Mojca Bernik
University of Maribor
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Featured researches published by Mojca Bernik.
Organizacija | 2009
Iztok Kopriva; Mojca Bernik
Comparison of Human Resource Management in Slovenian Family and Non-Family Businesses The room to reach a competitive advantage in todays dynamic world, companies have in unutilized and even unknown human abilities of own employees. Treatment of people at work in large organizations is well analyzed, but little focus is directed at small and medium-sized enterprises. This is particularly true for family businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises are largely owned by individual families and are an extremely important part of developed economies. Complexity of internal relationships and interplay between the two systems: families and businesses, which often lead to conflicts in interaction, however, is the reason that many managers and professionals are not willing to work in family businesses. It is justified to set the research question; Are we obligate to treated family businesses as a special case when considering the management of people at work? This paper presents the need to address the family businesses as a special case. In a successful and long living family businesses undoubtedly are closely and carefully working with the employees. It is little known about dealing with people in a Slovenian family businesses and how management practices differ from non-family firms. Based on the study of literature and conclusions from a qualitative empirical study the differences are presented in this article. There are also presented differences in practices of dealing with people at work in foreign and Slovenian non-family and family businesses. At the end there are exposed a good practices of each type of business and recommendations for their use.
Organizacija | 2012
Mojca Bernik; Jasmina Žnidaršič
Solving Complex Problems with Help of Experiential Learning This paper presents the impact of experiential learning on solving complex problems. Analyzed are methods and techniques of experiential learning as an active form of learning. Presented are the results of research in which we examine whether the systematic approach of problem solving differs between the genders, if the perception of experience as a source of knowledge depends on the level of education, and examine a correlation between searching of all possible ways for successful problems solving and perception of experience as a source of knowledge.
36th International Conference on Organizational Science Development | 2017
Olja Arsenijević; Marko Ferjan; Iztok Podbregar; Polona Šprajc; Alenka Baggia; Mojca Bernik; Alenka Brezavšček; Eva Jereb; Tomaž Kern; Davorin Kofjač; Jure Kovač; Gregor Lenart; Robert Leskovar; Damjan Maletič; Matjaž Maletič; Miha Marič; Gozdana Miglič; Vesna Novak; Uros Rajkovic; Vladislav Rajkovič; Matjaž Roblek; Marjan Senegačnik; Branislav Smitek; Marko Urh; Goran Vukovič; Borut Werber; Anja Žnidaršič
Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.Konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti je konferenca z najdaljso tradicijo na Univerzi v Mariboru in vsako leto poveže studente, raziskovalce, gospodarstvenike in predstavnike javne uprave, ki delujejo na podrocju organizacije in managementa. Tema letosnje, že 36. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, je Odgovorna organizacija in se nanasa na sirino organizacije v njenem notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Odgovornost do zaposlenih, poslanstva, strategije, procesov, tehnologije, razvoja so samo nekatera izmed podrocij, ki jim mora organizacija slediti. Identiteta organizacije se izkazuje z njenim vsestransko odgovornim ravnanjem in kaže vrednost navzven pri kupcih ali uporabnikih storitev. V casu, ki ga živimo, smo vpeti v preplet tehnoloskega in socialnega napredka, ki nenazadnje rezultira v posamezniku in družbi nasploh. Ravnanje organizacije se ravno tako ne veže samo na delovanje v lokalnem okolju temvec zaradi globalnih razsežnosti ucinkuje tudi v mednarodnih dimenzijah. S temo konference želimo odpreti polje vprasanj in poiskati odgovore, ki bodo doprinesli k napredku organizacijskih ved. Materialni vplivi, komuniciranje, znanje in postenje ter nenazadnje ideal odgovornega ravnanja lahko kot pomembni dejavniki obvladujejo pogosto nemirne situacije v in izven okolja nasih organizacij. Ker smo casovno in prostorsko vpeti v vzorce, ki mnogokrat ne sledijo vec nasim preteklim izkusnjam, je nasa želja, da s srecanjem na konferenci stopimo v korak s casom in prepoznamo dobre prakse, izoblikujemo nove metode in se seznanimo z aktualnimi trendi, ki jih organizacije vsakodnevno živijo.
Organizacija | 2015
Barbara Donik; Majda Pajnkihar; Mojca Bernik
Abstract Starting points: In Slovenia, the higher education institution for nursing started exploring employability opportunities in nursing care in connection with the achievement of competencies from students’ and employers’ point of view. This article highlights the importance of monitoring nursing graduates’ employability. Its aim is to examine the employability of nursing care graduates based on the self-evaluation of competences obtained during the last study year and to establish a link between the self-evaluation of competences and students’ academic performance. Methodology: A questionnaire was distributed to full and part time nursing care students attending the last study year at five different healthcare/health sciences faculties in Slovenia and to employers (healthcare institutions) where the majority of nursing care graduates finds employment. We examined the level of competence achieved by nursing students and the level of competences required by employers. The sample included a total of 485 students. 194 surveys were returned, which represent a 40 percent response. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for each individual joined competence. Further, we compared employability skills of students and employers with Mann-Whitney and Wilcox rank-sum test. For correlation between two variables we used Spearman correlation analysis. Results: The Mann-Whitney and Wilkson Rank test show that employers generally assess competences with a higher average grade in comparison to students and these differences are statistically significant. By applying the Spearman correlation analysis, we established that a statistically significant weak correlation may be observed between the “average grade” and “competences” variables. Discussion and conclusion: Our findings show that a continuous monitoring of general and subject-specific competences gained by students, along with a periodic verification of competences demanded by employers, is necessary. It is very important to monitor the requirements of the labour market in terms of ongoing communication with employers who can best estimate special knowledge needs.
Organizacija | 2013
Mojca Bernik; Dušanka Kermc
The small business sector is often overlooked in human resource development researches, despite representing a large portion of the total economy. Very few studies exist on the subject of human resources development needs analysis in small organisations. Development plans remain mostly unwritten, which can lead to the impression that development is not being implemented or planned and is therefore not valid. This paper presents case study of the existing human resource development system in a small company PAN -JAN d.o.o. The research included 80% of all employees, which is 20 out of 25. The research examined the correlation between the additional education and better business performance, analysis of variance on age and number of courses and discriminant analysis on age, years of service, levels of education and legally required education and training programmes. In discussion are proposed changes or improvements, as well as a human resource development model.
MCBE'07 Proceedings of the 8th Conference on 8th WSEAS Int. Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics - Volume 8 | 2007
Mojca Bernik; Jože Florjančič; Du¡an Črnigoj; Igor Bernik
EC'07 Proceedings of the 8th Conference on 8th WSEAS International Conference on Evolutionary Computing - Volume 8 | 2007
Igor Bernik; Mojca Bernik
Organizacija in negotovosti v digitalni dobi / Organization and uncertainty in the digital age | 2018
Mojca Bernik; Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kranj, Slovenija; Jasmina Žnidaršič
Organizacija | 2011
Mojca Bernik; Urška Modrijan
Organizacija | 2010
Bojan Burgar; Jože Florjančič; Mojca Bernik