Ronald Cramer
ETH Zurich
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Featured researches published by Ronald Cramer.
international cryptology conference | 1998
Ronald Cramer; Victor Shoup
A new public key cryptosystem is proposed and analyzed. The scheme is quite practical, and is provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack under standard intractability assumptions. There appears to be no previous cryptosystem in the literature that enjoys both of these properties simultaneously.
computer and communications security | 1999
Ronald Cramer; Victor Shoup
We describe and analyze a new digital signature scheme. The new scheme is quite efficient, does not require the the signer to maintain any state, and can be proven secure against adaptive chosen message attack under a reasonable intractability assumption, the so-called strong RSA assumption. Moreover, a hash function can be incorporated into the scheme in such a way that it is also secure in the random oracle model under the standard RSA assumption.
international cryptology conference | 2002
Ronald Cramer; Victor Shoup
We present several new and fairly practical public-key encryption schemes and prove them secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. One scheme is based on Pailliers Decision Composite Residuosity assumption, while another is based in the classical Quadratic Residuosity assumption. The analysis is in the standard cryptographic model, i.e., the security of our schemes does not rely on the Random Oracle model. Moreover, we introduce a general framework that allows one to construct secure encryption schemes in a generic fashion from language membership problems that satisfy certain technical requirements. Our new schemes fit into this framework, as does the Cramer-Shoup scheme based on the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1999
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård; Stefan Dziembowski; Martin Hirt; Tal Rabin
We consider verifiable secret sharing (VSS) and multiparty computation (MPC) in the secure-channels model, where a broadcast channel is given and a non-zero error probability is allowed. In this model Rabin and Ben-Or proposed VSS and MPC protocols secure against an adversary that can corrupt any minority of the players. In this paper, we first observe that a subprotocol of theirs, known as weak secret sharing (WSS), is not secure against an adaptive adversary, contrary to what was believed earlier. We then propose new and adaptively secure protocols for WSS, VSS and MPC that are substantially more efficient than the original ones. Our protocols generalize easily to provide security against general Q2-adversaries.
public key cryptography | 2000
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård; Philip D. MacKenzie
We initiate the investigation of the class of relations that admit extremely efficient perfect zero knowledge proofs of knowledge: constant number of rounds, communication linear in the length of the statement and the witness, and negligible knowledge error. In its most general incarnation, our result says that for relations that have a particular three-move honest-verifier zero-knowledge (HVZK) proof of knowledge, and which admit a particular three-move HVZK proof of knowledge for an associated commitment relation, perfect zero knowledge (against a general verifier) can be achieved essentially for free, even when proving statements on several instances combined under under monotone function composition. In addition, perfect zero-knowledge is achieved with an optimal 4-moves. Instantiations of our main protocol lead to efficient perfect ZK proofs of knowledge of discrete logarithms and RSA-roots, or more generally, q-one-way group homomorphisms. None of our results rely on intractability assumptions.
international cryptology conference | 2001
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård
Consider a network of processors among which elements in a finite field K can be verifiably shared in a constant number of rounds. Assume furthermore constant-round protocols are available for generating random shared values, for secure multiplication and for addition of shared values. These requirements can be met by known techniques in all standard models of communication. In this model we construct protocols allowing the network to securely solve standard computational problems in linear algebra. In particular, we show how the network can securely, efficiently and in constant-round compute determinant, characteristic polynomial, rank, and the solution space of linear systems of equations. Constant round solutions follow for all problems which can be solved by direct application of such linear algebraic methods, such as deciding whether a graph contains a perfect match. If the basic protocols (for shared random values, addition and multiplication) we start from are unconditionally secure, then so are our protocols. Our results offer solutions that are significantly more efficient than previous techniques for secure linear algebra, they work for arbitrary fields and therefore extend the class of functions previously known to be computable in constant round and with unconditional security. In particular, we obtain an unconditionally secure protocol for computing a function f in constant round, where the protocol has complexity polynomial in the span program size of f over an arbitrary finite field.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2000
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård; Stefan Dziembowski
We first study the problem of doing Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) information theoretically secure for a general access structure. We do it in the model where private channels between players and a broadcast channel is given, and where an active, adaptive adversary can corrupt any set of players not in the access structure. In particular, we consider the complexity of protocols for this problem, as a function of the access structure and the number of players. For all access structures where VSS is possible at all, we show that, up to a polynomial time black-box reduction, the complexity of adaptively secure VSS is the same as that of ordinary secret sharing (SS), where security is only required against a passive, static adversary. Previously, such a connection was only known for linear secret sharing and VSS schemes. We then show an impossibility result indicating that a similar equivalence does hot hold for Multiparty Computation (MPC): we show that even if protocols are given black-box access for free to an idealized secret sharing scheme secure for the access structure in question, it is not possible to handle all relevant access structures efficiently, not even if the adversary is passive and static. In other words, general MPC can only be black-box reduced efficiently to secret sharing if extra properties of the secret sharing scheme used (such as linearity) are assumed.
international cryptology conference | 1998
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård
We present a general method for constructing commitment schemes based on existence of q-one way group homomorphisms, in which elements in a finite prime field GF(q) can be committed to. A receiver of commitments can non-interactively check whether committed values satisfy linear equations. Multiplicative relations can be verified interactively with exponentially small error, while communicating only a constant number of commitments. Particular assumptions sufficient for our commitment schemes include: the RSA assumption, hardness of discrete log in a prime order group, and polynomial security of Diffie-Hellman encryption.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1997
Ronald Cramer; Ivan Damgård
We present a simple method for constructing identification schemes resilient against impersonation and man-in-the-middle attacks. Though zero-knowledge or witness hiding protocols are known to withstand attacks of the first kind, all such protocols previously proposed suffer from a weakness observed by Bengio et al.: a malicious verifier may simply act as a moderator between the prover and yet another verifier, thus enabling the malicious verifier to pass as the prover. We exhibit a general class of identification schemes that can be efficiently and securely tranformed into identification schemes withstanding an adaptive man-in-the-middle attacker. The complexity of the resulting (witness hiding) schemes is roughly twice that of the originals. Basically, any three-move, public coin identification scheme that is zero knowledge against the honest verifier and that is secure against passive impersonation attacks, is eligible for our transformation. This indicates that we need only seemlingly weak cryptographic intractability assumptions to construct a practical identification scheme resisting adative man-in-the-middle impersonation attacks. Moreover, the required primitive protocols can efficiently be constructed under the factoring or discrete logarithm assumptions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 1999
Ronald Cramer