Michael Rhode
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
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Featured researches published by Michael Rhode.
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining | 2015
Lei Zhang; Andreas Pittner; Thomas Michael; Michael Rhode; Thomas Kannengiesser
Abstract Two high strength Nb/Ti microalloyed S690QL steels were welded with identical filler material, varying welding parameters to obtain three cooling rates: slow, medium and fast cooling. As cooling rate increased, the predominantly acicular ferrite in Nb weld metal (WM) is substituted by bainite, with a consequence of obvious hardness increase, but in Ti WM, no great variation of acicular ferrite at all cooling rates contributed to little increment of hardness. The transition between bainite and acicular ferrite has been analysed from the point view of inclusions characteristics, chemical composition and cooling rate. Excellent Charpy toughness at 233 K was obtained with acicular ferrite as predominantly microstructure. Even with bainite weld of high hardness, the toughness was nearly enough to fulfill the minimal requirements. WM for Ti steel showed to be markedly less sensitive to the variations of cooling rate than that for Nb steel.
Welding in The World | 2017
Enrico Steppan; Philipp Mantzke; Benjamin R. Steffens; Michael Rhode; Thomas Kannengiesser
Hydrogen can have an extreme degradation effects in steels, particularly concerning the mechanical properties. These effects can lead to hydrogen-assisted cracking in microalloyed high-strength steels during fabrication and/or operation in industrial applications. In order to study these effects, electrochemically charged tensile specimens were tested to elucidate the degradation of their properties. The carrier gas hot extraction (CGHE) method, which functionally combines a mass spectrometer with a thermal desorption analysis (TDA) process, was used for the detection of ultra-low diffusible hydrogen concentrations in the material specimens. The mass spectrometer provided rapid and automatic determination of hydrogen concentration, whereas the TDA presented the activation energy within the respective test specimen at the specific temperature. Additionally, specimen temperature was carefully monitored to reduce the evaluation error for local effusion peaks. A quenching and deformation dilatometer was used for the analysis of typical heat-affected zones during the welding process for a high reproducibility of the homogenous microstructures that were studied. The present work shows the interaction between hydrogen and lattice defects in different microalloyed materials and heat-affected zones of weldable fine-grained steels. These steels were prepared in a quenched and tempered condition and in a thermo-mechanically rolled condition. These preparations were made according to German standard DIN EN 10025-6 and to DIN EN 10149-2, respectively. The trapping characteristics of two steel grades, S690QL and S700MC, were studied with respect to the activation energy dependent on carbon content and microalloying elements such as Ti, Nb, Mo, Cr, and V. The two steel grades exhibited several types of traps: carbide formations, dislocations, and/or grain boundaries were common, which can influence activation energy and hydrogen solubility. The type and dimension of inclusions or particles also affected the hydrogen trapping behavior. A decrease of carbon and specific alloying elements in thermo-mechanically hot rolled steels led to a change in the activation energy binding the trapped hydrogen. This thermo-mechanically hot rolled steel revealed an increased interaction between hydrogen and precipitations. The higher carbon content in the quenched and tempered steel led to a higher interaction between hydrogen and iron carbide, specifically in the martensitic phase. Furthermore, the trapping behavior in heat-affected zones showed a significant increase in activation energy, especially in the coarse-grained microstructure. These previously mentioned various effects were studied to better understand the degradation of mechanical properties in these two steels.
Materials Research Proceedings | 2016
Benjamin Launert; Michael Rhode; Arne Kromm; Hartmut Pasternak; Thomas Kannengiesser
Welded plate girders are used in heavy steel construction, industrial buildings and bride construction. Residual stresses are present in all plate structures. They are mainly caused by welding. In addiiton, they influence the load bearing capacity of these welded components. However, Eurocode (EC) does not provide any specific residual stress patterns for consideration of residual stress impact on load capacity. Hence, the decision for a particular problem has to be made by the designer. Many codes, including EC 3, permit the use of non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) for the design of structures. Recent developments in the last years, enabled the use of computerized models instead of laboratory experiments. In this scope, the FE-model should include all relevant factors properly. This important if considering that weld residual stresses can be a critical assessment factor. In addition, measuring of residual stresses is difficult, time consuming and expensive, it is therefore common to use founded distribution functions (e.g. Swedish BSK 99). Welding simulation tools offer new possibilities for a realistic assessment of weld-induced stresses and deformations. However, the modeling and the computational effort for large structural components is still not in a practicable range and a simplified methodology is in needed. As a result, a new approach (suitable for capacity analysis) is presented and detailed in the present contribution.
Materials Testing-Materials and Components Technology and Application | 2017
Benjamin Launert; Radosław Szczerba; Marcin Gajewski; Michael Rhode; Hartmut Pasternak; Marian Giżejowski
Abstract Welding is the most important joining technique and offers the advantage of customizable plate thicknesses. On the other hand, welding causes residual stresses and deformations influencing the load carrying capacity. Their consideration in the design requires simple and fast models. Though welding simulation has contributed to accurately access to these values nowadays, their application to large components remains still in a less practicable range. Nevertheless, many studies emphasized the need to make corrections in recently available simplified models. Especially the influence of residual stresses seems somewhat overestimated in many cases if comparing conventional structural steel S355 and high-strength steel S690. In times of computer-aided design, an improved procedure to implement weld-inducted imperfections appears overdue. This will be presented in two parts. The first part illustrates the potential influence of post-welding imperfections exemplified for weak axis buckling in comparison with the general method in accordance with Eurocode 3. Residual stresses and initial crookedness were varied systematically in order to produce a scatter band of capacities. An approach to characterize the borders of these imperfections was untertaken before that. The excessive scattering of reduction factors for the load bearing capacity demonstrates the importance of these variables. Results were finally evaluated against advanced simulation models which will be further detailed in part two of this contribution.
Welding in The World | 2018
Michael Rhode; Tobias Mente; Enrico Steppan; Joerg Steger; Thomas Kannengiesser
Hydrogen-assisted cracking is a critical combination of local microstructure, mechanical load and hydrogen concentration. Welded microstructures of low-alloyed creep-resistant Cr-Mo-V steels show different hydrogen trapping kinetics. This influences the adsorbed hydrogen concentration as well as the diffusion by moderate or strong trapping. A common approach to describe hydrogen traps is by their activation energy that is necessary to release hydrogen from the trap. In the present study, Cr-Mo-V steel T24 (7CrMoVTiB10-10) base material and TIG weld metal were investigated. Electrochemically hydrogen charged specimens were analyzed by thermal desorption analysis (TDA) with different linear heating rates. The results show two different effects. At first, the microstructure effect on trapping is evident in terms of higher hydrogen concentrations in the weld metal and increased activation energy for hydrogen release. Secondly, it is necessary to monitor the real specimen temperature. A comparison between the adjusted heating rate and the real specimen temperature shows that the calculated activation energy varies by factor two. Thus, the trap character in case of the base material changes to irreversible at decreased temperature. Hence, the effect of the experimental procedure must be considered as well if evaluating TDA results. Finally, realistic temperature assessment is mandatory for calculation of activation energy via TDA.
Materials Research Proceedings | 2017
Arne Kromm; Michael Rhode; Benjamin Launert; Jonny Dixneit; Thomas Kannengiesser; Hartmut Pasternak
Residual stresses and distortions in welded I-girders for steel construction are relevant when evaluating the stability of steel beams and column members. The application of high strength steels allows smaller wall thicknesses compared to conventional steels. Therefore, the risk of buckling has to be considered carefully. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the residual stresses present after welding in high strength steel components conservative assumptions of their level and distribution is typically applied. In this study I-girders made of steels showing strengths of 355 MPa and 690 MPa were welded with varying heat input. Due to the dimension of the I-girders and the complex geometry the accessibility for residual stress measurement using X-ray diffraction was limited. Therefore, saw cutting accompanied by strain gauge measurement has been used to produce smaller sections appropriate to apply X-ray diffraction. The stress relaxation measured by strain gauges has been added to residual stresses determined by X-ray diffraction to obtain the original stress level and distribution before sectioning. The combination of both techniques can produce robust residual stress values. From practical point of view afford for strain gauge application can be limited to a number of measuring positions solely to record the global amount of stress relaxation. X-ray diffraction can be applied after sectioning to determine the residual stresses with sufficient spatial resolution.
Welding in The World | 2016
Michael Rhode; Joerg Steger; Enrico Steppan; Thomas Kannengiesser
The steel grade 20MnMoNi5-5 (according to German DIN standard or 16MND5 according to French AFNOR standard) is widely applied in (weld) fabrication of reactor pressure vessel components. Thus, a wide range of welding technologies (like submerged arc welding (SAW) or tungsten inert gas (TIG)) is used resulting in different heat affected zone (HAZ) microstructures. During weld fabrication, the weld joints may take up hydrogen. Especially, the HAZ shows an increased susceptibility for a degradation of the mechanical properties in presence of hydrogen. In addition, the hydrogen-assisted degradation of mechanical properties is influenced by three main local factors: hydrogen concentration, microstructure, and load condition. Hence, the base material (BM) and two different simulated non-tempered as-quenched HAZ microstructures were examined using hydrogen-free and hydrogen-charged tensile specimens. The results indicate that the effect of hydrogen on the degradation is significantly increased in case of the HAZ compared to the BM. In addition, hydrogen has remarkable effect in terms of reduction of ductility. It was ascertained that the degradation of the mechanical properties increases in the order of BM, bainitic HAZ, and the martensitic HAZ. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) investigation showed a distinct change of the fracture topography depended on the microstructure with increasing hydrogen concentration in case of the as-quenched HAZ microstructures.
Welding in The World | 2018
Michael Rhode; Thomas Schaupp; Christoph Muenster; Tobias Mente; Thomas Boellinghaus; Thomas Kannengiesser
Carrier gas hot extraction (CGHE) is a commonly applied technique for determination of hydrogen in weld joints using a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) for hydrogen measurement. The CGHE is based on the accelerated hydrogen effusion due to thermal activation at elevated temperatures. The ISO 3690 standard suggests different specimen geometries as well as necessary minimum extraction time vs. temperature. They have the biggest influence on precise hydrogen determination. The present study summarizes the results and experience of numerous test runs with different specimen temperatures, geometries (ISO 3690 type B and small cylindrical samples), and factors that additionally influence hydrogen determination. They are namely specimen surface (polished/as-welded), limited TCD sensitivity vs. specimen volume, temperature measurement vs. effects of PI-furnace controller, as well as errors due to insufficient data assessment. Summarized, the temperature is the driving force of the CGHE. Two different methods are suggested to increase the heating rate up to the desired extraction temperature without changing the experimental equipment. Suggestions are made to improve the reliability of hydrogen determination depended on the hydrogen signal stability during extraction accompanied by evaluation of the recorded data. Generally, independent temperature measurement with dummy specimens is useful for further data analysis, especially if this data is used for calculation of trapping kinetics by thermal desorption analysis (TDA).
Materials Research Proceedings | 2018
Michael Rhode; Arne Kromm; Dirk Schroepfer; Joerg Steger; Thomas Kannengiesser
Submerged arc welded (SAW) components of creep-resistant low-alloyed Cr-Mo-V steels are used for thick-walled heavy petrochemical reactors (wall-thickness up to 475 mm) as well as employed in construction of modern high-efficient fossil fired power plants. These large components are accompanied by significant restraints during welding fabrication, especially at positions of different thicknesses like welding of nozzles. As a result, residual stresses occur, playing a domi-nant role concerning so-called stress relief cracking (SRC) typically during post weld heat treat-ment (PWHT). Besides specific metallurgical factors (like secondary hardening due to re-precipitation), high tensile residual stresses are a considerable influence factor on SRC. For the assessment of SRC susceptibility of certain materials mostly mechanical tests are applied which are isolated from the welding process. Conclusions regarding the influence of mechanical factors are rare so far. The present research follows an approach to reproduce loads, which occur during welding of real thick-walled components scaled to laboratory conditions by using tests designed on different measures. A large-scale slit specimen giving a high restraint in 3 dimensions by high stiffness was compared to a medium-scale multi-pass welding U-profile specimen showing a high degree of restraint in longitudinal direction and a small-scale TIG-re-melted specimen. The small-scale specimens were additionally subjected to mechanical bending to induce loads that are found during fabrication on the real-scale in heavy components. Results show for all three cases compa-rable high tensile residual stresses up to yield strength with high gradients in the weld metal and the heat affected zone. Those high tensile stresses can be significant for cracking during further PWHT.
Welding in The World | 2015
S. Salmi; Michael Rhode; Sven Jüttner; Manuela Zinke