Rita Nurmalina
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Rita Nurmalina.
Dwi Apriyani; Rita Nurmalina; Burhanuddin Burhanuddin
. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of organic vegetable supply chains in each member chain to determine the direction of improvement in the fulfillment of consumer needs optimally. The performance of supply chains at the farm level will be differentiated by individuals and commodities. The analytical method used is the Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR) model taking into account the internal and external attributes. The primary data used is taken through observation and interview process, meanwhile secondary data obtained from related institutions. The results of measuring the performance of organic vegetable supply chains at all levels of the responsiveness and flexibility attributes have achieved the superior performance position. Meanwhile, the value of organic vegetable supply chain performance on asset attributes at the farm level only reaches a good position. But at the corporate level has reached the best performance position (superior). In general, the performance of the organic vegetable supply chain on the cost attribute still has not achieved good performance. So there is the need for improvement efforts through minimization of cost in each supply chain activity to improve performance.
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian | 2014
Farid Fitriadi; Rita Nurmalina
Analysis on Maize Marketing and Farmer Purchasing Power in Takalar Regency South Sulawesi. Agricultural development is very important as an activator of the national economy. Domestic resources need to be empowered to improve the welfare of farmer communities. The empowerment offers problems and opportunities. South Sulawesi is one of prominent maize production centers and one region that can become a maize production center is Takalar Regency. This research was conducted from June to October 2006 at Parasangan Beru Village and Bonto Lebang Village, North Galesong Sub-district in Takalar Regency. The research result shows that Takalar Regency area has potency for maize development. This is supported by natural and farmer resources, and the potency of Takalar Regency as a support of a metropolitan city (the marketing potency for agricultural products). The price of maize at the farmer level is feasible, this is reflected by the analysis research on price determination through the determination on the selling price cost. The welfare level of farmers (especially those with corn base) reaches a sufficiently good welfare level as it reaches an average of 2.57. Furthermore, the average net income of a farmer household reaches Rp.10,440,400/year. Key words: Make, purchasing capacity, marketing. Pembangunan pertanian sangat penting sebagai motor penggerak ekonomi nasional. Sumberdaya domestik perlu diberdayakan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat petani. Pemberdayaan tersebut memberikan dampak masalah dan peluang. Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu sentra produksi jagung yang menonjol, salah satu daerah yang bisa dijadikan sentra produksi jagung adalah wilayah Kabupaten Takalar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni hingga Oktober 2006 di Desa Parasangan Beru dan Desa Bonto Lebang Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Wilayah Kabupaten Takalar mempunyai potensi untuk pengembangan jagung. Hal ini didukung sumberdaya alam, sumberdaya petani, dan potensi Kab. Takalar sebagai penyangga kota metropolitan (potensi pangsa pasar produk pertanian). Harga jagung yang berlaku di tingkat petani sudah layak, hal ini tercermin dari hasil analisis penentuan harga melalui penentuan harga pokok penjualan. Tingkat kesejahteraan petani (khususnya berbasis jagung ) mencapai tingkat kesejahteraan yang cukup bail karena mencapai rataan 2,57. selain itu juga rataan tingkat pendapatan bersih rumah tangga petani mencapai Rp.10.440.400/tahun. Kata kunci: Jagung, daya beli, pemasaranThe Performance of Carrot (Daucus carrota L) Farming (a case study in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province). Approaching the era of globalization, the government is demanded to improve the performance of vegetable farming to be more competitive in both domestic and international markets. This study was conducted in 2005 in West Java. The objectives of the study were: (a) to identify the characteristics of carrot farmers, (b) to identify cultivation practices, (c) to analyze the economic feasibility of carrot farm, and (d) to describe the marketing channels, margin and price share received by farmers. The results show that the farmers characteristics were sufficiently good in the aspects of age, education and participation in trainings, but some aspects were still weak such as small farm size (0.44 ha/farmer) and 22.2 % of farmers of hired status. Vegetable farm required a cost of Rp.28.8 million, a gross income of Rp.53.4 million and a net income of Rp.25.4 million/ha/year. It was suitable economically with B/C ratio of 1.89. The main problem in the production was selling price uncertainty, so that the farmers were unsure to implement the recommended technologies, especially the application of fertilizers. There were three channels in marketing carrots from farmers to consumers, i.e. (1) farmer, collector trader, whole trader, central market, traditional market, consumer; (2) farmer, collector trader, Sub terminal agribusiness (STA), central market, traditional market, consumer and (3) farmer, collector trader, supplier, super market, consumer. The farmers sold the carrot product through the first channel (76.6%), the second channel (13.3%) and the third channel (10.1%). The first and the second channels gave farmers share of 49.3%, marketing cost of Rp.172 and a marketing profit of Rp.370/kg. While the third cannel gave farmers share of 20.9%, marketing cost of Rp.300 and marketing profit of Rp.553/kg. The central market was the referee market, the price offered by the central market would be used as the standard to determine the purchasing price by the preceding market institutions until the farmers. Up till now, the selling prices of vegetables are very fluctuated and unpredictable causing the farmers to be doubtful to implement the technologies advised by the government to maintain the balance of supply and demand in the central market so the farmers can obtain selling price certainty. Key words: carrot, farm performance, West Java. Dalam menyongsong era globalisasi, pemerintah dituntut meningkatkan kinerja usahatani sayuran agar lebih kompetitif baik di tingkat pasar domestik maupun pasar intemasional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tahun 2005 di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian adalah; (a) mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani, (b) praktek budidaya, (c) menganalis kelayakan ekonomi usahatani dan (c) menggambarkan saluran pemasaran, margin dan bagian harga yang diterima petani. Hasil menunjukan bahwa karakteristik petani cukup baik dalam aspek umur, pendidikan dan keikutsertaan pelatihan tetapi beberapa aspek masih lemah yaitu rataan penguasaan lahan masih rendah (0,44 ha/petani) dan masih ditemukan petani berstatus sewa sebanyak 22,2%. Usahatani sayuran membutuhkan biaya Rp.28,8 juta, penerimaan kotor Rp.53,4 juta dan penerimaan bersih 25,4 juta /ha/tahun. Usahatani sayuran termasuk layak secara ekonomi dengan nilai B/C 1,89. Masalah utama dalam produksi adalah ketidakpastian harga jual sayuran sehingga petani masih ragu untuk menerapkan budidaya sesuai rekomendasi,terutama penggunaan pupuk. Ditemukan tiga saluran pemasaran wortel dari petani sampai ke konsumen, yaitu; (1) petani, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang besar, pasar induk, pasar tradisional, konsumen; (2) petani, pedagang pengumpul, Sub terminal agribisnis (STA), pasar induk, pasar tradisional, konsumen dan (3). Petani, pedagang pengumpul, suplayer, super market, konsumen. Petani menjual wortel melalui saluran pertama (76,6%), saluran kedua (13,3%) dan saluran ketiga (10,1%). Farmers share saluran pertama dan kedua adalah 49,3%, biaya pemasaran Rp.172,- dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp.370,-/kg. Sedangkan farmers share saluran ketiga adalah 20,9%, biaya pemasaran Rp.300,- dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp.553,-/kg. Pasar induk merupakan pasar acuan (referee market), harga beli wortel yang ditetapkan pasar tersebut dijadikan acuan untuk menetapkan harga bell oleh pelaku pasar sebelumnya sampai di tingkat petani. Selama ini, harga jual sayuran sangat fluktuatif dan sulit diperkirakan menyebabkan petani ragu-ragu untuk menerapkan teknologi sesuai anjuran Pemerintah harus mengatur keseimbangan suplai dan deman produk sayuran di pasar induk agar supaya petani memperoleh kepastian harga jual. Kata kunci: wortel, kinerja usahatani, Jawa Barat.Break Even Point Analysis and Profitability of Paddy Farming System through Integrated Paddy Management in Lebak District — Banten. In the last decade, national rice production tend to stagnant in line with deterioted and declining soil fertility due to high intensity. An effort to solve the problem can be done trough integrated crop (paddy) management (ICM), wick as sinergistic amoung component of technologies in paddy farming sytem included fertilizyng efficiency. The assesment aims to analyze profitability of ICM and break even point. The assesment conducted in sawah agroecosystem, Lebak district in wet season 2004/2005 and wet season 2005/2006. The result of the study indicated that implementation of ICM can increase rice production, and net profitability, respectively 38%, and 70%. As an implication of integrated crop (paddy) management is quite feasible to be implemented with considering spesific agroecosystem. Key words : ICM, break even point, paddy, ex post, ex ante, non adopte Dalam dekade terakhir, produksi beras nasional cenderung mengalami pelandaian seiring dengan terjadinya deteriosasi dan penurunan kesuburan tanah akibat intensifikasi yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu upaya mengatasi kondisi tersebut dapat ditempuh melalui pendekatan pengelolaan tanaman (padi) terpadu (PTT), yang merupakan bentuk sinergisme antar komponen intensifikasi budidaya padi termasuk efisiensi pemupukan. Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis perolehan Laba Usahatani dan Titik Impas dari penerapan pengelolaan padi terpadu. Kajian dilakukan di wilayah agroekosistem sawah Kabupaten Lebak MH 2004/2005 dan MH 2005/2006. Hasil analisis mengindikasikan bahwa penerapan pengelolaan padi terpadu mampu meningkatkan produksi, dan keuntungan bersih masing-masing 38%, dan 70%. Sebagai implikasinya pengelolaan padi terpadu dinilai sangat layak untuk dimplementasikan secara masif dengan mempertimbangkan kesesuain agroekosistem. Kata kunci : PTT, titik inipas, padi, ex post, ex ante, non adopter
Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis | 2014
Sefitiana Wulan Sari; Rita Nurmalina; Budi Indra Setiawan
Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen | 2010
Fitrahdini Fitrahdini; Ujang Sumarwan; Rita Nurmalina
Journal of Agricultural Education | 2016
Rita Nurmalina
Archive | 2015
Rita Nurmalina; Cicin Yulianti; Fitri Fitri; Anisa Dwi Utami; Ratna Mega Sari; Hepi Risenasari; Ratna Sogian Siwang; Husnul Khotimah; Nia Rosiana; Arifayani Rachman; Muis Hasibuan
Archive | 2012
Nia Rosiana; Rita Nurmalina; Harmini Harmini
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar | 2012
Abdul Muis Hasibuan; Rita Nurmalina; Agus Wahyudi
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar | 2012
Abdul Muis Hasibuan; Rita Nurmalina; Agus Wahyudi
Forum Agribisnis | 2011
Dini Amrilla Utomo; Rita Nurmalina