Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
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Featured researches published by Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2007
Leda Maria Branco Ravagnani; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki
Quality of life and coping strategies in patients undergoing renal transplantation. The aim of the present study was to compare patients’ quality of life before and after renal transplantation, and identify coping strategies after surgery. Participants were 17 patients (9 female, and 8 men) with ages ranging from 23 to 55 years old (M: 37.9 years; SD: 8) assessed with the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and a structured interview (before and after transplant). There was no significant difference in the quality of life assessment before and after the transplantation for the variables assessed by the SF36. Patients’ major concerns were: effects of the medication, medical consultation, changes in corporal appearance, and hospitalization. Patients tended to use more emotion centered coping strategies, i.e., more subjective ways to cope with difficulties. There was no significant change in patients’ quality of life after transplantation.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2005
Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves Luiz; Ricardo Gorayeb; Raphael Del Roio Liberatore Junior; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
Childhood obesity has high rates of occurrence and in Brazil has acquired great importance in the area of health, mainly due to the consequences to children lives, bringing physical, social, economical and psychological consequences. In this article we emphasize depression, anxiety and social competence among the multiple factors related to childhood obesity. We discuss studies that present these factors as cause or consequence of childhood obesity, despite the fact that there is no consensus in the area. However the simultaneous occurrence of depression, anxiety and deficits in social competence and childhood obesity shows the importance of this matter. The spread of this knowledge and new research in the area will improve the care of these patients.Obesidade infantil alcanca indices preocupantes, e sua ocorrencia na populacao brasileira tem adquirido grande significância na area da saude, principalmente devido ao impacto que causa na vida das criancas, trazendo consequencias fisicas, sociais, economicas e psicologicas. Neste artigo da-se enfase a depressao, ansiedade e competencia social, dentre os multiplos fatores relacionados a obesidade infantil. Discutem-se aqui estudos que mostram estes fatores como causa ou como consequencia da obesidade infantil, apesar de nao haver consenso na area. Porem, a ocorrencia concomitante de depressao, ansiedade e deficits de competencia social com obesidade infantil demonstra a relevância deste tema. Uma maior difusao deste conhecimento bem como a proliferacao destes estudos sao importantes para proporcionar um atendimento e intervencao adequada a essa populacao.
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2000
Luciana de Toledo Bernardes-da-Rosa; Rosana Maria Garcia; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos; Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares
O objetivo deste estudo e caracterizar o atendimento psicologico fornecido a criancas que apresentaram queixas quanto a dificuldades escolares, encaminhadas ao Servico de Psicologia de um Hospital-Escola do interior de Sao Paulo. Foram os sujeitos deste estudo 25 criancas (n= 15-sexo masculino; n= 10-sexo feminino) com idade variavel entre 7 e 12 anos (IM=9, 12 anos; DP= 1,69).Os dados de identificacao da crianca e dos seus pais, a origem do encaminhamento, a queixa, o diagnostico e a recomendacao de tratamento foram extraidos dos prontuarios das criancas encaminhadas de 1996 a 1997. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que a maior parte da amostra foi encaminhada por profissionais da saude (n=14). A queixa mais frequente foi aquela relativa aos disturbios especificos de desenvolvimento e as habilidades escolares (n=22); seguida por disturbios de comportamento explicito (n=19). O diagnostico mais frequente foi retardo mental (n=9), seguido por disturbio de aprendizagem (n=6). A recomendacao de tratamento mais frequente foi a orientacao dos pais (n=21). Tambem encontrou-se uma correlacao entre tipo de queixa e recomendacao de tratamento. Compreendeu-se a existencia de um consenso quanto a recomendacao de orientacao dos pais e de um atendimento multiprofissional como conduta terapeutica para essas criancas; mas sugeriu-se a necessidade de pesquisas para avaliar os resultados dessa forma de atuacao.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2005
Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves Luiz; Ricardo Gorayeb; Raphael Del Roio Liberatore Junior; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
Childhood obesity has high rates of occurrence and in Brazil has acquired great importance in the area of health, mainly due to the consequences to childrens lives, bringing physical, social, economical and psychological consequences. In this article we emphasize depression, anxiety, social competence and behavior problems among the multiple factors related to childhood obesity. We discuss studies that present these factors as cause or consequence of childhood obesity, despite the fact that there is no consensus in the area. However, the simultaneous occurrence of depression, anxiety and deficits in social competence and childhood obesity shows the importance of this matter. The awareness of this and more research in the area will improve the quality of life of these patients.
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2008
João Batista Salomão Junior; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki; José Antônio Cordeiro; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos; Nelson Iguimar Valério
The aim of this study was to assess social skills and behavioral disorders in children with asthma. Participants included 62 children/adolescents (between 7 and 16 years of age) with moderate and severe asthma and a control group whose parents completed the Brazilian version of the Child Behavior Checklist. Results: There is evidence of an association between asthma and deficiencies in overall social skills related to activities (p=0.001) and school (p=0.01). The severity of the asthma has no clear link to social skills. There is evidence of an association between behavioral disorders and asthma, especially internalizing disorders, such as anxiety and depression, irrespective of sex, age and severity of asthma. Children/adolescents with asthma had more problems with general social skills and skills associated with activities and school, when compared to the control group. They also had more general and internalizing disorders, which may impair their progress, quality of life and the satisfactory management of the illness.
Revista Brasileira De Cirurgia Cardiovascular | 2014
Sara dos Santos Cunha; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki; Daniel Villafanha; Randolfo dos Santos Junior; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
Objective To analyze the psychological evaluations of patients with heart failure waiting for heart transplantation. Methods The data were obtained from patient records containing pre-surgery psychological evaluations performed by psychologists from the multidisciplinary cardiology team. The evaluation protocol included the Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36), Beck Depression Inventory, and an interview script. Results The results of psychological evaluations performed between 2004 and 2012 for 60 candidates for heart transplantation were analyzed: 43 men and 17 women aged between 16 and 66 years (Mean=45.18; SD=11.91), predominantly from the São José do Rio Preto area (São Paulo state, Brazil) (83%), with incomplete elementary education (68%), and who were in stable relationships (73%). Although women presented higher mean scores for depression (21.41) than men (14.61), there was no significant difference between genders. Womens quality of life was impaired in all domains compared to men (below 50%) and was significantly poorer in the physical functioning (P=0.01), vitality (P=0.00), emotional role functioning (P=0.04), and mental health (P=0.02) domains. Conclusion Patients with psychosocial vulnerability (e.g., depression) identified before transplantation should receive psychological treatment.
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2008
Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
e seu efeito na pressao arterial; 5) Sua pressao estaalta: como voce reage ao descobrir que esta hipertenso;6) Adesao ao tratamento: a responsabilidade pela suavida e indelegavel; 7) A qualidade de vida do hipertenso;8) O hipertenso e seu modo de ser; 9) A abordagemmultiprofissional do tratamento da hipertensao; e, nofinal, uma Conclusao e uma lista de Referencias bi-bliograficas. Um CD-ROM para relaxamento, especial-mente elaborado para o hipertenso, acompanha o livro.Alem disso, varios testes e questionarios acom-panham os capitulos, como: teste seu conhecimentosobre hipertensao; teste seu conhecimento sobreestresse; seu pensamento e estressante?; inassertividadecomo fonte de
Estudos De Psicologia (campinas) | 2012
Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki; Kazuo Kawano Nagamine; Ana Paula da Silva Lobo; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos
For many authors, stress is negatively related to individual performance. Some evidence, however, suggests that performance in a given task will be lower under very low or very high levels of stress and great under moderate levels of stress. Burnout is associated with the perception that personal resources are insufficient or inadequate to cope with stress. Identifying stressors and coping strategies which, if used by individuals, can minimize the impact of stress, and allow preventive and intervention programs to be designed. The aim of this study is to present an updated review of burnout within sporting context.
Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde | 2017
Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki
Introduction: Biofeedback is a therapy that teaches self-regulation skills. Objective: Critically analyze the scientific literature of the last five years through the use and efficacy of biofeedback for the treatment of chronic diseases. Method: We performed a review from the literature using the electronic databases of PubMed (free), PsycInfo, Capes (by subject), Cochrane (from Bireme), SciELO (Brazil: integrated/Google academic), and Feeds (PubMed). Results: The initial selection resulted in 403 articles, but only 16 met the inclusion criteria. Of the 16 articles analyzed, three were theoretical, one review of the literature, one case study, and 11 original articles. The selected studies were conducted in seven different countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, South Korea, United States, Israel, and Sweden. The most studied diseases were headache, cyclic vomiting syndrome in adolescents, functional dyspepsia, post-traumatic stress, stress management, pain, anxiety, and coronary disease. Conclusion: Most studies showed positive evidence of the use of biofeedback. Descriptors: Biofeedback, Psycholog; Chronic Disease; Review.
Journal of physical education and sport | 2012
Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi; Cassiano Merussi Neiva; Dalton Müller Pessôa Filho; Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki; Kazuo Kawano Nagamine; Ana Paula da Silva Lobo; Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos; Marcelo Furukawa
Laboratorio de Metabolismo e Fisiologia do Exercicio MEFE Faculdade de Ciencias UNESP, Bauru
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Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki
Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
View shared research outputsRaphael Del Roio Liberatore Junior
Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
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