Purnama Hidayat
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Purnama Hidayat.
Journal of Tropical Ecology | 2010
Shahabuddin; Purnama Hidayat; Sjafrida Manuwoto; Woro A. Noerdjito; Teja Tscharntke; Christian H. Schulze
Dungbeetlesareafunctionallyimportantcomponentofmostterrestrialecosystems,butcommunitieschange with habitat disturbance and deforestation. In this study, we tested if dung beetle ensembles on dung of introduced cattleandoftheendemicanoa,asmallbuffalo,areaffecteddifferentiallybyhabitatdisturbance.Therefore,weexposed 10 pitfall traps, five baited with anoa and five baited with cattle dung, per site in six habitat types ranging from naturalandselectivelyloggedrainforesttothreetypesofagroforestrysystem(characterizedbydifferentmanagement intensity) and open areas (n = 4 replicate sites per habitat type) at the margin of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We found 28 species, 43% of which were endemic to Sulawesi. Species richness, abundance and biomass declined from natural forest towards open area. Large-bodied species appeared to be more sensitive to habitat disturbance and the ratio of large to small-sized dung beetles declined with land-use intensity. Although selectively logged forest and cocoa agroforestry systems had lower species richness compared with natural forest, they appearedtomaintainahighportionofspeciesoriginallyinhabitingforestsites.Thesimilarityofdungbeetleensembles recorded at forest and agroforestry sites reflects the high similarity of some habitat variables (e.g. vegetation structure and microclimate) between both habitat types compared with open areas. Species richness and abundances as well as species composition, which was characterized by decreases in mean body size, changed with land-use intensity, indicating that dung type is less important than habitat type for determining ensemble structure of these Indonesian dung beetles.
Florida Entomologist | 2016
William A. Overholt; Purnama Hidayat; Bruno Le Rü; Keiji Takasu; John A. Goolsby; Alex Racelis; A. Millie Burrell; Divina Amalin; Winnifred Agum; Mohamed Njaku; Beatrice Pallangyo; Patricia E. Klein; James P. Cuda
Abstract Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (L.) Palisot de Beauvois (Cyperales: Poaceae), is a serious invasive weed in the southeastern USA. Surveys for potential biological control agents of cogongrass were conducted in Asia and East Africa from 2013 to 2016. Several insect herbivores were found that may have restricted host ranges based on field collection data and life histories. Stemborers in the genus Acrapex (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were collected from cogongrass in Tanzania, Uganda, and Japan. In the Philippines, larvae of Emmalocera sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Chilo sp. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) were found boring in cogongrass. Cecidomyiid midges were found in both Japan and Indonesia. A Japanese midge identified as a Contarinia sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) caused deformation of the stem, whereas the Indonesian midge Orseolia javanica Kieffer & van Leeuwen-Reijinvaan (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) induced the formation of a basal stem gall. Previous research suggested that the host range of O. javanica was restricted to cogongrass.
International Journal of Environmental Studies | 2016
Peter Neerup Buhl; Purnama Hidayat
Platygaster orseoliae sp. n. is described from West Java, Indonesia, reared from Orseolia javanica on cogon grass, Imperata cylindrica, with information on the parasitism rate of P. orseoliae and of other parasitoid wasp species reared from O. javanica in connection with the present study. The affinities of P. orseoliae are discussed, and the rearing method is briefly described.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Yaherwandi; Syafrida Manuwoto; Damayanti Buchori; Purnama Hidayat; Lilik Budiprasetyo
Hymenoptera is one of the four largest insect order (the other three are Coleoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera). There are curerently over 115 000 described Hymenoptera species. It is clear that Hymenoptera is one of the major components of insect biodiversity. However, Hymenoptera biodiversity is affected by ecology, environment, and ecosystem management. In an agricultural areas, the spatial structure, habitat diversity, and habitat composition may vary from cleared landscapes to structurally rich landscape. Thus, it is very likely that such large-scale spatial patterns (landscape effects) may influence local biodiversity and ecological functions. Therefore, the objective of this research were to study diversity and configuration elements of agricultural landscapes at Cianjur Watershed with geographical information sytems (GIS) and its influence on Hymenoptera biodiversity. The structural differences between agricultural landscapes of Nyalindung, Gasol, and Selajambe were characterized by patch analyst with ArcView 3.2 of digital land use data. Results indicated that class of land uses of Cianjur Watershed landscape were housing, mixed gardens, talun and rice, vegetable, and corn fields. Landscape structure influenced the biodiversity of Hymenoptera. Species richness and the species diversity were higher in Nyalindung landscape compare to Gasol and Selajambe landscape.
Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat | 2016
Juliet M. Eva Mamahit; Syafrida Manuwoto; Purnama Hidayat; Sobir Sobir
Komponen utama minyak serai wangi adalah sitronela dan geraniol, yang memiliki sifat antibakteri dan antikapang, sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai pestisida nabati. Peneli-tian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya ham-bat formula minyak serai wangi (air + elmul-sifier + minyak serai wangi 1%) terhadap ka-pang kontaminan asal ekstrak dan buah merah segar ( Geotrichum sp , Fusarium culmorum, Ulocladium sp dan Fusarium sp) dan asal serbuk sambiloto ( Aspergillus flavus ). Peneli-tian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyakit Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik (Balittro), pada Desember 2007 sampai dengan April 2008. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 2 metode : (1) Metode zona penghambatan, de-ngan dosis perlakuan 20 µl, kapang uji adalah kapang kontaminan asal buah merah segar; (2) Metode cawan dengan pengenceran bertingkat, kapang uji A. flavus , dengan beberapa konsen-trasi formula minyak serai wangi (0; 2; 5 dan 10%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar sitronela dalam formula minyak serai wangi yang diuji sebesar 1,54%. Formula mi-nyak serai wangi yang diuji memiliki kemam-puan menghambat pertumbuhan Geotrichum sp , Fusarium culmorum, Ulocladium sp dan Fusarium sp. Persentase penghambatan per-tumbuhan sebesar 16,07-66,67% pada 7 hari setelah perlakuan, dengan persentase pengham-batan terendah pada kapang Fusarium sp dan tertinggi pada Ulocladium sp. A. flavus tidak mampu tumbuh pada konsentrasi formula minyak serai wangi sebesar 10%, sedangkan pada konsentrasi 2 dan 5% menghambat per-tumbuhan A. flavus dengan daya hambat se-besar 11,78 dan 13,85%, pada hari ke-5 setelah perlakuan.Penelitian minyak jahe merah, pala dan selasih terhadap H. antonii Sign. dilakukan di laboratorium Kelompok Peneliti Hama dan Penyakit, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Bogor sejak April sampai September 2005. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh minyak jahe merah, pala dan selasih terhadap H. antonii . Perlakuan minyak jahe merah, pala dan selasih masing-masing terdiri dari : 6; 3; 1,5; 0,75% dan 0% (kontrol). Apli-kasi dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu aplikasi pada serangga dan aplikasi pada pakan (men-timun). Infestasi H. antonii dewasa masing-masing perlakuan 10 ekor. Pengamatan dilaku-kan setiap hari dengan cara menghitung tingkat kematian H. antonii . Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 13 per-lakuan dan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menun-jukan bahwa : larutan minyak jahe merah dengan konsentrasi 6% efektif terhadap H. antonii sejak 6 hsa dengan tingkat mortalitas 83,33% dengan cara semprot serangga. Larutan minyak pala konsentrasi 6% efektif terhadap H. antonii pada 8 hsa dengan mortalitas 86,7% dengan cara semprot serangga. Larutan minyak selasih konsentrasi 6% juga efektif terhadap H. antonii sejak 5 hsa dengan mortalitas mencapai 80% dengan cara semprot serangga. Larutan minyak jahe merah dan pala konsentrasi 6% efektif tehadap H. antonii pada 8 hsa dengan tingkat mortalitas 96,67% dan 83,33% dengan cara semprot pada mentimun (pakan). Larutan minyak jahe merah, pala dan selasih diduga mempunyai peran sebagai insektisida nabati yang bersifat racun kontak.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan | 2015
Rahmini Rahmini; Purnama Hidayat; Endang Sri Ratna; I Wayan Winasa; Syafrida Manuwoto
The failure of a genotype to perform relatively the same in different environments is defined as the interaction Genotype x Environment (G x E interaction). The existence of G x E is often causing breeders facing difficulty to select superior genotypes to be tested further. Efforts to quantify the interaction between the average yields of genotype with environment can be done by parametric and nonparametric approaches. Experiments were conducted at 16 sites in dry season of 2008 and 2009. A total of 14 rice genotypes were tested using randomized complete block design. Combined analyses of variances of 16 sites showed highly significant effects of locations, genotypes, and genotypes x locations. Parametric stability analysis using the coefficient of variability (CVi) showed 6 lines (BP1808-1F-25, BP1352-1G-KN, IR76510-24-3, BP1178-2F-26, OM 5240, OM 1490) were stable. Based on parametric analysis of variance stability (Sv), however only 3 lines namely BP1808-1F-25, S4616-PN-7-3, and IR76510-24-3 were stable. Cultivar superiority method of parametric stability showed that BP1808-1F-25, OM 5240 and OM 1490 were stable, while OM4495 was stable based on Nassar and Huehn nonparametric methods. Results of Spearman’s correlation analysis showed that between CVi and Sv, and CVi and Pi were significantly correlated with r = 0.556, and r = 0.560, respectively. It indicated that those three stability parameters had equal strength for determining the stability of the lines or cultivars tested. Based on the three stability approaches BP1808-1F-25 was considered as stable line, while check cultivar Dodokan was unstable. Parametric stability was found more accurate than nonparametric ones, when assumption of the data distribution was fulfilled.Five rice hybrids (H40, H41, H45, H57, and H63) and three check varieties (Maro, Hipa3, and IR64) were tested for their yield stability and adaptability at 7 locations in Central Java during the dry season of 2005. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replications. Objectives of the research were to evaluate stability and adaptability of the rice hybrids at 7 locations in Central Java. Yield stability and adaptability were determined based on the stability model of Eberhart and Russel and the adaptability criteria of Finlay and Wilkinson. Results indicated that yield potential of the five rice hybrids varied greatly, ranging from 4.92 t/ha (H41) to 6.35 t/ha (H35). Four rice hybrids yielded 2.33-8.61% higher than did IR64. The yield performances of hybrids H40, H45, H57, and H63 were stable across locations. Hybrids H40, H57, and H63 adapted well in all environments. Hybrid H45 adapted only to an optimal growth environment, while H40 adapted to sub optimal areas.Rat is a major rice pest that can detect and smell feed odor better then other mammals. Rice plants at booting and milky stages are the most commonly attacked by rats. These may be due to the preference of the rat to volatile compounds available in the plants at both growth stages. Analysis of the volatile compounds was conducted at the Flavor Analysis Laboratory of the Indonesian Center of Rice Research (ICRR), Sukamandi, by a Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) using the Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) method. There were 54 volatile compounds identified from rice plants atbooting stage and 47 volatile compounds from that of milky stage. Descriptions of the volatile aromas contained in the rice plant at booting stage and milky stage were green, sweet, fatty, buttery, creamy, fruity, pungent sour, and beany.
Hayati Journal of Biosciences | 2006
Yaher Wandi; Syafrida Manuwoto; Damayanti Buchori; Purnama Hidayat; Lilik Budiprasetyo
A research has been conducted to optimize the rate of aeration and initial weight of cell aggregates in the production of ajmalicine in Catharanthus roseus cell culture in airlift bioreactor. Catharanthus roseus culture were grown in Zenk medium with the addition of 2.50 x 10 -6 M naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 10 -5 M benzyl amino purine (BAP). Cell aggregates were sub-cultured two times before transferring 20 and 30 g/fw of cell aggregates into bioreactor, respectively, and aerated with the rate of 0.25 l min -1 and 0.34 l min -1 , respectively. The pattern of ajmalicine production in bioreactor were observed in every three days within 24 days. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were conducted using HPLC connected to Cromatopac CL-7A Plus. The results showed that the cell aggregates and medium contain ajmalicine. The highest concentration was obtained in combination of 30 g/fw and 0.34 l min -1 aeration compare to 20 g/fw - 0.25 l min -1 , 20 g/fw - 0.34 l min -1 , as well as 30 g/fw A¢â‚¬â€œ 0.25 l min -1/sup>. The highest ajmalicine content in cell aggregates was obtained on the 12 days (79.23 A‚µg g - ) whilst in medium was obtained in the 18 thsup> days (981.15 A‚µg l - ). Key words: ajmalicine, cell aggregates culture, C. roseus, airlift bioreactorThe objectives of this experiment were to analyse physiological responses, such as oxidative burst reaction, peroxidase activity, and lignin content of healthy and S. rolfsii-infected peanut tissues. Differences in physiological responses among 24 peanut genotypes were determined, the disease severity was calculated and used to group resistance of tested genotypes. The regressions among observed peroxidase activity, lignin content and disease severity were used to determine the possible mechanisms of S. rolfsii resistance in peanut. Peanut seeds were grown in polybag and the growing plants were inoculated at the crown, stem, and leaf tissues. Results of the experiment indicated that infection of S. rolfsii in peanut did not induce oxidative burst. However, infection of the pathogen resulted in increased peroxidase activity and lignin content in the infected tissues. Regression analysis between peroxidase activity and disease severity showed negative slopes, indicating the more resistance the genotype, the more peroxidase activity in the tissue. Regression analysis between lignin content and disease severity was not significant. Key words: hypersensitive response (HR), resistance mechanisms, Sclerotium stem rot, disease response, Arachis hypogaeaHymenoptera is one of the four largest insect order (the other three are Coleoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera). There are curerently over 115 000 described Hymenoptera species. It is clear that Hymenoptera is one of the major components of insect biodiversity. However, Hymenoptera biodiversity is affected by ecology, environment, and ecosystem management. In an agricultural areas, the spatial structure, habitat diversity, and habitat composition may vary from cleared landscapes to structurally rich landscape. Thus, it is very likely that such large-scale spatial patterns (landscape effects) may influence local biodiversity and ecological functions. Therefore, the objective of this research were to study diversity and configuration elements of agricultural landscapes at Cianjur Watershed with geographical information sytems (GIS) and its influence on Hymenoptera biodiversity. The structural differences between agricultural landscapes of Nyalindung, Gasol, and Selajambe were characterized by patch analyst with ArcView 3.2 of digital land use data. Results indicated that class of land uses of Cianjur Watershed landscape were housing, mixed gardens, talun and rice, vegetable, and corn fields. Landscape structure influenced the biodiversity of Hymenoptera. Species richness and the species diversity were higher in Nyalindung landscape compare to Gasol and Selajambe landscape. Key words: diversity, Hymenoptera, landscape, watershed, GIS
Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology | 2002
Netti Yuliarti; Purnama Hidayat; Damayanti Buchori
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the differences of four Telenomus species and five populations of T. rowani from several locations in Java. Amplification of genomic DNA by using primer P2 (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) indicated that each Telenomus species had a unique set of RAPD bands. Two bands which characterized the genus are estimated to be 300 and 430 bp. Each species had three specific bright bands except T. dignoides which only had two specific bright bands. However, no bands are unique to any of the five populations of T. rowani and all of the bands are less than 500 base-pair. Cluster analysis using UPGMA (Unweighed Pair Group Method With Arithmatic Mean) showed that the four Telenomus species consist of two groups, T. rowani and T. remus in one cluster and T. dignus with T. dignoides belonging to another cluster.
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia | 2015
Rachmawati Rachmawati; Damayanti Buchori; Purnama Hidayat; Saurin Hem; Melta Rini Fahmi
Asian Myrmecology | 2015
Ratna Rubiana; Akhmad Rizali; Lisa H. Denmead; Winda Alamsari; Purnama Hidayat; Pudjianto; Dadan Hindayana; Yann Clough; Teja Tscharntke; Damayanti Buchori