Roger D. Ottmar
United States Forest Service
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Featured researches published by Roger D. Ottmar.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | 2007
Roger D. Ottmar; David V. Sandberg; Cynthia L.RiccardiC.L. Riccardi; Susan J. Prichard
We present an overview of the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS), a tool that enables land managers, regulators, and scientists to create and catalogue fuelbeds and to classify those fuelbeds for their capacity to support fire and consume fuels. The fuelbed characteristics and fire classification from this tool will provide inputs for current and future sophisticated models for the quantification of fire behavior, fire effects, and carbon accounting and enable assessment of fuel treatment effectiveness. The system was designed from requirements provided by land managers, scientists, and policy makers gathered through six regional workshops. The FCCS contains a set of fuelbeds representing the United States, which were compiled from scientific literature, fuels photo series, fuels data sets, and expert opinion. The system enables modification and enhancement of these fuelbeds to represent a particular scale of interest. The FCCS then reports assigned and calculated fuel characteristics for ea...
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2001
David V. Sandberg; Roger D. Ottmar; Geoffrey H. Cushon
This paper was presented at the conference ‘Integrating spatial technologies and ecological principles for a new age in fire management’, Boise, Idaho, USA, June 1999 The ongoing development of sophisticated fire behavior and effects models has demonstrated the need for a comprehensive system of fuel classification that more accurately captures the structural complexity and geographic diversity of fuelbeds. The Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team (FERA) of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, is developing a national system of fuel characteristic classification (FCC). The system is designed to accommodate researchers and managers operating at a variety of scales, and who have access to a variety of kinds of input data. Users can generate fuel characteristics by accessing existing fuelbed descriptions (fuelbed prototypes) using generic information such as cover type or vegetation form. Fuelbed prototypes will provide the best available predictions of the kind, quality and abundance of fuels. Users can accept these default settings or modify some or all of them using more detailed information about vegetation structure and fuel biomass. When the user has completed editing the fuelbed data, the FCC system calculates or infers quantitative fuel characteristics (physical, chemical, and structural properties) and probable fire parameters specific to that fuelbed. Each user-described fuelbed is also assigned to one of approximately 192 stylized fuel characteristic classes.
Forest Ecology and Management | 2000
Paul F. Hessburg; B.G. Smith; R.B. Salter; Roger D. Ottmar; Ernesto Alvarado
Abstract We characterized recent historical and current vegetation composition and structure of a representative sample of subwatersheds on all ownerships within the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. For each selected subwatershed, we constructed historical and current vegetation maps from 1932 to 1966 and 1981 to 1993 aerial photos, respectively. Using the raw vegetation attributes, we classified and attributed cover types, structural classes, and potential vegetation types to individual patches within subwatersheds. We characterized change in vegetation spatial patterns using a suite of class and landscape metrics, and a spatial pattern analysis program. We then translated change in vegetation patterns to change in patterns of vulnerability to wildfires, smoke production, and 21 major forest pathogen and insect disturbances. Results of change analyses were reported for province-scale ecological reporting units (ERUs). Here, we highlight significant findings and discuss management implications. Twentieth century management activities significantly altered spatial patterns of physiognomies, cover types and structural conditions, and vulnerabilities to fire, insect, and pathogen disturbances. Forest land cover expanded in several ERUs, and woodland area expanded in most. Of all physiognomic conditions, shrubland area declined most due to cropland expansion, conversion to semi- and non-native herblands, and expansion of forests and woodlands. Shifts from early to late seral conifer species were evident in forests of most ERUs; patch sizes of forest cover types are now smaller, and current land cover is more fragmented. Landscape area in old multistory, old single story, and stand initiation forest structures declined with compensating increases in area and connectivity of dense, multilayered, intermediate forest structures. Patches with medium and large trees, regardless of their structural affiliation are currently less abundant on the landscape. Finally, basin forests are now dominated by shade-tolerant conifers, and exhibit elevated fuel loads and severe fire behavior attributes indicating expanded future roles of certain defoliators, bark beetles, root diseases, and stand replacement fires. Although well intentioned, 20th-century management practices did not account for landscape-scale patterns of living and dead vegetation that enable forest ecosystems to maintain their structure and organization through time, or for the disturbances that create and maintain them. Improved understanding of change in vegetation spatial patterns, causative factors, and links with disturbance processes will assist managers and policymakers in making informed decisions about how to address important ecosystem health issues.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2008
Eric S. Kasischke; Merritt R. Turetsky; Roger D. Ottmar; Nancy H. F. French; Elizabeth E. Hoy; Evan S. Kane
We evaluated the utility of the composite burn index (CBI) for estimating fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests by comparing data from 81 plots located in 2004 and 2005 fire events. We collected data to estimate the CBI and quantify crown damage, percent of trees standing after the fire, depth of the organic layer remaining after the fire, depth of burning in the surface organic layer (absolute and relative), and the substrate layer exposed by the fire. To estimate pre-fire organic layer depth, we collected data in 15 unburned stands to develop relationships between total organic layer depth and measures of the adventitious root depth above mineral soil and below the surface of the organic layer. We validated this algorithm using data collected in 17 burned stands where pre-fire organic layer depth had been measured. The average total CBI value in the black spruce stands was 2.46, with most of the variation a result of differences in the CBI observed for the substrate layer. While a quadratic equation using the substrate component of CBI was a relatively strong predictor of mineral soil exposure as a result of fire (R 2 = 0.61, P < 0.0001, F = 60.3), low correlations were found between the other measures of fire severity and the CBI (R 2 = 0.00-0.37). These results indicate that the CBI approach has limited potential for quantifying fire severity in these ecosystems, in particular organic layer consumption, which is an important factor to understand how ecosystems will respond to changing climate and fire regimes in northern regions.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2011
Nancy H. F. French; William J. de Groot; Liza K. Jenkins; Brendan M. Rogers; Ernesto Alvarado; B. D. Amiro; Bernardus de Jong; Scott J. Goetz; Elizabeth E. Hoy; Edward J. Hyer; Robert E. Keane; Beverly E. Law; Donald McKenzie; Steven McNulty; Roger D. Ottmar; Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup; James T. Randerson; Kevin M. Robertson; Merritt R. Turetsky
Research activities focused on estimating the direct emissions of carbon from wildland fires across North America are reviewed as part of the North American Carbon Program disturbance synthesis. A comparison of methods to estimate the loss of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere to the atmosphere from wildland fires is presented. Published studies on emissions from recent and historic time periods and five specific cases are summarized, and new emissions estimates are made using contemporary methods for a set of specific fire events. Results from as many as six terrestrial models are compared. We find that methods generally produce similar results within each case, but estimates vary based on site location, vegetation (fuel) type, and fire weather. Area normalized emissions range from 0.23 kg C m−2 for shrubland sites in southern California/NW Mexico to as high as 6.0 kg C m−2 in northern conifer forests. Total emissions range from 0.23 to 1.6 Tg C for a set of 2003 fires in chaparral-dominated landscapes of California to 3.9 to 6.2 Tg C in the dense conifer forests of western Oregon. While the results from models do not always agree, variations can be attributed to differences in model assumptions and methods, including the treatment of canopy consumption and methods to account for changes in fuel moisture, one of the main drivers of variability in fire emissions. From our review and synthesis, we identify key uncertainties and areas of improvement for understanding the magnitude and spatial-temporal patterns of pyrogenic carbon emissions across North America.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | 2007
J. Morgan Varner; J. Kevin Hiers; Roger D. Ottmar; Doria R. Gordon; Francis E. Putz; Dale D. WadeD.D. Wade
In forests historically maintained by frequent fire, reintroducing fire after decades of exclusion often causes widespread overstory mortality. To better understand this phenomenon, we subjected 16 fire-excluded (ca. 40 years since fire) 10 ha longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) stands to one of four replicated burning treatments based on volumetric duff moisture content (VDMC): wet (115% VDMC); moist (85% VDMC); dry (55% VDMC); and a no-burn control. Dur- ing the first 2 years postfire, overstory pines in the dry burns suffered the greatest mortality (mean 20.5%); pine mortality in the wet and moist treatments did not differ from the control treatment. Duff reduction was greatest in the dry burns (mean 46.5%), with minimal reduction in the moist and wet burns (14.5% and 5%, respectively). Nested logistic regression using trees from all treatments revealed that the best predictors of individual pine mortality were duff consumption and crown scorch (P < 0.001; R 2 = 0.34). Crown scorch was significant only in dry burns, whereas duff consumption was sig- nificant across all treatments. Duff consumption was related to moisture content in lower duff (Oa; R 2 = 0.78, P < 0.001). Restoring fire to long-unburned forests will require development of burn prescriptions that include the effects of duff con- sumption, an often overlooked fire effect.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | 2007
Cynthia L.RiccardiC.L. Riccardi; Roger D. Ottmar; David V. Sandberg; Anne AndreuA. Andreu; Ella ElmanE. Elman; Karen KopperK. Kopper; Jennifer LongJ. Long
Wildland fuelbed characteristics are temporally and spatially complex and can vary widely across regions. To capture this variability, we designed the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCC...
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2011
Joshua C. Hyde; Alistair M. S. Smith; Roger D. Ottmar; Ernesto Alvarado; Penelope Morgan
Coarse woody debris serves many functions in forest ecosystem processes and has important implications for fire management as it affects air quality, soil heating and carbon budgets when it combusts. There is relatively little research evaluating the physical properties relating to the combustion of this coarse woody debris with even less specifically addressing decomposition, a condition that eventually affects all debris. We review studies evaluating the combustion and consumption of coarse woody debris in the field and under controlled conditions. The thermal properties affected by decomposition are also reviewed, as are current modelling tools to represent their combustion. Management implications and suggestions for future research are then presented.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2013
David Frankman; Brent W. Webb; Bret W. Butler; Daniel Jimenez; Jason Forthofer; Paul Sopko; K. Shannon; J. Kevin Hiers; Roger D. Ottmar
Time-resolved irradiance and convective heating and cooling of fast-response thermopile sensors were measured in 13 natural and prescribed wildland fires under a variety of fuel and ambient conditions. It was shown that a sensor exposed to the fire environment was subject to rapid fluctuations of convective transfer whereas irradiance measured by a windowed sensor was much less variable intime, increasing nearly monotonically with the approach of the flamefrontandlargelydecliningwithitspassage.Irradiancebeneathtwocrownfirespeakedat200and300kWm � 2 ,peak irradiance associated with fires in surface fuels reached 100kWm � 2 and the peak for three instances of burning in shrub fuels was 132kWm � 2 . The fire radiative energy accounted for 79% of the variance in fuel consumption. Convective heatingatthesensorsurfacevariedfrom15%tovaluesexceedingtheradiativeflux.Detailedmeasurementsofconvective and radiative heating rates in wildland fires are presented. Results indicate that the relative contribution of each to total energy release is dependent on fuel and environment.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2011
Sarah A. Lewis; Andrew T. Hudak; Roger D. Ottmar; Peter R. Robichaud; Leigh B. Lentile; Sharon M. Hood; James B. Cronan; Penny Morgan
Wildfire is a major forest disturbance in interior Alaska that can both directly and indirectly alter ecological processes. We used a combination of pre- and post-fire forest floor depths and post-fire ground cover assessments measured in the field, and high-resolution airborne hyperspectral imagery, to map forest floor conditions after the 2004 Taylor Complex in Alaskas boreal forest. We applied a linear spectral unmixing model with five endmembers representing green moss, non-photosynthetic moss, charred moss, ash and soil to reflectance data to produce fractional cover maps. Our study sites spanned low to moderately high burn severity, and both black and white spruce forest types; high cover of green or non-photosyntheticmoss in the remotely sensed imagery indicated low consumption,whereas high coverofcharredmoss,ashorsoilindicatedhigherconsumption.Strongrelationships(R 2 ¼0.5to0.6)betweengreenmoss estimated from the imagery and bothpost-fire depth andpercentage consumption suggest that potentialburn severity may be predicted by a map of green (live) moss. Given that the depth of the post-fire forest floor is ecologically significant, the methodofmappingtheconditionoftheorganicforestfloorwithhyperspectralimagerypresentedheremaybeausefultool to assess the effect of future fires in the boreal region.