Meral Saygun
Kırıkkale University
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Featured researches published by Meral Saygun.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence | 2017
Tevfik Pınar; Cengizhan Acikel; Gul Pinar; Erdem Karabulut; Meral Saygun; Elif Bariskin; Tee L. Guidotti; Recep Akdur; Hilmi Sabuncu; Said Bodur; Mucahit Egri; Bilal Bakir; Emrah Murat Açıkgöz; İsmail Atçeken; Mustafa Cengiz
Violence in the workplace is an increasing occupational health concern worldwide. Health care workers are at high risk of assault. To develop, monitor, and manage prevention policies, baseline data should be available. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the current extent of workplace violence nationwide in Turkey. The study population of 12.944 health care workers was a stratified sample of all health care workers (612,639) in the country. A probabilistic sampling was made on the basis of the “multistage stratified random cluster sampling method.” This study was conducted by a structured questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. The questionnaire items were adapted and translated into Turkish based on questionnaires of International Labor Organization, International Council of Nurses, World Health Organization, and Public Services International. The percentage of health care workers who experienced workplace violence in Turkey in the previous 12 months was 44.7%. The types of violence included physical 6.8%, verbal 43.2%, mobbing (bullying) 2.4%, and sexual harassment 1%. Multivariate analysis showed that level of health care system, type of institution, gender, occupation, age, working hours, and shift work were independent risk factors for experiencing workplace violence (p < .05). Our study indicates that the workplace violence among health care workers is a significant problem. The results of the study can serve as the basis for future analytical studies and for development of appropriate prevention efforts.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine | 2007
Meral Saygun; Aytül Çakmak; Aydanur Ekici; Tevfik Pınar; Emel Bulcun; Nuriye Ulu; Mehmet Ekici
Objective: We investigated whether long-term, low-level exposures to solvents had adverse longitudinal effects on pulmonary functions. Methods: The study was performed on 1091 workers 5 years ago and then on 697 workers 5 years later. Chronic respiratory symptoms were recorded using a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Results: The annual decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 second in the workers exposed to solvents was not significantly different from that of the unexposed workers (69.7 ± 89.9 vs 75.8 ± 87.6 mL/yr, P = 0.5, respectively). In 453 workers who were exposed to solvents 5 years ago, the prevalence rate of asthma was 1.1%. Five years later, it was 3.6% in 193 workers from the same group. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.03). Conclusions: Longitudinally, the chronic exposure to low doses of solvents does not adversely affect the pulmonary functions, whereas it increases the asthma prevalence.
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | 2013
Tevfik Pinar; Z. Aytül Çakmak; Meral Saygun; Recep Akdur; Nuriye Ulu; Işık Keleş; Hamdi Saim Saylam
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and to determine the risk factors among ammunition factory workers in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was performed on 955 ammunition factory workers. Potential risk factors were investigated with a questionnaire and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. During the previous year, 39.3% of ammunition workers experienced symptoms of work-related MSDs. Logistic regression analysis showed smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 1.372), chronic diseases (OR = 1.795), body mass index (BMI; overweight) (OR = 1.631), working year (OR = 1.509), cold temperature (OR = 1.838), and work load (OR = 2.210) were significant independent risk factors for the development of symptoms of MSDs. It was found that both work-related conditions and personal and environmental factors are important for the development of occupational MSDs.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences | 2016
Turgut Deniz; Meral Saygun; Oguz Eroglu; Hüseyin Ülger; Burcu Azapoğlu
BACKGROUND/AIM The aim of this study is to determine the condition of ambulance staff (AS) who have been exposed to any kind of violence and to predict risk of development of burnout syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS Our study was performed with 120 AS working for the Kırıkkale Ambulance Services. During the research, questionnaires collecting descriptive information and the extent of violence to which the AS were exposed were administered; participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire themselves. RESULTS It was found that 81 (67.5%) participants had been subjected to at least one type of violence (verbal or physical). Sixty-two percent were exposed to verbal abuse and 55.8% to verbal threats. Rates of physical threats and attacks were higher among male staff (P = 0.036, P = 0.022), while the rate of personal accomplishment was determined to be significantly lower in males (P = 0.006). Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scores were determined to be significantly higher in those who perceived less support from administrators (P = 0.014, P = 0.032). CONCLUSION All kinds of negative situations exhaust an individual physically and mentally and lead to the development of burnout syndrome. AS are more prone to these kinds of situations.
Toxicology and Industrial Health | 2017
Turgut Deniz; Hayati Kandis; Oguz Eroglu; Harun Gunes; Meral Saygun; İsmail Hamdi Kara
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless and odourless gas appearing as a result of incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. Many domestic or occupational poisonings are caused by CO exposure. Malfunctioning heating systems, improperly ventilated motor vehicles, generators, grills, stoves and residential fires may be listed in the common sources of CO exposure. The aim of this study was to emphasize the significance of early diagnosis of CO poisoning with non-invasive measurement of CO levels of the patients with non-specific symptoms using a pulse oximeter device in the triage. Our study was a cross-sectional study. Patients who presented to the emergency department (ED) due to non-specific symptoms and had a Canadian Triage and Acuity scale level of 4 or 5 were included in the study; 106 (5.9%) of 1788 patients admitted during the study period were diagnosed with CO poisoning. Patients with CO poisoning and the other patients had statistically significant differences in terms of presenting symptoms, namely, headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. More CO poisoning cases were admitted in the fall and winter compared to the spring and summer. The number of CO poisoning victims can be decreased if preventive measures like CO monitoring systems and well-designed ventilation systems are generalized at homes and workplaces. Measurement of carboxyhaemoglobin levels of patients presenting to ED due to non-specific symptoms like headache and dizziness during cold seasons and winter months using a pulse CO-oximeter should be a part of the routine of emergency medicine triage.
Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi | 2018
Solmaz Erdem; Zeynep Aytül Çakmak; Meral Saygun; Derya Beyza Sayın Kocakap; Sibel Alyılmaz Bekmez; Funda Bulut Arikan
AMAC: Turkiye yaklasik 80 milyon nufusa sahip olup, nu-fus genclerden olusmaktadir ve dogum hizi orta yuksek-tir. Yapilan calismalara gore 2. kuzen gibi yakin akrabalar arasindaki evlilikler ortalama %20 civarinda iken bu oran bolgeler arasinda %3 ile %40 arasinda degismektedir. Akraba evliliklerini yerel ve bolgesel duzeyde etkileyen faktorler sosyal, kulturel ve ekonomik degiskenlerdir. Bu calismada, bir orta Anadolu sehri olan Kirikkale’de akraba evliliklerinin orani, tipleri, evlilik yasi ve egitim duzeyi ile iliskisi ve tibbi sonuclari incelenmistir. GEREC VE YONTEM: Şehrin farkli sosyo-ekonomik bolgelerini temsil edecek sekilde 5 mahalle belirlendi. 1000 aileye anket formlari verilip doldurmalari istendi. 691 hanede anne ya da baba ile yapilan gorusmelerde evlilik yasi, egitim duzeyleri, aile uyelerinin saglik bilgileri sorgulandi. BULGULAR: Kirikkale’de akraba evlilik orani %20.4 olarak bulundu. Bunlarin icinde %48.9 gibi yuksek bir oranda 1.kuzenler arasindaki evlilikler tespit edildi. Akrabaevlilikleri ile evlilik yasi, egitim duzeyleri arasinda ters korelasyon izlendi. Orneklemimizde kalitsal hastalik olgusuyla karsilasilmadi. SONUC: Kirikkale’de akraba evlilikleri orani yuksektir. Bu baglamda, ulkemizde akraba evliliklerini onlemek icin ulusal politikalar gelistirilmelidir.
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin | 2013
Hüseyin Ülger; Turgut Deniz; Meral Saygun; Nuran Çiftçi; Ali Karakuş; Hayati Kandis
Aim: It was aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the three days module given to the assistant health personnel working in 112 ambulances. Material and Methods: It was assumed that all the personnel working in the 112 ambulance systems under the health directory of Kirikkale city would be involved. Theoretic and practical first aid training was given to all the personnel attending to the course in 6 groups of 20-25 with duration of 3 days for each. A 50 itemed questionnaire was applied to all the groups before and after the training. Results: 132 people working in ambulance system in Kirikkale city were involved in training. 63,6% of the personnel involved in the study were male and 66% were married. When they were grouped according to age, it was determined that 44% of them were in 26-35 age group. When they were grouped according to branches, it was determined that 47 % of them were emergency medical technician (EMT) and 40,2% were health officer. When their level of education was taken into consideration, it was determined that 53% of them were graduates of high school and 43,2% were graduates of associate degree. 50,8 of all the personnel had a job experience of 1-5 years. When all the groups were evaluated together, there was a statistical meaningful difference (p
Journal of Surgical Research | 2006
Oral Saygun; Canan Agalar; Kuzey Aydinuraz; Fatih Agalar; Cagatay Daphan; Meral Saygun; Sabahat Çeken; Abdullah Akkus; Emir Baki Denkbaş
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin | 2012
Meral Saygun
Clinical and Investigative Medicine | 2012
Meral Saygun; Aydanur Ekici; Nuray Bayar Muluk; Aytül Çakmak; Tevfik Pınar; Ersel Dag; Mehmet Ekici