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Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2018

Study of Soil Degradation Status at Jatipurno District, Keduang Sub-Watersheds, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java

Apriani Widiatiningsih; Mujiyo Mujiyo; Suntoro Suntoro

This study is aimed to evaluate soil degradation based on Standard Criteria of Soil Degradation for Biomass Production under Indonesian Government Regulation No. 150 in 2000. Conducted at Jatipurno District, Keduang Sub-Watersheds, between October and December 2016, at seven selected land units, each land unit is represented by four sample points. The selection of sampling area is according to Stratified Purposive Sampling method. The evaluation of soil degradation is carried out by determining the threshold value and key factors of soil characteristics based on the Standard Criteria of Soil (matching process), which lead to degradation. The results showed that the entire soil at Jatipurno District is slightly degraded. The most extensive soil degradation 2,869.31 ha area (69.60%) is caused by a low colloid fraction, high bulk density, low total porosity and low soil permeability. The soil degradation mostly caused by low soil permeability which the number is under critical threshold < 0.7 cm hour -1 in the entire land units. Implementing providing organic matter to the soil, planting variations of cover crops, on land plots (low, medium, high cover crops), land management by crop rotation and intercropping, minimum tillage in accordance with the rules of environmental conservation, can be done to minimize the soil degradation.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2018

Potential production of CH4 and N2O in Organic and conventional rice field soil profiles

Arif Anshori; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto; Eko Haryono; Mujiyo Mujiyo

The horizons in soil profile will determine the magnitude of greenhouse gas production due to the difference of total organic carbon and other chemical properties. This study aimed to determine the potential production of methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) in each horizon of soil profile from organic and conventional rice fields. Soil samples which were taken from Imogiri Bantul D.I. Yogyakarta were used to determine soil properties, the potential of CH 4 , and N 2 O productions. The correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the production of CH 4 and N 2 O with soil properties. The results showed that production of CH 4 and N 2 O will be decreased with the increase of soil depth. Production of CH 4 and N 2 O was higher in organic rice field than in conventional rice field. The total organic carbon (TOC) correlated positively with CH 4 -production ( r=0 .89, P<0.001, n=8 ) and N 2 O-production ( r=0 .87, P<0.001, n=8 ). The nitrogen content also correlated positively with CH 4 -production ( r=0 .87, P<0.001, n=8 ) and N 2 O-production (r=0.94, P<0.001, n=8). Mitigation of CH 4 and N 2 O emissions should consider of C and N in the soil.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2018

Land Suitability Evaluation for Upland Rice in Tirtomoyo District, Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

Nur Aida Suheri; Mujiyo Mujiyo; Hery Widijanto

Food cultivation, especially upland rice is needed to fulfill the needs of dryland food. It is necessary to evaluate the suitability of the land so that it can overcome land constraints to increase the productivity of upland rice in Tirtomoyo Regency. The unit of analysis is Soil Mapping Unit based on soil type map using ArcGIS 10.1 and determination of sample point based on purposive sampling method. Data analysis was done by matching between the result of soil characteristic which has been obtained with growth requirement of the upland rice. Based on the results, District Tirtomoyo divided into 4 Soil Mapping Unit. The actual land suitability class for upland rice is moderately suitable (S2) and not suitable (N). Limiting factors include rainfall, slope, erosion hazard, basic saturation, CEC, C-organic, N-total, K 2 O. Improvement efforts are done by arranging cropping pattern, drainage management, a making of terracing, cover crop planting, implementing organic material, and fertilizing. The suitability class of potential land of upland rice is highly suitable (S1) and marginally suitable (S3).

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management | 2018

The impact of land use change on land capability in Tirtomoyo-Wonogiri

Mujiyo Mujiyo; S Sutarno; Rizkisadi Rafirman

This research was conducted with the aim of studying land use change and evaluating the impact of land conversion on land capability in Tirtomoyo District of Wonogiri Regency. This research employed a descriptive, explorative method by utilizing SIG Arc Map 10.1 and Google Earth Pro software. The analysis of land use change, especially agricultural land, was conducted through visual interpretation of Google Earth Pro satellite imaging in 2004 and 2016. A ground check was done by land survey. Soil sample analysis was done to determine land capability class. Based on research results, it was found that eight locations experienced land use change. Location 1 had changed from secondary forest to moor, location 2 from moor into farm, location 3 from bushes into paddy field, location 4 from paddy field into farm, location 5 from paddy field into farm, location 6 from moor into paddy field, location 7 bushes into moor, and the location 8 from paddy field into farm. Land use changes showed different results of changes in soil physical properties based on soil characteristics at each type of land use. Changes in land use generally had less impact on land use class change. Locations 1, 6, and 7 did not experience changes in land capability class, but there were changes in the sub-classes of land capability. Locations 2 and 8 did not experience changes in class or sub-classes of land capability but sites 3, 4, and 5 indicated changes in land capability class by inhibiting factors namely permeability class in a paddy field.

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 2018

Kualitas Air irigasi pada Kawasan Industri di Kecamatan Kebakkramat Kabupaten Karanganyar

Sari Mukti Rohmawati; Sutarno Sutarno; Mujiyo Mujiyo

Kecamatan Kebakkaramat merupakan daerah dengan area persawahan paling luas dan produksi padi paling tinggi di kabupaten karanganyar, selain itu merupakan daerah dengan jumlah industri terbesar kedua setelah kecamatan jaten. Industri di kecamatan kebakkramat didominasi oleh industri tekstil yang diduga limbah cair yang dihasilkan mencemari aliran air dan sungai yang digunakan petani sebagai air irigasi. Limbah yang mencemari aliran air dan sungai diduga mengandung logam Cr. Pencemaran tersebut dikhawatirkan akan menurunkan kualitas air sebagai air irigasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas air irigasi yang berada di kawasan industri kecamatan kebakkaramat dan hubungan antara kandungan logam Cr dalam air, tanah sawah dan gabah. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif yang dilaksanakan melalui survei lapang. Vairabel pengamatan dari penelitian ini diantaranya adalah suhu, TDS, pH, DHL, DO, Nitrat dan logam Cr. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TDS, pH, DHL, DO dan nitrat air masih sesuai dengan baku mutu air irigasi menurut peraturan pemerintah nomor 82 tahun 2001, sedangkan suhu pada titik 5 tidak sesuai dengan baku mutu air irigasi. Logam Cr pada semua titik pengamatan, kecuali pada kontrol tidak sesuai dengan baku mutu air irigasi, yaitu melebihi batas yang telah ditetapkan yaitu sebesar 0,01 ppm. Kata kunci : limbah, baku mutu air irigasi, logam Cr, gabah, tanah sawah

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2017

Evaluation of Land Fertility Status in Tirtomoyo District, Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

Mujiyo Mujiyo; Sutarno Sutarno; R Budiono

Evaluation of soil fertility status on agricultural is to know the fertility of soil chemically through soil analysis or soil test. This is done to obtain estimates data of land characteristics based on parameters observed and tested for various alternative uses based on specific objectives. Parameters used to assess soil fertility status are Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Bases Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. Evaluation of soil fertility status is needed as an effort to know the potential and direction of the management of production land on the cultivation of agricultural crops, and to know the factor of fertility that limits on the land. Based on the above description, it is necessary to evaluate the status of soil fertility in Tirtomoyo District in order to be used in the effort to provide and increase food sustainability for Wonogiri region and able to increase the economy level and income for the farmers. The results showed that the soil fertility status in all areas of Tirtomoyo District classified into the low category. This is due to the low value shown in almost all observation parameters; Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Base Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. The limiting factor of soil fertility status caused by a very low Total P value of 2.16 mg 100 g -1 to 14.19 mg 100 g -1 , and Organic Carbon which is low with 0.4% to 1.7%.

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 2017


Suntoro Suntoro; Mujiyo Mujiyo; Jauhari Syamsiyah

Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah memetakan potensi produksi emisi metana pada lahan sawah organik di Desa Sukorejo dan Jetis, Kecamatan Sambirejo, Sragen, yang dapat digunakan untuk memitigasi emisi metana dan meningkatkan produktivitas lahan. Secara garis besar pelaksanaan penelitian dibagi menjadi 4 tahap ; (1) karakterisasi tanah dan lahan, pengungkapan secara mendalam karakter obyek lahan pada setiap satuan penggunaan lahan sawah, (2) pengukuran potensi produksi emisi metana, dengan metode inkubasi sampel tanah di laboratorium, sampel gas yang dihasilkan dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas yang dilengkapi dengan flame ionization detector (FID) untuk menetapkan flux CH 4 , (3) analisa data, taraf perbedaan nilai potensi produksi metana diketahui dengan analisis beda nyata Uji T, dan penentuan faktor yang paling berperan terhadap besarnya potensi emisi metana dengan analisis stepwise regression, dan (4) rekomendasi, pemilihan rekomendasi didasarkan pada praktek budidaya pertanian yang efektif meningkatkan C organik dan menekan produksi emisi metana tanpa mengurangi produktivitas tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ; (1) potensi produksi metana (CH 4 ) berbeda nyata antar satuan penggunaan lahan (SPL) sawah di Desa Sukorejo dan Jetis, (2) iklim, varietas tanaman dan cara budidaya di daerah penelitian tidak signifikan mempengaruhi besarnya potensi produksi metana, dan (3) faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap besarnya potensi produksi metana di tanah sawah adalah potensial redoks (Eh). Hubungan Eh dengan besarnya potensi produksi metana berkorelasi negatif, artinya penurunan Eh akan menyebabkan peningkatan produksi metana. Mitigasi emisi GRK metana yang dapat dilakukan berdasarkan penelitian ini, bahwa potensial redoks adalah faktor utama penentu potensi produksi metana di dalam tanah sawah, maka alternatif yang memungkinkan adalah dengan pengelolaan air irigasi, yang dalam periode tertentu tanaman padi tidak diairi atau tidak digenangi, atau apabila kondisi air berlebih dilakukan drainase. Usaha ini dilakukan dengan tujuan kondisi tanah tidak terlalu reduktif atau potensial redoks tidak akan turun secara drastis, sehingga akan dapat menghambat aktivitas mikrobia methanogen dalam memproduksi metana.

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology | 2013

Pemetaan Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Lahan Kering di Kecamatan Jatipuro Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG)

Robby Eko Christanto; Suryono Suryono; Mujiyo Mujiyo; Joko Winarno

Title : The Degree of Erosion Hazard Mapping in Dry Land at Jatipuro Sub District of Karanganyar with Geographic Information System (GIS). This research had been conducted at Jatipuro, Sub District of Karanganyar from July until September, 2007. The aims of this research are to know degree of erosion danger and to map that degree of erosion danger. This research was descriptive-explorative by field’s survey and laboratory analysis. Soil sampling technique using purposive sampling method. Site sampling determined with land mapping unit. Analysis of erosion level using USLE method, even though to know degree of erosion dangerous used the table of relation soil depth with erosion level. To make the map degree of erosion dangerous with Arc view GIS 3.3 software. The result of this research conclude that Jatipuro, Sub District of Karanganyar can be classified into 4 erosion dangerous class, with position and width area such that very light in 6th land mapping unit with width area 8.53 ha or 1.17% from total wide of research area. Light, in 1st, 4th, 7th, 12tnd and 16th land mapping units with width area 245.36 ha or 33.72% from total wide of research area. Middle class, in 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 17th and 18th land mapping units with width area 181.59 ha or 24.95% from total wide area. Heavy class, in 3rd, 5th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd land mapping units with width area 292.18 ha or 40.15% from total wide area. The management of conservation in the land with degree of erosion danger very light until light is low tillage applications, which this purpose is to create soil condition that supported growth of root, but also must be understood the result of tillage, which can be broken soil structures. For the lands with degree of erosion danger middle until heavy, the better conservation is needed. These lands needed terrace’s repairing, there are making bench terrace with middle construction for the middle class and more better terrace for the heavy one. For the best result to minimalist erosion level in this location, in terrace’s making also needed vegetative conservation, there is strip grass to strength the terrace, and also mulching. Keywords: degree of erosion hazard, dry land, GIS

Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | 2009


Jauhari Syamsiyah; Hery Widijanto; Mujiyo Mujiyo

The study about “Evaluation of semi organic system on rice production at fifth plant season” whose purpose to evaluate the quality and rice yield at semi organic system at fifth plant season, its impact on soil chemistry properties and its properness to farmers. This field experiment has been conducted from May to September 2008 at Palur, Sukoharjo, with two factors. The first factor is anorganic fertilizer at recommendation dose (Urea 300 kg ha -1 , ZA 100 kg ha -1 , SP-36 150 kg ha -1 , KCl 100 kg ha -1 ). The second factor is 30% of dose recommendation anorganic fertilizer (Urea 100 kg ha -1 , ZA 30 kg ha -1 , SP-36 50 kg ha -1 , KCl 30 kg ha -1 ) and five tons organic fertilizer. The data was analyzed with T test to evaluate the differences of semi organic system and anorganic system. The experiment’s result shows that the semi organik system gives weight of dry straw which is higher than anorganic system. The yield of dry unhulled rice in semi organic system(9,2 ton/ha) isn’t significantly different from the weight which is compared with anorganic system (8,576 ton/ha). From the economic analysis, semi organic system gives higher profit than anorganic system. The rice quality (dust and fiber contain) in semi organic system is higher but protein contain isn’t different. Semi organik system gives organik matter contain (1,618%), KPK (14,454 cmol/kg), N total (0,368%), available P (0,368 ppm) and available K (164,96 me%) which is signiificantly higher but givew lower pH (5,5) than anorganic system.

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management | 2018

Planning of banana plant development based on the land conservation aspect in Jenawi District

Indri Hapsari Pusponegoro; Mujiyo Mujiyo; Suntoro Suntoro; Aktavia Herawati; Hery Widijanto


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Eko Hanudin

Gadjah Mada University

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Hery Widijanto

Sebelas Maret University

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Jaka Widada

Gadjah Mada University

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Joko Winarno

Sebelas Maret University

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