Richard G. Stanley
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Richard G. Stanley.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1989
Stephan A. Graham; Richard G. Stanley; J. V. Bent; J. B. Carter
Recently completed sedimentologic and petrologic studies of Oligocene and Miocene strata in the Temblor Range (San Joaquin basin) and Santa Cruz Mountains (La Honda basin) permit detailed reconstructions of paleogeography, as well as new estimates of displacement along the San Andreas fault. During the Oligocene and Miocene, the San Joaquin and La Honda basins were contiguous. The southwestern margin of the San Joaquin-La Honda basin was tectonically unstable and paleogeographically complex, with several small deep-sea fans fed by sediment derived from nearby subaerial uplifts of Franciscan and granitic basement. One of these deep-sea fans, represented by the Temblor Formation of the southern Temblor Range and the Vaqueros Sandstone of the central Santa Cruz Mountains, apparently has been displaced about 315 to 320 km by post-early Miocene (post-Zemorrian, about 23 Ma) right-lateral slip along the San Andreas fault. This new estimate of displacement places an additional constraint on interpretations of San Andreas slip history, but ambiguities remain. The time of initiation of San Andreas displacement is poorly known, and available data do not permit discrimination between a history of relatively continuous slip versus a history of episodic slip.
Journal of Sedimentary Research | 1981
Richard G. Stanley
ABSTRACT The Early and Middle Jurassic High Atlas sea extended as a marine trough across what is now the central and eastern portions of the High Atlas Mountains, southern Morocco. The sedimentary infilling of this sea is recorded by a thick sequence of limestones and marls punctuated by spectacular coral-algal reef horizons. A 1,200 m-thick section of Aalenian and Bajocian sediments near Rich, Morocco, was studied in detail to document the upward-shoaling, basin-to-reef transition. The lower 900 m of the section represents deeper-water deposition: it consists of monotonously interbedded, dark-hued marls and lime mudstones and wackestones that hear a pelagic fossil fauna, and scattered turbidites of lime grainstone. An overlying transitional sequence about 200 m thick records progressive shallowing, as shown by 1) increased fossil diversity and abundance, 2) an increase in algally micritized particles, 3) a change from a pelagic to a benthic shelled fauna, 4) an increase in limestone-to-marl ratio, and 5) the appearance of small bioherms with scleractinian coral framework. The sequence is capped by a 100 m-thick horizon of very fossiliferous limestones and superbly preserved coral-algal reefs that grew in shallow water. Several lines of evidence suggest that some of the reefs grew on submarine ridges that were uplifted by Middle Jurassic tectonic movements.
Geology | 1987
Richard G. Stanley
Studies of depth-related benthic foraminiferal biofacies permit the construction of paleobathymetric maps of the La Honda and San Joaquin basins of central California. These maps support the hypothesis that the La Honda and San Joaquin basins were contiguous during the late Oligocene and early Miocene and subsequently were separated by about 320–330 km of right-lateral displacement on the San Andreas fault. Furthermore, these estimates of displacement support the notion that right-lateral slip occurred along the San Andreas fault during the early Miocene.
Journal of Sedimentary Research | 1995
Ronald B. Cole; Richard G. Stanley
ABSTRACT The Plush Ranch Formation (upper Oligocene and lower Miocene) consists of more than 1800 m of nonmarine sedimentary and volcanic rocks that record the history of an extensional basin referred to here as the Plush Ranch basin. Distinctive depositional facies, provenance, and sediment transport directions along each basin margin suggest an asymmetric basin shape that is consistent with a half-graben origin. The northern basin margin consists of sandstone-dominated alluvial-plain deposits (0.1-1.5 m thick, normally graded, lenticular sandstone beds). Small deltaic sequences 1-2 m thick were formed where these alluvial systems flowed southward into a lake. Lenses of massive, boulder-rich granitic breccia that represent rockslide deposits derived from a nearby northern granitic provenance nterfinger with the alluvial-plain facies. In contrast to the northern margin, the southern basin margin is represented by coarse-grained fan-delta deposits. Matrix- and clast-supported lenticular conglomerate beds 0.2-5 m thick with interbedded trough-cross-bedded pebbly sandstone represent braided-stream and flood-flow and/or noncohesive debris-flow deposits of alluvial fans that drained a highland area to the south. The alluvial-fan deposits interfinger to the north with several types of subaqueous sediment-gravity-flow facies including turbidite sandstone beds and matrix-supported debris-flow conglomerate. Each of the basin-margin depositional systems grades basinward and to the east into lacustrine deposits that include organic-rich dark shale, evaporite, and limestone. The lacustrine deposits represent the central and eastern parts of the Plush Ranch basin, which received little coarse siliciclastic sediment. Basalt deposits that are at least 50 m thick in the west and thicken eastward are interbedded mainly with the lacustrine facies. The southern margin of the Plush Ranch basin formed along a north-dipping, normal-slip fault along which dip separation increased toward the southwest; the northern margin developed on the tilted hanging-wall block of this fault. This fault was later reactivated in post-middle Miocene time as the present left-lateral strike-slip Big Pine fault. The Plush Ranch is one of several extensional and transtensional basins that formed in southern California and western Arizona about 25-20 Ma as a response to the change from a convergent to a strikeslip tectonic regime along western North America.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1991
J.G. Vedder; Hugh McLean; Richard G. Stanley; Thomas J. Wiley
A small tract of heretofore-unrecognized Paleogene rocks lies about 30 km northeast of Santa Maria and 1 km southwest of the Sur-Nacimiento fault zone near upper Pine Creek. This poorly exposed assemblage of rocks is less than 50 m thick, lies unconformably on regionally distributed Upper Cretaceous submarine-fan deposits, and consists of three units: fossiliferous lower Eocene mudstone, Oligocene(?) conglomerate, and basaltic andesite that has a radiometric age of 26.6 ± 0.5 Ma. Both the sedimentary and igneous constituents in the Paleogene sequence are unlike those of known sequences on either side of the Sur-Nacimiento fault zone. Conventional paleogeographic restorations need to be modified to accommodate the conditions of deposition and emplacement represented by the three rock units. The Paleogene sedimentary rocks near upper Pine Creek presumably are remnants of formerly widespread early Eocene bathyal deposits and locally distributed Oligocene(?) fluvial deposits southwest of the fault zone. The 26.6 Ma basaltic andesite, however, may not have extended much beyond its present outcrops. Although the history, nature, and amount of pre-Miocene slip along the Sur-Nacimiento fault zone are not resolved, an episode of Oligocene(?) displacement is required by the contrast in thicknesses; depositional patterns, and paleobathymetry of the juxtaposed rock sequences.
Lithosphere | 2013
V.E. Langenheim; Robert C. Jachens; Russell Graymer; Joseph P. Colgan; Carl M. Wentworth; Richard G. Stanley
Estimates of the dip, depth extent, and amount of cumulative displacement along the major faults in the central California Coast Ranges are controversial. We use detailed aeromagnetic data to estimate these parameters for the San Gregorio–San Simeon–Hosgri and other faults. The recently acquired aeromagnetic data provide an areally consistent data set that crosses the onshore-offshore transition without disruption, which is particularly important for the mostly offshore San Gregorio–San Simeon–Hosgri fault. Our modeling, constrained by exposed geology and in some cases, drill-hole and seismic-reflection data, indicates that the San Gregorio–San Simeon–Hosgri and Reliz-Rinconada faults dip steeply throughout the seismogenic crust. Deviations from steep dips may result from local fault interactions, transfer of slip between faults, or overprinting by transpression since the late Miocene. Given that such faults are consistent with predominantly strike-slip displacement, we correlate geophysical anomalies offset by these faults to estimate cumulative displacements. We find a northward increase in right-lateral displacement along the San Gregorio–San Simeon–Hosgri fault that is mimicked by Quaternary slip rates. Although overall slip rates have decreased over the lifetime of the fault, the pattern of slip has not changed. Northward increase in right-lateral displacement is balanced in part by slip added by faults, such as the Reliz-Rinconada, Oceanic–West Huasna, and (speculatively) Santa Ynez River faults to the east.
International Geology Review | 1999
Robert J. McLaughlin; V. E. Langenheim; K. M. Schmidt; Robert C. Jachens; Richard G. Stanley; A.S. Jayko; Kristin McDougall; J. C. Tinsley; Zenon C. Valin
In the southern San Francisco Bay region of California, oblique dextral reverse faults that verge northeastward from the San Andreas fault experienced triggered slip during the 1989 M7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake. The role of these range-front thrusts in the evolution of the San Andreas fault system and the future seismic hazard that they may pose to the urban Santa Clara Valley are poorly understood. Based on recent geologic mapping and geophysical investigations, we propose that the range-front thrust system evolved in conjunction with development of the San Andreas fault system. In the early Miocene, the region was dominated by a system of northwestwardly propagating, basin-bounding, transtensional faults. Beginning as early as middle Miocene time, however, the transtensional faulting was superseded by transpressional NE-stepping thrust and reverse faults of the range-front thrust system. Age constraints on the thrust faults indicate that the locus of contraction has focused on the Monte Vista, Shannon, a...
Geosphere | 2016
Richard W. Saltus; Richard G. Stanley; Peter J. Haeussler; James V. Jones; Christopher J. Potter; Kristen A. Lewis
The Cenozoic Susitna basin lies within an enigmatic lowland surrounded by the Central Alaska Range, Western Alaska Range (including the Tordrillo Mountains), and Talkeetna Mountains in south-central Alaska. Some previous interpretations show normal faults as the defining structures of the basin (e.g., Kirschner, 1994). However, analysis of new and existing geophysical data shows predominantly (Late Oligocene to present) thrust and reverse fault geometries in the region, as previously proposed by Hackett (1978). A key example is the Beluga Mountain fault where a 50-mGal gravity gradient, caused by the density transition from the igneous bedrock of Beluga Mountain to the >4-km-thick Cenozoic sedimentary section of Susitna basin, spans a horizontal distance of ∼40 km and straddles the topographic front. The location and shape of the gravity gradient preclude a normal fault geometry; instead, it is best explained by a southwest-dipping thrust fault, with its leading edge located several kilometers to the northeast of the mountain front, concealed beneath the shallow glacial and fluvial cover deposits. Similar contractional fault relationships are observed for other basin-bounding and regional faults as well. Contractional structures are consistent with a regional shortening strain field inferred from differential offsets on the Denali and Castle Mountain right-lateral strike-slip fault systems.
Geosphere | 2015
V.E. Langenheim; Robert C. Jachens; Carl M. Wentworth; Russell Graymer; Richard G. Stanley; Robert J. McLaughlin; Robert W. Simpson; Robert A. Williams; David W. Andersen; David A. Ponce
The late Cenozoic stratigraphic and tectonic history of the Santa Clara Valley illustrates the dynamic nature of the North American–Pacific plate boundary and its effect on basin and landscape development. Prior to early Miocene time, the area that became Santa Clara Valley consisted of eroding Franciscan complex basement structurally interleaved in places with Coast Range ophiolite and Mesozoic Great Valley sequence, and locally overlapped by Paleogene strata. During early to middle Miocene time, this landscape was flooded by the sea and was deformed locally into deeper depressions such as the Cupertino Basin in the southwestern part of the valley. Marine deposition during the middle and late Miocene laid down thin deposits in shallow water and thick deeper-water deposits in the Cupertino Basin. During this sedimentation, the San Andreas fault system encroached into the valley, with most offset partitioned onto the San Andreas fault southwest of the valley and the southern Calaveras–Silver Creek–Hayward fault system in the northeastern part of the valley. A 6-km-wide right step between the Hayward and Silver Creek faults formed the 40-km-long Evergreen pull-apart basin along the northeastern margin of the valley, leaving a basement ridge between it and the Cupertino Basin. The Silver Creek fault was largely abandoned ca. 2.5 Ma in favor of a compressional left step between the Calaveras and Hayward fault, although some slip continued to at least mid-Quaternary time. Gravity, seismic, stratigraphic, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data indicate no other major San Andreas system faults within the central block between the present-day range-front faults bounding the valley and the Silver Creek fault. Sometime between 9 and 4 Ma (9 and 1 Ma for the central block), the area rose above sea level, and a regional surface of erosion was carved into the Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks. Alluvial gravels were deposited on this surface along the margins of the valley beginning ca. 4 Ma, but they may not have prograded onto the central block until ca. 1 Ma, because no older equivalents of the Pliocene–Quaternary Santa Clara gravels have been found there. Thus, either the central block was high enough relative to the surrounding areas that Santa Clara gravels were never deposited on it, or any Santa Clara gravels deposited there were stripped away before ca. 1 Ma. Analysis of alluvium on the central block implies a remarkably uniform, piston-like, subsidence of the valley of ∼0.4 mm/yr since ca. 0.8 Ma, possibly extending north to northern San Francisco Bay. Today, the central block continues to subside, the range-front reverse faults are active, and the major active faults of the San Andreas system are mostly outside the valley.
Archive | 2015
David L. LePain; Richard G. Stanley; Nina T. Harun; Kenneth P. Helmold; Rebekah Tsigonis
The Susitna basin is a poorly-understood Cenozoic successor basin immediately north of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska (Kirschner, 1994). The basin is bounded by the Castle Mountain fault and Cook Inlet basin on the south, the Talkeetna Mountains on the east, the Alaska Range on the north, and the Alaska–Aleutian Range on the west (fig. 2-1). The Cenozoic fill of the basin includes coal-bearing nonmarine rocks that are partly correlative with Paleogene strata in the Matanuska Valley and Paleogene and Neogene formations in Cook Inlet (Stanley and others, 2013, 2014). Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are present in widely-scattered uplifts in and around the margins of the basin; these rocks differ significantly from Mesozoic rocks in the forearc basin to the south. Mesozoic strata in the Susitna region were likely part of a remnant ocean basin that preceded the nonmarine Cenozoic basin (Trop and Ridgway, 2007). The presence of coal-bearing strata similar to units that are proven source rocks for microbial gas in Cook Inlet (Claypool and others, 1980) suggests the possibility of a similar system in the Susitna basin (Decker and others, 2012). In 2011 the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and Alaska Division of Oil and Gas, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey, initiated a study of the gas potential of the Susitna basin (Gillis and others, 2013). This report presents a preliminary summary of the results from 14 days of helicopter-supported field work completed in the basin in August 2014. The goals of this work were to continue the reconnaissance stratigraphic work begun in 2011 aimed at understanding reservoir and seal potential of Tertiary strata, characterize the gas source potential of coals, and examine Mesozoic strata for source and reservoir potential.