Richard L. Lindroth
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Featured researches published by Richard L. Lindroth.
Ecology | 2003
Thomas G. Whitham; William P. Young; Gregory D. Martinsen; Catherine A. Gehring; Jennifer A. Schweitzer; Stephen M. Shuster; Gina M. Wimp; Dylan G. Fischer; Joseph K. Bailey; Richard L. Lindroth; Scott A. Woolbright; Cheryl R. Kuske
We present evidence that the heritable genetic variation within individual species, especially dominant and keystone species, has community and ecosystem conse- quences. These consequences represent extended phenotypes, i.e., the effects of genes at levels higher than the population. Using diverse examples from microbes to vertebrates, we demonstrate that the extended phenotype can be traced from the individuals possessing the trait, to the community, and to ecosystem processes such as leaf litter decomposition and N mineralization. In our development of a community genetics perspective, we focus on intraspecific genetic variation because the extended phenotypes of these genes can be passed from one generation to the next, which provides a mechanism for heritability. In support of this view, common-garden experiments using synthetic crosses of a dominant tree show that their progeny tend to support arthropod communities that resemble those of their parents. We also argue that the combined interactions of extended phenotypes con- tribute to the among-community variance in the traits of individuals within communities. The genetic factors underlying this among-community variance in trait expression, partic- ularly those involving genetic interactions among species, constitute community heritability. These findings have diverse implications. (1) They provide a genetic framework for un- derstanding community structure and ecosystem processes. The effects of extended phe- notypes at these higher levels need not be diffuse; they may be direct or may act in relatively few steps, which enhances our ability to detect and predict their effects. (2) From a con- servation perspective, we introduce the concept of the minimum viable interacting popu- lation (MVIP), which represents the size of a population needed to maintain genetic diversity at levels required by other interacting species in the community. (3) Genotype 3 environ- ment interactions in dominant and keystone species can shift extended phenotypes to have unexpected consequences at community and ecosystem levels, an issue that is especially important as it relates to global change. (4) Documenting community heritability justifies a community genetics perspective and is an essential first step in demonstrating community evolution. (5) Community genetics requires and promotes an integrative approach, from genes to ecosystems, that is necessary for the marriage of ecology and genetics. Few studies span from genes to ecosystems, but such integration is probably essential for understanding the natural world.
Ecology | 1993
Richard L. Lindroth; Karl K. Kinney; Cynthia L. Platz
Although rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are expected to directly affect forest ecosystems, little is known of how specific ecological interactions will be modified. This research evaluated the effects of enriched CO2 on the productivity and phytochemistry of forest trees and performance of associated insects. Our experimental system consisted of three tree species (quaking aspen (Populus tre- muloides), red oak (Quercus rubra), sugar maple (Acer saccharum)) that span a range from fast to slow growing, and two species of leaf-feeding insects (gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria)). Carbon-nutrient balance theory provided a framework for tests of three hypoth- eses; in response to enriched CO2: (1) relative increases in tree growth rates will be greatest for aspen and least for maple, (2) relative decreases in protein and increases in carbon-based compounds will be greatest for aspen and least for maple, and (3) relative reductions in performance will be greatest for insects fed aspen and least for insects fed maple. We grew 1-yr-old seedlings for 60 d under ambient (385 ? 5 AL/ L) or elevated (642 ? 2 pL/L) CO2 regimes at the University of Wisconsin Biotron. After 50 d, we conducted feeding trials with penultimate-instar gypsy moth and forest tent caterpillars. After 60 d, a second set of trees was harvested and partitioned into root, stem, and leaf tissues. We subsequently analyzed leaf material for a variety of compounds known to affect performance of insect herbivores. In terms of actual dry-matter production, aspen responded the most to enriched CO2 atmospheres whereas maple responded the least. Proportional growth increases (relative to ambient plants), however, were highest for oak and least for maple. Effects of elevated CO2 on biomass allocation patterns differed among the three species; root-to-shoot ratios increased in aspen, decreased in oak, and did not change in maple. Enriched CO2 altered concentrations of primary and secondary metabolites in leaves, but the magnitude and direction of effects were species-specific. Aspen showed the largest change in storage carbon compounds (starch), whereas maple experienced the largest change in defensive carbon compounds (con- densed and hydrolyzable tannins). Consumption rates of insects fed high-CO2 aspen increased dramatically, but growth rates declined. The two species of insects differed in response to oak and maple grown under enriched CO2. Gypsy moths grew better on high-CO2 oak, whereas forest tent caterpillars were unaffected; tent caterpillars tended to grow less on high-CO2 maple, whereas gypsy moths were unaffected. Changes in insect performance parameters were related to changes in foliar chemistry. Responses of plants and insects agreed with some, but not all, of the predictions of carbon-nutrient balance theory. This study illustrates that tree productivity and chemistry, and the performance of associated insects, will change under CO2 atmospheres predicted for the next century. Changes in higher level ecological processes, such as community structure and nutrient cycling, are also implicated.
Nature | 2002
Kevin E. Percy; Caroline S. Awmack; Richard L. Lindroth; Mark E. Kubiske; Brian J. Kopper; Jud G. Isebrands; Kurt S. Pregitzer; George R. Hendrey; Richard E. Dickson; Donald R. Zak; Elina Oksanen; Jaak Sober; R. Harrington; David F. Karnosky
Human activity causes increasing background concentrations of the greenhouse gases CO2 and O3. Increased levels of CO2 can be found in all terrestrial ecosystems. Damaging O3 concentrations currently occur over 29% of the worlds temperate and subpolar forests but are predicted to affect fully 60% by 2100 (ref. 3). Although individual effects of CO2 and O3 on vegetation have been widely investigated, very little is known about their interaction, and long-term studies on mature trees and higher trophic levels are extremely rare. Here we present evidence from the most widely distributed North American tree species, Populus tremuloides, showing that CO2 and O3, singly and in combination, affected productivity, physical and chemical leaf defences and, because of changes in plant quality, insect and disease populations. Our data show that feedbacks to plant growth from changes induced by CO2 and O3 in plant quality and pest performance are likely. Assessments of global change effects on forest ecosystems must therefore consider the interacting effects of CO2 and O3 on plant performance, as well as the implications of increased pest activity.
Oecologia | 1997
Shaw-Yhi Hwang; Richard L. Lindroth
Abstract Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) exhibits striking intraspecific variation in concentrations of phenolic glycosides, compounds that play important roles in mediating interactions with herbivorous insects. This research was conducted to assess the contribution of genetic variation to overall phenotypic variation in aspen chemistry and interactions with gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) and forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria). Thirteen aspen clones were propagated from field-collected root material. Insect performance assays, measuring survival, development, growth, and food utilization indices, were conducted with second and/or fourth instars. Leaf samples were assayed for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, condensed tannins, and phenolic glycosides. Results showed substantial among-clone variation in the performance of both insect species. Chemical analyses revealed significant among-clone variation in all foliar constituents and that variation in allelochemical contents differed more than variation in primary metabolites. Regression analyses indicated that phenolic glycosides were the dominant factor responsible for among-clone variation in insect performance. We also found significant genetic trade-offs between growth and defense among aspen clones. Our results suggest that genetic factors are likely responsible for much of the tremendous phenotypic variation in secondary chemistry exhibited by aspen, and that the genetic structure of aspen populations may play important roles in the evolution of interactions with phytophagous insects.
Journal of Chemical Ecology | 2001
Tod L. Osier; Richard L. Lindroth
Genetic and environmental variability, and their interactions, influence phytochemical composition and, in turn, herbivore performance. We evaluated the independent and interactive effects of plant genotype, nutrient availability, and defoliation on the foliar chemistry of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and consequences for performance of gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar). Saplings of four genotypes were grown under two conditions of nutrient availability and subjected to three levels of artificial defoliation. Concentrations of all secondary and primary metabolites evaluated responded to at least one or more of the experimental treatments. Of the secondary metabolites, phenolic glycosides were affected strongly by genotype, less so by nutrient availability, and not induced by defoliation. Condensed tannins were strongly dependent upon genotype, soil nutrient availability, and their interaction, and, in contrast to phenolic glycosides, were induced by artificial defoliation. Of the primary metabolites, foliar nitrogen was affected by genotype and soil nutrient availability. Starch concentrations were affected by genotype, nutrient availability, defoliation and interactions among these factors. Foliar water content responded to genotype, nutrient availability, and defoliation, and the effect of nutrient availability depended on genotype. Herbivore performance on these plants was strongly influenced by plant genotype and soil nutrient availability, but much less so by defoliation. Although several of the compound types (condensed tannins, starch, and water) responded to defoliation, quantitative variation in these compounds did not contribute to substantive changes in herbivore performance. Rather, the primary source of variation in insect performance was due to plant genotype (phenolic glycoside levels), while nutrient availability (foliar nitrogen levels) was of secondary importance. These results suggest that genetic variation in aspen plays a major role in determining patterns of insect performance, whereas environmental variation, such as was tested, here is of negligible importance.
Journal of Chemical Ecology | 2010
Richard L. Lindroth
Prominent among the many factors now affecting the sustainability of forest ecosystems are anthropogenically-generated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3). CO2 is the substrate for photosynthesis and thus can accelerate tree growth, whereas O3 is a highly reactive oxygen species and interferes with basic physiological functions. This review summarizes the impacts of CO2 and O3 on tree chemical composition and highlights the consequences thereof for trophic interactions and ecosystem dynamics. CO2 and O3 influence phytochemical composition by altering substrate availability and biochemical/physiological processes such as photosynthesis and defense signaling pathways. Growth of trees under enriched CO2 generally leads to an increase in the C/N ratio, due to a decline in foliar nitrogen and concomitant increases in carbohydrates and phenolics. Terpenoid levels generally are not affected by atmospheric CO2 concentration. O3 triggers up-regulation of antioxidant defense pathways, leading to the production of simple phenolics and flavonoids (more so in angiosperms than gymnosperms). Tannins levels generally are unaffected, while terpenoids exhibit variable responses. In combination, CO2 and O3 exert both additive and interactive effects on tree chemical composition. CO2-and O3-mediated changes in plant chemistry influence host selection, individual performance (development, growth, reproduction), and population densities of herbivores (primarily phytophagous insects) and soil invertebrates. These changes can effect shifts in the amount and temporal pattern of forest canopy damage and organic substrate deposition. Decomposition rates of leaf litter produced under elevated CO2 and O3 may or may not be altered, and can respond to both the independent and interactive effects of the pollutants. Overall, however, CO2 and O3 effects on decomposition will be influenced more by their impacts on the quantity, rather than quality, of litter produced. A prominent theme to emerge from this and related reviews is that the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on plant chemistry and ecological interactions are highly context- and species-specific, thus frustrating attempts to identify general, global patterns. Many of the interactions that govern above- and below-ground community and ecosystem processes are chemically mediated, ultimately influencing terrestrial carbon sequestration and feeding back to influence atmospheric composition. Thus, the discipline of chemical ecology is fundamentally important for elucidating the impacts of humans on the health and sustainability of forest ecosystems. Future research should seek to increase the diversity of natural products, species, and biomes studied; incorporate long-term, multi-factor experiments; and employ a comprehensive “genes to ecosystems” perspective that couples genetic/genomic tools with the approaches of evolutionary and ecosystem ecology.
Oecologia | 1995
Jocelyn D.C. Hemming; Richard L. Lindroth
Individual quaking aspen trees vary greatly in foliar chemistry and susceptibility to defoliation by gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars. To relate performance of these insects to differences in foliar chemistry, we reared larvac from egg hatch to pupation on leaves from different aspen trees and analyzed leaf samples for water, nitrogen, total nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolic glycosides, and condensed tannins. Larval performance varied markedly among trees. Pupal weights of both species were strongly and inversely related to phenolic glycoside concentrations. In addition, gypsy moth performance was positively related to condensed tannin concentrations, whereas forest tent caterpillar pupal weights were positively associated with leaf nitrogen concentrations. A subsequent study with larvae fed aspen leaves supplemented with the phenolic glycoside tremulacin confirmed that the compound reduces larval performance. Larvae exhibited increased stadium durations and decreased relative growth rates and food conversion efficiencies as dietary levels of tremulacin increased. Differences in performance were more pronounced for gypsy moths than for forest tent caterpillars. These results suggest that intraspecific variation in defensive chemistry may strongly mediate interactions between aspen, gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillars in the Great Lakes region, and may account for differential defoliation of aspen by these two insect species.
Ecology | 1988
Richard L. Lindroth; J. Mark Scriber; M.T.Stephen Hsia
Subspecies of the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly exhibit striking differ- ences in their ability to use quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and other members of the Salicaceae as larval host plants. Papilio glaucus canadensis survives and grows well on aspen, whereas Papilio glaucus glaucus does not. In earlier studies we isolated a crude fraction of aspen compounds that exhibited activity against P. g. glaucus and identified the components as a suite of four phenolic glycosides (salicin, salicortin, tremuloidin, and tremulacin). This study was designed to identify the specific phenolic glycosides, or inter- actions among glycosides, responsible for the differential abilities of Papilio subspecies to utilize quaking aspen. We bioassayed the glycosides individually and in combination against both Papilio subspecies, using neonate survival trials and fourth-instar feeding trials. None of the compounds or combinations of compounds negatively affected the survival, growth, consumption rates, or digestibility/conversion efficiencies of P. g. canadensis, or 72-h survival rates of P. g. glaucus. Salicortin and tremulacin significantly increased fourth- instar duration and decreased growth rates for P. g. glaucus, primarily by reducing con- sumption rates. Salicin and tremuloidin showed no negative effects. Combinations of gly- cosides containing salicortin and tremulacin decreased larval survival and dramatically lowered growth rates by decreasing both consumption rates and food conversion efficiencies. Observations of treated larvae indicated that these glycosides may have caused gut lesions. The active component of salicortin and tremulacin is a cyclohexenone saligenin ester, and its activity is synergized in tremulacin by the presence of a benzoyl ester on the same molecule. We propose that differences in the susceptibilities of P. g. canadensis and P. g. glaucus to the active phenolic glycosides are due to differences in activity of their carbox- ylesterase detoxication systems.
Ecosystems | 2008
Jennifer A. Schweitzer; Michael D. Madritch; Joseph K. Bailey; Carri J. LeRoy; Dylan G. Fischer; Brian J. Rehill; Richard L. Lindroth; Ann E. Hagerman; Stuart C. Wooley; Stephen C. Hart; Thomas G. Whitham
Research that connects ecosystem processes to genetic mechanisms has recently gained significant ground, yet actual studies that span the levels of organization from genes to ecosystems are extraordinarily rare. Utilizing foundation species from the genus Populus, in which the role of condensed tannins (CT) has been investigated aboveground, belowground, and in adjacent streams, we examine the diverse mechanisms for the expression of CT and the ecological consequences of CT for forests and streams. The wealth of data from this genus highlights the importance of form and function of CT in large-scale and long-term ecosystem processes and demonstrates the following four patterns: (1) plant-specific concentration of CT varies as much as fourfold among species and individual genotypes; (2) large within-plant variation in CT occurs due to ontogenetic stages (that is, juvenile and mature), tissue types (that is, leaves versus twigs) and phenotypic plasticity in response to the environment; (3) CT have little consistent effect on plant–herbivore interactions, excepting organisms utilizing woody tissues (that is, fungal endophytes and beaver), however; (4) CT in plants consistently slow rates of leaf litter decomposition (aquatic and terrestrial), alter the composition of heterotrophic soil communities (and some aquatic communities) and reduce nutrient availability in terrestrial ecosystems. Taken together, these data suggest that CT may play an underappreciated adaptive role in regulating nutrient dynamics in ecosystems. These results also demonstrate that a holistic perspective from genes-to-ecosystems is a powerful approach for elucidating complex ecological interactions and their evolutionary implications.
Oecologia | 2003
M. Kim Holton; Richard L. Lindroth; Erik V. Nordheim
This study examined the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)-, ozone (O3)-, and genotype-mediated changes in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) chemistry on performance of the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) and its dipteran parasitoid (Compsilura concinnata) at the Aspen Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) site. Parasitized and non-parasitized forest tent caterpillars were reared on two aspen genotypes under elevated levels of CO2 and O3, alone and in combination. Foliage was collected for determination of the chemical composition of leaves fed upon by forest tent caterpillars during the period of endoparasitoid larval development. Elevated CO2 decreased nitrogen levels but had no effect on concentrations of carbon-based compounds. In contrast, elevated O3 decreased nitrogen and phenolic glycoside levels, but increased concentrations of starch and condensed tannins. Foliar chemistry also differed between aspen genotypes. CO2, O3, genotype, and their interactions altered forest tent caterpillar performance, and differentially so between sexes. In general, enriched CO2 had little effect on forest tent caterpillar performance under ambient O3, but reduced performance (for insects on one aspen genotype) under elevated O3. Conversely, elevated O3 improved forest tent caterpillar performance under ambient, but not elevated, CO2. Parasitoid larval survivorship decreased under elevated O3, depending upon levels of CO2 and aspen genotype. Additionally, larval performance and masses of mature female parasitoids differed between aspen genotypes. These results suggest that host-parasitoid interactions in forest systems may be altered by atmospheric conditions anticipated for the future, and that the degree of change may be influenced by plant genotype.