Romeo Di Pietro
Sapienza University of Rome
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Featured researches published by Romeo Di Pietro.
Plant Biosystems | 2003
C. Blasi; Romeo Di Pietro; Paola Fortini; Carlo Catonica
ABSTRACT This paper deals with the occurrence of the main plant community types occurring within the alpine bioclimatic belt in the Central Apennines. The study area was represented by three mountain groups, the Gran Sasso, Maiella and Laga mountains. These three mountain chains are those in which, out of the entire Apennine area, alpine vegetation is best expressed. The vegetation has been investigated following the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach. During the field work 135 relevés were collected. The raw data were further treated with multivariate analysis procedures to find objective clusters on a statistical basis. Several plant community types, belonging to different phytosociological classes, such as Elyno-Seslerietea, Salicetea herbaceae, Thlaspietea rotundifolii, Asplenietea trichomanis, were identified. In particular two new phytosociological associations, Galio-Silenetum acaulis and Potentillo-Festucetum alfredianae, and several new subassociations are described in this paper. In order to express the occurrence and autonomy of the Apennine alpine bioclimatic belt also in coenological terms, a new Seslerion apenninae sub-alliance, named Leontopodio-Elynenion, is here proposed.
Hacquetia | 2010
Romeo Di Pietro; Mattia Martin Azzella; Laura Facioni
The Forest Vegetation of the Tolfa-Ceriti Mountains (Northern Latium - Central Italy) The forests of the Tolfa-Ceriti mountains (Latium, central Italy) were investigated through a phytosociological approach. 249 relevés were performed and treated with multivariate analysis. 13 woodland communities were identified, of which 7 belong to Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 to Fagetalia sylvaticae, 1 to Populetalia and 4 to Quercetalia ilicis. The thermophilous Turkey oak-forests occurring on the trachytic hills of the Ceriti Mountains and on the flysch substrates of the Tolfa Mountains were included in Rubio peregrinae-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova. Quercus cerris and Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa woodland communities of the footslopes have been ascribed to Fraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, while the widespread mesophilus Turkey oak forests have been ascribed to Melico-Quercetum cerridis. Cephalantero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridis has been restricted to acid and oligotrophic soils. Quercus petraea woodlands, occurring on trachytic substrates have been described as a new association named Carici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeae ass. nova. All these mixed oak woods have been included in the alliance Crataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridis Arrigoni 1997. The nomenclatural problems concerning the prior name Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988 are also discussed. The beech forests of the higher altitudes have been included in Fraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, while the Alnus glutinosa ravine woodlands have been described as belonging to the new association Polysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Secondary communities of Acer monspessulanum and Acer campestre developed on flysch substrates, and of Erica arborea and Arbutus unedo (Erico-Arbutetum unedonis) developed on trachytic substrates, have also been identified. Finally two types of Quercus ilex wood have been identified: Cyclamino repandi-Quercetum ilicis, on sandstones, and the new association Arbuto unedonis-Quercetum ilicis ass. nova on volcanic soils. This latter community can be considered as a coenological and geographical vicariant in central Italy of the sicilian Erico-Quercetum ilicis. Fitocenološko so bili raziskani gozdovih na pogorju Tolfa-Ceriti (Lacij, osrednja Italija). Izdelano je bilo 249 fitocenoloških popisov, ki so bili obdelani z multivariantimi metodami. Ugotovljenih je bilo 13 gozdnih združb, od katerih jih 7 uvrščamo v red Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 v red Fagetalia sylvaticae, 1 v red Populetalia in 4 v red Quercetalia ilicis. Termofilni cerovi gozdovi, ki jih najdemo v gričevnatem svetu pogorja Ceriti in se razvijejo na flišu v pogorju Tolfa, so vključeni v asociacijo Rubio pereginae-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova. Gozdovi cera (Quercus cerris) in ozkolistnega jesena (Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa) na vznožjih so uvrščeni v združbo Fraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, medtem ko so široko razširjeni mezofilni cerovi gozdovi uvrščeni v združbo Melico-Quercetum cerridis. Združba Cephalanthero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridis je razširjena le na grušču na kislih in oligotrofnih tleh. Gradnovi gozdovi, ki se pojavljajo na trahičnem substratu, so uvrščeni v novo asociacijo Carici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeae. Vsi obravnavani mešani hrastovi gozdovi so vključeni v zvezo Crataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridis Arrigoni 1997; poleg tega pa obravnavamo tudi starejše ime Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988. Bukove gozdove, ki se pojavljajo na večjih nadmorskih višinah, uvrščamo v združbo Fraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, medtem ko jelševe gozdove, ki jih najdemo po grapah, uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Polysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Ugotovili smo tudi sekundarni združbi, in sicer na flišu združbo trokrpega javorja (Acer monspessulanum) in maklena (Acer campestre) ter na trahičnem substratu združbo drevesaste rese (Erica arborea) in jagodičnice (Arbutus unedo) - Erico-Arbutetum unedonis. Ugotovili smo tudi dva tipa gozdov črničevja (Quercus ilex): Cyclamino repandi-Quercetum ilicis na peščenjakih in novo asociacijo Arbuto unedeonis-Quercetum ilicis ass. nova na vulkanskih tleh, ki jo lahko obravnavamo kot cenološko in geografsko vikariantno združbo združbe Erico-Quercetum ilicis, ki jo najdemo na Siciliji.
Plant Biosystems | 2000
C. Blasi; Romeo Di Pietro; Paola Fortini
ABSTRACT A phytosociological study of the shrubland communities which colonise abandoned terraced olive groves in the Tyrrhenian district of Central Italy is presented here. The vegetational analysis was carried out using the Braun Blanquet phytosociological approach. Two main types of shrubland communities characterising distinct environmental conditions occur within abandoned terraced olive groves. On the one hand, there are those scrub types which tend to occupy the central part of the terrace; on the other hand, there are the scrubs types which develop along the stone walls bordering the terrace. Different phytosociological associations, sub-associations, and variants ranging from Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaternii to Prunetalia spinosae are recognised and described. In the warm dry areas, both Myrto-Lentiscetum and Rhamno-Euphorbietum dendroidis occur. Also, a new Oleo-Ceratonion sub-association (Myrto-Lentiscetum spartietosum junceii) is presented here for the first time. In the inner zones of the study area, a range of aspects characterising a new Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii community type (Roso-Rubetum ulmifolii ass. nova) are identified.
Biologia | 2011
Valeria Tomaselli; Romeo Di Pietro; Saverio Sciandrello
In this paper the results of a study on the composition and the distribution of the plant communities in three coastal areas of southern Apulia are presented. A total of about 180 vegetation relevés were performed following the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method. Vegetation data were analysed using both classification (UPGMA, similarity ratio) and ordination methods (including Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). The relevés are distributed in the following classes: Molinio-Arrhenateretea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Juncetea maritimi, Sarcocornietea fruticosae, Saginetea maritimae, Thero-Salicornietea, Helianthemetea guttati. Detailed information about structure and zoning of the detected plant communities are here provided. Two new associations, belonging to the Alkanno-Maresion nanae alliance (microphytic ephemeral plant communities growing on sandy soils, Helianthemetea guttati class) have been described here, both in the “Torre Guaceto” site. The area of “Le Cesine” showed the highest total number of plant communities, while the “Saline di Punta della Contessa” site revealed the largest number of Sarcocornietea fruticosae plant communities.
Folia Geobotanica | 2007
Romeo Di Pietro
A taxonomic study of theSesleria juncifolia complex in the Italian Peninsula is presented, with a focus on southern Italian populations here named asSesleria calabrica (Deyl)Di Pietro comb. nov. et stat. nov. Karylological, morphological and anatomical characters were used for comparative analyses with populations of closely related species, such asS. juncifoliaSuffren andSesleria apenninaUjhelyi occurring in the Italian Peninsula. Multivariate and univariate morphometric analyses, and qualitative morphological characters showed a distinct position ofS. calabrica. Populations ofS. calabrica differ in respect to various morphological characters of leaf and spikelet, such as the glume, lemma and palea length, stem length, the leaf sheath, leaf width, leaf thickness, and the total number of vascular bundles. Furthermore, previous karyological studies demonstrated that all the populations of bothS. juncifolia andS. apennina examined are octopolid (2n=8x=56), whereasS. calabrica was found to be dodecaploid (2n=12x=84).S. calabrica is strictly confined to the Pollino massif and the Orsomarso mountains in southern Italy, which represent the southernmost limit of theSesleria juncifolia complex distribution area both in Italy and in Europe. In addition toS. juncifolia andS. calabrica, the recognition ofS. apennina as a taxon distinct fromS. juncifolia is supported, at least for the area of the Apuan Alps.
Lazaroa | 2002
Romeo Di Pietro; C. Blasi
En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio fitosociologico de los principales tipos de comunidades vegetales herbaceas que se encuentran en olivares abandonados. El area de estudio esta localizada en los Montes Ausoni, cadena costera anti-apeninica cerca de la linea de costa del mar Tirreno. Los primeros estados sucesionales, sobre todo en las areas mas termicas del territorio, se caracterizan por la presencia de comunidades xerofilas de Hyparrhenia hirta (Thymo vulgari-Hyparrhenietum hirtae). Esta comunidad es gradualmente sustituida por pastizales graminoides de gran talla de Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Psoraleo-Ampelodesmetum) muy pobres en especies y secundariamente de Hyparrhenia hirta. Las areas internas y las laderas expuestas a norte y a mayor altitud se caracterizan por formaciones de Brachypodium rupestre (Galio-Brachypodietum). El contingente terofitico se reduce a areas sujetas al pastoreo del ganado o cerca de los bordes de las terrazas (Crucianello-Hypochoeridetum). Se presentan en esta ocasion dos nuevas asociaciones vegetales Galio lucidi-Brachypodietum rupestris y Thymo vulgaris-Hyparrhenietum hirtae.
Lazaroa | 2006
Romeo Di Pietro; Alessandro De Santis; Paola Fortini
Los pastizales que se desarrollan sobre sustratos acidos del sector suroriental del Parque Nacional del Lazio, Abruzzo y Molise han sido estudiados utilizando el metodo fitosociologico y sinecologico. La clasificacion de los inventarios muestra cuatro grupos principales encuadrados en las siguientes asociaciones: Poo violaceae-Nardetum strictae, Potentillo rigoanae-Festucetum paniculatae, Nardo strictae-Brachypodietum genuensis e Potentillo rigoanae-Brachypodietum genuensis. Estos sintaxones presentan problemas de tipo nomenclatural, por este motivo se propone la nomenclatura correcta en base al ICPN. Se excluyen las referencias al Anthoxantho- Brachypodietum, considerado como sinonimo sintaxonomico del Potentillo-Brachypodietum. El estudio sinecologico demuestra que la distribucion territorial de las comunidades estudiadas esta relacionada con factores topograficos, geomorfologicos y, en mayor medida, edaficos. Entre estos ultimos, el pH y la relacion hidrogeniones (H+)/cationes basicos parecen ser los mas discriminantes. .
Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography | 2003
Giancarlo Tondi; Romeo Di Pietro; Sandro Ballelli; Francesco Minutillo
Summary In this paper the Authors show the results of a floristic research on the Laga Mountains carried out from 1997 to 2000. The field observations were made at three sites in this area which had not previously been studied: the wetlands of Fosso Cerruglia, the mountainous pastures of Fosso di Selva Grande and the subalpine pastures of Macchie Piane—Pizzo di Sevo. Among the results we report 1 species as new to the Apennines, 11 as new to Latium, and 13 as new to the Laga Mountains. Moreover, new findings of another 80 species (already known for the Laga Mountains) were found. For the most interesting species the authors supply data on aspects of the regional distribution and synecological and sintaxonomical features.
Plant Systematics and Evolution | 2015
Paola Fortini; Piera Di Marzio; Romeo Di Pietro
Macro-morphological leaf traits and genetic assignments were combined to study the differentiation and hybridization of three sympatric and inter-fertile white oak species (Quercus frainetto, Q. petraea, and Q. pubescens). The sampling was performed in a single forest stand of central Italy (Mount Vairano) in which the cover percentages of each of these three oak species were almost equal. The individuals classified as pure species and the hybrid individuals were divided into two subsets (A and B) which were subsequently statistically analysed. The results regarding the subset of pure individuals showed a clear separation between the three species on the basis of differences observed in the following leaf traits: basal leaf shape, petiole ratio, petiole length, number of intercalary veins, pubescence of the petiole, leaf area, number of lobes, lamina length, and percentage of venation. Regarding the subset of hybrid individuals, as expected, a wider pattern of leaf traits compared to that exhibited by the pure individuals was observed. The leaf traits of the pure species that had provided the greater genetic contribution in the hybridization process were easily identifiable. Quercus pubescens and its hybrids exhibited a higher degree of leaf traits variability when compared with those observed for Q. petraea and Q. frainetto.
Hacquetia | 2015
Milan Chytrý; Fred J. A. Danlëls; Romeo Di Pietro; Natalia Koroleva; Ladislav Mucina
Abstract During preparation of the European checklist of vegetation units (EuroVegChecklist), it became clear that some earlier described syntaxa need to be typified in order to stabilize nomenclature and some new syntaxa need to be described. Here we propose nomenclature adjustments and formal description of four new alliances for the Arctic, alpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation of Europe, Greenland and Anatolia. First, we typify the class Juncetea trifidi. Second, we describe four new alliances, such as the Puccinellion nuttallianae (Low-Arctic salt steppes of Greenland; class Saxifrago tricuspidatae-Calamagrostietea purpurascentis), Dryado octopetalae- Caricion arctisibiricae (Arctic tundra vegetation of north-eastern European Russia; class Carici rupestris- Kobresietea bellardii), Leontopodio nivalis-Elynion myosuroidis (southern European alpine tundra vegetation; class Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii) and Lagotido uralensis-Caricion ensifoliae (alpine tundra vegetation of the Southern Ural Mountains; class Juncetea trifidi). Two new associations are described within the first two of these alliances. Finally, we present an interpretation of the alliance Muscario-Scillion nivalis. Izvleček Med pripravo evropskega seznama vegetacijskih enot (EuroVegChecklist) je postalo jasno, da je potrebno za utrditev nomenklature nekatere zgodnejše opise sintaksonov veljavno tipizirati oziroma opisati nove sintaksone. V članku predlagamo nomenklaturne popravke in formalne opise štirih novih zvez za arktično, alpinsko in oro-mediteransko vegetacijo Evrope, Grenlandije in Anatolije. Najprej smo tipifizirali razred Juncetea trifidi. Kot drugo smo opisali štiri nove zveze: Puccinellion nuttallianae (nizke arktične slane stepe Grenlandije; razred Saxifrago tricuspidatae-Calamagrostietea purpurascentis), Dryado octopetalae-Caricion arctisibiricae (vegetacija arktične tundre severovzhodne evropske Rusije; razred Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii), Leontopodio nivalis-Elynion myosuroidis (vegetacija južno-evropske alpinske tundre; razred Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii) in Lagotido uralensis-Caricion ensifoliae (vegetacija alpinske tundre gorovja južnega Urala; razred Juncetea trifidi). V teh zvezah smo opisali dve novi asociaciji. Na koncu predstavljamo interpretacijo zveze Muscario-Scillion nivalis.