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Acta Ornithologica | 2011

Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe

Piotr Tryjanowski; Tibor Hartel; András Báldi; Paweł Szymański; Marcin Tobolka; Irina Herzon; Artur Goławski; Martin Konvička; Martin Hromada; Leszek Jerzak; Krzysztof Kujawa; Magdalena Lenda; Grzegorz Orłowski; Marek Panek; Piotr Skórka; Tim H. Sparks; Stanisław Tworek; Andrzej Wuczyński; Michał Żmihorski

Abstract. Birds are commonly used as an example of the strongly declining farmland biodiversity in Europe. The populations of many species have been shown to suffer from intensification of management, reduction of landscape heterogeneity, and habitat loss and fragmentation. These conditions particularly dominate farmland in the economically well developed countries of Western Europe. Currently, the farmland environment in Central-Eastern Europe is generally more extensive than in Western Europe and a larger proportion of people still live in rural areas; thus generating different conditions for birds living in agricultural areas. Furthermore, the quasi-subsistence farming in much of Central-Eastern Europe has resulted in agricultural landscapes that are generally more complex than those in Western Europe. To protect declining bird populations living in farmland, detailed knowledge on both species and communities is necessary. However, due to scientific tradition and availability of funding, the majority of studies have been carried out in Western Europe. In consequence this provokes a question: are findings obtained in western conditions useful to identify the fate of farmland bird biodiversity in Central-Eastern Europe? Therefore, the major goal of this paper is to highlight some local and regional differences in biodiversity patterns within EU farmland by comparing intensive agricultural landscapes with more extensive ones. More specifically, we aim to outline differences in agricultural landscapes and land use history in the two regions, use farmland birds to provide examples of the differences in species dynamics and species-habitat interactions between the two regions, and discuss possible social and ecological drivers of the differences in the context of biodiversity conservation. Factors governing spatio-temporal dynamics of farmland bird populations may differ in intensive and extensive landscapes as illustrated here using the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix and the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio as examples. The unevenness of farmland bird studies distribution across Europe was also presented. We call for more emphasis on pluralism in furthering both pan-European research on farmland bird ecology and conservation strategies. We also highlight some features specific to Central-Eastern Europe that merit consideration for the more efficient conservation of farmland birds and farmland biodiversity across Europe.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | 2012

Plant establishment and invasions: an increase in a seed disperser combined with land abandonment causes an invasion of the non-native walnut in Europe.

Magdalena Lenda; Piotr Skórka; Johannes M. H. Knops; Dawid Moroń; Stanisław Tworek; Michal Woyciechowski

Successful invasive species often are established for a long time period before increasing exponentially in abundance. This lag phase is one of the least understood phenomena of biological invasions. Plant invasions depend on three factors: a seed source, suitable habitat and a seed disperser. The non-native walnut, Juglans regia, has been planted for centuries in Central Europe but, until recently, has not spread beyond planted areas. However, in the past 20 years, we have observed a rapid increase in walnut abundance, specifically in abandoned agricultural fields. The dominant walnut disperser is the rook, Corvus frugilegus. During the past 50 years, rooks have increased in abundance and now commonly inhabit human settlements, where walnut trees are planted. Central Europe has, in the past few decades, experienced large-scale land abandonment. Walnut seeds dispersed into ploughed fields do not survive, but when cached into ploughed and then abandoned fields, they successfully establish. Rooks preferentially cache seeds in ploughed fields. Thus, land-use change combined with disperser changes can cause rapid increase of a non-native species, allowing it to become invasive. This may have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem. Thus, species that are non-native and not invasive can become invasive as habitats and dispersers change.

Journal of Ornithology | 2008

Habitat utilisation, feeding tactics and age related feeding efficiency in the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans

Piotr Skórka; Joanna D. Wójcik

The feeding behaviour of the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans was analysed in southern Poland in 2001. During the pre-breeding period, most birds foraged on a refuse dump and some foraged in a river valley. During incubation, similar numbers of birds foraged on fishponds, gravel pits and the refuse dump. During the chick-rearing period, fishponds were the most important foraging grounds. The foraging success of three main foraging tactics was analysed: digging on refuse, fishing and kleptoparasitism. We found that digging success was higher in juveniles than in immature or adult birds. However, older birds moved and ate more items per unit of time than juveniles, which indicates that older birds improved their energy gain simply by a higher speed of searching. The opposite was found for fishing success. As juvenile birds made fewer attempts than immature or adult birds, fishing success was higher in adults. Adults and immature birds interrupted more attacks than juveniles, which indicates that older birds were better able to assess the probability of fish catching than juveniles. Kleptoparasitism was observed almost exclusively on the refuse dump during the pre-breeding period. Young birds kleptoparasitised more frequently than adults, but they had a lower rate of success. However, the lower success in young birds was due to victim choice, rather than differences in flight skills. Young birds kleptoparasitised Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus and Jackdaws Corvus monedula more frequently than adults, but none of the attacks towards these species was successful. Generally, Caspian Gulls kleptoparasitised conspecifics more often than expected from species frequency. Only attacks towards conspecifics yielded any success.

Ecological Entomology | 2010

Local host ant specificity of Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius butterfly, an obligatory social parasite of Myrmica ants

Magdalena Witek; Piotr Nowicki; Ewa B. Śliwińska; Piotr Skórka; Josef Settele; Karsten Schönrogge; Michal Woyciechowski

1. Phengaris butterflies are obligatory social parasites of Myrmica ants. Early research suggested that there is a different Myrmica host species for each of the five European Phengaris social parasites, but more recent studies have shown that this was an oversimplification.

PLOS ONE | 2014

Railway Embankments as New Habitat for Pollinators in an Agricultural Landscape

Dawid Moroń; Piotr Skórka; Magdalena Lenda; Elżbieta Rożej-Pabijan; Marta Wantuch; Joanna Kajzer-Bonk; Waldemar Celary; Łukasz Emil Mielczarek; Piotr Tryjanowski

Pollinating insect populations, essential for maintaining wild plant diversity and agricultural productivity, rely on (semi)natural habitats. An increasing human population is encroaching upon and deteriorating pollinator habitats. Thus the population persistence of pollinating insects and their associated ecosystem services may depend upon on man-made novel habitats; however, their importance for ecosystem services is barely understood. We tested if man-made infrastructure (railway embankments) in an agricultural landscape establishes novel habitats that support large populations of pollinators (bees, butterflies, hoverflies) when compared to typical habitats for these insects, i.e., semi-natural grasslands. We also identified key environmental factors affecting the species richness and abundance of pollinators on embankments. Species richness and abundance of bees and butterflies were higher for railway embankments than for grasslands. The occurrence of bare (non-vegetated) ground on embankments positively affected bee species richness and abundance, but negatively affected butterfly populations. Species richness and abundance of butterflies positively depended on species richness of native plants on embankments, whereas bee species richness was positively affected by species richness of non-native flowering plants. The density of shrubs on embankments negatively affected the number of bee species and their abundance. Bee and hoverfly species richness were positively related to wood cover in a landscape surrounding embankments. This is the first study showing that railway embankments constitute valuable habitat for the conservation of pollinators in farmland. Specific conservation strategies involving embankments should focus on preventing habitat deterioration due to encroachment of dense shrubs and maintaining grassland vegetation with patches of bare ground.

Landscape Ecology | 2009

The use of metapopulation and optimal foraging theories to predict movement and foraging decisions of mobile animals in heterogeneous landscapes

Piotr Skórka; Magdalena Lenda; Rafał Martyka; Stanisław Tworek

Metapopulation and optimal foraging theories predict the presence of animals and their duration, respectively, in foraging patches. This paper examines use of these two theories to describe the movements and patterns of foraging in patches used by Caspian gulls (Laruscachinnans) at inland reservoirs during the chick-rearing period. We assumed that birds would move differently across diverse habitats, with some types of land cover less permeable than others, and some landscape features acting as corridors. We also expected larger and less isolated patches, and patches that were close to corridors, to have a higher probability of the presence of foraging birds, and that they would be more abundant, forage for a shorter time, and hunt smaller prey than in small, more isolated patches surrounded by barriers. Forests seem to be a much less permeable type of land cover, whereas rivers became corridors for Caspian gulls during foraging trips. Probability of bird presence was positively related to the size of foraging patches and negatively linked with distance to the nearest river, distance to the nearest foraging patch, and the presence of forests in the vicinity. The same factors significantly affected bird abundance. Contrary to expectations, the duration and success of foraging were not influenced by any variable we measured, suggesting that although larger patches contain a higher abundance of fish, their density and the probability of capturing prey were relatively stable among the various patches. However, gulls that foraged in more isolated ponds that were located further from the river and the colony, and also surrounded by forest, captured larger fish more often than birds that foraged near the colony in less-isolated patches. Pooling metapopulation and optimal foraging concepts seems to be valuable in describing patch use by foraging animals.

Journal of Applied Ecology | 2016

Villages and their old farmsteads are hot spots of bird diversity in agricultural landscapes

Zuzanna M. Rosin; Piotr Skórka; Tomas Pärt; Michał Żmihorski; Anna Ekner-Grzyb; Zbigniew Kwieciński; Piotr Tryjanowski

Summary To counteract the decline of farmland biodiversity in Europe, it is crucial to recognize habitats that are hot spots. Old rural settlements (e.g. villages) may be such important habitats, although these presumably biodiversity-rich habitats have received little attention. Socio-economic changes in central-eastern Europe since 1989 mean that old homesteads and farmsteads are being replaced by new ones. We investigated bird species composition, richness and abundance at three spatial scales (single rural property, village and landscape) in the farmland of Poland to test: (i) their association with age (built before vs. after 1989) and type of property (farmstead vs. homestead), (ii) their relationship with the increasing share of new homesteads at the village scale and (iii) the difference in diversity between the village environment and four other environments (open fields, forest–field ecotones, forests and towns) at the landscape scale. At the single property scale, 15 out of 33 species preferred old farmsteads, while only one species preferred new homesteads. Old properties hosted a higher number of species and individuals than new ones, and farmsteads hosted a higher number of species than homesteads. At the village scale, bird species richness and abundance were markedly negatively associated with the proportion of new homesteads. At the landscape scale, species composition differed between villages and the other environments, and villages had the highest average bird abundance. Synthesis and applications. Rural villages and old farmsteads are important habitats for many farmland birds; thus, the increasing number of new homesteads not associated with farmland production will likely lead to a substantial further decline of farmland bird numbers and biodiversity. To counteract this process, we recommend (i) implementing educational programmes to develop rural residents’ awareness about the importance of farmsteads and homesteads for biodiversity, (ii) including villages and farmsteads and consideration of bird-friendly habitats within these as part of EU conservation policies and (iii) compensating for changes in the structure of rural villages by increasing the amount of similar alternative habitats in the surrounding landscape.

Landscape Ecology | 2013

Different flight behaviour of the endangered scarce large blue butterfly Phengaris teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) within and outside its habitat patches

Piotr Skórka; Piotr Nowicki; Magdalena Lenda; Magdalena Witek; Ewa B. Śliwińska; Josef Settele; Michal Woyciechowski

Understanding individual movements in heterogeneous environments is central to predicting how landscape changes affect animal populations. An important but poorly understood phenomenon is behavioural response to habitat boundaries and the way animals cross inhospitable matrix surrounding habitat patches. Here, we analyze movement decisions, flight behaviour, and activity of the endangered scarce large blue Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius, focusing on the differences among the patterns observed in patch interior, at patch boundaries and within matrix. The probability of crossing an external patch boundary, regardless of the land use in the adjacent area, was considerably lower than crossing a ‘control line’ within patch interior. Movement distances, flight durations and net squared displacement were largest in matrix, while similarly smaller at patch boundaries and in patch interior. The distribution of angles between successive movements was clearly clustered around 0° (indicating flight in a straight line) in matrix and at patch boundaries, but not in patch interior. There were no differences in time spent on foraging, resting and ovipositing between patch interior and boundaries, but the first two activities rarely, and oviposition never, happened in matrix. Our results suggest that although P. teleius adults do not avoid using the resources located in the boundaries of habitat patches, they often return to the interior of the patches when crossing their boundaries. However, having entered the matrix the butterflies perform relatively long and straight flights. The estimated probability of emigration and net squared distance implies that the dispersal between local populations is common in this species in the studied area.

Ecological Research | 2013

Effects of management intensity and orchard features on bird communities in winter

Łukasz Myczko; Zuzanna M. Rosin; Piotr Skórka; Przemysław Wylegała; Marcin Tobolka; Monika Fliszkiewicz; Tadeusz Mizera; Piotr Tryjanowski

The knowledge and conservation of diminishing valuable habitats in agricultural landscapes are of key importance in saving declining farmland biodiversity. One of these habitats is the traditional orchard whose role in supporting birds is still poorly known, especially in winter. We counted birds in 106 orchards differing in management intensity (abandoned, traditional, and intensive) during December 2009 and January 2010 in Wielkopolska, western Poland and measured site characteristics and composition of surrounding landscapes for every orchard. Old abandoned and traditionally managed orchards had significantly higher bird species richness than intensive ones. Irrespective of orchard type, bird species richness as well as density were positively influenced by the cover of unmown herb layer in orchards and tree diversity. Tree and fruit densities positively affected bird species richness and density mainly in abandoned orchards while in other orchard types the effect of these variables was less pronounced. Land cover diversity in a landscape had a positive effect on species richness and density mostly in abandoned orchards and we believe that this effect reflects the elevated utilization of such orchards by birds from the surrounding landscape. Thus, abandoned, as well as traditionally managed orchards seems to be especially important habitats that offer food source and refuge for wintering birds and should be protected. We propose to diversify fruit production by planting various tree species, leaving part of the herb layer unmown and several trees unharvested in intensive orchards in order to improve suitability of modern orchards for birds.

Journal of Insect Conservation | 2012

Butterfly responses to environmental factors in fragmented calcareous grasslands

Zuzanna M. Rosin; Łukasz Myczko; Piotr Skórka; Magdalena Lenda; Dawid Moroń; Tim H. Sparks; Piotr Tryjanowski

Although there is much research showing a strong negative effect of habitat fragmentation and deterioration on the viability of different insect populations and on species richness, the effect of fragmentation is modified by other local and landscape factors. One of the most substantial gaps in knowledge is whether species are similar in their response to the same environmental factors and if their response mirrors response of the entire community. From the conservation point of view this knowledge is of primary importance in planning conservation actions, yet these studies are rare. In this paper we test the relative effects of habitat patch and landscape characteristics on butterflies inhabiting calcareous grasslands in southern Poland. Butterfly species richness and abundance were positively affected by patch size and wind shelter. In the case of species richness there was also a positive effect of plant species richness. Butterfly diversity was enhanced in wind sheltered patches, and commonness (non-rarity) enhanced by distance to buildings and by shorter vegetation. Multivariate analysis suggested differences in the responses of individual species to the examined environmental variables, with some species more responsive to patch size and shelter and others to sward height. The conservation of butterfly communities requires sensible and complex management to ensure high habitat diversity. The most important challenge for future studies on calcareous grasslands is to formulate a model of management that guarantees high species richness and conservation of each individual species.


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Piotr Tryjanowski

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

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Magdalena Lenda

Polish Academy of Sciences

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Dawid Moroń

Polish Academy of Sciences

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Zuzanna M. Rosin

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

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Joanna D. Wójcik

Polish Academy of Sciences

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Rafał Martyka

Polish Academy of Sciences

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Josef Settele

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

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