Michael L. Graesser
California Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by Michael L. Graesser.
Physical Review Letters | 2004
Xavier Calmet; Michael L. Graesser; Stephen D. H. Hsu
We derive fundamental limits on measurements of position, arising from quantum mechanics and classical general relativity. First, we show that any primitive probe or target used in an experiment must be larger than the Planck length lP. This suggests a Planck-size minimum ball of uncertainty in any measurement. Next, we study interferometers (such as LIGO) whose precision is much finer than the size of any individual components and hence are not obviously limited by the minimum ball. Nevertheless, we deduce a fundamental limit on their accuracy of order lP. Our results imply a device independent limit on possible position measurements.
Physical Review D | 2003
Tom Banks; Michael Dine; Michael L. Graesser
Various authors have noted that in particular models, the upper bound on the axion decay constant may not hold. We point out that within supersymmetry, this is a generic issue. For large decay constants, the cosmological problems associated with the axion’s scalar partner are far more severe than those of the axion. We survey a variety of models, both for the axion multiplet and for cosmology, and nd that i
Physics Letters B | 2005
Michael L. Graesser; Alejandro Jenkins; Mark B. Wise
Lorentz-violating operators involving Standard Model fields are tightly constrained by experimental data. However, bounds are more model-independent for Lorentz violation appearing in purely gravitational couplings. The spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance by the vacuum expectation value of a vector field selects a universal rest frame. This affects the propagation of the graviton, leading to a modification of Newtons law of gravity. We compute the size of the long-range preferred-frame effect in terms of the coefficients of the two-derivative operators in the low-energy effective theory that involves only the graviton and the Goldstone bosons.
Physical Review D | 2004
Michael L. Graesser; Jennifer Kile; Peng Wang
We investigate gravitational perturbations in a compact six-dimensional self-tuning brane model. We specifically look for analytic solutions to the perturbed Einstein equations that correspond in four-dimensions to massless or approximately massless scalars coupled to matter on the brane. The presence of such modes with gravitational couplings would be phenomenologically unacceptable. The most general solution for all such modes is obtained, but it is found that they are all eliminated by the boundary conditions. Our main result is that to linear order in perturbation theory this model does not contain any light scalars. We speculate that this model does not self-tune.
Physics Letters B | 2004
Michael L. Graesser; Stephen D. H. Hsu; Alejandro Jenkins; Mark B. Wise
The Anthropic Principle has been proposed as an explanation for the observed value of the cosmological constant. Here we revisit this proposal by allowing for variation between universes in the amplitude of the scale-invariant primordial cosmological density perturbations. We derive a priori probability distributions for this amplitude from toy inflationary models in which the parameter of the inflaton potential is smoothly distributed over possible universes. We find that for such probability distributions, the likelihood that we live in a typical, anthropically-allowed universe is generally quite small.
Physical Review D | 2007
Michael L. Graesser; Michael P. Salem
It is possible that the scale of gravity, parametrized by the apparent Planck mass, may obtain different values within different universes in an encompassing multiverse. We investigate the range over which the Planck mass may scan while still satisfying anthropic constraints. The window for anthropically allowed values of the Planck mass may have important consequences for landscape predictions. For example, if the likelihood to observe some value of the Planck mass is weighted by the inflationary expansion factors of the universes that contain that value, then it appears extremely unlikely to observe the value of the Planck mass that is measured within our universe. This is another example of the runaway inflation problem discussed in recent literature. We also show that the window for the Planck mass significantly weakens the anthropic constraint on the cosmological constant when both are allowed to vary over a landscape.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2005
Michael Dine; Michael L. Graesser
We initiate a search for non-perturbative consistency conditions in M theory. Some non-perturbative conditions are already known in type-I theories; we review these and search for others. We focus principally on possible anomalies in discrete symmetries. It is generally believed that discrete symmetries in string theories are gauge symmetries, so anomalies would provide evidence for inconsistencies. Using the orbifold cosmic string construction, we give some evidence that the symmetries we study are gauged. We then search for anomalies in discrete symmetries in a variety of models, both with and without supersymmetry. In symmetric orbifold models we extend previous searches, and show in a variety of examples that all anomalies may be canceled by a Green-Schwarz mechanism. We explore some asymmetric orbifold constructions and again find that all anomalies may be canceled this way. The we turn to type-IIB orientifold models where it is known that even perturbative anomalies are non-universal. In the examples we study, by combining geometric discrete symmetries with continuous gauge symmetries, one may define non-anomalous discrete symmetries already in perturbation theory; in other cases, the anomalies are universal. Finally, we turn to the question of CPT conservation in string/M theory. It is well known that CPT is conserved in all string perturbation expansions; here in a number of examples for which a non-perturbative formulation is available we provide evidence that it is conserved exactly.
Physical Review D | 2004
Z. Chacko; Michael L. Graesser; C. Grojean; L. Pilo
At present no theory of a massive graviton is known that is consistent with experiments at both long and short distances. The problem is that consistency with long distance experiments requires the graviton mass to be very small. Such a small graviton mass however implies an ultraviolet cutoff for the theory at length scales far larger than the millimeter scale at which gravity has already been measured. In this paper we attempt to construct a model which avoids this problem. We consider a brane world setup in warped anti- de Sitter spacetime and we investigate the consequences of writing a mass term for the graviton on an infrared brane where the local cutoff is of order a large (galactic) distance scale. The advantage of this setup is that the low cutoff for physics on the infrared brane does not significantly affect the predictivity of the theory for observers localized on the ultraviolet brane. For such observers the predictions of this theory agree with general relativity at distances smaller than the infrared scale but go over to those of a theory of massive gravity at longer distances. A careful analysis of the graviton two-point function, however, reveals the presence of a ghost in the low energy spectrum. A mode decomposition of the higher dimensional theory reveals that the ghost corresponds to the radion field. We also investigate the theory with a brane-localized mass for the graviton on the ultraviolet brane, and show that the physics of this case is similar to that of a conventional four dimensional theory with a massive graviton, but with one important difference: when the infrared brane decouples and the would-be massive graviton gets heavier than the regular Kaluza-Klein modes, it becomes unstable and it has a finite width to decay off the brane into the continuum of Kaluza-Klein states.
Physics Letters B | 2005
Lotty Ackerman; Christian W. Bauer; Michael L. Graesser; Mark B. Wise
Abstract Reheating after inflation can occur through inflaton decay or efficient parametric resonant production of particles from the oscillation of the inflaton. If the particles produced interact with scalars that were light during inflation, then significant super-horizon density perturbations are generated during this era. These perturbations can be highly non-Gaussian.
Physical Review D | 2005
Michael L. Graesser; Ian Low; Mark B. Wise
Spontaneous Lorentz violation due to a time-dependent expectation value for a massless scalar has been suggested as a method for dynamically generating dark energy. A natural candidate for the scalar is a Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of a U(1) symmetry. We investigate the low-energy effective action for such a Goldstone boson in a general class of models involving only scalars, proving that if the scalars have standard kinetic terms then at the classical level the effective action does not have the required features for spontaneous Lorentz violation to occur asymptotically (t-->[infinity]) in an expanding Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe. Then we study the large N limit of a renormalizable field theory with a complex scalar coupled to massive fermions. In this model an effective action for the Goldstone boson with the properties required for spontaneous Lorentz violation can be generated. Although the model has shortcomings, we feel it represents progress towards finding a high energy completion for the Higgs phase of gravity.