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Featured researches published by Michio Saito.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1960

Determination of Feed Digestibility in Poultry Using New Feces-collecting Tubes and the Chromic Oxide Method

Kyuei Kibe; Osamu Kawamura; Iwao Tasaki; Michio Saito

指標法(たとえば酸化クロム法)によつてニワトリの飼料の消化率を測定するため,糞尿分離の研究を行なつた.供試動物として単冠白色レグホン雄(8~10ヵ月令)を用いた.糞を尿から分離して採取するため,2種の器具を考案した.直腸糞導管と総排泄腔糞導管がこれである.このうち後者が動物を刺激しない点ですぐれていることを知つた.この器具を用いて糞を分離し,容易に消化試験を行なうことができた.実験Iでは直腸糞導管を使用し,酵化クロムを指標物質として混入した飼料(市販配合飼料)の消化率を求めた(CR法).そして,これを全採集法(TC法)によつて求めた消化率と比較検討した.その結果,両方法による消化率は,粗蛋白質75.0(CR法), 75.1(TC法),粗脂肪88.8, 86.9,粗繊維5.2, 1.0, N. F. E. 73.4, 73.1,固形物64.2, 63.4,有機物70.5, 70.1%となり,両者はよく一致した.実験IIでは,総排泄腔糞導管を使つて,酸化クロム法により配合飼料の消化率を求めた.そして,これに引き続き醍合飼料8割,牧草(ケンタツキー31フエスキユー乾草)2割よりなる牧草混合飼料の消化率を求めた,両者より牧草の消化率を計算した結果,粗蛋白質80.5,粗脂肪62.5,粗繊維47.0, N. F. E. 28.5,固形物29.0,有機物30.0%となつた.これによつて,牧草の蛋白質は,他の或分より非常に高い率でニワトリが消牝することを知つた.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1957

Studies on the metabolism of carotenoid pigments in laying hens

Hideyo Yamada; Michio Saito

A great advance has been made in the knowledge of the carotenoid metabolism in animal body, especially the absorption mechanism in the digestive organ, including the site and manner of the conversion of b-carotene into vitamin A. The rapid progress in the technique of chromatographic separation of various carotenoid compounds is a good help to treat the problem of carotenoid metabolism in animal body. Still there remains a large undecided aspect of carotenoid metabolism in laying hens, although excellent pioneer works of Palmer and his school have provided us a splendid knowledge of this field. Recently in Japan, some poultry farmers have adopted the high green forage feeding method for laying hens for two reasons: one is to raise the atchability of egg and the other to economize feeding costs. As no data were hitherto found in the nutritional study on high green forage feeding in poultry, a study on carotenoid metabolism was conducted at first. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. When a large quantity of green herbage (115-170g a day) was given to laying hens, the content of xanthophylls in the egg yolk was increased rapidly to a great extent (6-8 mg of xanthopylls in 100g of egg yolk). But the rate of transfer of the feed xanthopylls to egg yolk was reduced, only 2-5% of this pigment appearing in the egg yolk. 2. In such case, the vitamin A content of egg was also large, indicating 200-480 bg in 100g of egg yolk. Calculation was made to find the efficiency of provitamin A of feed, and about 5-10% of provitamin A were converted into vitamin A of egg yolk. From these data, it has been proved that the hen ossesses a strong potency to produce vitamin A in egg from provitamin A with a higher efficiency than the rate of transfer of xanthophyll in egg. 3. Generally, the hen is considered to belong to the xanthophyll animal and its absoption ability of b-carotene is weeker than that of xanthophylls. This is true when we consider the xanthopyll-carotene ratio of the blood, ovary, skin, fat and other tissues of the hen. But from the result of feeding with dosage of green herbage containing abundant b-carotene, the utilization of b-carotene by the laying hen does not seem to be slow and unefficient. 4. Some investigators claim that a large amount of xanthophyll hinders the absorption of b-carotene in the bird, but the authors are in the opinion that little fear exists in this respect if high green forage feeding is carried out with rational supply of concentrates. 5. From the results mentioned above, the high green forage feeding method is not objectionable in poultry husbandry.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1956

Studies on the internal structure and chemical composition of hen's egg with special reference to Nagoya breed

Michio Saito; Hideyo Yamada

1 同一条件で育て,同一の飼料を与えた場合の白レグと名古屋種の鶏卵の一般組成を調査した。卵白も卵黄も水分含量は名古屋種の方が白レグより少なかつた。之に反し蛋白質含量は卵白も卵黄も名古屋種の方が多かつた。2 卵白中の三種の層(内水様,外水様,及び濃厚部)の差は本質的にはmucinの含量によると云はれるが明かに水分差も見出された。即ち外水様最も水分多く内水様之に次ぎ,濃厚卵白は最も少なかつた。3 全卵(卵殻を含めた)100g中に対する成分含量として計算しても名古屋種め卵は臼レグより水分少く蛋白質及び脂肪が多いと云へる。4 水分,蛋白質,脂肪,灰分の卵内部に於ける分布は両品種共一致した数を示した。即ち水分の78%は卵白にあり,脂肪の99.9%は卵黄にあり,蛋白質は卵白:卵黄に58%:42%の割で分布きれ,灰分は卵白:卵黄に45%:55%の割で分布された。5 卵黄のCarotenoids食量は普通飼料給与時(毎日緑餌30g給与時)に於ては白レグ,名古屋種共割合近い数を示すが(卵黄100g中Xanthophyll1.1~1.3mg,b-Carotene0.2~0.3mg)Vitami A含量の方は名古屋種の方が多かつた。(卵黄100g中530mg対330mg) 6 緑餌多給時(毎日緑餌120g以上給与時)の卵黄は著しくXanthophyllを増加するが(卵黄100g中a6mg),b-Carotene及びVitamin Aの増加は顕著でなかつた。此の場合もVitamin A含量は名古屋種の方が多かつた。

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1931

Studies on Smoked Meat (III).

Michio Saito

In the present study the effect of smoking on meat extractives has been studied. Pure mitrogenous compounds were used for this experiment. A special apparatus was devised for smoking. Each compound was dissolved in an aqueous solution of 1/10-1/20molar concentration. Smoke from a hard wood has passed in it at a constant speed. After 8 hours the change of amino nitrogen was determined by Van Slykes method. Amino-acids (such as glycocoll, alanine, α-aminobutyric acid, Leucine, glutaminic acid and cystin), Polypeptides, Taurine, Guanin, urea and allantoin have lost their original amino nitrogen from 25-50%. It is found that the rate of decrease is somewhat different according to kinds of compounds. No changes have been shown in Uric acid, Creatin and in Methylguanidin. The cause of diminution of amino-nitrogen may partly be attributed to the formaldehyde gas developped during smoking. That the smoke itself is also of acidic nature can be proved by determination of both titratable acidity and hydrogen ion concentration in any aqueous solution in which smoke has once passed. The elimination of amino nitrogen by smoking will be another cause of acidity of meat extractives.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1929

Stndies on smoked Meat.

Michio Saito

Some changes in nitrogen distribution of meat during smoking were studied. Smoking at 23-38°C for one week caused a considerable loss of both albumin and myosin, on the other hand it caused an increase of meat extractives. There was an increae of free ammonia and of amino-N in every case, but it showed a decrease of combined amino-N. Stroma-N was not much changed, but myostromin-N increased. The author has also studied the influences of spices, salt, starch and saltpeter on the nitrogen distribution of meat, and their influences on the shrinkage during smoking.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1924


Kozo Suzuki; Michio Saito; Tetsusaburo Nishikawa

The silkworm chrysalis is mainly used as manure and sometimes it is extracted to make the oil for soap manufacturing, but it is not customary to feed the live stock on chrysalis.The object of the present investigation is to determine whether the silkworm chrysalis could be utilized as stock feeding.The composition and the digestibility coefficient of the chrysalis are as follws.Composition.Digestibility coefficient for sheep.From the compositions and digestibility coefficient above mentioned it can be considered that the silkworm chrysalis is a valuable supplementary food which the live stock generally prefers to eat.But the chrysalis has generally corruptible character and peculiar smell. As to these points further investigations will be made.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1924


Michio Saito

1. 本試驗ニ用ヒタルハ田畔,路傍及之ニ接近セル原野ヨリ夏季採集シタル優良ナル野乾草ナリ,先ヅ之ガ植物學的分怖ヲ檢シタルニ禾本科最モ多ク約7割ヲ占メタリ,莎草科之ニ次ギ他ノ科ニ屬スル植物ハ其ノ含量少ナシ2. 一般組成ヲ分析シタルニ蛋白9%ニシテ炭水化物ハ65%ナリ,粗脂肪ノ含量ハ甚ダ少ナシ3. 乾草蛋白質中ニハ,「アルビユーミン」,「グロビユーリン」,「ブロラミン」性ノモノ少ク,乾草ハ主トシテ是等以外ノ蛋白質ヨリ構成スルンモノナル事ヲ知レリ,即0.2%ノ「アルカリ」ニ可溶ノモノ約30%ニシテ,他ノ30%ハ諸種ノ溶液ヲ以テスルモ浸出セザルモノナリ,非蛋白窒素約7%ナリ4. 乾草蛋白ヲ構成スル「アミノ」酸ノ分布ヲ檢シタルニ「ヂアミノ」酸含量割合ニ多キヲ知レリ,特ニ「アルギニン」及「ヒスチヾン」ノ量多シ,但シ「リヂン」ノ含量甚ダ少ク,全態トシテ燕麥ニ類似セリ,著者ハ,「リヂン」問題ニツイテ論ゼリ,「モノアミノ」酸中非「アミノ」酸ノ含量モ割合多シ5. 乾草ノ粗纖維ヲウエーンデ法,ケーニッヒ法ノ兩法ヲ比較定量セリ,乾草ニ於テハ兩者ノ差ハ少ナク,24%内外ナリ,「ペントサン」含量ハ15%ニシテ稿桿ニ比スレバ少ナシ,著者ハサラニ,粗纖維ヲ「リグニン」,「キユーチン」,「セルローズ」ニ分離定量セリ,又「セルローズ」ニ就テモケーニッヒ,クロスベヴアン氏兩法ヲ比較研究セリ,又澱粉,糊精,糖類ヲ定量シ,最後ニ不明ナル炭水化物約20%ノ殘存スルヲ知レリ,之ニ就テハ將來ノ研究ニ俟タントス6. 乾草粗脂肪モ諸種ノ物質ノ混在シ,一般ニ「エーテル」ニ對シ溶解度小ナリ,此ノ内「アルコール」不溶物質約2割ヲ有ス,「レシチン」ノ量ハ僅カナリ7. 乾草無機成分中最モ多キハ硅酸ナリ,之ニ次グハ加里,石灰燐酸鐵,鹽素ノ順ナリ,硅酸ヲ徐キ,無機成分ノ配合良好ナリ,硫酸ノ約半分ハ「シスチン」態ナリ,然レドモ燐酸ハ大部分無機性ノモノナル事ヲ知レリ本試驗ヲ爲スニ當リ助手西川哲三郎氏ノ助力ヲ得タリ以テ感謝ノ意ヲ表ス.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1964

Effects of fiber on the biological value and true digestibility of dietary protein and on the development of internal organs of chicks.

Kyuei Kibe; Iwao Tasaki; Michio Saito

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1958

Studies on the metabolism of carotenoids in laying hens.

Hideyo Yamada; Akira Hashida; Michio Saito

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | 1958

A Study on the Nitrate Content of Forage Grass in a Mountainous Region of Japan

Kyuei Kibe; Tsutomu Nakagi; Takeshi Iwata; Michio Saito


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