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Archaeologiai Értesítő | 2016

Még egyszer a hatvan-boldogi kardról

Miklós Szabó

In a study published in Archaeologiai Ertesitő 139 (2014), Tibor Kemenczei reviewed the research history of various prehistoric finds in the collection of the Hungarian National Museum. Based on his meticulous examination of the museum records, he clarified the problem of how the La Tene sword from Hatvan-Boldog was “doubled”. As it turned out, the sword did not perish during World War II, but was taken to Nyiregyhaza as part of a loan, where it was later inventoried as an artefact originating from Gava-Katohalom. This discussion article addresses the relevant problems based on the records from the 1970s, which offer some instructive conclusions from a museological perspective (documentation of loaned items, re-inventorying, etc.). One significant information for international scholarship is that the sword from Hatvan-Boldog does not have a “twin” in Nyiregyhaza. The final section of the study corrects the dating of the sword and touches upon the issue of the type’s designation.

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | 2015

Considérations sur le problème boïen

Miklós Szabó

The problems of Boius history have their roots in the identification of antique Boiohaemum with medieval Bohemia, an interpretation that has its origins in the tenth century. Any attempt to localize their territory, consideration must be taken of the fact that according to Tacitus, Strabon and other antique writers, this region incorporated the settlement area of King Marobodus and his Marcomanni, the so-called Bouiaimon. Other data suggest that the “land of the Boii” was a forest between the upper course of the Rhine River and present-day eastern Slovakia, along the Danube. The Marcomanni expelled the Boii from this area at the end of the first century BC. On this basis it may be hypothesized that the settlement area of this Celtic tribe was located somewhere in present-day south-western Slovakia. The settlement of the Boii in present-day Czech Republic, however, is a historical topos. Clarifying the correct location of this tribe may contribute to a better understanding of the development and history of...

Acta Archaeologica | 2006

Nécropole laténienne à Ludas-Varjú-dűlő

Miklós Szabó; K. Tankó

Antiquity | 1977

The origins of the Hungarian sword style

Miklós Szabó

Les Dossiers d'archéologie | 2009

L'art du pseudo-filigrane. Une technique des peuples celtiques d'Europe centrale

Miklós Szabó

Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt | 2007


Miklós Szabó; Lorinc Timar; Daniel Szabo

Savaria | 1998

Bilan des recherches franco-hongroises à Velem-Szentvid (1988-1994)

Jean-Paul Guillaumet; Miklós Szabó; Z. Czajlik

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | 2016

János György Szilágyi (1918–2016)

Miklós Szabó

Acta Archaeologica | 2014

Sur la question de l'élite des Celtes orienta ux à l'âge du Fer

Miklós Szabó

Archive | 2013

La necropoli di Povegliano Veronese - Loc. Ortaia (Verona)

Daniele Vitali; Miklós Szabó; Nicola Fábry; Dániel Szabó; Éva Tankó


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Hervé Richard

University of Franche-Comté

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Katherine Gruel

École Normale Supérieure

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Ian Ralston

University of Edinburgh

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