Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Federal University of São Carlos
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Featured researches published by Roseli Rodrigues de Mello.
Cultura Y Educacion | 2009
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Resumen La temática desarrollada en el presente texto remite, necesariamente, a las contribuciones de Paulo Freire, educador brasileño que se hizo ciudadano del mundo. Para abordar el tema, me baso en algunas obras freireanas, destacando contribuciones importantes sobre la relación entre diálogo y escuela. Seguidamente, presento la propuesta de Comunidades de Aprendizaje, como camino metódico de establecimiento del diálogo en escuelas. Sigue el relato del proceso de transformación de tres escuelas en Comunidades de Aprendizaje, en la ciudad de São Carlos, Brasil, que está siendo acompañado e investigado por el Núcleo de Investigación y Acción Social y Educativa (NIASE), de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos. Para finalizar el texto haré unas reflexiones respecto cómo la propuesta de Comunidades de Aprendizaje está en consonancia con lo que defiende Freire sobre la participación de la comunidad en los procesos de democratización de la escuela y del aprendizaje en la institución.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Juliana Barbosa Consoni; Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes. PSYCHOLOGY • EDUCATION • CADErNOS DE PESqUISA C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 7 2 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 B ASED ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT DIFFERENT AREAS SUCH AS pSyCHOlOGy, sociology, anthropology, among others, can support the area of education in the development of pedagogical practices that ensure learning educational content (instrumental learning) for all students, while respecting diversity, a study was developed to analyze the presence and contributions of some of those areas in the educational scientific production, over the past three decades, in Brazil. Three major journals were taken as the basis for the study: Educacao & Sociedade, Revista Brasileira de Educacao e Cadernos de Pesquisa.1 For each area and each of the magazines, subprojects were deployed aiming to deepen decision making and the necessary analyses. This article intends to present and discuss the data and results of these subprojects, more specifically related to the relationship between psychology and education in the publications of Cadernos de Pesquisa, from 1980 to 2012, understanding psychology as one of the scientific areas which historically provides theoretical elements to formulate educational actions in teaching.2 In Brazil, since the early 20th century, psychological science was seen as a foundation of pedagogical and scientific publications in education, constituting the field of educational psychology. In general, the recognition of psychological knowledge in Brazil as scientific has always been articulated with the field of education, so that educational psychology was at the basis of psychology as a science, in Brazil 1 Research financed by CNPq, in the Universal/2010. 2 Master’s dissertation defended at PPGE/ UFSCar, with a scholarship from Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) – Capes. Ju lia n a B a rb o sa C o n so n i e R o se li R o d ig u e s d e M e llo C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 4 n 15 4 p 10 7 1-10 9 1 o u t./d e z . 2 0 14 10 7 3 (ANTUNES, 2001). Yet, the presence of psychology in education was not uniform in terms of propositions. Over the decades, different psychological trends have been part of educational research and conceptions, supporting issues on teaching and learning of content at school, presenting more than one theoretical model influencing education (CARVALHO, 2002; LIMA, E., 1990; PLACCO, 2002). Throughout history, some conceptions have brought progress, while others have contributed to the establishment of an individualist vision of the student (ANGELUCCI et al., 2004), or even helped to raise biased views about the actor who learns (PATTO, 2000). However, all psychological theories about teaching and learning were predominantly influenced by the socioeconomic context of the moment (PATTO, 2000), since the theories seek to interpret and to intervene in specific sociohistorical contexts. Based on such assumptions, a case-study of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa was used to analyze the contributions of psychology to education, regarding teaching and learning processes, from 1980 to 2012, a period of political opening and resumption of democracy in the country. Cadernos de Pesquisa was considered representative of the relationship between psychology and education in the Brazilian scenario, since it was founded in 1971, in a close relationship between the two areas, as already pointed out by Gouveia (1971), Poppovic (1971) and Esposito (1992), which can be confirmed especially in the 80th issue, dated February 1992. Different authors carried out, on the twentieth anniversary of the magazine, a thematic analysis of the publications in the period. Pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, assessment and educational research, classic educational topics, occupied a prominent place in the commemorative issue; but there was also an article with an analysis of the production regarding the relationship between education and work, as well as issues of race and gender, with special mention of one of them about how Cadernos de Pesquisa assisted in the consolidation of gender research in Brazil. From the next issue on, the journal assumed, in the editorial of the printed versions and in the guidelines for authors, the description of the orientation adopted up to today. Such description was initially shown in parentheses, which were soon removed, and currently it claims that the journal: Promotes the exchange of information and debate on issues of theoretical and methodological character, addresses the relationships between education and the problems and social perspectives of the country, public policy guidelines in the area, educational assessment and ethnic and racial themes on gender and family, promoting the publication of studies in Brazil and the interdisciplinary perspective. (CADERNOS DE PESQUISA, 2014) C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 74 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 However, in the research in question, it was considered important to study the production of Cadernos de Pesquisa to verify the impact brought about by the identity shift to the presence of psychology in the dialogue with education. A well respected magazine on national evaluations, and well recognized by researchers in education and related fields, Cadernos de Pesquisa serves here as a parameter to analyze the central theme of school education. THE METHODOLOGY USED FOr THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE rESEArCH The research followed the stages proposed by Bardin (2004) for organization and content analysis. For this author, content analysis is organized in three distinct phases: pre-analysis; exploration of the material; treatment of results (inference and interpretation)Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes.
Cadernos Cedes | 2015
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
No Brasil, a Educacao de Jovens e de Adultos constituiu-se, desde os primordios, em duas vias: como educacao escolar, numa escola para pobres, de carater compensatorio e civilizatorio voltado para o trabalho, e como educacao popular, por meio da organizacao das proprias comunidades as quais os direitos foram negados, empreendendo-se nelas espaco de aprendizagem de leitura e escrita, de debates e de reflexao sobre as desigualdades e a necessidade de transformacao social. No curso da historia, permeavel ao debate internacional, as politicas nacionais e as praticas formativas e educativas (escolares e nao-escolares) foram afirmando suas especificidades e ampliando suas fronteiras, no dialogo com os debates, acordos e producoes internacionais. Nas politicas e movimentos internos, as disputas, tensoes, avancos e retrocessos vao se dando em territorios e na acao de diversos atores, em meio a diferentes abordagens teoricas e metodologicas. No presente caderno, e a este movimento que queremos dar destaque, como oportunidade de trazer alguns dos temas centrais para o debate a respeito da Educacao de Jovens e Adultos, no panorama nacional, em diversas vertentes. A proposta feita as autoras e autores brasileiros, foi de fazer um balanco da producao e do debate ate o momento e apontar as perspectivas para os anos vindouros. Para a e o colega estrangeiros, solicitamos que nos apresentassem a alternativa metodologica de pesquisa por meio da qual seu grupo de pesquisa vem conseguindo forte impacto na transformacao da vida e das politicas voltadas a grupos que historicamente sao marginalizados na Espanha.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research | 2014
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
This study focuses on the extent to which mixed methods have been used in studies of rural women’s struggle for land rights in Brazil based on an analysis of a database of theses managed by the Brazilian government. The analysis focused on three aspects of the studies: identification of methodology, representation of the rural women’s voices, and whether the studies highlighted the women’s role as active agents. Mixed methods guided the analysis strategy of the studies themselves. The results indicate that 74% of the studies use qualitative methods, 22% use mixed methods, and only 4% were exclusively quantitative. Consideration of the studies quality reveals that mixed methods potentially provide a better understanding of the complexity in the struggle for land by women.This study focuses on the extent to which mixed methods have been used in studies of rural women’s struggle for land rights in Brazil based on an analysis of a database of theses managed by the Brazilian government. The analysis focused on three aspects of the studies: identification of methodology, representation of the rural women’s voices, and whether the studies highlighted the women’s role as active agents. Mixed methods guided the analysis strategy of the studies themselves. The results indicate that 74% of the studies use qualitative methods, 22% use mixed methods, and only 4% were exclusively quantitative. Consideration of the studies quality reveals that mixed methods potentially provide a better understanding of the complexity in the struggle for land by women.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Juliana Barbosa Consoni; Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes. PSYCHOLOGY • EDUCATION • CADErNOS DE PESqUISA C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 7 2 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 B ASED ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT DIFFERENT AREAS SUCH AS pSyCHOlOGy, sociology, anthropology, among others, can support the area of education in the development of pedagogical practices that ensure learning educational content (instrumental learning) for all students, while respecting diversity, a study was developed to analyze the presence and contributions of some of those areas in the educational scientific production, over the past three decades, in Brazil. Three major journals were taken as the basis for the study: Educacao & Sociedade, Revista Brasileira de Educacao e Cadernos de Pesquisa.1 For each area and each of the magazines, subprojects were deployed aiming to deepen decision making and the necessary analyses. This article intends to present and discuss the data and results of these subprojects, more specifically related to the relationship between psychology and education in the publications of Cadernos de Pesquisa, from 1980 to 2012, understanding psychology as one of the scientific areas which historically provides theoretical elements to formulate educational actions in teaching.2 In Brazil, since the early 20th century, psychological science was seen as a foundation of pedagogical and scientific publications in education, constituting the field of educational psychology. In general, the recognition of psychological knowledge in Brazil as scientific has always been articulated with the field of education, so that educational psychology was at the basis of psychology as a science, in Brazil 1 Research financed by CNPq, in the Universal/2010. 2 Master’s dissertation defended at PPGE/ UFSCar, with a scholarship from Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) – Capes. Ju lia n a B a rb o sa C o n so n i e R o se li R o d ig u e s d e M e llo C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 4 n 15 4 p 10 7 1-10 9 1 o u t./d e z . 2 0 14 10 7 3 (ANTUNES, 2001). Yet, the presence of psychology in education was not uniform in terms of propositions. Over the decades, different psychological trends have been part of educational research and conceptions, supporting issues on teaching and learning of content at school, presenting more than one theoretical model influencing education (CARVALHO, 2002; LIMA, E., 1990; PLACCO, 2002). Throughout history, some conceptions have brought progress, while others have contributed to the establishment of an individualist vision of the student (ANGELUCCI et al., 2004), or even helped to raise biased views about the actor who learns (PATTO, 2000). However, all psychological theories about teaching and learning were predominantly influenced by the socioeconomic context of the moment (PATTO, 2000), since the theories seek to interpret and to intervene in specific sociohistorical contexts. Based on such assumptions, a case-study of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa was used to analyze the contributions of psychology to education, regarding teaching and learning processes, from 1980 to 2012, a period of political opening and resumption of democracy in the country. Cadernos de Pesquisa was considered representative of the relationship between psychology and education in the Brazilian scenario, since it was founded in 1971, in a close relationship between the two areas, as already pointed out by Gouveia (1971), Poppovic (1971) and Esposito (1992), which can be confirmed especially in the 80th issue, dated February 1992. Different authors carried out, on the twentieth anniversary of the magazine, a thematic analysis of the publications in the period. Pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, assessment and educational research, classic educational topics, occupied a prominent place in the commemorative issue; but there was also an article with an analysis of the production regarding the relationship between education and work, as well as issues of race and gender, with special mention of one of them about how Cadernos de Pesquisa assisted in the consolidation of gender research in Brazil. From the next issue on, the journal assumed, in the editorial of the printed versions and in the guidelines for authors, the description of the orientation adopted up to today. Such description was initially shown in parentheses, which were soon removed, and currently it claims that the journal: Promotes the exchange of information and debate on issues of theoretical and methodological character, addresses the relationships between education and the problems and social perspectives of the country, public policy guidelines in the area, educational assessment and ethnic and racial themes on gender and family, promoting the publication of studies in Brazil and the interdisciplinary perspective. (CADERNOS DE PESQUISA, 2014) C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 74 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 However, in the research in question, it was considered important to study the production of Cadernos de Pesquisa to verify the impact brought about by the identity shift to the presence of psychology in the dialogue with education. A well respected magazine on national evaluations, and well recognized by researchers in education and related fields, Cadernos de Pesquisa serves here as a parameter to analyze the central theme of school education. THE METHODOLOGY USED FOr THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE rESEArCH The research followed the stages proposed by Bardin (2004) for organization and content analysis. For this author, content analysis is organized in three distinct phases: pre-analysis; exploration of the material; treatment of results (inference and interpretation)Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes.
Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2014
Juliana Barbosa Consoni; Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes. PSYCHOLOGY • EDUCATION • CADErNOS DE PESqUISA C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 7 2 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 B ASED ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT DIFFERENT AREAS SUCH AS pSyCHOlOGy, sociology, anthropology, among others, can support the area of education in the development of pedagogical practices that ensure learning educational content (instrumental learning) for all students, while respecting diversity, a study was developed to analyze the presence and contributions of some of those areas in the educational scientific production, over the past three decades, in Brazil. Three major journals were taken as the basis for the study: Educacao & Sociedade, Revista Brasileira de Educacao e Cadernos de Pesquisa.1 For each area and each of the magazines, subprojects were deployed aiming to deepen decision making and the necessary analyses. This article intends to present and discuss the data and results of these subprojects, more specifically related to the relationship between psychology and education in the publications of Cadernos de Pesquisa, from 1980 to 2012, understanding psychology as one of the scientific areas which historically provides theoretical elements to formulate educational actions in teaching.2 In Brazil, since the early 20th century, psychological science was seen as a foundation of pedagogical and scientific publications in education, constituting the field of educational psychology. In general, the recognition of psychological knowledge in Brazil as scientific has always been articulated with the field of education, so that educational psychology was at the basis of psychology as a science, in Brazil 1 Research financed by CNPq, in the Universal/2010. 2 Master’s dissertation defended at PPGE/ UFSCar, with a scholarship from Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) – Capes. Ju lia n a B a rb o sa C o n so n i e R o se li R o d ig u e s d e M e llo C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 4 n 15 4 p 10 7 1-10 9 1 o u t./d e z . 2 0 14 10 7 3 (ANTUNES, 2001). Yet, the presence of psychology in education was not uniform in terms of propositions. Over the decades, different psychological trends have been part of educational research and conceptions, supporting issues on teaching and learning of content at school, presenting more than one theoretical model influencing education (CARVALHO, 2002; LIMA, E., 1990; PLACCO, 2002). Throughout history, some conceptions have brought progress, while others have contributed to the establishment of an individualist vision of the student (ANGELUCCI et al., 2004), or even helped to raise biased views about the actor who learns (PATTO, 2000). However, all psychological theories about teaching and learning were predominantly influenced by the socioeconomic context of the moment (PATTO, 2000), since the theories seek to interpret and to intervene in specific sociohistorical contexts. Based on such assumptions, a case-study of the journal Cadernos de Pesquisa was used to analyze the contributions of psychology to education, regarding teaching and learning processes, from 1980 to 2012, a period of political opening and resumption of democracy in the country. Cadernos de Pesquisa was considered representative of the relationship between psychology and education in the Brazilian scenario, since it was founded in 1971, in a close relationship between the two areas, as already pointed out by Gouveia (1971), Poppovic (1971) and Esposito (1992), which can be confirmed especially in the 80th issue, dated February 1992. Different authors carried out, on the twentieth anniversary of the magazine, a thematic analysis of the publications in the period. Pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, assessment and educational research, classic educational topics, occupied a prominent place in the commemorative issue; but there was also an article with an analysis of the production regarding the relationship between education and work, as well as issues of race and gender, with special mention of one of them about how Cadernos de Pesquisa assisted in the consolidation of gender research in Brazil. From the next issue on, the journal assumed, in the editorial of the printed versions and in the guidelines for authors, the description of the orientation adopted up to today. Such description was initially shown in parentheses, which were soon removed, and currently it claims that the journal: Promotes the exchange of information and debate on issues of theoretical and methodological character, addresses the relationships between education and the problems and social perspectives of the country, public policy guidelines in the area, educational assessment and ethnic and racial themes on gender and family, promoting the publication of studies in Brazil and the interdisciplinary perspective. (CADERNOS DE PESQUISA, 2014) C A D E R N O S D E P E S Q U IS A : P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N I N T H E S C H O O L ’S T E A C H IN G A N D L E A R N IN G P R O C E S S 10 74 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 4 n .1 5 4 p .1 0 7 110 9 1 o u t. /d e z . 2 0 14 However, in the research in question, it was considered important to study the production of Cadernos de Pesquisa to verify the impact brought about by the identity shift to the presence of psychology in the dialogue with education. A well respected magazine on national evaluations, and well recognized by researchers in education and related fields, Cadernos de Pesquisa serves here as a parameter to analyze the central theme of school education. THE METHODOLOGY USED FOr THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE rESEArCH The research followed the stages proposed by Bardin (2004) for organization and content analysis. For this author, content analysis is organized in three distinct phases: pre-analysis; exploration of the material; treatment of results (inference and interpretation)Psychology and Education are two areas which historically maintain a close relationship on building elements for school teaching and learning processes. The present study presents data related to such a relationship, as displayed in the Brazilian journal Cadernos de Pesquisa – CP –, from 1980 to 2012. The aim was to highlight how the relationship between the two areas regarding content teaching was established in the more recent past and to verify if it is still effective in the CP publications. Results, obtained through Content Analysis of seventy articles, indicated that the prominent psychological theory in the 1980s and 1990s was Piaget’s; different Psychological trends underlie the discussions from 2000 to 2012; in the last decade, it has been possible to identify a decrease in the number of articles that articulate Psychology and Education within content learning and teaching processes.
Archive | 2012
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello; Fabiana Marini Braga; Vanessa Gabassa
Revista Contrapontos | 2003
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Reflexão e Ação | 2018
Lucimara Cristina de Paula; Roseli Rodrigues de Mello
Praxis Educativa | 2016
Lucimara Cristina de Paula; Roseli Rodrigues de Mello