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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | 2004

The use of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Southern European countries.

Gian Marco Marzocchi; Christiane Capron; Mario Di Pietro; Enric Duran Tauleria; Michel Duyme; Alessandra Frigerio; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Helena Hamilton; Gérard Pithon; Alexandra Simões; Carine Thérond

Abstract.This paper reports a selection of completed or ongoing studies that have evaluated or applied the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in five countries of Southern Europe: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, and France. In Italy, the SDQ has been used to study its concurrent validity with other norm-based instruments (Child Behavior Checklist—CBCL and Disruptive Behavior Disorder Rating Scale—DBDRS), to assess the efficacy of a behavioural school training, and as part of an epidemiological study. In Spain, the SDQ was used to analyse the association between respiratory and other behavioural problems. In Portugal and Croatia, psychometric properties of the three versions of the SDQ (parent, teacher, and self-reports) were investigated in samples of children ranging from 5 to 16 years. Past and ongoing studies in France have administered the SDQ to estimate inter-rater agreement between parents, teachers, and pupils, to carry out a largescale epidemiological study, and to evaluate the efficacy of a parent training programme.In a second section, scale means obtained with the teacher version of the SDQ in three community-based samples of 7–8 year-old children from Italy, Portugal, and Spain are compared. The results show that, according to their teachers’ ratings, Italian pupils showed less prosocial behaviour than their Spanish and Portuguese agemates, whereas the Portuguese children were rated as being more hyperactive and inattentive than comparable Italian and Spanish children. Possible causes underlying the observed differences between national SDQ means are discussed.

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal | 2009

Perspectives of early childhood teachers on parent–teacher partnerships in five European countries

Eeva Hujala; Leena Turja; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Marika Veisson; Manjula Waniganayake

ABSTRACT Societal conditions impacting on parenting have radically changed during the past two decades. There is variation between and within societies depending on social, cultural, political and economic factors. Today, Early Childhood and Care (ECEC) services play an increasingly important role in supporting families with young children during birth to the age of compulsory education. Accordingly, the collaboration between families and early childhood professionals has emerged as an essential topic of educational research and professional development. The International Parent–Professional Partnerships (IPP) research study focuses on the contemporary challenges of the parent–teacher partnerships in early childhood education from a cross‐cultural perspective. The purpose of the research is to examine parent–teacher partnerships in ECEC services in Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal by looking into the national contexts and comparing these findings with each other. The research utilises both quantitative and qualitative analysis of survey data collected in the participating countries. The survey questionnaire focuses on teachers’ views of parents’ involvement in ECEC centres. The results show that there are differences in teachers’ approaches to parent–teacher partnerships between societies as well as within each country. Parents also differ in their capacity to develop and maintain partnerships with teachers. It seems that there are differences in the professional status of the teachers in each country, which are, in turn, connected to the parents’ role in the parent–teacher partnerships in ECEC services. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the nature of parent–teacher partnerships in contemporary contexts of early childhood education through cross‐cultural research, and to enhance the training and professional development of early childhood professionals. RÉSUMÉ: Au cours de ces vingt dernières années les contextes sociaux, économiques, culturels et politiques qui influent sur le statut et la fonction des parents ont considérablement évolué au sein d’une société et d’une société à l’autre. De plus, les structures d’accueil et d’éducation de la petite enfance jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’accompagnement des parents des jeunes enfants, depuis la naissance jusqu’à l’âge de la scolarité obligatoire. Ceci explique la place importante qu’occupe, dans la recherche sur l’éducation précoce, l’étude des modalités de partenariat entre les familles et les professionnels des structures de garde et d’éducation. L’article s’appuie sur les données de l’étude The International Parent–Professional Partnerships (IPP) portant sur les enjeux contemporains du partenariat entre parents et professionnels de la petite enfance dans une perspective multiculturelle. Cette étude porte sur les formes de partenariat en Estonie, en Finlande, en Lituanie, en Norvège et au Portugal, qu’elle examine dans leurs contextes nationaux et qu’elle compare. L’étude s’appuie sur des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives de données issues d’une enquête réalisée dans les pays participants. Le questionnaire de l’enquête était centré sur les points de vue des enseignants sur l’implication des parents dans les structures de la petite enfance. Les résultats montrent que les approches des enseignants concernant le partenariat avec les parents diffèrent et ce, aussi bien au sein d’une même société qu’entre les différentes sociétés. La capacité des parents à développer et maintenir le partenariat avec les enseignants diffère également. Il semble que les différences existant au niveau du statut professionnel des enseignants dans chacun des pays influent sur le rôle des parents au sein du partenariat dans les structures de la petite enfance. Cette étude a pour but d’approfondir la compréhension de la nature du partenariat entre les parents et les professionnels dans les contextes contemporains de l’éducation de la petite enfance, par la recherche comparative, et d’améliorer la formation et le développement professionnel des praticiens de la petite enfance. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die die Elternschaft beeinflussende gesellschaftliche Realität hat sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren radikal verändert. Kulturelle, politische und wirtschaftliche Faktoren verursachen Unterschiede in der Elternschaft sowohl innerhalb einer Gesellschaft als auch zwischen verschiedenen Gesellschaften. Heutzutage wird als eine immer wichtigere Aufgabe der Tagespflege die Unterstützung der Eltern gesehen. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Familie und Tagespflege ist in den Fokus sowohl der Erforschung der Vorschulpädagogik als auch der Ausbildung von Fachpersonal gerückt. Die internationale Studie zur Elternpartizipation (The International Parent–Professional Partnerships, IPP) konzentriert sich auf die Herausforderungen der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Fachpersonal in der Kinderbetreuung. Theoretische Grundannahme der Studie ist das Verständnis einer kontextuell definierten Erziehung, m.a.w. einer auf der kindlichen Wirklichkeit beruhenden Erziehung. Ziel der Studie ist die Erforschung der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Fachpersonal in Estland, Finnland, Litauen, Norwegen und Portugal. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt sowohl auf den Bedingungen der Zusammenarbeit als auch auf den praktischen Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten in den genannten Ländern. Für die Untersuchung wurden quantitative und qualitative Analysen von Umfrageergebnissen durchgeführt, mittels derer die Sicht der Pädagogen auf die Familien und deren Aktivität bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Kindertagesstätten erfasst wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es in der Annäherung der Pädagogen an die Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Betreuern nicht nur im Ländervergleich, sondern auch innerhalb eines Landes Unterschiede gibt. Nach Ansicht der Pädagogen gibt es Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit der Eltern zur Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung der Erziehungspartnerschaft. Es scheint im Ländervergleich Differenzen im beruflichen Status und in der Bewertung der elterlichen Rolle als Erziehungspartner durch die Pädagogen zu geben. Ziel der Studie ist es durch einen internationalen Vergleich das Verständnis von der Art der Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Eltern und Fachkräften in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten zu vertiefen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie lassen sich sowohl für die frühpädagogische Ausbildung als auch in der beruflichen Fortbildung des Fachpersonals nutzen. RESUMEN: Las realidades sociales que influyen en las competencias de los padres han cambiado mucho en las últimos dos décadas. Los factores culturales, políticos y económicos originan diferencias en el ejercicio de la paternidad tanto entre distintas sociedades, como en el seno de una misma sociedad. Actualmente, las guarderías desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante como punto de apoyo a los padres. La colaboración entre la familia y las escuelas infantiles se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio relevante en el ámbito de la educación preescolar y en la formación del profesorado de educación infantil. El estudio internacional sobre la participación de los padres (The International Parent–Professional Partnerships, IPP) se centra en los retos existentes en materia de colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado de educación infantil desde una perspectiva intercultural. El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar los índices de colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado de educación infantil en Estonia, Finlandia, Islandia Lituania, Noruega y Portugal, así como comparar las diferencias y similitudes de los criterios de colaboración constatados en dichos países. El método usado para recabar datos es el de cuestionario survey, mediante el cual se han obtenido datos sobre la impresión que el profesorado tiene de las familias y sobre el grado de involucración de los padres en la colaboración con las escuelas infantiles. Los resultados señalan que existen diferencias, tanto entre las distintas sociedades estudiadas como en el seno de una misma sociedad, en cuanto al enfoque que los profesores dan a la colaboración de la familia y las escuelas infantiles en materia de educación. Los profesores consideran que existen diferencias en la aptitud de los padres para desarrollar y mantener el grado de colaboración en lo relativo a la educación. Parece ser que también existen diferencias entre las distintas sociedades estudiadas en cuanto al estatus profesional del profesorado y a cómo los profesores interpretan el papel participativo de los padres en la educación. El objetivo del estudio es profundizar en la comprensión de la naturaleza de la colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado en materia de educación en diferentes contextos sociales a través de una comparación internacional. Los conocimientos obtenidos serán aprovechados en la formación de profesorado de educación infantil y contribuirán a impulsar el desarrollo profesional del profesorado de educación infantil.

European Journal of Developmental Psychology | 2012

Parent education interventions: Results from a national study in Portugal

Ana Almeida; Isabel Abreu-Lima; Orlanda Cruz; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Teresa Brandão; Madalena Alarcão; Milice Ribeiro dos Santos; José Cunha Machado

Parenting education programmes are becoming widespread practices and are being recognized by the scientific community as promising interventions for preventing child maltreatment. However, a diversity of programme objectives and implementation conditions can be related to different outcomes in parental competencies and child adjustment. In this paper we present data concerning the effects of different parent education interventions developed in Portugal. Five hundred one participants participating in 56 interventions were evaluated using a pre- and post-test design. Analyses were designed to determine the participant and programme characteristics that were associated with intervention outcomes, as indicated by univariate and covariate test results and respective effect sizes. After controlling for pre-test results, significant and positive intervention effects were found for parental stress, effective parenting attitudes (i.e., empathic responding, use of punitive discipline, and endorsement of parental roles), perception of the informal social support network and child behavioural and emotional difficulties. These positive outcomes are associated with some parental characteristics (educational level and child protection referrals) as well as with a number of programme characteristics (e.g., length of programme, existence of a manual, transportation, specific training in the programme). Discussion is focused on the positive effects of interventions and the role of the identified moderating factors as well as their implications for the development of parent education programmes.

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | 2008

A questionnaire for listening to students’ voices in the assessment of teaching quality in a classical medical school

Maria Filomena Gaspar; Anabela Mota Pinto; Hugo Camilo F. da Conceição Conceição; José António Pereira da Silva

The purpose of this study was to develop a teaching quality assessment questionnaire and assess its reliability by using it with a sample of first‐year medical students. Principal components analysis with varimax orthogonal rotation resulted in the development of a 12‐item, two‐component tool, adequate for use in lectures and small‐group sessions. The two components were named ‘curriculum’ and ‘relationship’. The Cronbach coefficient alpha values indicated high reliability and internal consistency. According to the results obtained this teaching quality scale is a reliable measure and may be useful in identifying themes in disciplines and among teachers that may benefit from some professional development. Amongst its advantages is that it can be used with an optical reading tool.

Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación - e Avaliação Psicológica | 2017

Qualidades psicométricas da escala de atividade de Werry-Weiss-Peters: estudo preliminar da versão portuguesa

Maria João Seabra-Santos; Andreia Fernandes Azevedo; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Sofia Major; Ana Sofia Almeida; Susana Eugénio

EnglishEarly screening and referral of children at risk for Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder are a challenge for primary care physicians, pediatricians, psychologists, and child psychiatrists aiming to interrupt deviant developmental trajectories. This p aper analyses psychometric characteristics of the Portuguese version of the Werry - Weiss - Peters Activity Scale (Routh, 1978), that assesses children’s activity level in family context. Based on a normative sample of 340 children aged 3 to 11, and a sample o f 157 children aged 3 to 6 at risk for disruptive behavior problems, the validity of a single scale score was demonstrated, as well as high internal consistency, stability across time and capacity to discriminate between children with and without disruptiv e behavior. Results were analyzed according to children’s gender and age. The Portuguese version of the WWP Scale shows evidence of good reliability and validity, and may therefore be a potentially useful screening measure of hyperactivity for professional s and researchers. portuguesO rastreio e encaminhamento precoces de criancas em risco de Perturbacao de Hiperatividade/ Defice de Atencao constituem desafios para medicos de cuidados primarios, pediatras, psicologos e pedopsiquiatras, interessados em interromper trajetorias de desenvolvimento desadaptativas. Este artigo analisa caracteristicas psicometricas da versao portuguesa da Werry - Weiss - Peters Activity Scale (Routh, 1978), que avalia o nivel de atividade de criancas em contexto familiar. Com base numa amostra normativa de 340 criancas (3 - 11 anos) e numa amostra de 157 criancas (3 - 6 anos) em risco de pro blemas de comportamento disruptivo, foi demonstrada a validade de uma pontuacao unica para o conjunto da escala, elevada consistencia interna, estabilidade temporal e capacidade para discriminar entre criancas com e sem problemas de comportamento. Os resul tados foram analisados em funcao do sexo e idade. A versao portuguesa da Escala WWP demonstrou bons indices de precisao e validade, sendo um instrumento de rastreio da hiperatividade potencialmente util para profissionais e investigadores.

Psychologia | 2016

Suporte social parental e prevenção na primeira infância em contextos de adversidade: A perspetiva de profissionais de educação de infância e saúde mental no Brasil

Marcelly de Brito Novaes; Maria Filomena Gaspar

Este estudo, qualitativo e exploratorio, tem como objetivo conhecer as percecoes de profissionais que trabalham em creche e em servicos de saude mental para a infância (Centro de Atencao Psicossocial para a Infância – CAPSi) sobre as suas funcoes de suporte social parental em contextos de adversidade. Ambiciona, simultaneamente, identificar asrepresentacoes sobre parentalidade subjacentes a essas percecoes.As instituicoes participantes servem familias moradoras em favelas ou em condicoes de adversidade na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Utilizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas e observacao participante durante nove semanas. Foram entrevistados 17 profissionaiscuidadores de criancas, sendo seis na creche e 11 no CAPSi. Dificuldades na intervencao sao atribuidas, pelos profissionais, ao contexto socioeconomico das familias. Atitudes parentais negativas e coercitivas sao normalizadas pelos profissionais no âmbito da cultura brasileira. Conclui-se pela necessidade de suporte social ao profissional de suportesocial parental formal a familia em condicao de adversidade socioeconomica no Brasil.

Journal of Early Intervention | 2015

Do Portuguese Preschoolers With High Hyperactive Behaviors Make More Progress Than Those With Low Hyperactivity After Parental Intervention

Andreia Fernandes Azevedo; Maria João Seabra-Santos; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Tatiana Carvalho Homem

Improvement over 12 months of two groups of Portuguese preschoolers is analyzed after a parental intervention with the Incredible Years Basic Parent Program (IY). The groups were defined by the children’s initial levels of hyperactive behaviors (high hyperactivity, n = 34; low hyperactivity, n = 18). Changes in the children’s reported hyperactive behaviors and in mothers’ self-reported parental practices and mood were evaluated from baseline to the 12-month follow-up. Preschoolers with higher initial hyperactivity levels seem to have benefitted more from the IY intervention compared to children with lower baseline levels. However, this low-hyperactivity group improved as well. Findings also indicate high levels of maternal acceptance and satisfaction with the intervention in both groups, although some differences were observed. Overall, findings suggest that IY is equally suitable for parents of Portuguese preschoolers with high- and low-hyperactive behaviors at baseline, highlighting the usefulness of the program for children with different risk levels.

Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia | 2012

Avaliação Formativa de Professores: Um Passo no Caminho da Melhoria do Desempenho Docente

Luís Henriques; Maria Filomena Gaspar; José António Pereira da Silva

The purpose of this paper is to review the different stages and processes involved in the formative assessment of teachers, assuming that this is aimed at improving the quality of education.Thus, the article presents a summary of steps to improve teacher performance, explaining first the role of formative assessment of teachers and why its application to the detriment of summative assessment. It also presents the process of classroom observation, data collection instruments, feedback, difficulties inherent in the process, among others. It is intended to make a clear reflection of the formative evaluation process, encouraging its proper application.

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) | 2007

Imprevisibilidad familiar y sus implicaciones en el desarrollo individual y familiar

Madalena Alarcão; Maria Filomena Gaspar

La imprevisibilidad familiar es definida como una falta de consistencia en los patrones del comportamiento familiar y de los sistemas de regulacion familiar, permitiendo aprender la forma como la familia y el sub-sistema familiar, ejerce su funcion y su poder ejecutivo. Es asociada una mayor imprevisibilidad familiar con perturbaciones del desarrollo familiar e individual. Presentamos la validacion de la Family Unpredietability Seale (FUS), de Lisa Ross e Elizabeth Hill, para Portugal, discutiendose su valor para discriminar familias, previamente identificadas como estando perturbadas en el ejercicio de sus funciones familiares. Tambien destacamos la relacion entre nivel educativo y variacion del grado de imprevisibilidad familiar, siendo que padres con menor nivel educativo presentan niveles mas elevados de imprevisibilidad.The family unpredictability is defined as a lack of consistency in standards of familiar behaviour and the familiar regulation systems. It is interesting for the understanding of how the family, and particularly the parental subsystem exerts its roles and executive power. Higher family unpredictability has been associated with higher disturbances of the familiar and individual development. This paper presents the validation of a Family Unpredictability Scale (FUS) described by Lisa Ross and Elizabeth Hill, for Portugal. It also evaluates the scale abilities to discriminate families with diverse perturbation levels in psychosocial functions. The lower educational level of parents was associated with higher levels of unpredictability.

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) | 2007

Family unpredictability and its implications in the familiar and individual development

Madalena Alarcão; Maria Filomena Gaspar

La imprevisibilidad familiar es definida como una falta de consistencia en los patrones del comportamiento familiar y de los sistemas de regulacion familiar, permitiendo aprender la forma como la familia y el sub-sistema familiar, ejerce su funcion y su poder ejecutivo. Es asociada una mayor imprevisibilidad familiar con perturbaciones del desarrollo familiar e individual. Presentamos la validacion de la Family Unpredietability Seale (FUS), de Lisa Ross e Elizabeth Hill, para Portugal, discutiendose su valor para discriminar familias, previamente identificadas como estando perturbadas en el ejercicio de sus funciones familiares. Tambien destacamos la relacion entre nivel educativo y variacion del grado de imprevisibilidad familiar, siendo que padres con menor nivel educativo presentan niveles mas elevados de imprevisibilidad.The family unpredictability is defined as a lack of consistency in standards of familiar behaviour and the familiar regulation systems. It is interesting for the understanding of how the family, and particularly the parental subsystem exerts its roles and executive power. Higher family unpredictability has been associated with higher disturbances of the familiar and individual development. This paper presents the validation of a Family Unpredictability Scale (FUS) described by Lisa Ross and Elizabeth Hill, for Portugal. It also evaluates the scale abilities to discriminate families with diverse perturbation levels in psychosocial functions. The lower educational level of parents was associated with higher levels of unpredictability.


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