Neslihan Üçüncü
Gazi University
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Featured researches published by Neslihan Üçüncü.
Angle Orthodontist | 2010
Belma Isik Aslan; Neslihan Üçüncü; Altan Doğan
This study describes the management of a case of multiple missing teeth involving premolar autotransplantation, orthodontic treatment, and a 6-year follow-up of autotransplantation. The prognosis of the transplant was good with a satisfactory crown-root ratio. Autotransplantation is a viable treatment option that eliminates the need for prosthetic therapy or implants for children with missing permanent teeth.
Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics-fortschritte Der Kieferorthopadie | 2001
Neslihan Üçüncü; Tamer Türk; Carine Carels
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of modified Teuscher and van Beek functional appliances on the skeletal and dento-alveolar pattern in high-angle Class II, Division 1 patients.The collective consisted of 32 patients with a high-angle Class II, Division1 malocclusion. The modified Teuscher activator was applied to a group of twelve patients, and the van Beek activator to a group of ten patients. A control group of ten subjects was used for comparison purposes. The mean chronological ages of the groups were 12, 11.8 and 11.5 years, respectively. 64 cephalograms taken before and after the treatment were evaluated. Intra-group measurement relations were determined by the Wilcoxon test, and inter-group relations by analysis of variance and Duncan tests, using SPSS statistical software.The following results were observed for both treated groups without any change in growth direction: inhibition of maxillary growth, stimulation of mandibular growth, retrusion of upper incisors, distal tipping of upper molars, and reduction of overjet and overbite compared with the control group. The decrease in overbite in the van Beek group was due mainly to intrusion of the incisors, and in the modified Teuscher Group to molar extrusion.Both activators were considered preferable in terms of vertical control of the facial height in high-angle cases with deep overbite. However, stimulation of mandibular growth in the modified Teuscher activator group was found to be more significant than in the van Beek activator group.ZusammenfassungZiel dieser Studie war, die skelettalen und dentoalveolären Auswirkungen einer Behandlung mit einer modifizierten Teuscher-Apparatur und der Therapie mit dem Funktionsgerät von van Beek bei 32 Klasse-II/1-Patienten mit ausgeprägtem vertikalen Wachstumsmuster zu untersuchen.Zwölf Patienten, im Durchschnitt 12 Jahre alt, erhielten den modifizierten Teuscher-Aktivator, eine weitere Gruppe von zehn Patienten mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 11,8 Jahren wurde mit dem Van-Beek-Aktivator therapiert. Die Kontrollgruppe bestand aus zehn Probanden, die im Durchschnitt 11,5 Jahre alt waren. 64 Fernröntgenbilder, die vor und nach der Behandlung angefertigt worden waren, wurden bewertet. Messwerte innerhalb einer Gruppe wurden mit Hilfe des Wilcoxon-Tests ausgewertet; zum Gruppenvergleich wurden die Varianzanalyse und der Duncan-Test unter Benutzung der SPSS-Statistik-Software angewandt.Folgende Ergebnisse wurden bei beiden behandelten Gruppen im Vergleich mit der Kontrollgruppe beobachtet, ohne dass eine Änderung in der Wachstumsrichtung auftrat: Hemmung des Wachstums der Maxilla, Anregung des Wachstums der Mandibula, Retrusion der Oberkieferinzisivi, Distalkippung der Oberkiefermolaren, Reduktion von Frontzahnstufe und Überbiss. In der Van-Beek-Gruppe entstand die Reduktion des Überbisses im Wesentlichen durch Intrusion der Inzisivi, in der mit der modifizierten Teuscher-Apparatur behandelten Gruppe durch die Extrusion der Molaren.Beide Aktivatoren erwiesen sich zur vertikalen Kontrolle der Gesichtshöhe bei Patienten mit ausgeprägt vertikalem Schädelaufbau und einem tiefen Überbiss als geeignet. Trotzdem war die Stimulation des Unterkieferwachstums in der mit dem modifizierten Teuscher-Aktivator behandelten Gruppe signifikanter als in der Gruppe mit dem Van-Beek-Aktivator.
European Journal of Dentistry | 2014
Rıdvan Okşayan; Oral Sökücü; Neslihan Üçüncü
Objective: The aim was to evaluate the effects of the use of mandibular advancement appliances on mandibular growth in growing rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four 8-week-old male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into two experimental groups (12 rats each): Group I was a control group, and Group II was the mandibular advancement appliance group. A functional bite-jumping appliance was used in Group II to promote mandibular advancement. Anatomical changes in the condyle and mandible were evaluated by comparing radiographic results from before and after the study, with angular and linear measurements. Friedman and Mann-Whitney U-tests were used in statistical analysis. Results: According to the radiographic results, the growth of mandibles and condyles in Group II was significantly greater than with the length of the condylar process (A-B) and distance from condyle to menton (A-D) variables (P < 0.05). In addition, Group I showed greater mandibular base growth than did Group II (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that the use of an intraoral bite-jumping appliance can stimulate condylar growth and increase sagittal mandibular advancement in growing rats.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2015
Erdal Bozkaya; Sema Yüksel; Tuba Tortop; Neslihan Üçüncü; Emine Kaygisiz; Deniz Gencer
ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the treatment effects of a double-plate appliance (DPA) and a double-plate appliance and facemask combination (DPA-FM) in correcting Class III malocclusions. Materials and Methods: The material consisted of lateral cephalometric radiographs of 40 children with skeletal and dental Class III malocclusion. In the first treatment group, 13 patients (mean age: 10 years 3 months) were treated with DPA. In the second treatment group, 15 patients (mean age: 10 years 9 months) were treated with DPA-FM. In the third group, 12 patients (mean age: 10 years 6 months) were observed without treatment for 9 months. Statistical evaluation was made by ANOVA, Duncan, and paired t tests. Results: The increases in SNA and ANB angles were significantly greater in the DPA-FM group than in the DPA group. The proclination of upper incisors (U1/NA) and retroclination of lower incisors (L1/NB) were significantly greater in the DPA group than in the DPA-FM group. The retro...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2005
Dt. Handan Tuğçe Oğuz; Neslihan Üçüncü
OZET Uyku apne sendromu apne ve hipopne ile karakterize, cigerlerde hipoksi (dusuk O2 seviyesi) ve kanda O2 desaturasyonu olusturan, uykunun kesintiye ugramasina ve/veya uyanmaya sebep veren, uyku esnasinda olusan bir hastaliktir. S an tral, obstruktif ve mixed olmak uzere 3 tipi vardir.Santral ve mixed apne tedavisi sadece tip doktorlari tarafindan yapilabilirken obstruktif sleep apne tedavisinde or-todontist ve maksillofasial cerrahlar onemli rol oynamaktadirlar.Bu derlemenin amaci obstruktif sleep apne tedavisinde ortodontistlerin yeri ve onemini belirtmektir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1990
Neslihan Üçüncü; Mehmet Yalim
OZET: Mesiodistal molleme, dental arklarda dis boyutu uyusmazliginda veya dental arkta yer kazanmak amaciyla yapilir. Bu islemde en ince molleme bantlarinin kullanilmasiyla bile elmas frez veya disklerin kullanimi ile olusan derin oluklar elimine edilemez. Bu nedenle bu bolgelerde plak retansiyonu icin bir zemin hazirlanmis olur. Bu calismada, mesiodistal molleme yapilmis yuzeylerde topikal flor ve florlu bilesiklerle gunluk agiz calkalatiminin periodontal saglik ve plak birikimine etkileri incelendi. Yuzeylerdeki plak birikimleri SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) araciligiyla degerlendirildi.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1990
Neslihan Üçüncü
OZET: Cift tarafli maksiller lateral dis eksikliginin nedeni olarak; radyasyon, travma, tumor gibi cevresel etkenler, sistemik hastaliklar veya genetik faktorler ileri surulmektedir. Dentisyondaki dis eksikligi sonucu cenelerin gelisimleri etkilenir. Cenelerin ve dentoalveolar yapilarin sekli ise yuz profilinde etkindir. Bu arasurmada, bilateral maksiller lateral dis eksikliginin farkli analiz yontemleri kullanilarak yumuasak doku profiline etkisi incelendi. Normal okluzyonlu ve hic dis eksikligi olmayan bireylere gore hipodontili grubta ust dudakta istatistiksel olarak onemli duzeyde retruzyon saptanirken, diger degiskenlerde onemli bir farklilik saptanmadi.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1990
Neslihan Üçüncü; Orhan Güven
OZET: Cesitli etkenler sonucu olusan yuz asimetrisi yuzun degisik bolgelerinde gorulebilir. Asimetri nedeni siklikla cenelerdir. Ozellikle mandibula yuz asimetrisinde onemli rol oynar. Bu makalede, mandibular kaynakli yuz asimetrisi olan eriskin bir hastaya uygulanan genioplasti ve operasyon oncesi ve operasyon sonrasi degisimler sunulacaktir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1989
Melahat Öğütcen; Neslihan Üçüncü; Sema Yüksel
OZET: Temporomandibular eklem reduksiyonlu anterior disk deplasmaninin erken ve orta tipinde 25 eriskin hastaya uygulanan mandibulayi anterior konumlandirici splint tedavisinin, cene-yuz iskelet yapisi ve profilde yarattigi degisiklikler degerlendirildi. Splint uygulamasi ile ANB, SNB acisi; SE, Mo-Ms, Ms-S boyutu; overjet, overbite miktarlari ve yuzun on-yuz yuksekligindeki degisimler istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulundu. Profil ve GoGn-SN acisinda meydana gelen degisiklikler ise onemsiz bulundu.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1989
Neslihan Üçüncü; Melahat Öğütcen
OZET: TME diskinin one dogru yer degistirmesi sonucu ortaya cikan anterior disk deplasmanli hastalara oncelikle koruyucu tedavi olarak protrusiv splint tedavisi uygulanir. Bu tedavi basarili oldugunda kalici tedavi yontemlerine gecilir. Bu yontemler, selektif molleme, ortodontik ve/veya protetik uygulamalar olabilir. Bu makalede, splint tedavisi goren hastalarda yapilabilecek ortodontik uygulamalara ornek olarak 3 degisik vaka sunulmustur.