Roland Brünken
Saarland University
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Featured researches published by Roland Brünken.
Educational Psychologist | 2003
Roland Brünken; Jan L. Plass; Detlev Leutner
Cognitive load theory (CLT) is gaining increasing importance in the design and evaluation of instruction, both traditional and technology based. Although it is well understood as a theoretical construct, the measurement of cognitive load induced by instructional materials in general, and by multimedia instruction in particular, mainly relies on methods that are either indirect, subjective, or both. Integrating aspects of CLT, working memory research, and cognitive theories of multimedia learning, we describe the conceptual basis and practical implementation of a dual-task approach to the direct measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning. This computer-based instrument provides a direct and objective measure that overcomes many of the shortcomings of other indirect and subjective methods that will enable researchers to validate empirically theoretical predictions of CLT.
Archive | 2010
Jan L. Plass; Roxana Moreno; Roland Brünken
Introduction Jan L. Plass, Roxana Moreno and Roland Brunken Part I. Theory: 1. Cognitive load theory: historical development and relation to other theories Roxana Moreno and Babette Park 2. Cognitive load theory: recent theoretical advances John Sweller 3. Schema acquisition and sources of cognitive load Slava Kalyuga 4. Individual differences and cognitive load theory Jan L. Plass and Slava Kalyuga Part II. Empirical Evidence: 5. Learning from worked-out examples and problem solving Alexander Renkl and Robert K. Atkinson 6. Instructional control of cognitive load in the design of complex learning environments Liesbeth Kester, Fred Paas and Jeroen J. G. van Merrienboer 7. Techniques that reduce extraneous cognitive load and manage intrinsic cognitive load during multimedia learning Richard E. Mayer and Roxana Moreno 8. Techniques that increase generative processing in multimedia learning: open questions for cognitive-load research Roxana Moreno and Richard E. Mayer Part III. Discussion: 9. Measuring cognitive load Roland Brunken, Tina Seufert and Fred Paas 10. From neo-behaviorism to neuroscience: perspectives on the origins and future contributions of cognitive load research Richard E. Clark and Vincent P. Clark 11. Cognitive load in learning with multiple representations Holger Horz and Wolfgang Schnotz 12. Current issues and open questions in cognitive load research Roland Brunken, Jan L. Plass and Roxana Moreno.
Experimental Psychology | 2002
Roland Brünken; Susan Steinbacher; Jan L. Plass; Detlev Leutner
In two pilot experiments, a new approach for the direct assessment of cognitive load during multimedia learning was tested that uses dual-task methodology. Using this approach, we obtained the same pattern of cognitive load as predicted by cognitive load theory when applied to multimedia learning: The audiovisual presentation of text-based and picture-based learning materials induced less cognitive load than the visual-only presentation of the same material. The findings confirm the utility of dual-task methodology as a promising approach for the assessment of cognitive load induced by complex multimedia learning systems.
Computers in Human Behavior | 2015
Babette Park; Terri Flowerday; Roland Brünken
Cognitive and affective processes explain contradictory seductive details research.Seductive details and modality of text were varied in a multimedia instruction.A detrimental seductive details effect was found under high load text conditions.Seductive details caused motivational compensatory effect under narration condition.Moderated mediation analyses confirm situational interest to mediate the effect. The present study integrates cognitive and affective aspects of media processing in order to make an argument for reexamining the current cold cognition perspective in multimedia research in favor of a more integrative perspective. The Cognitive-Affective-Theory-of-Learning-with-Media (CATLM) assumes that students need to become motivated to make full use of their cognitive resources. Therefore, and even though seductive details (sds) are additional interesting but unnecessary pieces of information that do not conform with the coherence principle, their possible motivational role should not be dismissed. Using a 2i?3-experimental design, participants (N=123) were asked to learn about biology with multimedia instruction that manipulated modality (text vs. narration) and presence of seductive details (no-sds vs. textual-sds vs. narrated-sds). Results of variance analyses show a modality effect. In addition, moderated mediation analyses with the moderator modality and mediator situational interest confirm the affective mediation assumption with the following two conditional effects. A direct detrimental effect of seductive details on learning performance under the text-condition and an indirect compensatory effect under the narration-condition were shown.
Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie | 2001
Roland Brünken; Susan Steinbacher; Wolfgang Schnotz; Detlev Leutner
Zusammenfassung: In zwei experimentellen Zwei-Gruppen-Untersuchungen mit n1 = 42 und n2 = 40 wurden zwei Varianten eines multimedialen Lehrsystems verglichen, die sich hinsichtlich der Kodierungsform des Lehrmaterials (Bild vs. Text) unterschieden. Uberpruft wurde der Erwerb deklarativen Wissens, bei dem keine mentale Modellkonstruktion erforderlich war, sowie der Erwerb prozeduralen Wissens, der den Aufbau mentaler Modelle erforderte. Der Test zum prozeduralen Wissen bestand aus zwei Subtests, die sich in der Kodierungsform der Testaufgaben unterschieden (Bild vs. Text). Die Ergebnisse zeigen erwartungsgemas keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Verwendung des deklarativen Wissens. Bezuglich der Verwendung des erworbenen prozeduralen Wissens erweist sich die bildliche Lehrmaterialprasentation dann als besonders lernfordernd, wenn auch die Testaufgaben in bildlicher Form vorliegen. Die Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass die unterschiedliche Lernwirksamkeit verschiedener Informationskodalitaten auf eine...
Archive | 2010
Roland Brünken; Jan L. Plass; Roxana Moreno
The previous chapters have outlined the theoretical background, basic assumptions, and some key applications of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) in its current state of development. The fundamental idea underlying CLT is that instructional design decisions should be informed by the architecture of the human cognitive system. CLT can therefore be described as a cognitive theory of instructional design. CLT has been very influential in educational research since the 1980s. It has inspired a growing number of research studies aimed at deriving empirically based guidelines for instructional design. Moreover, at its present stage of development, CLT is arguably one of the most influential instructional design theories. However, the extant research on cognitive load raises questions about the assumptions underlying CLT, some of which have not been consistently supported by the empirical data, suggesting the need to update the theory by incorporating recent empirical findings on cognition and learning (Schnotz & Kirschner, 2007). The first goal of this chapter is to summarize the theoretical developments of CLT and highlight some of its strengths and limitations. An additional contribution of CLT research includes efforts to develop practical, valid, and reliable measures of its main construct: cognitive load. However, as suggested in Chapter 9, the existing body of cognitive load research fails to exhibit methodological consistency regarding cognitive load measurement and lacks appropriate methods to measure other relevant constructs, such as the different load types proposed by the theory (DeLeeuw & Mayer, 2008).
Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie | 2005
Roland Brünken; Tina Seufert; Steffi Zander
Zusammenfassung: Multimediale Lernumgebungen, die multiple Reprasentationen (z. B. Texte, Bilder, Tabellen etc.) enthalten, uberlasten Lernende oftmals durch den hohen Aufwand der mentalen Koharenzbildung. In drei experimentellen Drei-Gruppen-Studien wurde untersucht, ob der Wissenserwerb beim Lernen mit multiplen Reprasentationen durch instruktionale Koharenzbildungshilfen gefordert werden kann. Dazu wurden je Experiment 57 bis 60 Lernenden jeweils Text-Bild-Kombinationen zum Herz-Kreislaufsystem dargeboten (Gruppe 1: visuell; Gruppe 2: audiovisuell; Gruppe 3: visuell mit Koharenzbildungshilfe). Studie 1 untersuchte die lokale Fokussierung auf den Text, Studie 2 auf das Bild, wahrend in der dritten Studie die globale Koharenzbildung durch eine Fokussierung der Text-Bild-Bezuge unterstutzt wurde. In allen 3 Studien wurde beim Vergleich visueller und audiovisueller Informationsprasentation ein modality effect gefunden. In Bezug auf die Koharenzbildungshilfen konnte die textbezogene Hilfe textbezogene Leist...
Frontiers in Psychology | 2015
Stephanie Ruffing; F.-Sophie Wach; Frank M. Spinath; Roland Brünken; Julia Karbach
Recent research has revealed that learning behavior is associated with academic achievement at the college level, but the impact of specific learning strategies on academic success as well as gender differences therein are still not clear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in the incremental contribution of learning strategies over general cognitive ability in the prediction of academic achievement. The relationship between these variables was examined by correlation analyses. A set of t-tests was used to test for gender differences in learning strategies, whereas structural equation modeling as well as multi-group analyses were applied to investigate the incremental contribution of learning strategies for male and female students’ academic performance. The sample consisted of 461 students (mean age = 21.2 years, SD = 3.2). Correlation analyses revealed that general cognitive ability as well as the learning strategies effort, attention, and learning environment were positively correlated with academic achievement. Gender differences were found in the reported application of many learning strategies. Importantly, the prediction of achievement in structural equation modeling revealed that only effort explained incremental variance (10%) over general cognitive ability. Results of multi-group analyses showed no gender differences in this prediction model. This finding provides further knowledge regarding gender differences in learning research and the specific role of learning strategies for academic achievement. The incremental assessment of learning strategy use as well as gender-differences in their predictive value contributes to the understanding and improvement of successful academic development.
Archive | 2008
Babette Koch; Tina Seufert; Roland Brünken
The present study is in line with recently published studies about instructional means to foster germane cognitive load in a multimedia learning situation. It focuses on the effectiveness of verbally presented semantic support for coherence formation. As it is already confirmed that support for coherence formation can foster knowledge acquisition, the question arises if individual differences moderate this effect. Prior knowledge turned out to be a critical individual factor: An expertise reversal effect for transfer performance underpins that supporting instructional means does not necessarily foster the learning outcome. In contrast to low-knowledge learners who benefited from the support, high-knowledge learners were slightly hindered, accompanied by a comparable medium level of cognitive load.
Zeitschrift Fur Entwicklungspsychologie Und Padagogische Psychologie | 2007
Tina Seufert; Steffi Zander; Roland Brünken
Zusammenfassung. Das Generieren von Bildern erfordert vom Lernenden das Erkennen globaler Strukturen eines Sachverhalts und unterstutzt somit Verstehensprozesse. In zwei experimentellen Studien wurde untersucht, ob erwachsene Lernende von der Strategie, Bilder als Verstehenshilfe einzusetzen, tatsachlich Gebrauch machen und ob diese Strategie durch Instruktion gefordert werden kann oder muss. Lernende sollten vorliegende Texte entweder in beliebiger (neutrale Instruktion) oder in bildhafter Form (Bildinstruktion) festhalten, um spater anhand dieser Reprasentationen Behaltens- und Verstehensfragen zu beantworten. Im ersten Experiment (n = 17) zeigte sich, dass Lernende durch Instruktion signifikant mehr Bilder erstellen und auch ihre Lernleistung steigt. In Experiment 2 (n = 38) konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich zwar die Anzahl der Bilder durch die Instruktion verbessert, nicht jedoch deren Gute. Zudem konnten die Ergebnisse bezuglich der raumlichen Fahigkeiten der Lernenden differenziert werden: Lernende m...