Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira
Universidade Federal de Lavras
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Featured researches published by Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira.
Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2003
José da Cruz Machado; João Almir Oliveira; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; Marcelo C. Alves
The inhibition of seed germination in health testing is important because germinated seeds may cause contamination and make microscopic assessment difficult. To inhibit seed germination of some dicotyledons species the use of 2,4-D is commonly recommended and for monocotyledons the use of deep freezing is used. In both cases, there are serious inconveniences for several reasons. In the present study the use of the water restriction technique was investigated as mean to inhibit soybean seeds in substitution to 2,4-D in the blotter test. Manitol, NaCl and KCl were the osmotic compounds tested. The effects of the water restriction were also evaluated on the occurrence of the fungi associated with seeds. Water restriction in the range of -0,6 to -1,0 MPa was effective in the inhibition of the seed germination without affecting the occurrence of the fungi in the samples used.
Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2002
Antônio Rodrigues Vieira; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; Antônio Carlos Fraga; João Almir Oliveira; Custódio D. dos Santos
This research was carried out in the Laboratory of Seeds Technology and Analysis of the Fitotecnia Department of the Agrarian Science Center of Federal University of Espirito Santo, Alegre, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, out with the objective to evaluated the physiological seed quality to ten soybean genotypes: BRSMG - Garantia, MGBR-46 (Conquista), MGBR 94-7916, FT-104, CAC-1, MGBR 95-19125, BRSMG - 68 (Vencedora), UFV-16, BR 94-12773, Doko, from the 99/2000 crop year, submitted the stress condition through the accelerated aging test, with temperature of 42oC and relative humidity of, approximately, 100% for periods of 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, utilized the completely randomized design, with four replications of 25 seeds. The physiological quality of seeds was evaluated through by the germination and vigor test (first germination count and radicule length. The results indicate that the genotypes Doko and CAC-1 showed the best physiological seed quality. In order to the accelerated ageing periods above 48 hours determinate results with higher seed deterioration. The total germination decreased until the period of 96 hours of treatment.Para avaliar a eficiencia do acido giberelico (GA3) na superacao da dormencia de sementes de arroz, bem como a atividade da enzima a-amilase como indicador do grau dessa dormencia, foram utilizadas sementes da cultivar irrigada Urucuia, que apresentam alta intensidade de dormencia pos-colheita. Para tanto, as sementes foram submetidas a pre-secagem em estufa de circulacao forcada de ar a 40oC por 7 dias e a submersao em 30 ml de solucoes de GA3 nas concentracoes de 0, 10, 30 e 60 mg/litro de H2O, nos tempos de 2, 24 e 36 horas. Apos os tratamentos, foi determinada a atividade da a-amilase atraves da eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida e da espectrofotometria. Simultaneamente, foi realizado o teste de germinacao. Pelos resultados, observa-se que houve ganho na germinacao e na atividade da a-amilase em maiores concentracoes e tempos de embebicao das sementes em GA3. A embebicao das sementes em 60 mg GA3/litro H2O por 36 horas apresenta-se eficiente como um tratamento rapido na superacao da dormencia de sementes de arroz, sendo equivalente a estufa de circulacao forcada de ar a 40oC por 7 dias. A atividade da enzima a-amilase apresentou-se como um eficiente marcador do grau de dormencia das sementes.
Revista Brasileira De Sementes | 2004
José da Cruz Machado; João Almir Oliveira; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; Marcelo de Carvalho Alves
Availability of seeds infected by fungi or other transmissible pathogens by this way is extremely important in seed pathology for several purposes. The present research was conducted to evaluate the use of the water restriction technique in the inoculation of cotton seeds in order to obtain seeds infected by Colletotrichum gossypii, Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides, Botryodiplodia theobromae and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. The premise was based on the fact that seed infection is better ensured and controlled by keeping the seeds in contact with the developing fungal colonies on agar media containing mannitol at osmotic potentials that would arrest seed germination for a longer period of time. In this study mannitol was tested at the potentials of 0, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8 e -1 MPa. Seeds on the fungal colonies were placed in a growth room at 25oC, with a photoperiod of 12 hours, where they remained for different periods of time, according to the water potential used. After each incubation period seeds were taken out of the media and dried out on paper towels in a lab environment and submitted to the germination, emergence and health tests. Incubation of seeds at water potential ranging from -0.8 to -1 MPa, provided conditions to impede seeds from germinating for a period of up to 4 and 5 days, respectively, and then presenting a greater level of infection and higher percentages of diseased seedlings.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2002
Renata Silva-Mann; Kalinka C.C. Salgado; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; José da Cruz Machado
Anthracnosis and ramulosis are important diseases of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), caused by Colletotrichum gossypii and C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides, respectively; both fungi seed transmitted. Ramulosis, also known as witchs broom, is considered to be more devastating, causing severe losses in several regions of Brazil where cotton is cultivated in large scale. It is difficult to detect both fungi in seed samples by conventional methods since the morphological variability between isolates within the same species makes detection unreliable. The goal of the presente work was to investigate the variation of 10 isolates of both fungi using DNA/RAPD markers. Part of the isolates was classified as C. gossypii and part as C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides, using the pathogenic test. The results showed that the biochemical markers used were not able to distinguish the isolates of anthracnosis from the isolates of ramulosis. On the other hand, the genetic similarity between the isolates demonstrated by RAPD analysis, was 51,78%, indicating the potential of this technique.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2007
Andréia Quixabeira Machado; José da Cruz Machado; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; Daniel Cassetari Neto; Marcella V. Souza
The fast germination of cotton seeds that occurs in blotter and agar seed health tests may become a difficulty in the identification of fungi, thus affecting the efficiency of these tests. The available alternative to impede or to reduce seed germination of dicotyledoneous species is the incorporation of 2.4-D (sodium salt formulation) solution to the substrate. Nevertheless, some questions about 2,4-D use may be raised for several reasons, including the toxicity of this compound. The aim of this work was to investigate the viability of the use of water restriction technique in place of the 2,4-D method to reduce seed germination in incubation seed health testing. The effects of water restriction produced by mannitol and sodium chloride at -0,6, -0,8, -1,0 and -1,2 MPa osmotic potentials were evaluated on seed germination, seedling elongation and in vitro mycelial growth of some fungi occurring on cotton seeds and on their development in the blotter test. The water restriction provided by the solutes at the osmotic potentials tested was proved to reduce germination and seedling elongation to satisfactory levels for cotton seed health analysis, allowing recovery of the main fungi on those seeds under blotter test conditions. This method was seen to be an efficient alternative to the use of 2,4-D. The mycelial growth of fungi was reduced on agar medium at osmotic potentials higher than -0,6 MPa. The recovery of pathogenic fungi under blotter test was not affected by the water restriction technique.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2005
Renata Silva-Mann; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; José da Cruz Machado; José Roberto Bernardino Filho; Kalinka C.C. Salgado; Mikel R. Stevens
Doencas fungicas em algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum), tais como antracnose causada por Colletotrichum gossypii e ramulose causada por C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides, levam a grandes perdas em produtividade. Estes microrganismos sao patogenos veiculados por sementes e morfologicamente similares apesar deles induzirem sintomas diferentes, que podem levar a um erro no diagnostico usando o teste de sanidade com sementes em rolo de papel. O presente estudo foi realizado para acessar a viabilidade do uso de marcadores Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) para diferenciar estes patogenos. Cinco isolados, para cada patogeno, foram classificados de acordo com a patogenicidade e morfologia de crescimento micelial. As suspensoes de conidios foram pulverizadas em plantas de algodoeiro com 30 dias e os sintomas avaliados aos dez e 40 dias apos a inoculacao. Para a morfologia de crescimento micelial, 200 sementes foram inoculadas com culturas puras com sete dias, e as caracteristicas miceliais observadas sob microscopio esterioscopico sete dias apos a inoculacao. O DNA para a analise de AFLP foi obtido de micelio fungico com sete dias, crescido em meio liquido, usando o protocolo Dneasy Qiagen. A tecnica AFLP produziu 318 bandas polimorficas que foram selecionadas para calcular as similaridades usando o Coeficiente de Dice. Os resultados claramente distinguiram os isolados causadores de ramulose dos de antracnose, os quais concordam, com dados morfologicos e de patogenicidade.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2004
Sílvia Mara Pacheco Lima; Renato Mendes Guimarães; João Almir Oliveira; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira
Objetivou-se com a presente pesquisa estudar tempos e temperaturas mais adequadas para o condicionamento fisiologico e avaliar os efeitos desses tratamentos na germinacao sob condicoes de estresse termico, de sementes de cafeeiro armazenadas. O estudo foi conduzido nos Laboratorios de Analise de Sementes e Tecnicas Moleculares do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, utilizando-se sementes de cafe da cultivar Acaia do cerrado. As sementes foram colhidas nos campos de producao da UFLA e armazenadas em condicoes de ambiente de agosto/2000 a janeiro/2001, quando foram submetidas ao condicionamento em agua nas temperaturas de 15, 25 e 35oC por 4, 8 12 dias de embebicao. O condicionamento foi realizado em câmara tipo BOD, na presenca de luz, e a aeracao foi feita com compressores e bombas de aquario. Apos cada tratamento, as sementes foram imediatamente submetidas a determinacao do teor de agua e avaliadas pelos testes de germinacao e indice de velocidade de germinacao sob estresse termico (20 e 35oC) e eletroforese de enzimas. Para comparacao, foram utilizadas sementes sem tratamento de embebicao. Pelos resultados, conclui-se que as sementes condicionadas em agua a 15 e 25oC apresentaram melhor desempenho da germinacao em condicoes de estresse termico; o condicionamento a 35oC nao foi apropriado; o condicionamento por 4 dias foi o menos eficiente em melhorar a qualidade fisiologica das sementes, e o condicionamento fisiologico em agua mostrou-se eficaz ao revigoramento, principalmente a 25oC por 12 dias.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2003
Ângela P. Peres; Renata Silva-Mann; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; José da Cruz Machado
The objective of this work was to look at the variability between isolates of the three fungal species, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Fusarium solani and Phoma caricae-papayae associated with stem-end rot in papaya fruits (Carica papaya L.) which were produced in different regions of Brazil. In one trial, comparisons were made considering morphological and cultural characteristics exhibited by the fungi grown in different media: Potato dextrose agar (PDA), Papaya extract agar (PEA) and Czapek. In general, mycelial growth of all fungi was higher in PDA and PEA and no correlation was seen between growth rates and other morphocultural characteristics such as color, colony type and others for all isolates compared. The analysis of AFLP markers revealed that there is a huge genetic variation between isolates as demonstrated by the production of 339 bands in eletrophoretic gel. With basis on genetic diversity it was possible to characterize four groups of C. gloeosporioides, F.solani and P. caricae-papayae. No correlation was seen between morphocultural characteristics and AFLP analysis.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2004
Flávio Henrique Linhares Magalhães; José da Cruz Machado; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; Renato Mendes Guimarães; João Almir Oliveira; Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo
Objetivou-se com este trabalho investigar os efeitos do pre-condicionamento fisiologico de sementes de cenoura, cultivar hibrida Carol, com incidencia dos patogenos Alternaria dauci de 1,25% e A. radicina de 2,0%, em duas solucoes osmoticas arejadas uma de PEG 6000 e outra com KNO3, com adicao de thiram, sobre a qualidade fisiologica e o desenvolvimento da micoflora presente nas sementes. O pre-condicionamento foi efetuado em um sistema integrado com mecanismos de filtragem bombeamento e umedecimento do ar para arejamento das solucoes de PEG 6000 e KNO3 em um potencial osmotico de -1,1 MPa a 25oC, por sete dias. Apos o pre-condicionamento, as sementes foram lavadas, secas ao ar por 48 horas e submetidas aos testes de sanidade (incubacao em substrato de papel) com quantificacao de inoculo, germinacao, primeira contagem, indice de velocidade de emergencia de plântulas, estande aos 14 dias e peso de materia seca de plântulas. O pre-condicionamento fisiologico das sementes em ambas as solucoes propiciou aumento da incidencia e da densidade de inoculo dos fungos A. dauci e A. radicina associados as sementes. O fungicida thiram adicionado as referidas solucoes osmoticas, nas concentracoes de 1% e 1,5%, foi eficaz em eliminar esses fungos associados as sementes. O indice de velocidade de emergencia e o peso de materia seca de plântulas foram aumentados com o pre-condicionamento fisiologico, com a adicao de thiram, por ambos os solutos testados, resultando em melhoria da qualidade fisiologica das sementes.The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of the physiological pre-conditioning of carrot seeds cv. hybrid “Carol” with 1.25% and 2.0% incidence of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina in two osmotically aerated solutions, one of PEG 6000 and another with KNO3, with the addition of thiram on the physiological quality and the development of the mycoflora associated. The essays consisted of pre-conditioning carrot seeds, in an integrated system composed by mechanisms of filtering, pumping and moistening the air for the aeration of both solutions at an osmotic potential of 1.1MPa at 25C for seven days. After pre-conditioning, the seeds were washed, air dried for 48 hours and submitted to blotter test with quantification of inoculum, germination, first count, emergence speed index of seedlings, stand at 14 days and weight of dry matter of seedlings. The physiological pre-conditioning of carrot seeds in the osmotic solutions provided conditions for the increase of the incidence and inoculum density of both Alternaria species. In the osmotic solutions with additions of thiram at the concentrations of 1% and 1.5%, was able to eliminate those fungi associated to the seeds submitted to the pre-conditioning. In some tests (emergence speed index and weight of dry matter seedlings) the physiological pre-conditioning with the addition of thiram for both solutes provided conditions for improving the physiological quality of the seeds.
Fitopatologia Brasileira | 2004
Hudson Teixeira; Maria das Graças Guimarães Carvalho Vieira; José da Cruz Machado
Os fungos Acremonium strictum e Fusarium verticillioides normalmente apresentam algumas similaridades morfologicas. Este fator dificulta sua diferenciacao em sementes, particularmente quando ocorrem simultaneamente. A analise de isoenzimas tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento de metodos rapidos, sensiveis e especificos no diagnostico de fitopatogenos em complemento a analise morfologica. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar e dimensionar a diversidade genetica de dez isolados de A. strictum obtidos de sementes de milho (Zea mays), provenientes de diferentes regioes produtoras brasileiras por meio da analise de nove marcadores morfofisiologicos e de cinco sistemas isoenzimaticos (aldolase, esterase, fosfatase acida, fosfatase alcalina e malato desidrogenase). Objetivou-se ainda diferenciar os isolados de A. strictum de F. verticillioides por meio das tecnicas citadas. A eletroforese de isoenzimas forneceu um total de 28 bandas polimorficas. Aspectos como pigmentacao da colonia, velocidade e taxa de crescimento, producao de massa e densidade miceliais, e a analise isoenzimatica tornaram possivel e seguro o agrupamento de isolados de A. strictum e sua diferenciacao de F. verticillioides. Os isolados de A. strictum apresentaram variabilidade intraespecifica entre 0% e 89,5%. Para a maioria dos casos nao foi possivel correlacionar a similaridade fenotipica com a origem geografica dos isolados de A. strictum.