Martin M. Williams
United States Department of Agriculture
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Featured researches published by Martin M. Williams.
Weed Science | 2006
Joanne C. Chee-Sanford; Martin M. Williams; Adam S. Davis; Gerald K. Sims
Abstract Reduction of seed-bank persistence is an important goal for weed management systems. Recent interest in more biological-based weed management strategies has led to closer examination of the role of soil microorganisms. Incidences of seed decay with certain weed species occur in the laboratory; however, their persistence in soil indicates the presence of yet-unknown factors in natural systems that regulate biological mechanisms of seed antagonism by soil microorganisms. A fundamental understanding of interactions between seeds and microorganisms will have important implications for future weed management systems targeting seed banks. Laboratory studies demonstrate susceptibility to seed decay among weed species, ranging from high (velvetleaf) to very low (giant ragweed). Microscopic examinations revealed dense microbial assemblages formed whenever seeds were exposed to soil microorganisms, regardless of whether the outcome was decay. Microbial communities associated with seeds of four weed species (woolly cupgrass, jimsonweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, and velvetleaf) were distinct from one another. The influence of seeds on microbial growth is hypothesized to be due to nutritional and surface-attachment opportunities. Data from velvetleaf seeds suggests that diverse assemblages of bacteria can mediate decay, whereas fungal associations may be more limited and specific to weed species. Though microbial decay of seeds presents clear opportunities for weed biocontrol, limited success is met when introducing exogenous microorganisms to natural systems. Alternatively, a conservation approach that promotes the function of indigenous natural enemies through habitat or cultural management may be more promising. A comprehensive ecological understanding of the system is needed to identify methods that enhance the activities of microorganisms. Herein, we provide a synthesis of the relevant literature available on seed microbiology; we describe some of the major challenges and opportunities encountered when studying the in situ relationships between seeds and microorganisms, and present examples from studies by the ARS Invasive Weed Management Unit. Nomenclature: Giant ragweed, Ambrosia trifida L.; jimsonsweed, Datura stramonium L.; Pennsylvania smartweed, Polygonum pensylvanicum L.; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medic.; woolly cupgrass, Eriochloa gracilis (Fourn) A. S. Hitchc.
Weed Science | 2006
Martin M. Williams
Abstract The critical period for weed control (CPWC) identifies the phase of the crop growth cycle when weed interference results in unacceptable yield losses; however, the effect of planting date on CPWC is not well understood. Field studies were conducted in 2004 and 2005 at Urbana, IL, to determine CPWC in sweet corn for early May (EARLY) and late-June (LATE) planting dates. A quantitative series of treatments of both increasing duration of interference and length of weed-free period were imposed within each planting-date main plot. The beginning and end of the CPWC, based on 5% loss of marketable ear mass, was determined by fitting logistic and Gompertz equations to the relative yield data representing increasing duration of weed interference and weed-free periods, respectively. Weed interference stressed the crop more quickly and to a greater extent in EARLY, relative to LATE. At a 5% yield-loss level, duration of weed interference for 160 and 662 growing-degree days (GDD) from crop emergence marked the beginning of the CPWC for EARLY and LATE, respectively. When maintained weed-free for 320 and 134 GDD, weeds emerging later caused yield losses of less than 5% for EARLY and LATE, respectively. Weed densities exceeded 85 plants m−2 for the duration of the experiments and predominant species included barnyardgrass, common lambsquarters, common purslane, redroot pigweed, and velvetleaf. Weed canopy height and total aboveground weed biomass were 300% and 500% higher, respectively, for EARLY compared with LATE. Interactions between planting date and CPWC indicate the need to consider planting date in the optimization of integrated weed management systems for sweet corn. In this study, weed management in mid-June–planted sweet corn could have been less intensive than early May–planted corn, reducing herbicide use and risk of herbicide carryover to sensitive rotation crops. Nomenclature: Barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. ECHCG; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; common purslane, Portulaca oleracea L. POROL; redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L. AMARE; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus ABUTH; sweet corn, Zea mays L. ‘GH0937’.
Weed Science | 2006
Martin M. Williams
Abstract Field experiments were conducted to quantify functional relationships between giant ragweed density and sweet corn yield and ear traits. A rectangular hyperbolic model was fit to yield loss measured in terms of marketable ear mass, appropriate for the processing industry, and boxes of 50 marketable ears, relevant to the fresh market industry. The initial slope of the hyperbolic yield loss function (I ), which describes the linear portion of yield loss as weed density (weeds per square meter) approaches zero, was 119 for loss of ear mass and 97 for loss of boxes of ears. Furthermore, 10 of 12 ear traits including green ear mass, husked ear mass, ear length, filled ear length, ear width, number of kernels per row, number of rows, kernel depth, kernel mass, and kernel moisture content were significantly affected by giant ragweed interference. Nomenclature: Giant ragweed, Ambrosia trifida L. AMBTR; sweet corn, Zea mays L. ‘GH0937’.
Weed Science | 2009
Yim F. So; Martin M. Williams; Jerald K. Pataky; Adam S. Davis
Abstract Univariate analyses fail to account for covariance among phenomorphological traits implicated in crop competitive ability. A more complete analysis of cultivar–weed interactions would reduce a number of important traits to a few underlying principal factors responsible for sweet corn competitiveness. Twenty-three commercial sweet corn hybrids from nine seed companies were grown in the presence and absence of wild-proso millet to (1) quantify the extent to which phenomorphological traits vary in sweet corn, (2) identify underlying principal factors that describe variation in crop canopy development, and (3) determine functional relationships between crop canopy factors and competitive ability. A principal component factor analysis revealed that 7 of the 18 weed-free crop traits measured at silking loaded highly (0.65 to 0.90) into the first factor, including plant height, shoot biomass, per plant leaf area, leaf area index, and intercepted light, as well as thermal time from emergence to silking and emergence to maturity. All seven traits were highly correlated (0.38 to 0.93) and were interpreted as a “late canopy and maturity” factor. Another five traits formed two additional principal factors that were interpreted as an early “seedling quality” factor (e.g., kernel mass, seedling vigor, and height at two-leaf stage) and a mid-season “canopy closure” factor (e.g., leaf area index and intercepted photosynthetically active radiation at six-leaf stage). Relationships between principal factors and competitive abilities were quantified using least-squares linear regression. Cultivars with greater loadings in the late canopy and maturity and canopy closure factors were more competitive with wild-proso millet. In contrast, crop competitive ability declined with cultivars that loaded highly into the seedling quality factor. The analyses showed that sweet corns ability to endure weed interference and suppress weed fitness relates uniquely to three underlying principal factors that capture crop canopy development around emergence and near canopy closure and during the reproductive phase. Nomenclature: Wild-proso millet, Panicum miliaceum L.; sweet corn, Zea mays L. ‘ACX1413BC’, ‘Beyond’, ‘Cahill’, ‘Code128’, ‘Code3’, ‘Code39’, ‘Coho’, ‘DMC2184’, ‘Dynamo’, ‘El Toro’, ‘EX 8716622’, ‘Harvest Gold’, ‘Incredible’, ‘Legacy’, ‘Luscious’, ‘Mystic’, ‘Precious Gem’, ‘Quickie’, ‘Rocker’, ‘SCH7006RR’, ‘Spirit’, ‘Spring Treat’, and ‘Sugar Buns’.
Weed Technology | 2008
Martin M. Williams; Tom L. Rabaey; Chris M. Boerboom
Abstract Knowledge of weed community structure in vegetable crops of the north central region (NCR) is poor. To characterize weed species composition present at harvest (hereafter called residual weeds) in processing sweet corn, 175 fields were surveyed in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin from 2005 to 2007. Weed density was enumerated by species in thirty 1-m2 quadrats placed randomly along a 300- to 500-m loop through the field, and additional species observed outside quadrats were also recorded. Based on weed community composition, population density, and mean plant size, overall weed interference level was rated. A total of 56 residual weed species were observed and no single species dominated the community of NCR processing sweet corn. Several of the most abundant species, such as common lambsquarters and velvetleaf, have been problems for many years, while other species, like wild-proso millet, have become problematic in only the last 20 yr. Compared to a survey of weeds in sweet corn more than 40 yr ago, greater use of herbicides is associated with reductions in weed density by approximately an order of magnitude; however, 57% of fields appeared to suffer yield loss due to weeds. Sweet corn harvest in the NCR ranges from July into early October. Earlier harvests were characterized by some of the highest weed densities, while late-emerging weeds such as eastern black nightshade occurred in fields harvested after August. Fall panicum, giant foxtail, wild-proso millet, common lambsquarters, and velvetleaf were the most abundant species across the NCR, yet each state had some unique dominant weeds. Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; eastern black nightshade, Solanum ptychantum Dunal. SOLPT; fall panicum, Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. PANDI; giant foxtail, Setaria faberi Herrm. SETFA; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medic. ABUTH; wild-proso millet, Panicum miliaceum L. PANMI; sweet corn, Zea mays L
Weed Science | 2008
Jonathan N. Nordby; Martin M. Williams; Jerald K. Pataky; Dean E. Riechers; Joseph D. Lutz
Abstract Nicosulfuron, mesotrione, dicamba plus diflufenzopyr, and carfentrazone are postemergence herbicides from different chemical families with different modes of action. An association between the sensitivity of sweet corn to these herbicides was observed when 143 F3 : 4 families (F4 plants) derived from of a cross between Cr1 (sensitive inbred) and Cr2 (tolerant inbred) were evaluated in greenhouse trials. The ratio of tolerant : segregating : sensitive families was not significantly different from a 3 : 2 : 3 ratio, which would be expected if a single gene conditioned herbicide response. Families cosegregated for responses to these herbicides. In field studies with 60 F3 : 5 families in 2005 and 120 F3 : 5 families in 2007, responses to these herbicides and foramsulfuron and primisulfuron were associated. Responses to bentazon in field trials were similar to the aforementioned herbicides for tolerant families, but differences were noted for families that were sensitive or segregated for responses to nicosulfuron, foramsulfuron, primisulfuron, mesotrione, dicamba plus diflufenzopyr, and carfentrazone. The gene(s) affecting herbicide sensitivity in Cr1 maps to the same region of chromosome 5S as a previously sequenced cytochrome P450 gene, where alleles previously designated nsf1 and ben1 were associated with sensitivity to nicosulfuron and bentazon and appear to be the result of a 392–base-pair insertion mutation. This work supports the hypothesis that a single recessive gene or closely linked genes in the sweet corn inbred Cr1 condition sensitivity to multiple cytochrome P450 enzyme-metabolized herbicides.
Weed Technology | 2010
Martin M. Williams; Chris M. Boerboom; Tom L. Rabaey
Abstract Weed management systems used by sweet corn growers, including the role of atrazine, are poorly characterized. Management records of 175 fields throughout the major sweet corn production areas of the Midwest were surveyed from 2005 to 2007. Seventy-four percent of sweet corn fields in the Midwest were grown in rotation with soybean or corn. Interrow cultivation was used on 48% of fields, and atrazine use was higher in those fields without interrow cultivation. A majority of fields (54%) received both PRE and POST herbicide applications. Mesotrione was applied below the registered use rate in two-thirds of the fields in which it was used POST. Atrazine rates in sweet corn were highest when the preceding crops were other vegetables, compared to preceding crops of soybean or corn. Selective herbicides are used extensively in U.S. sweet corn production, accounting for 94% of total weed management expenditures which average
Weed Science | 2008
Martin M. Williams; Jerald K. Pataky
123/ha. Growers treated 66% of fields with one or more applications of atrazine at an average total use rate of 1.35 kg ai/ha. The estimated annual net cost to replace atrazine in U.S. sweet corn production with the broad spectrum broadleaf herbicide, mesotrione, is
Weed Science | 2007
Martin M. Williams; Rick A. Boydston; Adam S. Davis
9.2 million.
Weed Science | 2010
Martin M. Williams; Jerald K. Pataky
Abstract Tembotrione inhibits 4-hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate-dioxygenase (HPPD) and was recently registered for use in all types of corn. Some sweet corn hybrids are killed by tembotrione, yet a mechanistic understanding of sensitivity has not been reported. Sensitivity of mesotrione, another HPPD-inhibitor, is conditioned by a single allele. Two hypotheses were tested: (1) response to tembotrione and mesotrione are conditioned by alleles at the same or closely linked loci and (2) the extent of early-season injury from tembotrione and mesotrione is similar on hybrids. The first hypothesis was tested by comparing responses to tembotrione and mesotrione in 136 F3:5 families derived from a cross of mesotrione-sensitive and mesotrione-tolerant sweet corn inbreds. F3 families cosegregated for responses to tembotrione and mesotrione: 94% of the families had the same response to both herbicides. Thus, the same gene or very closely linked genes condition response to both herbicides. On the basis of chi-square goodness of fit tests, responses of families to tembotrione fit a 3 : 2 : 3 sensitive : segregating : tolerant ratio (P = 0.24), which would be expected if sensitivity to tembotrione was conditioned by a single recessive allele. The second hypothesis was tested in six field experiments by quantifying the extent of early-season injury to 249 sweet corn hybrids 1 wk after treatment (WAT) of tembotrione (184 g ha−1) or mesotrione (210 g ha−1). One hundred ninety-three hybrids were tolerant to both herbicides. Seven sensitive hybrids that were severely injured by both herbicides 1 WAT differed in their response 3 to 4 WAT; sensitive hybrids treated with mesotrione had apparently resumed normal growth, whereas those treated with tembotrione died. Conversely, hybrids with intermediate levels of injury (> 10 to 50%) 1 WAT with mesotrione had no visual symptoms of injury from applications of tembotrione. Despite the common genetic basis for response to mesotrione and tembotrione, hybrids with sensitive or intermediate responses to mesotrione did not have identical responses to tembotrione.