Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
Federal University of Paraíba
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Featured researches published by Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2003
Lucivanda Cavalcante Borges; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
The studies on the influence of social factors on language acquisition were largely influenced by the criticism made to Chomskys ideas. Researchers following the social interaction perspective disagree with Chomsky and stress the influence of input on language acquisition. This perspective recognises the role of social interaction between adult and child, especially the mother, in the development of infant language. The relationship is characterised by a bidirectional model in which both parts contribute to the course of interaction. In this perspective, language is considered communication, and so initiate before the emission of words. The aim of this paper is to present the explanations of Social Interaction perspective regarding childrens language acquisition. Maternal speech styles (motherese) and their influence on childs language, and different input styles are discussed, considering the childs characteristics.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2004
Maria Lucia Seidl de Moura; Rodolfo de Castro Ribas; Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Ana Cecília de Sousa Bastos; Celina Maria Colino Magalhães; Mauro Luís Vieira; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão; Algeless Milka Pereira Meireles da Silva; Anna K. Silva
Cognicoes parentais constituem importante componente do contexto sociocultural em que se da o desenvolvimento infantil, e a literatura brasileira sobre o tema e ainda escassa. O objetivo deste estudo e analisar a relacao entre conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil e variaveis da mae e do bebe. Foi estudada uma amostra de 405 maes primiparas, com filhos menores de um ano, distribuida por seis cidades em diferentes regioes do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Inventario do Conhecimento do Desenvolvimento Infantil (KIDI). Foram encontrados efeitos significativos de escolaridade materna e centro urbano. O efeito significativo de escolaridade materna foi verificado em todas as cidades, menos em Porto Alegre, possivelmente pelas politicas de atencao materno-infantil ai implementadas. Estes resultados contribuem para o conhecimento de aspectos do contexto de desenvolvimento de criancas brasileiras, e tem implicacoes para o planejamento de programas de intervencao que visem a promocao de saude.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2003
Deusivania Vieira da Silva; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
Maternity in the perspective of adolescent mothers and their mothers. In the present study it was investigated the subsystem adolescent mothers and their mothers from low income background. It was specifically investigated: the initial reaction to the pregnancy, the conceptions on the adolescent’s maternity and the role carried out by the grandmothers. A semi-structured interview was elaborated based on a pilot study. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and later analyzed according to the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin (1976). In this research 25 grandmothers and 25 adolescent mothers participated. It was verified that, the initial unfavourable reactions on pregnancy prevailed in the adolescents and their mothers reports. In what refers to the exercise of the maternity, it was verified that there was a favourable conception, mainly from the adolescents. However, some grandmothers emphasized aspects related to the adolescents’ immaturity and impatience with their babies. It was also verified that the maternal grandmother exercised the following roles: taking care/ supporting; teaching/ guiding; mother’s role; evaluating and controling.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2002
Fabíola de Sousa Braz; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar os estilos comunicativos maternos dirigidos a meninos e meninas, especialmente os diretivos, num contexto de brinquedo livre. Os estilos comunicativos das maes e das criancas foram analisados a partir da perspectiva da interacao social, que reconhece a importância do input materno para o desenvolvimento da linguagem infantil. Participaram desse estudo 16 diades mae-crianca distribuidas igualmente quanto ao genero. As diades foram filmadas em ambiente natural numa situacao de brinquedo livre. As transcricoes das sessoes foram realizadas seguindo as diretrizes do Codes for Human Analysis of Transcripts (CHAT) que compoe o sistema computacional Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES). A aplicacao do teste Mann-Whitney revelou que foram dirigidos mais diretivos maternos ao grupo de meninos, enquanto que as solicitacoes maternas foram dirigidas mais ao grupo de meninas. Esses resultados foram discutidos considerando-se o nivel de desenvolvimento linguistico infantil e os contextos interativos nos quais os enunciados foram apresentados.
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2005
Deusivania Vieira da Silva Falcão; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
O presente estudo enfoca a figura dos avos a fim de apresentar o papel que exercem, especificamente, diante da maternidade adolescente. Nesse prisma, apresentam-se conteudos acerca dos aspectos psicossocial e familiar envolvendo a vertente transgeracional das relacoes. Verificou-se que a maioria das pesquisas enfatiza a figura das avos maternas dos bebes. Em suma, foi constatado que ha pelo menos tres situacoes tipicas a serem observadas nos relacionamentos avos-maes adolescentes: os avos que assumem a responsabilidade pelo cuidado infantil; os avos que ficam envergonhados com a gravidez, tem pouca confianca na maturidade da adolescente, e se tornam tao restritivos que o desenvolvimento da adolescente como mae e inibido; a adolescente que assume a responsabilidade pelo cuidado da crianca, ficando os avos disponiveis apenas como fonte de apoio. Todavia, em algumas pesquisas constatou-se por parte das avos maternas a existencia de conflitos na delimitacao de papeis entre ser mae e ser avo dos bebes.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 2010
Mauro Luís Vieira; Maria Lucia Seidl-de-Moura; Eulina da Rocha Lordelo; Cesar Augusto Piccinini; Gabriela Dal Forno Martins; Samira Mafioletti Macarini; Maria Cecília Ribeiro Moncorvo; Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes; Celina Maria Colino Magalhães; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão; Adriana Rimoli
Mothers’ beliefs about their practices in different Brazilian contexts were investigated in this study. A sample of 350 primiparous Brazilian mothers from seven cities, each from one of the five geographic regions of the country, participated in this study. As part of a major project, mothers answered an inventory concerning their beliefs about practices of child care and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Factorial analysis revealed three factors, named Proper Presentation (the importance mothers attribute to parental practices oriented by socially accepted daily rules), Stimulation (the importance attributed by mothers to practices that stimulate their children’s development), and Responsiveness and Bonding (the importance attributed by mothers to the immediate responses to children’s needs and to a bond of intense proximity and protection).The sample studied valued most Proper Presentation, followed by Stimulation. Less importance was attributed to Responsiveness and Bonding. Mothers’ educational level was a predictor of scores on Stimulation, and fathers’ educational level was a predictor of scores on Proper Presentation. Some regional differences were identified regarding Proper Presentation. A general model that encompasses aspects of socialization for group interaction and also cognitive and social stimulation seems to be shared by mothers of the different geographic regions of the country. This model is influenced by educational level and cultural conditions. Future studies need to address the development of instruments to analyze Brazilian parental cultural models and the implications of these models to children’s development.
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology | 1994
Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão; Gina Conti-Ramsden
Differences have been found in some of the characteristics of maternal speech to SLI children when compared to maternal speech directed to normal language learning control children. In the present study comparisons within families were made between maternal speech to SLI children and to their normal language learning siblings of the same language stage. It was found that SLI children received less Directives than the younger normal siblings. In addition, it was found that the SLI children received more utterances with Approvals and a higher proportion of Teaching questions than the siblings. These results are discussed from a methodological point of view as well as within the context of bidirectional influences of conversational interaction in language learning.
Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2010
Pollyane Kahelen da Costa Diniz; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
This study aimed to investigate mothers and fathers socialization goals about the future of their children. Additionally, it aimed to evaluate a childs gender influence in the goals outlined by the parents and, also, investigate their conceptions about the role they must play for these goals to be accomplished. In this study, 26 couples participated, all residents in Joao Pessoa city, Paraiba, Brazil. They answered a semi-structured interview about socialization goals. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and later analyzed according to the categories. It was verified that the socialization goals for self-improvement and social expectation categories prevailed in the accounts of the participants, although fathers had more social expectation towards boys. Regarding action strategies, there was a higher number of verbalizations related to self centered strategies. The implications of these findings to child development and family studies are discussed and future research is suggested.El presente estudio investigo las metas de socializacion y estrategias de accion de padres y madres sobre el futuro de sus hijos. Ademas, se pretendio verificar la influencia del sexo del nino en las metas establecidas por las madres y los padres y la concepcion de estos sobre el papel que deben desempenar para que estas metas se realicen. Participaron 26 parejas residentes en la ciudad de Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brasil. Estos respondieron a una entrevista semi-estructurada. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas y analizadas de acuerdo a categorias. Se constato que las categorias auto-perfeccionamiento y expectativa social prevalecieron en los relatos, y que los padres tenian mas expectativa social para con los ninos. Tambien se observo una mayor mencion a las estrategias centradas en si mismo. Las implicaciones de estos resultados a los conocimientos en el ambito del desarrollo del nino y la familia son discutidas e investigaciones futuras son propuestas.O presente estudo objetivou investigar as metas de socializacao de maes e pais acerca do futuro dos seus filhos. Adicionalmente, pretendeu-se verificar a influencia do genero da crianca nas metas tracadas pelas maes e pais e averiguar a concepcao destes acerca do papel que devem desempenhar para que as metas se realizem. Participaram 26 casais residentes na cidade de Joao Pessoa, Paraiba. Os participantes responderam a uma entrevista semi-estruturada. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e, posteriormente, analisadas em categorias. Verificou-se que as metas de socializacao referentes a categoria auto-aperfeicoamento e expectativas sociais prevaleceram nos relatos dos participantes, sendo que os pais apresentaram mais expectativas sociais para os meninos. No que se refere as estrategias de acao, observou-se maior mencao, por parte dos participantes, a estrategias centradas em si. As implicacoes destes resultados para o conhecimento na area do desenvolvimento infantil e familiar sao discutidas e futuras pesquisas sugeridas.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2012
Deborah Dornellas Ramos; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão
This study analyzed the child-educator interactions at public daycares, considering the educators’ linguistic styles and the children’s communication. The studies about the linguistic styles are relevant for adult-child interactions, especially around the age of 24 months, due to the emergency of the first short sentences. It included 6 educators and 12 children aged between 23 and 25 months, attending public daycares in Joao Pessoa, Paraiba. The child-educator interactions were systematically observed dyadic contexts and polyadic reading. Interactional categories were elaborated a posteriori, for data analysis. The educators used more styles associated with the promotion of language development in dyadic contexts, while the styles related to the direction and to the behavior control predominated in polyadic contexts. The analysis considered the mutual influence between communicative styles and children’s level of language development, beyond the contextual aspects.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial | 2014
Emellyne Lima de Medeiros Dias Lemos; Nádia Maria Ribeiro Salomão; Cibele Shírley Agripino-Ramos
The autistic spectrum is characterized by losses beginning in the early years of life in the areas of social interaction, communication and behavior. Aspects related to the etiology, therapeutic possibilities and inclusion in regular schools are not conclusive, which shows the importance of studies in the area. This study aims to analyze social interactions of children with autistic spectrum disorders in mainstream school contexts, considering the mediation of teachers. The participants were 42 children, of whom four children had been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder, between three and five years old, and four teachers from two regular private schools. The results showed that the mediation of the teachers was characterized by the use of linguistic directives and physical support. The participation of children with autistic spectrum disorder in interactional terms was characterized most frequently by behaviors such as looking at people, initiative directed to action, appropriate response and smile. In this sense, understanding how children with autistic spectrum disorders interact with people and objects in school settings and how mediations are conducted by teachers in such moments is highly relevant for elaborating intervention strategies to promote social interaction and the process of school inclusion.