Nutullah Özdemir
Ondokuz Mayıs University
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Featured researches published by Nutullah Özdemir.
Proceedings of the II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007) | 2009
Tugrul Yakupoglu; Suheyda F. Hepsen; Nutullah Özdemir; Ridvan Kizilkaya
It is known that, organic wastes added to soil improve many soil properties. Bio-solid (BIO), tea production wastes (TEW) and tobacco production wastes (TOW) are some organic wastes used for this target. The objective of our study was to find out the effects of these organic matter sources on dehydrogenase enzyme activity (DHA) in different levels of eroded soils. To determine different soil erosion levels (slightly, moderately and severely), erosion ratio (ER) and structural stability index (SSI) parameters were used. ER values of slightly, moderately and severely eroded soils were determined as 5.36, 6.65 and 12.17 while their SSI values were determined 78.3, 77.8, and 68.7 respectively. Vertic calciudoll samples used in this research were taken from surface (0 to 20 cm depth) located on agricultural areas of Samsun, Northern Turkey. This area has been used as agricultural activity for a long time. This study was conducted by applying four different doses of BIO, TEW and TOW (0, 2, 4 and 6 %, basis dry weight) into eroded soils under greenhouse condition. Each treatment was replicated three times in a split block design. After eighteen weeks incubation period, DHA was determined in all pots. According to analysis results, relation between erosion level and DHA were found as negative. TEW and TOW were increased DHA values in all erosion levels contrast to itself control application. The effects of different organic wastes on DHA were increasing depended on application dose. Additionally, BIO application was increased DHA with 2 % doses whereas it was decreasing DHA with 4 % and 6 % doses. These results were found statistically significant at P<0.001.
anadolu journal of agricultural sciences | 2017
Nutullah Özdemir; Elif Öztürk; Ömrüm Tebessüm Kop Durmuş
This study was conducted to determine effects of farmyard manure, rice husk and municipal waste compost on soil loss caused by runoff in two different soil groups under greenhouse conditions. Soils used in the study were classified as Lithic Ustorthent and Typic Calciustept located in Minöz Basin of Samsun province. Organic conditioners were applied to the soils of basin according to dry weight basis at four different doses (0, 2, 4 and 6 %) under greenhouse conditions. Experiment was planned in a randomized factorial plot design with two replications. After a 12-week incubation period, 15 % slope was given to erosion pans and 55 mm h -1 and 70 mm h artificial rainfall intensities were applied for one hour and soil loss values caused by runoff were measured. At the end of the experiment, it was determined that organic conditioners applied to the soils reduced soil losses. Municipal waste compost was determined to be more effective than rice husk compost and farmyard manure in reducing soil losses occurred in runoff pans. Effectiveness of organic conditioners showed differences depend on application doses and the lowest soil loss in each obtained at the maximum dose. The results suggest that using organic conditioners in the agricultural fields reduces soil degradation and loss. Organik düzenleyici uygulamalarının yapay yağış koşulları altında toprak kaybı üzerine etkileriBu calisma sera kosullarinda iki farkli toprak grubunda celtik kavuzu kompostu, ahir gubresi ve cop kompostu uygulamalarinin yuzey akisla meydana gelen toprak kayiplari uzerine etkilerini belirlemek uzere yurutulmustur. Bu amacla calismada Samsun ili sinirlari icerisinde bulunan Minoz Havzasi’nda yayilim gosteren Lithic Ustorthent ve Typic Calciustept olarak siniflandirilan topraklar kullanilmistir. Bozulmus toprak orneklerine (8 mm’den kucuk agregatlar) organik duzenleyiciler kuru agirlik esasina gore farkli dozlarda (% 0, 2, 4 ve 6) uygulanarak simulasyon unitesi altinda ve sera kosullarinda uygulamalar yapilmistir. Denemeler tesaduf parselleri deneme deseninde, faktoriyel duzende ve iki tekrarlamali olarak yurutulmustur. 12 haftalik inkubasyon periyodunun ardindan erozyon tavalarina % 15 egim verilerek 55 mm h -1 ve 70 mm h -1 intensiteli yapay yagislar 1 saat sure ile uygulanmis ve yuzey akisla kaybolan toprak miktari olculmustur. Deneme sonucunda topraklara uygulanan organik duzenleyicilerin toprak kayiplarini azalttigi belirlenmistir. Erozyon ve yuzey akis miktarlarini azaltmada cop kompostu, celtik kavuzu kompostu ve ahir gubresine oranla daha etkili olarak belirlenmistir. Organik duzenleyicilerin etkinlikleri uygulama dozlarina bagli olarak farkliliklar gostermistir ve en dusuk kayiplar max doz uygulamalarindan elde edilmistir. Sonuclara gore, celtik kavuzu kompostu, cop kompostu ve organik duzenleyicilerin tarimsal alanlarda toprak bozulmasini ve kaybini azalttigi gerekcesiyle kullanimi onerilmektedir.
Nutullah Özdemir; Coşkun Gülser
Received : 04.01.2017 Accepted : 02.04.2017 Activity index (AI) value characterizes the relationship between the plasticity index and clay content. In this study, AI value was investigated to determine whether it might be used as an indicator of soil structural stability or not. The AI values of 75 soil samples gave the significant negative correlations with their dispersion ratio (DR), soil erodibility factors (K) and erosion ratios (ER). Also, the AI values of the soils including clay and sandy clay loam textural class showed significant positive correlation with soil structural stability index (SSI). It seems that the AI value may be used as an indicator of soil structural stability.
Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi | 2016
Nutullah Özdemir; Ömrüm Tebessüm Kop Durmuş; İmanverdi Ekberli; İrem Zorba
Bu calisma; asit, notr ve alkalin reaksiyona sahip topraklarin bazi mekaniksel ozellikleri uzerine; cop kompostu, tutun isleme atigi ve celtik kavuzu kompostunun etkilerini, sera kosullarinda belirlemek amaci ile yurutulmustur. Calismada kullanilan toprak ornekleri Samsun ili ve cevresinde yer alan arazilerden ve yuzeyden (0-20 cm) alinmistir. Arastirma konusu toprak ornekleri, orta ve ince bunyeli; asit, notr ve alkalin reaksiyonlu; tuz icerigi dusuk; organik madde miktari, orta ve az duzeyde; kirec icerigi ise, az ve fazla duzeyde olan topraklardir. Organik madde kaynaklari, topraklara dort farkli dozda (% 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5) iki tekerrurlu olarak uygulanmistir. Dort haftalik inkubasyon suresinden sonra topraklarda marul bitkisi yetistirilmistir. Deneme sonrasinda yapilan analiz ve degerlendirmelere gore; topraklara ilave edilen cop kompostu, tutun atigi ve celtik kavuzu kompostu, uygulama dozlarina bagli olarak topraklarin likit limit ve plastik limit degerlerini onemli olcude arttirmistir. Uygulamalar, dogrusal uzama katsayisi (COLE) ve yuzde buzulme degerlerini ise onemli olcude azaltmistir. Bu etkilerin uygulama dozu, pH duzeyi ve organik materyalin cesidine bagli olarak degistigi belirlenmistir.
anadolu journal of agricultural sciences | 2014
İmanverdi Ekberli; Coşkun Gülser; Nutullah Özdemir
Relaxation processes of soils are related with deformation and strain properties of soils. Deformation and strain status of soils affect agricultural practices significantly. In this study, soil deformation and strain was investigated theoretically according to basic rheology equation. In case of harmonic and linear variability of initial deformation which causes relaxation process in soil, soil strain was determined using solution of basic rheology equation with respect to time. Relationships for soil deformation were obtained in harmonic and linear variability conditions of initial strain causing shear process. Time dependent soil deformation occurred with external load, changes linearly with soil physical properties such as moisture, bulk density, and linear and angular deformation velocities of agricultural machinery and equipments.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | 2012
Tugrul Yakupoglu; Nutullah Özdemir
It is reality that physical properties affect the soil productivity. Gas–water balance of soil is a very important criterion for the explanation of the physical condition of soils. This properties gain more consequences in eroded soils which have low productivity potential. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of resources of organic matter such as sewage sludge (SWS) and tea production waste (TPW) on total porosity (POR) of a slightly, moderately, and severely eroded soil. Soil samples were treated with the organic waste at four different levels (0, 2, 4, and 6% basis dry weight). The mixtures were incubated at field capacity for four weeks under greenhouse condition. After incubation period, tomato plants (cv. Tore F1) were grown in a greenhouse. One hundred and twelve days after planting, tomato plants were removed from the pots and POR values of eroded soils were determined. It was found that SWS and TPW treatments generally increased POR values of eroded soil comparing to control treatment. According to ANOVA results, POR values were significantly influenced from erosion level and application dose (P < 0.001) of organic wastes. Also the kind of organic waste has a significant statistical effect (P < 0.01) on POR values of eroded soil.
Archive | 2010
Nutullah Özdemir; Tugrul Yakupoglu; Elif Öztürk; Orhan Dengiz
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of organic wastes such as bio-solid (BS) and tea waste (TW) on erosion ratio index (ER) of eroded soils in different levels (slight, moderate and severe). Soil samples used in this research were taken from surface soil (0–20 cm depth) located on agricultural land of Samsun province in the northern part of Turkey. These soil samples were treated with organic residues at four different levels (0, 2, 4, and 6% basis w/w) and each treatment was replicated three times in a split block design. All pot mixtures were incubated for 4 weeks under greenhouse conditions and later tomato plants were grown in all pots. When plant growth was in its 14th week, the experiment was ended. After greenhouse work, changes in ER values of eroded soils were determined. It was determined that the BS and TW treatments dramatically decreased ER values of the eroded soils compared to the control treatment. Statistical test results showed that erosion level (p <0.001), type of residue (p <0.01) and the application dose (p <0.001) caused the changes of the ER values.
Orhan Dengiz; Ceyhun Göl; İmanverdi Ekberli; Nutullah Özdemir
Akarsularin zamanla tasidigi depozitler uzerinde olusmus aluviyal topraklar kisa mesafeler icerisinde cok farkli ozellikler gostermekte ve birbirinden farkli topraklar olusabilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, Cankiri-Kizilirmak ilcesi celtik tarimi yapilan aluviyal araziler uzerinde olusmus topraklarin dagilimlarini belirlemek ve farkli topraklari siniflamaktir. Toplam calisma alani yaklasik olarak 1508.3 ha’dir. Yillik ortalama sicaklik 11.8 oC ve yillik ortalama yagis ise 349.7 mm’dir. Bolgeye ait topografik, jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik haritalarin incelenmesi ve arazi gozlemleri sonucunda arastirma alaninda 8 adet profil acilmistir. Detayli arazi gozlemleri, grid yontemi ve burgu yoklamalari ile gerceklestirilmistir. Acilan profillerin her birinden horizon esasina gore ornekler alinmis ve laboratuarda analizleri yapilmistir. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuclarin ve arazi gozlemlerinin degerlendirilmesi ile 8 farkli toprak serisi tanimlanmistir. Belirlenen topraklarin 3 tanesi genc olmalari nedeniyle Entisol ordosuna ve 5 tanesi ise Aridisol ordolarina dahil edilmislerdir. Arastirma alaninda % 3.2 ile Dogrusuat serisi en az alana sahip iken, % 21.9 ile Kepirinonu serisi en fazla alana sahiptir. Ayrica bu calismada serilerin celtik yetistirilmesine uygunluklari incelenerek, celtik uretimini sinirlandiran toprak ozellikleri de ortaya konulmustur ve cozum onerileri getirilmistir
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2009
Nutullah Özdemir; Tugrul Yakupoglu; Orhan Dengiz
Nutullah Özdemir; Elif Öztürk; Ö.Tebessüm Kop Durmuş; İmanverdi Ekberli