceras e/ou erosoes) e sua relacao com fatores como estresse, idade, e sexo, sessenta potros da raca Quarto de Milha nao portadores de sinais clinicos compativeis com lesoes gastricas foram submetidos a gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etarias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. A prevalencia de lesoes gastricas foi de 43,3%. Animais com idade entre 61 a noventa dias foram os mais acometidos. Nao houve diferenca significativa entre as faixas etarias. Descamacoes do epitelio aglandular ocorreram em nove potros (60%) entre um e trinta dias, em seis (40%) entre 31 e sessenta dias e em apenas dois (6,6%) com idade superior a sessenta dias. Fatores considerados estressantes, como infestacao intensa por carrapatos (29), problemas respiratorios (3), dermatopatias (3), babesiose (2), onfaloflebite (1), diarreia (1), problemas ortopedicos (1) e ferida lacerante com presenca de miiase (1) nao influenciaram a ocorrencia das lesoes. Machos e femeas foram igualmente acometidos.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Luiz Gonzaga Pompermayer; Aécio Henrique Barbosa Felipe; Isabela Ciniello Araujo
Five horses presenting dysphagia were fed via an esophagostomy. In two cases, the ventral access was used while, in the others, the access was ventrolateral. In all cases, the tube tip was placed in the thoracic esophagus. A gruel composed of ground commercial pelleted feed, mineral supplement and water was given by the tube. Periesophagic infection and complications of the primary disease were the causes of the death of two horses. In the other cases the outcome was satisfactory. The tube was removed when ingestion could be resumed (after 15, 16 and 35 days) and all animals had a body condition equal or superior to that observed at admission. The esophageal opening healed by second intention.
Veterinary Surgery | 2014
Fabio A. Aristizabal; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Adriana da Silva; Marcel Ferreira Bastos Avanza; Jorge E. Nieto
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of onlay mesenteric flaps (MFs) with end-to-end jejunojejunostomy on stomal diameter, length of jejunum with reduced stomal diameter, abdominal adhesion formation, and healing. STUDY DESIGN Experimental study. ANIMALS Healthy adult horses (n = 6). METHODS Two hand sewn end-to-end jejunal anastomoses using a 1 layer simple continuous serosubmucosal suture pattern were performed in each horse ∼ 2 and 5 m oral to the ileocecal fold. Using a random design for selection anastomosis location (oral or aboral), 1 anastomosis was covered with 2 adjacent onlay MFs secured with interrupted sutures and cyanoacrylate glue. Two weeks later, adhesion formation, stomal diameter, length of reduced jejunal stomal diameter, and healing were evaluated. RESULTS Use of onlay MFs decreased stomal diameter (P = .05), increased length of reduced peristomal jejunal diameter (P = .05), surgical time (P = .003), and serosal fibrosis (P = .05). No difference was evident for adhesion formation, and degree of inflammation between techniques. CONCLUSION End-to-end jejunojejunostomy covered with 2 onlay MFs is not recommended because this technique results in luminal reduction.
Ciencia Rural | 1997
Ricardo Junqueira Del Carlo; Simone Rezende Galvão; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes
This research was performed in order to study the adhesion formation induced by injury to the peritoneum at the time of surgery. In the present study ischemia by ligation appears to be the most potent adhesiogenic factor. Serosal injury and drying and the lesions cauterized by electric cautery were forms of serosal injury that induced fibrinous or irreversible adhesions. Adhesions were stimulated when drying was combined with rubbing the tissue with dry gauze. The combinant drying with fibrin enhanced the inicial adhesion. Comparing the four factors, serosal injury was posibly the least likely to cause adhesions. In this type of injury the fibrinolitic mechanism was not inhibited.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Isabela Ciniello Araujo; Luiz Gonzaga Pompermayer; Fernanda Antunes; Almir Pereira de Souza; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes
Professor, Departamento de Veterinaria, UFV, Vicosa, MG.RESUMOO propofol e um agente anestesico intravenoso usa-do para inducao e manutencao da anestesia, mas produz analge-sia limitada, havendo a necessidade do uso concomitante deanalgesicos. Avaliou-se o efeito analgesico do butorfanol na dorsomatica em gatos anestesiados com doses fracionadas de pro-pofol. Foram utilizados 16 animais, distribuidos aleatoriamenteem dois grupos. Os animais do grupo controle foram pre-tratadoscom 0,2mg/kg de acepromazina por via IM e, apos 15 minutos,receberam 6mg/kg de propofol por via IV. Os animais do grupotratamento foram pre-medicados com uma combinacao de ace-promazina (0,2mg/kg) e butorfanol (0,8mg/kg), administrados namesma seringa por via IM, e, apos 15 minutos, receberam 6mg/kgde propofol por via IV. Em ambos os grupos, a manutencao daanestesia foi feita com administracoes de propofol, na dose de3mg/kg, por via IV, sempre que necessario, durante 60 minutos. Anecessidade de readministracao de propofol foi verificada pelaresposta apresentada ao pincamento cutâneo, atraves de umapinca de Kocher. Avaliaram-se tambem as frequencias cardiaca erespiratoria, pressao arterial media, saturacao de oxiemoglobinae temperatura retal. A administracao de butorfanol causou ape-nas reducao nas frequencias cardiaca e respiratoria e na satura-cao de oxiemoglobina, em comparacao com o grupo controle,sem exercer influencia significativa sobre o periodo habil, a dosetotal administrada e o periodo de recuperacao do propofol.Concluiu-se que a adicao de butorfanol nao produziu analgesiasomatica em gatos anestesiados com doses fracionadas de pro-pofol.Palavras-chave: gato, felino, anestesia, propofol, butorfanol.SUMMARYPropofol is an intravenous anesthetic agent used forinduction and maintenance of anesthesia but produces limitedanalgesia, and concomitant use of analgesics is necessary. Theanalgesic effect of butorphanol in somatic pain in catsanesthetized with intermittent doses of propofol was evaluated.Sixteen animals were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Controlgroup animals were premedicated with IM acepromazine(0,2mg/kg) and after 15 minutes IV propofol (6mg/kg) wasadministered. Treatment group animals were premedicated withIM acepromazine (0,2mg/kg) and butorphanol (0,8mg/kg), mixedin the same syringe and after 15 minutes IV propofol (6mg/kg)was administered. In both groups anesthesia was maintained withrepeated injections of propofol (3mg/kg) as needed, during 60minutes. The need to complement propofol doses was determinedby reactions to a skin pinch with a Kocher hemostatic forceps.Heart rate, respiratory rate, mean blood pressure, rectal bodytemperature and oxyhemoglobin saturation were also recorded.Administration of butorphanol caused minimal changes incardiopulmonary variables compared to control group and didnot affect duration of anesthesia and total dose of propofol orrecovery period. We concluded that addition of butorphanol didnot produce somatic analgesia during anesthesia maintained withrepeated injections of propofol in cats.Key words: cat, feline, anesthesia, propofol, butorphanol.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 1999
Antonio Cezar de Oliveira Dearo; Marco Aurélio Ferreira Lopes; Waldir Gandolfi
Gastric ulcer accounts for an important cause of abdominal discomfort in young horses. Concerning either the presence or absence of clinical signs and their variations, the lesions location in the gastric mucosa and complications resulting from ulcerative lesions, four clinical syndromes have been described in foals: 1) Asymptomatic or silent ulcers; 2) Symptomatic or active ulcers; 3) Perforated ulcers; and 4) Gastric or duodenal obstruction. With the aim of studying the distribution of lesions (ulcers and/or erosions) and desquamations from the non-glandular epithelium in the gastric mucosa of young horses and a possible relationship between both alterations (lesion/desquamation), sixty Quarter Horse foals without signs of gastric disease underwent gastroscopy. Foals were divided by age in four groups of 15 animals as follows: 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days and 91 to 120 days. Lesions were most prevalent in the stratified squamous epithelial mucosa mainly adjacent to the margo plicatus along the greater curvature followed by squamous mucosa next to the cardia along the lesser curvature, glandular and non-glandular fundus and antrum. Regions of the fundus and margo plicatus were similarly affected by desquamations. There was no association between lesions and desquamations occurrence.