Orhan Hamamci
Dicle University
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Featured researches published by Orhan Hamamci.
Angle Orthodontist | 2007
Güvenç Başaran; Törün Özer; Nükhet Berk; Orhan Hamamci
OBJECTIVE To test the shear bond strength, surface characteristics, and fracture mode of brackets that are bonded to enamel etched with an erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser operated at different power outputs: 0.5 W, 1 W, and 2 W. MATERIALS AND METHODS Human premolars that had been extracted for orthodontic purposes were used. Enamel was etched with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser system operated at one of three power outputs or with orthophosphoric acid. RESULTS The shear bond strength associated with the 0.5-W laser irradiation was significantly less than the strengths obtained with the other irradiations. Both the 1-W and 2-W laser irradiations were capable of etching enamel in the same manner. This finding was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy examination. The evaluation of adhesive-remnant-index scores demonstrated no statistically significant difference in bond failure site among the groups, except for the 0.5-W laser-etched group. Generally, more adhesive was left on the enamel surface with laser irradiation than with acid etching. CONCLUSION The mean shear bond strength and enamel surface etching obtained with an Er,Cr: YSGG laser (operated at 1 W or 2 W for 15 seconds) is comparable to that obtained with acid etching.
Angle Orthodontist | 2006
Güvenç Başaran; Törün Özer; Filiz Acun Kaya; Abdurrahman Kaplan; Orhan Hamamci
Abstract Objective: To test whether interleukine 1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor–α (TNF-α) levels differ from each other in different treatment levels. Materials and Methods: Eighteen patients, nine female and nine male (aged 16–19 years; mean 17.4 ± 1.8 years), participated in this study. Each subject underwent a session on professional oral hygiene and received oral hygiene instructions. Two months later, a fixed orthodontic appliance was placed. The patients were seen at baseline, at days 7 and 21 and at the 3rd and 6th month as the leveling of the teeth occurred. Records of the baseline scores for the distalization forces were taken at the 6th month. Days 7 and 21 after 6 months of treatment were also recorded. Results: There were increases in the volume of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and in the concentrations of IL-1β and TNF-α. Conclusions: Leveling and distalization of the teeth evoke increases in both the IL-1 and TNF-α levels that can be detected in GCF.
Clinical Oral Investigations | 2015
Fundagül Bilgiç; Güvenç Başaran; Orhan Hamamci
ObjectivesPurpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Forsus Fatigue-Resistant Device (FRD) EZ and Andresen activator in terms of skeletal, dental, and soft tissue changes in actively growing patients presenting with class II, division 1 malocclusion.Materials and methodsStudy sample included 60 subjects. Inclusion criteria were as follows: class II division 1 malocclusion, retrognathic mandible, normal or low-angle growth pattern, and peak growth period. The first study group consisted of 20 patients who were treated with Forsus appliance, and the second group of 20 patients received treatment with Andresen activator. Control group received no treatment.ResultsOur results revealed that both appliances enhanced mandibular growth, helped increase the length of the mandible, and had a restraining growth effect on the maxilla. Anterior face height increased in both of treatment groups, whereas posterior face height had a significant increase in the activator group only. More mandibular incisors protrusion and intrusion were seen with the Forsus appliance. Moreover, occlusal plane and palatal plane rotated significantly in clockwise direction as a result of dentoalveolar changes only in the Forsus group.ConclusionsAs well as the Forsus appliances corrected class II discrepancies mostly through dentoalveolar changes as compared to the activator group, both appliances proved effective in the treatment of growing individuals having class II malocclusions with mandibular retrognathia.Clinical relevanceBy this investigation, two treatment methods, which are currently used in clinical practice, will be evaluated, and the results will be useful for clinicians.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2008
Seher Gündüz-Arslan; Filiz Acun Kaya; Hüseyin Arslan; Can Ayhan Kaya; Orhan Hamamci
OZET Osteoporozlu ratlarda ortodontik mudahale esnasinda diseti olugu sivisi (DOS) orneklerinde IL-1β seviyesini degerlendirmektir. 33 adet eriskin disi Spraque-Dawley rat 15 kontrol, 18 calisma grubu olarak rasgele iki gruba ayrildi. Calisma grubundaki ratlara osteoporoz olusturmak amaciyla bilateral overektomi yapildi. Kontrol grubundakilere de sham operasyonu yapildi. Operasyondan iki ay sonra ratlarin ust keserlerinin arasina bir acici zemberek 10 gr kuvvet uygulayacak sekilde ak-tive edilerek takildi. Aktivasyonun hemen akabinde, 3., 7. ve 10. gunlerinde apareyin uygulandigi dislerin vestibul yuzlerinden diseti olugu sivi ornekleri alindi. Sivilar biyokimyasal analizlerden gecirildi.Si-vilardan elde edilen degerlerin istatistiksel analizi Anova testiyle yapildi. Gruplar arasi degisimlerin degerlendirilmesi ise Mann Whitney U testi ile yapildi. IL-1β seviyesinin butun gruplarda 3. ve 7. gunlerde yuksek oldugu tespit edildi. Kontrol ve calisma grubu karsilastirmalarinda ise calisma gunleri arasinda her...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2006
Güvenç Başaran; Törün Özer; Orhan Hamamci
OZET Kranial taban acisi uzun zamandir or-todontistlerin ilgisini cekmektedir. Kranial taban acisinin fasial prognatizm ve malokluzyon siniflandirmasi uzerine etkisinin olup olmadigi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu calismada, kranial taban acisi ile kraniofasial yuz tipi arasindaki iliski degerlendirilmektedir. Calisma grubu 150 bireyi icermektedir ve hastalar malokluzyon gruplarina gore siniflandirilmislardir. Kayitlarda yas ve cinsiyet mumkun oldugu kadar eslestirilmistir. Grup ici farklarin tespitinde ANOVA testinden faydalanilmistir. Grup ortalamalari bagimsiz t testi ile degerlendirilmistir. Varyasyonlar arasindaki korelasyon degerleri ayrica dikkate alinmistir. Kranial taban acisinin malokluzyonu tanimlamada onemli bir belirleyici olmadigi saptanmistir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 2001
Semra (Şahin) Özer; Jalan Devecioğlu Kama; Sedat Baran; Orhan Hamamci
OZET: Bu arastirmada amac, dissel ve iskeletsel KI.I anomalili bireylerde dort birinci kucuk azi disi cekilip, modifiye Edgewise teknik ve servikal headgear kullanilarak kraniyofasiyal yapilar uzerinde olusabilecek degisiklikleri incelemektir. Arastirmamizin tedavi grubunu D.U. Dishekimligi Fakultesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalina basvuran 16 birey, kontrol grubunu ise Ankara Universitesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dali arsivinden alinan 10 birey olusturmaktadir. Sefalometrik filmler uzerinde 20 parametre kullanilarak yapilan olcumler sonucu veriler Student t testi ile karsilastirilmistir. Tedavi ile SNA acisinda, on ve arka yuz yuksekliklerinde, ust kesici ve molar alveoler yuksekliklerinde istatistiksel (p<0.01 ) olarak onemli degisiklikler oldugu gorulmustur.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1998
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Jalan Devecioğlu Kama; Dt. Mehmet Ali Yeşil; Orhan Hamamci
OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, cesitli anomali gruplarinda frontal sinus alani (mm2) ile sefalometrik olcumler arasindaki iliskilerin degerlendirilmesidir. Calismamizin materyalini, Ortodonti Anabilim Dalina tedavi icin basvuran Angle CI I, CI II ve CI III malokluzyona sahip 90 hasta olusturdu. Hastalar, prepubertal, pubertal ve postpuberal olarak 10 kisilik subgruplara ayrildi. Arastirma grubunu olusturan hastalardan, tedavi oncesi alinan lateral sefalometrik radyografilerde frontal sinus alani planimetre ile olculdu ve sefalometrik olcumlerle iliskisi korelasyon analizi ile degerlendirildi. Frontal sinus alani yas artisi ile orantili olarak artmaktadir. Frontal sinus alani ile ANB acisi arasinda CI I ve CI II grubunda butun gelisim periyotlarinda pozitif, CI III grubunda ise butun gelisim periyotlarinda negatif korelasyon gostermistir. Buyume ve gelisimin yonu ve miktari fonksiyonel ortopedik uygulamalar dusunuldugunde oldukca onemlidir. Kisisel buyume tahminiyle ilgili bircok yontem olmasina ragmen sonucla...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics | 1997
Semra (Şahin) Özer; Jalan Devecioğlu Kama; Orhan Hamamci; Osman DARl; Yusuf Çelik
OZET: Bu arastirmada yaslari 7-12 arasinda degisen 125 kiz, 125 erkek olmak uzere toplam 250 bireyin, Nolla ve Demirjian yontemleri kullanilarak dis yaslari tespit edilmistir. Ayrica bu yontemlerin kronolojik yasa ne kadar yakin olduklari bulunarak, yontemlerin guvenirlikleri iki es arasinda farkin onem testi ile karsilastinlmistir. Sonuc olarak, cinsiyet farki gozetildiginde, kiz cocuklarinda Nolla yonteminin, erkek cocuklarinda ise Demirjian yonteminin kronolojik yasa daha yakin oldugu bulunmustur. Cinsiyet farki gozetilmediginde ise toplumumuzda Demirjian yontemine gore saptanan dis yasinin kronolojik yasa daha yakin oldugu tespit edilmistir.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2006
Güvenç Başaran; Törün Özer; Filiz Acun Kaya; Orhan Hamamci
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine | 2007
Seher Giindiiz Arslan; Nezahat Akpolat; Jalan Devecioğlu Kama; Törün Özer; Orhan Hamamci