Olivier Cerdan
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Featured researches published by Olivier Cerdan.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 2015
Olivier Evrard; J. Patrick Laceby; Hugo Lepage; Yuichi Onda; Olivier Cerdan; Sophie Ayrault
The devastating tsunami triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 inundated the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) resulting in a loss of cooling and a series of explosions releasing the largest quantity of radioactive material into the atmosphere since the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Although 80% of the radionuclides from this accidental release were transported over the Pacific Ocean, 20% were deposited over Japanese coastal catchments that are subject to frequent typhoons. Among the radioisotopes released during the FDNPP accident, radiocesium ((134)Cs and (137)Cs) is considered the most serious current and future health risk for the local population. The goal of this review is to synthesize research relevant to the transfer of FDNPP derived radiocesium from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean. After radiocesium fallout deposition on vegetation and soils, the contamination may remain stored in forest canopies, in vegetative litter on the ground, or in the soil. Once radiocesium contacts soil, it is quickly and almost irreversibly bound to fine soil particles. The kinetic energy of raindrops instigates the displacement of soil particles, and their bound radiocesium, which may be mobilized and transported with overland flow. Soil erosion is one of the main processes transferring particle-bound radiocesium from hillslopes through rivers and streams, and ultimately to the Pacific Ocean. Accordingly this review will summarize results regarding the fundamental processes and dynamics that govern radiocesium transfer from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean published in the literature within the first four years after the FDNPP accident. The majority of radiocesium is reported to be transported in the particulate fraction, attached to fine particles. The contribution of the dissolved fraction to radiocesium migration is only relevant in base flows and is hypothesized to decline over time. Owing to the hydro-meteorological context of the Fukushima region, the most significant transfer of particulate-bound radiocesium occurs during major rainfall and runoff events (e.g. typhoons and spring snowmelt). There may be radiocesium storage within catchments in forests, floodplains and even within hillslopes that may be remobilized and contaminate downstream areas, even areas that did not receive fallout or may have been decontaminated. Overall this review demonstrates that characterizing the different mechanisms and factors driving radiocesium transfer is important. In particular, the review determined that quantifying the remaining catchment radiocesium inventory allows for a relative comparison of radiocesium transfer research from hillslope to catchment scales. Further, owing to the variety of mechanisms and factors, a transdisciplinary approach is required involving geomorphologists, hydrologists, soil and forestry scientists, and mathematical modellers to comprehensively quantify radiocesium transfers and dynamics. Characterizing radiocesium transfers from hillslopes to the Pacific Ocean is necessary for ongoing decontamination and management interventions with the objective of reducing the gamma radiation exposure to the local population.
Scientific Reports | 2015
Olivier Evrard; Caroline Chartin; Yuichi Onda; Hugo Lepage; Olivier Cerdan; Irène Lefèvre; Sophie Ayrault
Summer typhoons and spring snowmelt led to the riverine spread of continental Fukushima fallout to the coastal plains of Northeastern Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Four fieldwork campaigns based on measurement of radioactive dose rates in fine riverine sediment that has recently deposited on channel bed-sand were conducted between November 2011 and May 2013 to document the spread of fallout by rivers. After a progressive decrease in the fresh riverine sediment doses rates between 2011 and early spring in 2013, a fifth campaign conducted in November 2013 showed that they started to increase again after the occurrence of violent typhoons. We show that this increase in dose rates was mostly due to remobilization of contaminated material that was temporarily stored in river channels or, more importantly, in dam reservoirs of the region during the typhoons. In addition, supply of particles from freshly eroded soils in autumn 2013 was the most important in areas where decontamination works are under progress. Our results underline the need to monitor the impact of decontamination works and dam releases in the region, as they may provide a continuous source of radioactive contamination to the coastal plains and the Pacific Ocean during the coming years.
Water Resources Research | 2015
Minh-Hoang Le; Stéphane Cordier; Carine Lucas; Olivier Cerdan
Overland flow and soil erosion play an essential role in water quality and soil degradation. Such processes, involving the interactions between water flow and the bed sediment, are classically described by a well-established system coupling the shallow water equations and the Hairsine-Rose model. Numerical approximation of this coupled system requires advanced methods to preserve some important physical and mathematical properties; in particular the steady states and the positivity of both water depth and sediment concentration. Recently, finite volume schemes based on Roe’s solver have been proposed by Heng et al. (2009) and Kim et al. (2013) for one and twodimensional problems. In their approach, an additional and artificial restriction on the time step is required to guarantee the positivity of sediment concentration. This artificial condition can lead the computation to be costly when dealing with very shallow flow and wet/dry fronts. The main result of this paper is to propose a new and faster scheme for which only the CFL condition of the shallow water equations is sufficient to preserve the positivity of sediment concentration. In addition, the numerical procedure of the erosion part can be used with any well-balanced and positivity preserving scheme of the shallow water equations. The proposed method is tested on classical benchmarks and also on a realistic configuration.
Archive | 2014
Philippe Négrel; Corine Merly; Laurence Gourcy; Olivier Cerdan; Emmanuelle Petelet-Giraud; Martin Kralik; Gerard Klaver; Geert van Wirdum; Joop Vegter
This chapter presents and discusses the soil–sediment–river connections and summarises the pressures at the basin scale from their causes (natural and anthropogenic drivers) to their consequences (impacts on biophysical status). Nine important pressures on river basins are evidenced with respect to their temporal and spatial scale of occurrence and their impact on the river basin at the basin scale and concerns: erosion, sealing, compaction, hydromorphological changes, salinisation, contamination, changes in water quantity, acidification and reduction of soil organic matter. Each pressure can affect the biophysical status, and the simultaneous presence of pressures can have cumulative or compensatory impacts on biophysical status through propagation. Eight biophysical statuses were identified (concentration of chemicals, trophic status, biota status, buffering capacity, salinity, suspended matter and sediment, water level, morphology and pedology), and the pressures are described in this chapter in the sense of impacts on these biophysical status.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 2017
Caroline Chartin; Olivier Evrard; J. Patrick Laceby; Yuichi Onda; Catherine Ottlé; Irène Lefèvre; Olivier Cerdan
ABSTRACT: Sediment connectivity characterizes the physical transfer of sediment through different geomorphic compartments in catchments due to sediment detachment, transport and deposition. Quantifying and modelling sediment connectivity is therefore a key prerequisite to improving our understanding of the dispersion of particle‐borne contaminants, especially in catchments exposed to highly erosive climates. The objective of this study is to provide novel insights into typhoon impacts on sediment connectivity from hillslopes to rivers. The dispersion of particle‐bound caesium‐137 (137Cs) was investigated in two coastal catchments draining the main contamination plume from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Five sampling campaigns were carried out from November 2011 to November 2015, after each typhoon season. The spatial and temporal evolution of 137Cs contamination was investigated through the calculation of 137Cs enrichment ratios in sediment relative to nearby soils. Rainfall erosivity (EI30) associated with the main typhoons that occurred prior to each sampling campaign were computed, mapped, and finally used to improve a topographic‐based index of connectivity. From 2011 to 2015, mean contamination levels in Mano and Niida catchments decreased from 11.9 kBq kg−1 to 3.3 kBq kg−1 and from 34.1 kBq kg−1 to 8.0 kBq kg−1, respectively. Regional mean EI30 ranged from 262 MJ mm ha−1 h−1 for typhoon Jelawat (in 2012) to 1695 MJ mm ha−1 h−1 for typhoon Roke (in 2011). Typhoons Roke (2011) and Etau (2015) showed the highest connectivity from contaminated sources to the rivers, and induced a significant export of sediment to the ocean. In 2013 a slight increase in 137Cs levels in river sediments occurred, likely resulting from initial decontamination works and the occurrence of two consecutive typhoons. Importantly, this research provides new insights into the connectivity of the main sources of sediments contaminated with radiocaesium in Fukushima Prefecture and their temporal evolution, which will help with ongoing decontamination efforts. Copyright
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Marion Le Gall; Olivier Evrard; Anthony Foucher; J. Patrick Laceby; Sébastien Salvador-Blanes; François Thil; Arnaud Dapoigny; Irène Lefèvre; Olivier Cerdan; Sophie Ayrault
Soil erosion often supplies high sediment loads to rivers, degrading water quality and contributing to the siltation of reservoirs and lowland river channels. These impacts are exacerbated in agricultural catchments where modifications in land management and agricultural practices were shown to accelerate sediment supply. In this study, sediment sources were identified with a novel tracing approach combining cesium ((137)Cs) and strontium isotopes ((87)Sr/(86)Sr) in the Louroux pond, at the outlet of a lowland cultivated catchment (24km(2), Loire River basin, France) representative of drained agricultural areas of Northwestern Europe. Surface soil (n=36) and subsurface channel bank (n=17) samples were collected to characterize potential sources. Deposited sediment (n=41) was sampled across the entire surface of the pond to examine spatial variation in sediment deposits. In addition, a 1.10m sediment core was sampled in the middle of the pond to reconstruct source variations throughout time. (137)Cs was used to discriminate between surface and subsurface sources, whereas (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios discriminated between lithological sources. A distribution modeling approach quantified the relative contribution of these sources to the sampled sediment. Results indicate that surface sources contributed to the majority of pond (μ 82%, σ 1%) and core (μ 88%, σ 2%) sediment with elevated subsurface contributions modeled near specific sites close to the banks of the Louroux pond. Contributions of the lithological sources were well mixed in surface sediment across the pond (i.e., carbonate sediment contribution, μ 48%, σ 1% and non-carbonate sediment contribution, μ 52%, σ 3%) although there were significant variations of these source contributions modeled for the sediment core between 1955 and 2013. These fluctuations reflect both the progressive implementation of land consolidation schemes in the catchment and the eutrophication of the pond. This original sediment fingerprinting study demonstrates the potential of combining radionuclide and strontium isotopic geochemistry measurements to quantify sediment sources in cultivated catchments.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | 2015
Marie Rousseau; Olivier Cerdan; Olivier Delestre; Fabrice Dupros; François James; Stéphane Cordier
In the last decades, several physically based hydrological modeling approaches of various complexities have been developed that solve shallow water equations or their approximations using various numerical methods. Users of the model may not necessarily know the different hypotheses underlying these development and simplifications, and it might therefore be difficult to judge if a code is well adapted to their objectives and test case configurations. This paper aims to compare the predictive abilities of different models and evaluate potential gain by using an advanced numerical scheme for modeling runoff. Four different codes are presented, each based on either shallow water or kinematic wave equations, and using either the finite volume or finite difference method. These four numerical codes are compared with different test cases, allowing to emphasize their main strengths and weaknesses. Results show that, for relatively simple configurations, kinematic wave equations solved with the finite volume method represent an interesting option. Nevertheless, as it appears to be limited in case of discontinuous topography or strong spatial heterogeneities, for these cases they advise the use of shallow water equations solved with the finite volume method.
Scientific Reports | 2017
Marion Le Gall; Olivier Evrard; Anthony Foucher; J. Patrick Laceby; Sébastien Salvador-Blanes; Louis Manière; Irène Lefèvre; Olivier Cerdan; Sophie Ayrault
Soil erosion is recognized as one of the main processes of land degradation in agricultural areas. High suspended sediment loads, often generated from eroding agricultural landscapes, are known to degrade downstream environments. Accordingly, there is a need to understand soil erosion dynamics during flood events. Suspended sediment was therefore sampled in the river network and at tile drain outlets during five flood events in a lowland drained catchment in France. Source and sediment fallout radionuclide concentrations (7Be, 210Pbxs) were measured to quantify both the fraction of recently eroded particles transported during flood events and their residence time. Results indicate that the mean fraction of recently eroded sediment, estimated for the entire Louroux catchment, increased from 45 ± 20% to 80 ± 20% between December 2013 and February 2014, and from 65 ± 20% to 80 ± 20% in January 2016. These results demonstrate an initial flush of sediment previously accumulated in the river channel before the increasing supply of sediment recently eroded from the hillslopes during subsequent events. This research highlights the utility of coupling continuous river monitoring and fallout radionuclide measurements to increase our understanding of sediment dynamics and improve the management of soil and water resources in agricultural catchments.
International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution (ISELE), 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska | 2011
Olivier Cerdan; Jean-François Desprats; Julien Fouché; Yves Le Bissonnais; Bruno Cheviron; Vincent Simonneaux; Damien Raclot; Florent Mouillot
Hydric erosion is one of the major causes of soil degradation. In semi-arid areas, where the soil cover is already shallow, the consequences are often irreversible on a historical time scale. Global warming and the land use changes expected during the 21st century are going to influence the soils deterioration and the erosion processes. In order to protect the soil resource under the current bioclimatic context and prevent the future consequences, it is essential to apprehend the erosion risk. Many studies developed soil erosion risk modeling methodologies at various scales from regional to Continental scale. The MESOEROS project is the first which aims to understand the soil loss risk on the whole Mediterranean basin for the current climate context and also for the predicting climate changes expected for the 21st century. Two models are used: MESALES (expert rules model) and PESERA (physical based model). Both provide the soil erosion risk into five classes. Model inputs; soils properties (crusting and erodibility), climate data, DEM and land use data; come from homogenized regional datasets that cover the whole study area. After being calibrated with watersheds data and the PESERA modeling on Europe, the two modeling results are analyzed. MESALES estimates Italia, Andalusia, Catalan and Aragon regions, western part of Greece and Balkan region as threatened areas while PESERA models the arable region of Castellan y Leon, Near East and the high atlas range in Morocco as subjected to an erosion risk. The two methods model parts of northern Morocco, center and European part of Turkey, Lebanon and northern Portugal at risk while southern France, Libyan coasts and southern Greece are never threatened. Analyses of the parameter influences on the models and the modeling validation allow understanding the integration of climate change on modeling results. MESALES and PESERA point out an evolution of the soil erosion risk between the 20th and the 21st centuries around the Mediterranean basin. The two models assess a global augmentation of the soil loss risk at the Mediterranean scale. They both show an increase - in intensity and surface - of the soil erosion risk on areas already sensitive during the 20th century.
Journal of Hydrology | 2004
Olivier Cerdan; Y. Le Bissonnais; Gerard Govers; V. Lecomte; K. Van Oost; A. Couturier; C. King; N. Dubreuil