Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá.
Intexto | 2018
Natália Martins Flores; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Apresenta uma analise de sentidos sobre divulgacao cientifica (DC) em teses e dissertacoes brasileiras sobre o tema. Empreende-se um mapeamento inicial dos trabalhos, com a descricao das areas de pesquisa e referencias bibliograficas de seis teses e 44 dissertacoes. Partindo-se da perspectiva teorica das teorias da linguagem e do discurso e dos conceitos de memoria discursiva e interdiscurso, analisam-se os sentidos sobre DC dos resumos de dez trabalhos. Os estudos mapeados sao de variadas areas cientificas, reforcando a DC como um objeto transdisciplinar. Os sentidos de DC alinham-se aos universos de: (1) imagem institucional de universidades e centros de pesquisa; (2) educacao cientifica formal e informal; (3) espacos interativos, transitando entre sentidos tecnicistas, participativos e reflexivos. Assinala-se a validade da metodologia de analise de discurso para se investigar as historicidades de conceitos cientificos.
Revista de Estudos da Comunicação | 2017
Rafaela Caetano Pinto; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Este trabalho se propoe, por meio da descricao das tecnologias digitais utilizadas pelo Greenpeace, fazer apontamentos sobre a forma como os movimentos sociais estao se apropriando do ciberespaco para desenvolver suas atividades. Alem disso, buscamos, atraves do modelo de circulacao de poder politico de Habermas, apontar como a organizacao Greenpeace influencia os centros decisorios. As possibilidades da internet permitiram a fragmentacao do espaco publico, tornando-o, assim, um nao lugar difuso e multifacetado. Dessa forma, os movimentos sociais, apostam no uso da tecnologia da informacao para obter visibilidade e conectar os defensores locais as questoes globais.
Cadernos de Comunicação | 2017
Fabrise de Oliveira Muller; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
A midiatizacao traz a tona uma nova postura do leitor diante da producao jornalistica e o objetivo deste trabalho e analisar os contratos de comunicacao estabelecidos pela Folha de S. Paulo na ambiencia midiatizada. Os resultados indicam que os contratos de comunicacao sao firmados por meio de uma valorizacao da marca, do conteudo do jornal e na tentativa de interacao com o leitor. Palavras-chave: Estrategias Discursivas. Marketing. Contratos de Comunicacao. Leitor. Midiatizacao. Analise de Discurso. Las estrategias discursivas y mercadologicas de La Folha de S. Paulo para la captacion de lectores Resumem: La mediacion trae a la superficie una nueva postura del lector frente a la produccion periodistica y el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los contratos de comunicacion establecidos por la Folha de S. Paulo en el ambiente mediatico. Los resultados indican que los contratos de comunicacion son firmados por medio de una valorizacion de la marca, del contenido del periodico y en el intento de interaccion con el lector. Palabras clave: Estrategias Discursivas. Marketing. Contratos de Comunicacion. Lector. Midiatizacion. Analisis de Discurso. Discursive and market strategies of Folha de S. Paulo in prospecting readers Abstract: Media coverage brings up a new attitude from readers concerning journalistic production, considering the proposals, the following research aims to analyze the communication contracts established by the Folha de S. Paulo in media environment to prospect readers. The results indicate that communication contracts are signed by a brand valuation and newspaper content, attempting to interact with the reader. Keywords: Discursive strategies. Marketing. Communication Contracts. Reader. Media Coverage. Discourse Analysis
Animus | 2017
Natália Martins Flores; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
We investigate the visibility strategies of the condominiums of science blogs Science Blogs Brasil and Blogs de Ciencia da Unicamp . From the analysis of the textual, architectural and iconotextual elements of its digital scenography, it is shown that these spaces construct visibility strategies for a collective subject - represented by the condominium figure and the research institution - and for an individual subject, of bloggers and research labs. The collective subject builds meanings of a participatory community in the Science Blogs , and of an institutional community with well delimited boundaries in the Blogs de Ciencia da Unicamp .
Sessões do Imaginário | 2016
Fabiana da Costa Pereira; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
A comunicacao comunitaria volta-se a buscar a democratizacao da comunicacao, nao mais apenas como espaco de fala, mas no papel de colocar os cidadaos como produtores e gestores dos veiculos comunitarios. Esse e o proposito da TV Comunitaria – TV Santa Maria. Coordenada pela Associacao TV Santa Maria, e gerida pela SM Produtora, numa especificidade que define um trabalho em prol da sustentabilidade financeira, diversidade e qualidade de programacao. No ar 24h por dia, apresenta uma grade de programacao variada, com as mais diferentes tematicas, construida a partir de parcerias. Oportuniza espaco para artistas locais, esporte amador, noticias das comunidades, reconfigurando o espaco publico midiatico local.
Revista de Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria | 2015
Laércio André Gassen Balsan; Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá; Mauren Pimentel Lima; Luis Felipe Dias Lopes; Vânia Medianeira Flores Costa
This study aimed to examine the relationships between the bases of the constructs Organizational Commitment and Organizational Entrenchment. For this, we carried out a survey of a quantitative character with 392 servers administrative staff of a Federal University, to which a questionnaire containing validated scales for the Brazilian context was applied. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis to verify the relationship between the constitutive dimensions of the two constructs. The main results showed a moderate correlation of instrumental and normative bases of commitment revealing the ambiguity surrounding the definition of these bases proposed by Meyer and Allen (1991) model. The bases instrumental and affective showed low correlation reinforcing the idea that it should not be treated as two dimensions of the same construct. Moreover, affective commitment was not correlated with the entrenchment, showing that they are separate bond. These results support the proposal that the commitment must be treated as a unidimensional construct (restricted to affective base), while the instrumental or continuing base shall be considered a separate construct called organizational entrenchment.
Desenvolve: Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle | 2014
Andressa Hennig Silva; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Discussions about corporate social responsibility have been acquiring importance in all types of organizations, including the family. The present work configures itself as a case study, of qualitative approach, conducted in a family-owned company that is in the fourth generation, serves on the chain of drinks and is located in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, document analysis and participant observation in order to understand how the values related to Corporate Social Responsibility are perceived by employees and which practices in everyday studied organization are listed as priorities. The collected data were analyzed in the light of the content analysis (BARDIN.1977), indicate that the family firm takes on values related to social and environmental responsibility, commitment and motivation of employees and business ethics as benchmarks of corporate social responsibility practices.
Rev. Comunicação & Informação | 2013
Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá; Kalliandra Quevedo Conrad
O presente trabalho pretende averiguar como a televisao regional, na cidade de Itabuna, no sul da Bahia, aborda temas relativos as questoes ambientais. E feito um estudo de caso com o programa jornalistico tematico ´Encontro Com´, averiguando como os termos tecnico- ambientais se encontram no discurso televisivo. Os procedimentos metodologicos voltar-se-ao para uma analise quantitativa dos termos e do metodo de analise de materiais audiovisuais. Serao discutidos aspectos qualitativos a partir do discurso das materias e dos entrevistados para identificar o nivel de entendimento passado e a intencao educativa voltada para o conhecimento do publico sobre o meio ambiente.The Non Governmental Organizations are animportant source of information for the massmedia on diverse topics of social scope wherethe official speech can turn out to be cold andinsufficient. In order to interact with the massmedia, the ONG resort to a series of strategiesin order to obtain from the sensibility of the populationup to the rational knowledge of the realitiesof the countries in routes of development.In Spain the ONG that they work with immigrantsthey are a clear example of the evolution andconsolidation of these as alternative source.The growth of the immigration, of 2,3 % of thespanish population in 2000 to 9,3 % in 2006,has propitiated this evolutionWe intend in this text the reevaluationof the social responsibility concept, mainlywhen it is appropriate for the journalisticand medias entertainment companies,in the means of the problem of the medium’sconcentration, strengthen of entertainmentand of the freedom of “company”against the liberty of speech. Theresult is a journalistic covering of crimeand violence facts where what “it intereststhe public” it is not distinguished fromwhat is of “public interest” in fact.This arti cle aims to present Weber’s sociological theory in acti onin individuals contextualizing the journalisti c facts refl ected in thedisaster in Haiti . The clipping of the study was the use of the web,represented by Twitt er, social mobilizati on and functi on of conveyinginformati on to individuals. It is known that social networks havebecome major centers of informati on and are driving new humanbehaviors. In disasters such as that in Haiti , the Internet contributesto the global mobilizati on, which in previous years was representedin lower parti cipati on compared to traditi onal media like radio andtelevision. Used as carry-theoreti cal social studies of Max Weber, theanalysis of companies held by Pierre Bourdieu and author J.B. Pinho,introducing the web in the studies of journalism.The history of the press in Mexico has as objectives recover, reconstruct and interpret the way in which the journalism was executed in a specific period of time. But this history recovered only the masculine presence. The gender studies had allowed making visible the women and feminine journalists in diverse historical periods, the periodistical gender they practiced and the topics they worried about. That is how it can be affirmed that their journalism was characterized, in firsts terms, for exposing experiences out of the intimacy and interpret their own feminine condition. Subsequently, for inform about diverse situations considered news, also considered not important but relevant since end of the nineteenth century. Finally, the main objective of this article is apply gender category to journalism history.Este trabalho e parte de uma pesquisa mais extensa que tem por objetivo contribuir para uma melhor compreensao do papel que a presenca da diversidade e da diferenca nas producoes midiaticas pode trazer para os processos de enriquecimento cultural e de democratizacao das relacoes sociais. Parte-se do principio que nas sociedades contemporâneas, em que a logica do espetaculo se estende para a esfera das relacoes sociais, a visibilidade midiatica implica alguma forma de reconhecimento e de legitimacao das diversidades.The related principle of politics to news settlesthey infer in the use of the technique, thestructure and the process as systems that pickus, transmit, convey and observe a sequenceof conducts in the individual. These are waysto talk politics and to transmit it according toits individual or collective action and its turnit gives rises to spectacular behaviours. Thefreedom of Media is in the construction of thenear information by code paradigms adaptedto the human comprehensiveness throughemotional metacognitive process and adducingindifference, according to its experiences andsinequismosAbstractThis paper is based on the theoretical reference of cultural studies, the theory of social representations and the feminist criticism, to analyze, under the perspective of gender studies, Mandrake TV series, aired on HBO in Brazil, from 2005 to 2007, with a repeat in 2010. It investigates the meanings assigned to male and female bodies that conform gender identities. The analysis considered elements of the audiovisual grammar, such as frameworks, point of view, camera movement and character building. It was revealed the existence of a patriarchal look, reinforcing gender stereotypes and stigmas attached to the desire and consumption of female and male bodies.The arti cle discusses the soap opera consumpti on as a cultural productby men. Therefore, the cultural components with infl uence onthe male and female identi ty are approached. It is observed howthese aspects can act on the soap opera consumpti on by men fromlower social class who have the non-subscribed TV as a main information and entertainment source. The fi eld research was conductedby applying a questi onnaire. It is concluded that among the 10 interviewees,only one did not have the habit of watching soap operas. Allthe other parti cipants were att racted by the soap opera script.It is a question of provide elements for aninvestigation of contemporary long distanceconversation, specially the computer mediated one. To achieve our purpose, we focus initially on the conversation practice as a whole,inserting this into a wider social context of progressive destruction of distinctions between public and private spheres. Then, we recuperate some of Gabriel Tarde´s keensighted observations concerning conversation: its particularities, some of its historical issuesand, refering to our specific object, its intricate relations to sociability and communication devices. Finally, based on what was outlined, we indicate some implications of virtual technologies´ advent on contemporary conversation practicesOne objective of this work has been to address the chronic American classic comparatively with registration and identify meaning displacements around representations of popular sectors, regarding the treatment traditionally hegemonic journalism grants. The chronicles that constitute our corpus of particular interest because stories relate actual track closest thing to literary journalism, in which the subjectivity of the speaker-writer-narrator through the descriptions and events or enter other subjectivities, by choosing from multiple viewpoints. Objectivity strategies give way to making techniques fictionalization subjectivity emerge even in the use of the third person. This process causes a disruption fictionalization collective belief in mobilizing new looks that far from legitimizing the collective imaginary, establishing interpretive tensions. Is chosen, then the body deal with the methodology selected chronic discourse analysis, especially narratology instruments. For this, a theoretical framework has been instrumental from which the analysis was performed in which the contributions are articulated Schaeffer (1999), Metz (1972), Eco (1996, Genette (1972) and Ricoeur (1978), among others.This paper focuses on the problem ofracial profiling practices employed by po-lice forces in Brazil and in England. In re-cent years, this very controversial methodresulted in the death of two innocent Bra-zilian victims: Jean Charles de Menezesand Flavio Ferreira Sant’Ana. Becauseboth events were the subject of intensemedia coverage in Brazil, comparativemedia analysis may provide valuable in-sight into the question of how crimes de-riving from racist procedures call for spe-cific media strategies. My main argumentis that these two events – and the corre-sponding Brazilian public reactions theyproduced in Brazil and elsewhere – giveexpression to: 1) the problem of uncertaintyinherent in any racial profiling system,especially in multicultural settings;2) the contrastive Brazilian popular reac-tions and claims for justice in the casesabove.Under the context of mediated society, arising with the newtechnologies of communica on and informa on, the paper aimsto ques on the concept of eld of the media constructed by odrigues(1990) which sees the media even as a linear subsystemand representa onal. The ques ons occur from a current demandwhich shows the a ec on between tradi onal media (radio, TV andprint) and the possibili es of the nternet that can cause changesto outline new prospects for studies of the area of communica on.One objective of this work has been to address the chronic American classic comparatively with registration and identify meaning displacements around representations of popular sectors, regarding the treatment traditionally hegemonic journalism grants. The chronicles that constitute our corpus of particular interest because stories relate actual track closest thing to literary journalism, in which the subjectivity of the speaker-writer-narrator through the descriptions and events or enter other subjectivities, by choosing from multiple viewpoints. Objectivity strategies give way to making techniques fictionalization subjectivity emerge even in the use of the third person. This process causes a disruption fictionalization collective belief in mobilizing new looks that far from legitimizing the collective imaginary, establishing interpretive tensions. Is chosen, then the body deal with the methodology selected chronic discourse analysis, especially narratology instruments. For this, a theoretical framework has been instrumental from which the analysis was performed in which the contributions are articulated Schaeffer (1999), Metz (1972), Eco (1996, Genette (1972) and Ricoeur (1978), among others.The Ambiental Protection Area of Lagoon Enchanted, located in Ilheus city, in the state of Bahia, has a population superior of 23 thousand people, there is applied the communicational press product, with the aim of inform, educate and to touch the local population in order the preserve the environment and sustainability. The present work, in the initial phase, intends to analyze if the communication strategy developed there through APAjournal is adequate to capacity of reception if the local people - where, according the IBGE, there are 60% of illiterates. As methodological reference, this paper takes the authors Bauer & Gaskell (2002) when they write about qualitative researchers involving text, and emphasizes the analyses of the vehicle contents in question, in the period from January to April in the current year.Este estudo objetiva identificar e analisar como os sujeitos nao indigenas veem os indigenas no contexto das relacoes intergrupais e, particularmente, no contexto do processo de demarcacao e desocupacao da Reserva Indigena Raposa Serra do Sol. A pesquisa de carater quantitativo descritivo foi realizada em um jornal de circulacao nacional e os resultados indicam que as representacoes dos indigenas que circular (ou nao), nos veiculos de midia, transcende o espaco midiatico fazendo eco no espaco social, ou seja, sao as vozes dos atores sociais nao indigenas que ecoam nos espacos midiatizados, que, quando amplificados e legitimados pela midia, se tornam naturalizados, e, mesmo em se tratando de situacoes potencialmente comunicativas, sao validados como contratos de comunicacao.The soap opera is seen by the most part of theBrazilian population as one of the mainproducts of the National television, specificallyif we talk about soap operas made by RedeGlobo de Televisao which owns the know-howto accomplish such productions. The presentarticle concerns about understand in whichmeans fictional identities representations arearticulated by the receptors during thereception process taking up a case study aboutwomen homosexuality representation played inMulheres Apaixonadas soap opera (ManoelCarlos, TV Globo, 2003) as research method.Supporting theoretical references are StuartHall on identity comprehension and MichelFoucault´s contributions on sexuality disciplinaryappliance properly comprehension concerningboth identities and subjectivities.This paper aims at analyzing and iden fying the di erences and similaries between the Canadian broadcast produc ons and the Brazilianones. Then, it will consider the non-speci c codes: ligh ng, costumes,set design and color to illustrate that everything that is shownon the screen has a meaning and, in most of the cases, this secondmeaning appears only through re ec on. Based on the analysis ofnon-speci c codes, this ar cle examines the rst episode of the Braziliansoap opera om&uria, broadcasted by the Globo channel, andthe Canadian soap opera lings&rrows, broadcasted by The ovie etwork.The adoption of hypertext, the spread of search technologies and the expansion of interpersonal communication through websites, blogs and social networks change the product news: he suffers modifications to adapt to cibermeio, assimilating multimidialidade and interactivity. Meanwhile, journalist, ethics and the value of its activity are questioned by the readership. This article examines the phenomenon of structural changes in journalism from the perspective of changes with which - adopting the theoretical framework of constructionism - raise three hypotheses.Embora as projecoes de numerosos autores venhamn apontando para o desenvolvimento iminente e macico das publicacoes virtuais, a realidade mostra que a evolucao progressiva da simples referencia, passando pelo resumo mais ou menos detalhado, ate se chegar a publicacao dos textos completos vem se operando com velocidade menor que a prevista por esses autores. Uma analise da situacao real das publicacoes periodicas eletronicas mostra a necessidade de se aprimorar alguns de seus aspectos, tanto conceituais como economicos e visuais, antes de alcancarem um desenvolvimento semelhante ou superior ao das publicacoes impressas. As facilidades de pesquisa e recuperacao da informacao que oferecem os artefatos ou maquinas de busca dos diversos provedores de informacoes, para identificar eventuais documentos virtuais de interesse, sao tambem, ate o momento, precarias. Sao apontadas linhas de estudo que permitiriam melhorar nao so o nivel de qualidade dos periodicos virtuais, enquanto veiculos da informacao cientifica, mas tambem as facilidades de armazenagem e recuperacao deles contida.artigo aborda a globalizacao em suas diversas interfaces, destacando a sua relacao com as empresas e as organizacoes, principalmente na America Latina. O estudo debate o novo cenario da informacao e o impacto das novas tecnologias, dando enfase a questao da gestao do conhecimento.Atraves de leitura inicial de obras sobre o consumo, busco nesse artigo fazer uma breve revisao de obras seminais sobre o tema. Sao analisadas de maneira introdutoria as obras de Mary Douglas, Colin Campbell, Daniel Miller e Everardo Rocha, teoricos renomados do consumo.Este artigo analisa as abordagens feitas pelas revistas Veja, IstoE, Galileu e Superinteressante sobre a Sindrome do Pânico e se as materias auxiliam ou nao os portadores desse disturbio comportamental. 0 corpus compreende as edicoes publicadas entre os anos de 2003-2005 e que apresentaram reportagens sobre o tema, priorizando a analise qualitativa dessas abordagens. Tratou-se ainda de avaliar os efeitos da mensagem sobre o receptor e as reacoes deste a elas. 0 estudo e parte de pesquisa em desenvolvimento no curso de Jornalismo da Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciencias de Itabuna, no sul da Bahia.The main focus of this article is the oral movement,as a tool and as a communication sphereof popular layers. And preservation of theirculture. An alternative and precious way whenthe subjects don’t have access to the legitimatespeech forms. Including the writing. The presenttext shouts the importance of the tripod: voice,memory and tradition, as bases of continuityand future. There is in the ample literatureabout the oral text, from biblical tradition toSaramago, from the Chinese poems of CheKing to Suassuana, from Guimaraes Rosa toimprovisers, a mix of poets and journalists ofpopular quotidian, their contemporary sourceof inspiration. Voice and gest, rituals and miths,body and imaginary, all of that composing onenarrative that doesn’t end. And, clever, intrude,now, the pores of information channels and,again, find out their veios of the actuality andthe constant overcoming.Neste artigo, objetivamos apontar quais os elementos constitutivos do documentario sao capazes de diferencia-lo de outros generos audiovisuais, como o filme de ficcao e a reportagem jornalistica na TV. Sustentamos que a marca caracteristica do documentario e seu carater autoral, definido como uma construcao singular da realidade, um ponto de vista particular do documentarista em relacao ao que eretratado. Alguns elementos linguistico-discursivos evidenciam esse carater autoral: a maneira como se da voz aos outros, a presenca de parafrases discursivas e um efeito de sentido monofonico. Ainda destacamos a criatividade usada no processo de edicao e montagem como um importante indice de autoria. Tomamos como aparato teorico de analise estudos no campo do Cinema e conceitos do âmbito da Linguistica Textual e da Analise do Discurso.This paper aims to study the public disclosure of science in the process of regional development facing the Metropolitan Region of Vale do Paraiba. This observation takes as its starting point the possibility of transmission of the scientific information through the world wide web, and investigates the potential of this medium to the purpose of communicating science publicly. The reflections herein developed should contribute to the broadening of the debate about the importance and the role of the scientific knowledge in the maturity of an active and representative society with the government. This descriptive study made use of paper sources and survey next to researchers in the region to discuss the intended issues. At the end, the dissertation argues about the social, politic and economic development possibilities of a society whose public communication of science be available and accessible, with special attention to the specificities of the on-line communication, facing the valeparaibana region.
Cadernos de Comunicação | 2012
Bruno Kegler; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Resumo: O presente artigo discute os portais governamentais, enquanto estrategias de comunicacao publica. Atraves da discussao teorica sobre as inovacoes comunicativas da internet, pretende-se pensar o relacionamento entre Estado e cidadaos, por meio dos portais de governo eletronico. Neste sentido, nossos objetivos sao levantar pressupostos teoricos atuais sobre o tema e compreender como a internet pode servir a aproximacao entre as esferas politica e civil, dada a desconexao entre as duas nas sociedades democraticas contemporâneas. A discussao e teorica e a metodologia empregada e a revisao bibliografica. Resumen: El presente articulo abarca sobre los sitios gubernamentales mientras estrategias de comunicacion publica. A traves de la discusion teorica sobre las inovaciones comunicativas de la internet, se suele pensar la relacion entre Estado y ciudadanos por medio de los sitios web. Siendo asi, nuestro objetivo con este trabajo es de apurar presupuestos teoricos actuales sobre el tema y compreender como la internet puede aproximar las esferas politica y civil; una vez vista la desconexion entre las dos sociedades democraticas contemporaneas. Palabras Clave: Internet; Comunicacion publica; Gobierno eletronico Public digital communication: theoretical reflections for the analysis of governement portals Abstract: This article argues about the government portals, as strategies of public communication. Through theoretical discussion about the communicative innovations of internet, we intend to think the relationship between state and citizens, trough government electronic portals. In this sense, our goals are to raise current theoretical assumptions about the issue and to understand how the Internet can serve to approximation between the political and civil spheres, given the disconnection between the two in contemporary democratic societies. Keywords: Internet; Public communication; E-government
Cadernos de Comunicação | 2012
Fabiane Sgorla; Patrícia Milano Pérsigo; Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá
Os diversos atores sociais, sejam eles individuais ou coletivos, buscam constantemente sua legitimacao no meio social em que se inserem, atraves dos processos de visibilidade. Os processos de relacoes publicas, desenvolvidos por profissionais de Relacoes Publicas, possuem um papel fundamental na legitimacao das diversas organizacoes. No cenario atual, em que as midias assumem funcao primordial no que se refere a visibilidade, as atividades, principalmente da funcao politica de relacoes publicas ampliam sua importância na legitimacao das organizacoes, atuando a partir de praticas estrategicas em ambientes midiaticos. Sob esse raciocinio, este artigo busca discutir a relacao entre visibilidade e legitimacao das organizacoes, bem como o papel das relacoes publicas nessa relacao. RESUMEN: Los distintos agentes sociales, sean individuales o colectivos, buscan constantemente su legitimation en el ambiente social donde si insertan. Los procesos de relaciones publicas, desarrollados por profesionales de Relaciones Publicas, tienen un papel fundamental en la legitimation de las organizaciones. En el contexto actual, donde los medias asumen la funcion primordial con respecto a visibilidad, las actividades, principalmente de la funcion politica, de relaciones publicas amplian su importancia en el legitimation de las organizaciones, actuando de forma estrategica en espacios mediaticos. Bajo estas proposiciones, este articulo objetiva discutir la relacion entre la visibilidad y la legitimation de las organizaciones, asi como el papel de las relaciones publicas en esta relacion. PALABRAS CLAVE: Funcion politica; legitimation; Relaciones Publicas; ABSTRACT: The various social actors, whether individual or collective, constantly seek their legitimacy in the social environment in which they operate, through the processes of visibility. The processes of public relations, developed by public relations professionals, have a key role in legitimizing the various organizations. In the current scenario, in which the media assume primary role with regard to visibility, the activities, especially the political function of public relations extend its importance in legitimizing organizations, working from strategic practices in media environments. Under this reasoning, this article discusses the relationship between visibility and legitimacy of organizations, as well as the role of public relations in this relationship. KEYWORDS: political function; legitimacy; Public Relations