Norman Murray
University of Toronto
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Featured researches published by Norman Murray.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014
Philip F. Hopkins; Dušan Kereš; Jose Oñorbe; Claude André Faucher-Giguère; Eliot Quataert; Norman Murray; James S. Bullock
We present a series of high-resolution cosmological simulations of galaxy formation to z = 0, spanning halo masses ∼10^8–10^(13) M⊙, and stellar masses ∼10^4–10^(11) M⊙. Our simulations include fully explicit treatment of the multiphase interstellar medium and stellar feedback. The stellar feedback inputs (energy, momentum, mass, and metal fluxes) are taken directly from stellar population models. These sources of feedback, with zero adjusted parameters, reproduce the observed relation between stellar and halo mass up to M_(halo) ∼ 10^(12) M⊙. We predict weak redshift evolution in the M*–M_(halo) relation, consistent with current constraints to z > 6. We find that the M*–M_(halo) relation is insensitive to numerical details, but is sensitive to feedback physics. Simulations with only supernova feedback fail to reproduce observed stellar masses, particularly in dwarf and high-redshift galaxies: radiative feedback (photoheating and radiation pressure) is necessary to destroy giant molecular clouds and enable efficient coupling of later supernovae to the gas. Star formation rates (SFRs) agree well with the observed Kennicutt relation at all redshifts. The galaxy-averaged Kennicutt relation is very different from the numerically imposed law for converting gas into stars, and is determined by self-regulation via stellar feedback. Feedback reduces SFRs and produces reservoirs of gas that lead to rising late-time star formation histories, significantly different from halo accretion histories. Feedback also produces large short-time-scale variability in galactic SFRs, especially in dwarfs. These properties are not captured by common ‘sub-grid’ wind models.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
Ruth A. Murray-Clay; Eugene Chiang; Norman Murray
Photoionization heating from ultraviolet (UV) radiation incidents on the atmospheres of hot Jupiters may drive planetary mass loss. Observations of stellar Lyman-α (Lyα) absorption have suggested that the hot Jupiter HD 209458b is losing atomic hydrogen. We construct a model of escape that includes realistic heating and cooling, ionization balance, tidal gravity, and pressure confinement by the host star wind. We show that mass loss takes the form of a hydrodynamic (Parker) wind, emitted from the planets dayside during lulls in the stellar wind. When dayside winds are suppressed by the confining action of the stellar wind, nightside winds might pick up if there is sufficient horizontal transport of heat. A hot Jupiter loses mass at maximum rates of ~2 × 1012 g s–1 during its host stars pre-main-sequence phase and ~2 × 1010 g s–1 during the stars main-sequence lifetime, for total maximum losses of ~0.06% and ~0.6% of the planets mass, respectively. For UV fluxes F UV 104 erg cm–2 s–1, the mass-loss rate is approximately energy limited and scales as . For larger UV fluxes, such as those typical of T Tauri stars, radiative losses and plasma recombination force to increase more slowly as F 0.6 UV. Dayside winds are quenched during the T Tauri phase because of confinement by overwhelming stellar wind pressure. During this early stage, nightside winds can still blow if the planet resides outside the stellar Alfven radius; otherwise, even nightside winds are stifled by stellar magnetic pressure, and mass loss is restricted to polar regions. We conclude that while UV radiation can indeed drive winds from hot Jupiters, such winds cannot significantly alter planetary masses during any evolutionary stage. They can, however, produce observable signatures. Candidates for explaining why the Lyman-α photons of HD 209458 are absorbed at Doppler-shifted velocities of ±100 km s–1 include charge-exchange in the shock between the planetary and stellar winds.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2012
Philip F. Hopkins; Eliot Quataert; Norman Murray
Feedback from massive stars is believed to play a critical role in driving galactic superwinds that enrich the intergalactic medium and shape the galaxy mass function, massmetallicity relation, and other global galaxy properties. In previous papers, we have introduced new numerical methods for implementing stellar feedback on sub-GMC through galactic scales in numerical simulations of galaxies; the key physical processes include radiation pressure in the UV through IR, supernovae (Type-I & II), stellar winds (“fast” O star through “slow” AGB winds), and HII photoionization. Here, we show that these feedback mechanisms drive galactic winds with outflow rates as high as 10 20 times the galaxy star formation rate. The mass-loading efficiency (wind mass loss rate divided by the star formation rate) scales roughly as _ Mwind= _ M / V 1 c (where Vc is the galaxy circular velocity), consistent with simple momentum-conservation expectations. We use our suite of simulations to study the relative contribution of each feedback mechanism to the generation of galactic winds in a range of galaxy models, from SMC-like dwarfs and Milky-way analogues to z 2 clumpy disks. In massive, gas-rich systems (local starbursts and high-z galaxies), radiation pressure dominates the wind generation. By contrast, for MW-like spirals and dwarf galaxies the gas densities are much lower and sources of shock-heated gas such as supernovae and stellar winds dominate the production of large-scale outflows. In all of our models, however, the winds have a complex multi-phase structure that depends on the interaction between multiple feedback mechanisms operating on different spatial and time scales: any single feedback mechanism fails to reproduce the winds observed. We use our simulations to provide fitting functions to the wind mass-loading and velocities as a function of galaxy properties, for use in cosmological simulations and semi-analytic models. These differ from typically-adopted formulae with an explicit dependence on the gas surface density that can be very important in both low-density dwarf galaxies and high-density gas-rich galaxies.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Norman Murray
We use a sample of the 13 most luminous WMAP Galactic free-free sources, responsible for 33% of the free-free emission of the Milky Way, to investigate star formation. The sample contains 40 star-forming complexes; we combine this sample with giant molecular cloud (GMC) catalogs in the literature to identify the host GMCs of 32 of the complexes. We estimate the star formation efficiency GMC and star formation rate per free-fall time ff. We find that GMC ranges from 0.002 to 0.2, with an ionizing luminosity-weighted average GMC Q = 0.08, compared to the Galactic average ≈0.005. Turning to the star formation rate per free-fall time, we find values that range up to . Weighting by ionizing luminosity, we find an average of ff Q = 0.14-0.24 depending on the estimate of the age of the system. Once again, this is much larger than the Galaxy-wide average value ff = 0.006. We show that the lifetimes of GMCs at the mean mass found in our sample is 27 ± 12 Myr, a bit less than three free-fall times. The GMCs hosting the most luminous clusters are being disrupted by those clusters. Accordingly, we interpret the range in ff as the result of a time-variable star formation rate; the rate of star formation increases with the age of the host molecular cloud, until the stars disrupt the cloud. These results are inconsistent with the notion that the star formation rate in Milky Way GMCs is determined by the properties of supersonic turbulence.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Norman Murray; Brice Ménard; Todd A. Thompson
Galactic outflows of cool (~104 K) gas are ubiquitous in local starburst galaxies and in most high-redshift galaxies. Hot gas from supernovae has long been suspected as the primary driver, but this mechanism suffers from its tendency to destroy the cool gas. We propose a modification of the supernova scenario that overcomes this difficulty. Star formation is observed to take place in clusters. We show that, for L galaxies, the radiation pressure from clusters with M cl 106 M ☉ is able to expel the surrounding gas at velocities in excess of the circular velocity vc of the disk galaxy. This cool gas travels above the galactic disk before supernovae erupt in the driving cluster. Once above the disk, the cool outflowing gas is exposed to radiation and hot gas outflows from the galactic disk, which in combination drive it to distances of ~50 kpc. Because the radiatively driven clouds grow in size as they travel, and because the hot gas is more dilute at large distance, the clouds are less subject to destruction. Therefore, unlike wind-driven clouds, radiatively driven clouds can give rise to the metal absorbers seen in quasar spectra. We identify these cluster-driven winds with large-scale galactic outflows. The maximum cluster mass in a galaxy is an increasing function of the galaxys gas surface density, so only starburst galaxies are able to drive cold outflows. We find the critical star formation rate for launching large-scale cool outflows to be , in good agreement with observations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1997
Norman Murray; Jung-hsien Chiang
We show that a thin disk illuminated by a central source will produce single-peaked broad emission lines if there is a wind emerging from the disk. Line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei and in high-luminosity cataclysmic variables afford two examples of such a situation. The radial velocity of the emitting gas is much smaller than the rotational velocity, but the radial velocity gradients are similar. The large gradient in the radial velocity allows photons to escape more easily along lines of sight where the projected velocity is small. As a result, the lines are single peaked, in spite of the fact that the emission comes from gas on essentially circular orbits. We compare the predicted profiles with the C IV and C III] lines seen in quasars. We suggest a solution to the puzzle of single-peaked Balmer lines in eclipsing nova-like cataclysmic variables.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015
Alexander L. Muratov; Dušan Kereš; Claude André Faucher-Giguère; Philip F. Hopkins; Eliot Quataert; Norman Murray
We present an analysis of the galaxy-scale gaseous outflows from the Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE) simulations. This suite of hydrodynamic cosmological zoom simulations resolves formation of star-forming giant molecular clouds to z = 0, and features an explicit stellar feedback model on small scales. Our simulations reveal that high-redshift galaxies undergo bursts of star formation followed by powerful gusts of galactic outflows that eject much of the interstellar medium and temporarily suppress star formation. At low redshift, however, sufficiently massive galaxies corresponding to L* progenitors develop stable discs and switch into a continuous and quiescent mode of star formation that does not drive outflows far into the halo. Mass-loading factors for winds in L* progenitors are η ≈ 10 at high redshift, but decrease to η ≪ 1 at low redshift. Although lower values of η are expected as haloes grow in mass over time, we show that the strong suppression of outflows with decreasing redshift cannot be explained by mass evolution alone. Circumgalactic outflow velocities are variable and broadly distributed, but typically range between one and three times the circular velocity of the halo. Much of the ejected material builds a reservoir of enriched gas within the circumgalactic medium, some of which could be later recycled to fuel further star formation. However, a fraction of the gas that leaves the virial radius through galactic winds is never regained, causing most haloes with mass M_h ≤ 10^(12) M_⊙ to be deficient in baryons compared to the cosmic mean by z = 0.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015
Jose Oñorbe; Michael Boylan-Kolchin; James S. Bullock; Philip F. Hopkins; Dušan Kereš; Claude André Faucher-Giguère; Eliot Quataert; Norman Murray
We present multiple ultrahigh resolution cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of M_★ ≃ 10^(4–6.3) M_⊙ dwarf galaxies that form within two M_(vir) = 10^(9.5–10) M_⊙ dark matter halo initial conditions. Our simulations rely on the Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE) implementation of star formation feedback and were run with high enough force and mass resolution to directly resolve structure on the ∼200 pc scales. The resultant galaxies sit on the M_★ versus M_(vir) relation required to match the Local Group stellar mass function via abundance matching. They have bursty star formation histories and also form with half-light radii and metallicities that broadly match those observed for local dwarfs at the same stellar mass. We demonstrate that it is possible to create a large (∼1 kpc) constant-density dark matter core in a cosmological simulation of an M_★ ≃ 10^(6.3) M_⊙ dwarf galaxy within a typical M_(vir) = 10^(10) M_⊙ halo – precisely the scale of interest for resolving the ‘too big to fail’ problem. However, these large cores are not ubiquitous and appear to correlate closely with the star formation histories of the dwarfs: dark matter cores are largest in systems that form their stars late (z ≲ 2), after the early epoch of cusp building mergers has ended. Our M_★ ≃ 10^4 M_⊙ dwarf retains a cuspy dark matter halo density profile that matches that of a dark-matter-only run of the same system. Though ancient, most of the stars in our ultrafaint form after reionization; the ultraviolet field acts mainly to suppress fresh gas accretion, not to boil away gas that is already present in the protodwarf.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1994
Peter Goldreich; Norman Murray; Pawan Kumar
We investigate the rates at which energy is supplied to individual p-modes as a function of their frequencies v and angular degrees l. The observationally determined rates are compared with those calculated on the hypothesis that the modes are stochastically excited by turbulent convection. The observationally determined excitation rate is assumed to be equal to the product of the modes energy E and its (radian) line width Г. We obtain E from the modes mean square surface velocity with the aid of its velocity eigenfunction. We assume that Г measures the modes energy decay rate, even though quasi-elastic scattering may dominate true absorption. At fixed l, EГ rises as v^7 at low v, reaches a peak at v ≈ 3.5 mHz, and then declines as v^(-4•4) at higher v. At fixed v, EГ exhibits a slow decline with increasing l. To calculate energy input rates, P_ α, we rely on the mixing-length model of turbulent convection. We find entropy fluctuations to be about an order of magnitude more effective than the Reynolds stress in exciting p-modes. The calculated P_ α mimic the v^7 dependence of EГ at low v and the v^(-4•4) dependence at high v. The break of 11.4 powers in the v-dependence of EГ across its peak is attributed to a combination of (1) the reflection of high-frequency acoustic waves just below the photosphere where the scale height drops precipitously and (2) the absence of energy-bearing eddies with short enough correlation times to excite high-frequency modes. Two parameters associated with the eddy correlation time are required to match the location and shape of the break. The appropriate values of these parameters, while not unnatural, are poorly constrained by theory. The calculated P_ α can also be made to fit the magnitude of EГ with a reasonable value for the eddy aspect ratio. Our results suggest a possible explanation for the decline of mode energy with increasing l at fixed v. Entropy fluctuations couple to changes in volume associated with the oscillation mode. These decrease with decreasing n at fixed v, becoming almost zero for the ƒ-mode.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
S. N. Longmore; John Bally; L. Testi; C. R. Purcell; A. J. Walsh; E. Bressert; M. Pestalozzi; S. Molinari; Jürgen Ott; Luca Cortese; Cara Battersby; Norman Murray; Eve J. Lee; J. M. D. Kruijssen; E. Schisano; D. Elia
The conversion of gas into stars is a fundamental process in astrophysics and cosmology. Stars are known to form from the gravitational collapse of dense clumps in interstellar molecular clouds, and it has been proposed that the resulting star formation rate is proportional to either the amount of mass above a threshold gas surface density, or the gas volume density. These star formation prescriptions appear to hold in nearby molecular clouds in our Milky Way Galaxys disc as well as in distant galaxies where the star formation rates are often much larger. The inner 500 pc of our Galaxy, the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), contains the largest concentration of dense, high-surface density molecular gas in the Milky Way, providing an environment where the validity of star formation prescriptions can be tested. Here, we show that by several measures, the current star formation rate in the CMZ is an order-of-magnitude lower than the rates predicted by the currently accepted prescriptions. In particular, the region 1 degrees several 10(3) cm(-3)) molecular gas - enough to form 1000 Orion-like clusters - but the present-day star formation rate within this gas is only equivalent to that in Orion. In addition to density, another property of molecular clouds must be included in the star formation prescription to predict the star formation rate in a given mass of molecular gas. We discuss which physical mechanisms might be responsible for suppressing star formation in the CMZ.