Ralfo Matos
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Featured researches published by Ralfo Matos.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População | 2011
Carlos Lobo; Ralfo Matos
An understanding of the second half of the 20th century is essential to any analysis of the spatial distribution of the Brazilian population. As part of a nationwide process of urbanization and industrialization, a large part of the population and its economic activities moved to the country’s metropolitan areas in just a few years. This process resulted largely from the dynamics of internal migrations, but since the late 1970s a number of authors have posited the hypothesis of a reversal in the polarization in Brazil, as described in models applied in developed countries. It is true that recurrent controversies on the subject have brought to the fore expressions such as “reversion of polarization,” “concentrated deconcentration, and “polygonal development.” The main objective of this study is to appraise the current magnitude of the spatial dispersion of the Brazilian population, based on areas of influence that surround the country’s largest metropolitan regions, as defined by the Brazilian Census Office (IBGE). The research was based on the 1991 and the 2000 Demographic Censuses, which made it possible to identify the migratory flows of the population. In general, the results were inconclusive for all the regions of influence. Nonetheless, in the specific case of Sao Paulo, the data related to inventories and flows, associated with the dimension of distance, indicate intensification in the occupation of spaces beyond the official boundaries of the metropolitan regions. The increased emigration to the region of influence of Sao Paulo seems to confirm a type of “polynucleated dispersion” with clear signs of expansion within the region of influence. This would seem to suggest a strengthening of certain regional centers and greater dynamism of local economies
Cadernos Metrópole. | 2005
Ralfo Matos
O artigo procura refletir sobre o papel das grandes cidades na atualidade, valendo-se de aportes teoricos diversos e dados empiricos sobre pobreza, urbanizacao periferica e redistribuicao da populacao no espaco. Apoia-se em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar que junta as questoes urbanas contemporâneas com a historia das cidades, o planejamento urbano, a geografia, a demografia e a economia. Concentra-se na discussao sobre migracao e difusao da pobreza em grandes cidades, exemplificando com os casos das metropoles Sao Paulo e Belo Horizonte, e evolui para a discussao sobre estratificacao socioespacial e expansao de periferias, segregacao e exclusao, piora das condicoes de vida, situacao residencial das classes medias. Conclui observando que a grande cidade capitalista, mesmo internalizando conflitos, fragmentacao, dinamismo e estagnacao, pobreza e riqueza, mais acolhe populacoes de desvalidos do que expulsa.
Mercator | 2013
Ralfo Matos
Resumen pt: Esse estudo discute os fatores que explicam a fixacao de migrantes e nao-migrantes em cidades medias dinâmicas do Brasil atual. Considerados os fatores e...
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População | 2012
Ralfo Matos
The present analysis discusses the sociopolitical and territorial relations that cover the demographic dynamics, natural resources and exercising power at different historical moments. The reflections on contemporary China and its economic development as a strong consumer of natural resources is a parameter for establishing connections with other historical periods in which the combination of power, resources and population as a triad has always been present. Four historical periods are underscored: the passage from Pleistocene to Holocene; the flourishing of the Greek civilization; the 16th Century European restructuring; and the industrializing spurt as of the end of the 18th Century, which introduced a long period of European economic hegemony. Structures of political power, population, and of resources of survival and prominence are crucial in order to understand the organization of expansion projects led by European and non-European countries, especially beginning the 19th century, a moment in which rivalries and geopolitical interests became explosive and organized international labor divisions that reproduced themselves extensively. The analyses and examples described allow questioning if the expansionist ideary is not currently taking over new features, even if no longer exclusively territorialist. There is strong evidence that the grandiloquent collective memory rekindles ancient founding myths that value national identities in barely rational environments, in which the perspective of maximizing profits and opportunities is compelling.
Cadernos Metrópole. | 2010
Carlos Lobo; Ralfo Matos
Desde finais da decada de 1970, varios autores aventaram a hipotese de reversao da polarizacao no Brasil, como proposto pelos modelos aplicados nos paises desenvolvidos. Diante das controversias, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a magnitude da dispersao espacial da populacao nas Regioes de Influencia das principais metropoles brasileiras, definidas pelo IBGE. Foram utilizadas as bases dos ultimos Censos Demograficos e da Relacao Anual das Informacoes Sociais, a partir das quais foi possivel identificar os fluxos da populacao e da mao de obra ativa formal. Os resultados indicam a intensificacao na ocupacao dos espacos alem das Regioes Metropolitanas. No caso da metropole paulista, o crescimento desses deslocamentos para sua Regiao de Influencia direta parece confirmar uma especie de “dispersao polinucleada”.
Mercator | 2016
Ralfo Matos; Rodrigo Nunes Ferreira
Este estudio tiene como objetivo el analisis comparativo de los cambios en los niveles de ocupacion y de ingresos en las areas metropolitanas de los mercados de trabajo (RMS) de Nordeste y Sureste. Para ambos fueron discriminados poblaciones de los trabajadores migrantes y no migrantes residentes en los nucleos y periferias de las areas metropolitanas de Fortaleza y Recife en comparacion con los residentes de las regiones metropolitanas de Sao Paulo y Rio de Janeiro entre 2000 y 2010, de acuerdo con las clases de ingresos y la estratificacion de acuerdo la condicion de pobreza o extrema pobreza. Los resultados indican una mejora general de las condiciones de remuneracion de los trabajadores migrantes y no migrantes. A pesar de la aceleracion del proceso de urbanizacion en decadas hay evidencia de una mayor integracion profesional de los dos grupos de la poblacion, con la supremacia de los migrantes sobre los no migrantes en terminos de ingresos medios obtenidos en el trabajo de acuerdo a los datos del censo. La perspectiva que la expansion del empleo y los ingresos pueden beneficiarse las viviendas em las periferias metropolitanas no debe ser descuidado en los analisis posteriores que exploran otras caracteristicas de los hogares, sobre todo si hay continuidad de los beneficios de compensacion sostenida por coyunturas de crecimiento economico durante el decada actual.
REMHU : Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana | 2015
Weber Soares; Carlos Lobo; Ralfo Matos
Na formacao do territorio brasileiro, os fluxos migratorios internacionais e internos desempenharam papel central. Se as correntes de imigrantes oriundas da Africa e da Europa fomentaram as atividades economicas do passado; as novas ondas migratorias, a contar de meados do seculo XX, conformaram a dinâmica socioespacial brasileira mais recente. Ao lado de tradicionais destinos como o Japao e Estados Unidos, novos movimentos populacionais internos a America do Sul ganharam importância, incluindo os fluxos de entrada no territorio brasileiro. Em face dessa dinâmica migratoria, constitui objetivo principal deste trabalho o levantamento das diferentes nacionalidades dos imigrantes estrangeiros residentes no Brasil e a analise das diferencas na mobilidade espacial interna desses mesmos estrangeiros. De acordo com dados extraidos dos censos demograficos de 1991, 2000 e 2010, nota-se uma expressiva expansao do numero de estrangeiros naturais dos paises latino-americanos em terras brasileiras, em especial dos vizinhos do cone sul, e um significativo nivel de mobilidade espacial interna dos paraguaios e dos bolivianos.
Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território | 2013
Ralfo Matos
Esse artigo discute os fatores que explicam a fixacao de residentes em cidades medias dinâmicas do Brasil atual. Considerados os fatores Economico-sociais, Geoculturais e Culturais, pesquisa de campo realizada em 55 cidades de diferentes regioes concluiu, que os fatores culturais foram mais relevantes na maioria das cidades pesquisadas. As razoes destacadas pelos entrevistados indicam que “A pego a Familia, Vizinhanca e Tranquilidade” e um valor essencial assim como “Educacao, Saude e Servicos basicos”. Os fatores Economico-Sociais foram mais valorizados pelos habitantes do Sul e Sudeste brasileiros, enquanto os Geoculturais foram destacados por cerca de 20% dos respondentes. Os resultados sugerem a atencao das autoridades para itens como relacoes de vizinhanca, entretenimento e atrativos paisagisticos, elementos da subjetividade humana estudados ha muito tempo pela Geografia Cultural. http://dx.doi.org/10.17127/got/2013.3.006 Data de submissao: 2013-03-23 Data de aprovacao: 2013-06-11 Data de publicacao: 2013-06-30
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População | 2012
Ralfo Matos
The present analysis discusses the sociopolitical and territorial relations that cover the demographic dynamics, natural resources and exercising power at different historical moments. The reflections on contemporary China and its economic development as a strong consumer of natural resources is a parameter for establishing connections with other historical periods in which the combination of power, resources and population as a triad has always been present. Four historical periods are underscored: the passage from Pleistocene to Holocene; the flourishing of the Greek civilization; the 16th Century European restructuring; and the industrializing spurt as of the end of the 18th Century, which introduced a long period of European economic hegemony. Structures of political power, population, and of resources of survival and prominence are crucial in order to understand the organization of expansion projects led by European and non-European countries, especially beginning the 19th century, a moment in which rivalries and geopolitical interests became explosive and organized international labor divisions that reproduced themselves extensively. The analyses and examples described allow questioning if the expansionist ideary is not currently taking over new features, even if no longer exclusively territorialist. There is strong evidence that the grandiloquent collective memory rekindles ancient founding myths that value national identities in barely rational environments, in which the perspective of maximizing profits and opportunities is compelling.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População | 2012
Ralfo Matos
The present analysis discusses the sociopolitical and territorial relations that cover the demographic dynamics, natural resources and exercising power at different historical moments. The reflections on contemporary China and its economic development as a strong consumer of natural resources is a parameter for establishing connections with other historical periods in which the combination of power, resources and population as a triad has always been present. Four historical periods are underscored: the passage from Pleistocene to Holocene; the flourishing of the Greek civilization; the 16th Century European restructuring; and the industrializing spurt as of the end of the 18th Century, which introduced a long period of European economic hegemony. Structures of political power, population, and of resources of survival and prominence are crucial in order to understand the organization of expansion projects led by European and non-European countries, especially beginning the 19th century, a moment in which rivalries and geopolitical interests became explosive and organized international labor divisions that reproduced themselves extensively. The analyses and examples described allow questioning if the expansionist ideary is not currently taking over new features, even if no longer exclusively territorialist. There is strong evidence that the grandiloquent collective memory rekindles ancient founding myths that value national identities in barely rational environments, in which the perspective of maximizing profits and opportunities is compelling.