Dilek Kiliç
Hacettepe University
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Featured researches published by Dilek Kiliç.
Anz Journal of Surgery | 2007
Dilek Kiliç; Canan Agalar; Eylem Öztürk; Emir Baki Denkbaş; Abdullah Cime; Fatih Agalar
Background: The aim of this study is the preparation and characterization of cefazolin‐impregnated meshes (Surgipro; Tyco Healthcare USSC, Norwalk, CT, USA) to be used as antimicrobial devices.
International Journal of Public Health | 2015
Zafer Çalişkan; Dilek Kiliç; Selcen Öztürk; Emre Atılgan
ObjectivesThe objective was to explore progress of equity in the utilization of maternal health care services in developing countries since maternal care is a crucial factor in reducing maternal mortality, which is targeted by the Millennium Development Goal 5.MethodsA systematic review of quantitative studies was done. PubMed Central, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases were searched for peer-reviewed and English-language articles published between 2005 and 2015.ResultsThirty-six articles were included in the review. The results reveal the lack of equity in the utilization of maternal health care in developing countries. Thirty-three out of 36 studies found evidence supporting severe inequities while three studies found evidence of equity or at least improvement in terms of equity.ConclusionsMost of the literature devoted to utilization of maternal health care generally provides information on the level of maternal care used and ignore the equity problem. Research in this area should focus not only on the level of maternal care used but also on the most disadvantaged segments of the population in terms of utilization of maternal care in order to reach the set targets.
Eklem Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi-joint Diseases and Related Surgery | 2013
Selcen Öztürk; Dilek Kiliç
Despite the health benefits of sports activities, sports injury and fear of injury are important barriers to participation in sport. The incidence, prevalence and type of sports injuries vary among men and women as well as age groups. It is usually difficult to examine these different aspects of sports injuries due to insufficient data. This study argues that sport injuries can be considered as an important economic burden in terms of the direct and indirect costs it bears. As a result, strong and effective strategies are needed to prevent sports injuries. Sports medicine has also been attracted increasing attention in recent years, particularly. In this article, the importance of sports injuries and their economic costs as well as the role of sport medicine as a prevention method for sports injuries were discussed.
Health Policy | 2014
Dilek Kiliç; Selcen Öztürk
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to examine the potential factors associated with both smoking participation and the level of cigarette consumption in Turkey from a gender perspective, the understanding of which are crucial to the formulation and implementation of anti-smoking policies. METHODS The Global Adult Tobacco Survey for 2008 is used in the analysis. Since the dependent variable, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, consists of nonnegative integer values, Negative Binomial and Zero-inflated Negative Binomial models are used as an estimation methodology. The zero-inflated model allows the interpretation of smoking propensity and smoking intensity behaviours separately. RESULTS The main findings of this study are twofold. First, the factors affecting the smoking behaviour of males and females are different. Second, there are also differences between the factors affecting the decisions of whether to smoke and how much to smoke for both genders. Cigarette prices, for example, affect the level of cigarette consumption of females but not of males whereas pro-cigarette marketing affects the decision of how much to smoke for males with no effect on female smoking. CONCLUSIONS The findings highlight the importance of gender differences in cigarette consumption. Overall, education programs, cigarette taxation and tobacco advertising bans have different effects on each gender whereas social interaction is important for cigarette smoking behaviour of both genders. The anti-smoking policies can be more effective if policy makers take into account gender differences in both smoking propensity and intensity.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations | 2012
Canan Agalar; Jülide Sedef Göçmen; Dilek Kiliç; Sedat Kaygusuz; Çiğdem Karabıçak
Objectives: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus strains still remain as an important reason of hospital acquired infections. The aim of this study to see the antimicrobial sensitivity patterns of these strains for effective empirical therapy Material and methods: Antibiotic susceptibility results of staphylococcus strains were investigated retrospectively from tertiary reference hospital. 276 methicillin resistant staphylococcus species, which were isolated from
29th International Academic Conference, Rome | 2017
Dilek Kiliç; Selcen Öztürk; İsmail Çakmak
Equity in the use of health care services is an issue which has increasingly been on the health policy agenda in recent years in both middle and low income countries. In recent years, empirical research in equity in health care utilization employs Andersen (1968)’s behavioural model. This study employs the probit model and uses 2008, 2010 and 2012 “Health Survey” data for Turkey in order to investigate the concept of equity in health care utilization in Turkey. This study analysis equity in health care utilization in GP, specialist and inpatient visits. Andersen’s behavioural model identifies 3 factors for health care utilization, namely; predisposing, enabling and need factors. Predisposing factors include; sex, age, education, marital status and employment status. Enabling factors include; location of residence (urban/rural), insurance status and income level. Finally need factors include; perceived and assessed health status of the individual. The results indicate that the need variable has the highest marginal effect in health care utilization in Turkey. Such result suggest that need is an important factor in health care utilization and let us conclude that the health care system in Turkey is equitable. Furthermore, since insurance status has the second biggest marginal effect we conclude that enabling factors are more important than predisposing factors in Turkish health care system.
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2016
Serdar Gül; Emine Ecemiş; Birgül Kaçmaz; Sedat Kaygusuz; Ergin Ayaşlioğlu; Dilek Kiliç
Uriner sistem enfeksiyonlari, toplum kokenli ve saglik bakimi ile iliskili enfeksiyonlar arasinda en sik gorulen enfeksiyondur. Uriner enfeksiyonlarda tedavi genellikle ampirik olarak baslandigi icin etkenlerin ve antibiyotik duyarlilik paternlerinin bilinmesi tedavi basarisi icin onemlidir. Bu calismada Kirikkale Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Hastanesi Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuarinda Şubat 2013 –Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasinda idrar kulturlerinden izole edilen bakteriler ve bu bakterilerin antibiyotik duyarliliklari degerlendirilmistir. Idrar kulturunde ureme saptanan hastalar antibiyotik kullanimi ve/veya hastanede yatis oykusune gore iki gruba ayrilmistir. Grup 1, antibiyotik kullanimi olmayan ve/veya hastanede yatis oykusu bulunmayan; grup 2, antibiyotik kullanimi olan ve/veya hastanede yatis oykusu bulunan hastalardan olusturulmustur. Bakteri tanimlanmasinda ve antibiyotik duyarliliklarinin saptanmasinda Vitek 2 otomatize sistem kullanilmistir. Toplam 118 bakteri calismaya alinmistir. Birinci grup 45 ve ikinci grup 73 bakteri mevcuttu. Sonuc olarak; her iki grupta da en sik izole edilen bakteri Escherichia coli olmakla birlikte iki grup arasinda etken ve duyarlilik sonuclari bakimindan anlamli farkliliklar saptanmistir.
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2016
Birgül Kaçmaz; Serdar Gül; Dilek Kiliç; Sedat Kaygusuz; Ergin Ayaşlioğlu; Okan Çalişkan; Ayşegül Aslan; Gökçe Türker
Giris : Uriner sistem enfeksiyonunun tanisinda ilk adim idrarin piyuri varligi icin mikroskobik incelemesidir. Piyuri genellikle enfeksiyon ile iliskilendirilir. Gerec ve Yontem : Bu arastirmada idrar kulturu icin laboratuarimiza gelen idrar orneklerinde piyuri varligi arastirilmis, piyuri saptanan ornekler kultur uremesi ile karsilastirilmistir. Bulgular : Retrospektif olarak yapilan calismada laboratuvarimiza Ocak 2015 - Temmuz 2015 tarihleri arasinda kultur amaciyla gonderilen toplam 3787 idrar ornegi degerlendirilmistir. 927 (%24) hastada piyuri saptanmis, bu orneklerin 336’sinda (%36) anlamli ureme gorulmustur. Sonuc : Calismanin sonucunda uriner sistem enfeksiyonu dusunulen hastalarda piyurinin tek basina tani koydurucu bir test olmadigi ve bu hastalarda idrar kulturunde uremenin her zaman saptanamayabilecegi bilinmelidir.
Journal of Management and Economics Research | 2015
Onur Yeni; Dilek Kiliç; Selcen Öztürk
Bu calismanin amaci Turk Imalat Sanayiinde patent aktivitesinin dogasini arastirmaktir. Literaturde patentleme veya yenilikci faaliyetler arastirilirken pek cok degisken kullanilmaktadir. Bu calisma icin secilen bagimli degisken her bir yil icin patent basvuru sayisidir. Bagimli degisken negatif olmayan bir tamsayi oldugu icin ve verinin dogrusal olmayan dogasini goz onune alabilmek icin sayma sayi yontemi kullanilmistir. 2003-2008 yillari arasinda Turk Imalat Sanayii icin kosullu sabit etkiler Poisson panel regresyonu tahmin edilmistir. Turk Imalat Sanayii icin elde edilen sonuclar, Schumpeteryan teoriyi desteklemektedir. Ayrica, Ar-Ge harcamalari ve Ar-Ge personel yogunlugu, patent aktivitesine yon veren onemli faktorlerdir. Bu calisma, yenilikci aktivitelerin geleneksel bakis acisini icinde barindirmakla birlikte, kullanilan ekonometrik yontem baglaminda bu bakis acisini bir adim oteye tasimaktadir.
International Journal of Education Economics and Development | 2013
Dilek Kiliç
Due to its importance for economic and social development, studies on the education of children, particularly decisions about the education of girls, have been growing in the literature. This study investigates the determinants of the educational attainment of girls and boys at the primary and secondary education levels in Turkey using the 2003 Household Budget Survey. This study differs from most of the other studies by considering both the censoring problem and unobserved common family characteristics in the analysis. The educational attainment and the potential factors that are associated with gender gap in schooling are found to differ by the level of education. In particular, parental education and community characteristics are the main factors for the schooling of girls, particularly at the secondary school level, whilst having a self-employed father or having a father working in agriculture are among the key determinants of the primary school educational attainment of boys.