Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
Rio de Janeiro State University
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Featured researches published by Rosinei Batista Ribeiro.
Archive | 2017
Nelson Tavares Matias; Natalha Carvalho; Paulo Sena; Claudia Araújo; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
The Human-systems Integration (HSI) is a concept which discusses the relation among several factors that influence and are influenced in a system. Aiming to identify all these factors, a car crash simulation is addressed in this paper, emphasizing all people and tasks involved, categorizing in their respective classifications, discussing how relevant they are during the emergency actions and how important is an integration to guarantee the efficiency and excellence in the rescue process.
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics | 2017
Natalha Carvalho; Nelson Tavares Matias; Claudia Araújo; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; Paulo Sena
This paper aimed to evaluate the constraints associated with Passengers with Special Assistance Need, regarding accessibility, comfort, safety and reduced mobility. A wide view on the subject has identified the main problems, such as financial losses to airport operators and airlines, and the constraints to which users suffer during the process, often highlighting the difficulties experienced by those who use Assistive Technology.
Journal of Management & Technology | 2016
Igor Alexandre Fioravante; Aracelli Martins de Freitas Fioravante; José W. J. Silva; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
In the globalized market, companies, in order to become more competitive, need to reduce their costs. One way to reduce costs is direct related to labor through the operation automation, mainly, those that do not aggregate value to the final product such as parts’ handling. With the popularization of microcontrollers, the robotic unit construction became more economically viable. The construction of a robot involves the usage of related concepts with hardware, software and mechanical work, which need to be integrated through a microcontroller to coordinate the robot’s peripheries. This paper developed a project and the assembly of a small robot controlled remotely, utilizing an Arduino platform, capable of completing manual tasks. Besides the multidisciplinary aspect, the project solidifies countless concepts of computer aided manufacturing.Resume: This article is going to introduce the study a case of the implantation of MRP system, for improvement of the process of purchase of base materials, from one bakery. The philosophy of MRP system have like base the reduction of stocks, this way, the company those use this system can reduce their costs and maximize the earnings. The methodology is going to be apply in a familiar bakery in Pindamonhangaba, through the needs assessment of brutal material for each one of the products and like this stablished one programming of receiving base materials, based on demand, considering the historical data for the period May to October 2015.Abstract The companies working in the business world are contracted by even more demanding clients. To assure their stay in the market it is necessary to be in constant adaptation and to apply improvements in the usage of both practically and modally, independently of which field of work. During the development of this work, both theoretical and comparative analyses were solidified from studied concepts and the real application of working routines in a general manner. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness to market professionals the importance of incorporating the continuous Improvement Process, through the Kaizen methodology, which consists of waste disposal based on common sense, the use of low-cost implementation solutions that draw on the motivation and creativity of employees to improve the practice of their processes and thus obtaining successful cases. The methodology used was literature searches, including books, dissertations, articles and successful cases performed in companies. The objective is to show the importance of Kaizen and know their strategies in the company. From the hypothesis that competition between companies is increasingly fierce and with globalization the current market became more competitive and has made it clear that the world is constantly changing. Through this work it was found that the Kaizen adds much in companies suffering from waste, so this work is intended to show successful cases that can help observe the earnings of companies with low implementation cost .With the growing importance of developing skills in students of engineering courses, where the traditional model of education has highlighted the deepening of knowledge in the disciplines contents, leaving aside the formation of skills and attitudes, it shows in the educational institutions, innovations in models to develop their students. This article highlights the experience of an academic project using the concepts of Pascals Law in Fluid Mechanics discipline. With freedom of choice, students should develop a hydraulic device. Crafted entirely by actively Project Based Learning method (PBL), the discipline makes up the curriculum of the 4th semester of Mechanical Engineering. Located in Lorena (SP), the course is taught in UNISAL (University Center of Sao Paulo) brazilian higher education institution that is at the forefront of innovative learning methods. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the practical application of Pascal concepts in the development of a fixed crane using recyclable materials in its structure and representing its functionality through the use of different sizes of syringes. The fundamental concept is the application of a specific force in a given area, in order to calculate the pressure at this point. The supports used for balancing the crane while avoiding the overturning of the same, were made from four syringes with the same diameter, representing the footpads. For luffing, two syringes were used with a diameter twice that of the outriggers syringes, to withstand high load. For the telescopic boom three syringes of different diameters were used in order to represent the length of the boom and subsequently the retraction of it. The project is to create a device with controlled movements by radio frequency and that its main functions are driven by syringes. Moreover, safety sequences were developed to avoid the shifting device with the high weight and rotation of the boom in an accelerated manner. Aimed at economy and efficiency of the devices, setting the crane will be calculated in every way possible based on Pascals law. Developed over 6 weeks, the principle is the determination of the payload and the time range. Through an initial draft, it became the design of the rotating system, in which the load simulation was done by checking reactions and tensions. From cylinder specifications (bore and stroke), the pump, the design and working system were adequate in order to scale the rest of the hydraulic system. At the end of the project, it was found that the application of Pascals law provided the movement of cargo through the minimum effort. It’s Important to emphasize the delegation of duties between members of the group, facilitating the learning process and especially the capacity for decision making, as with the involvement of all during the project development led to the practical application of the theory asserted evenly inside the team.O presente trabalho buscou explorar os processos criogenicos de resfriamento de acos de alto teor de carbono, apos serem submetidos a tratamentos de tempera, onde as pecas sao submetidas a temperaturas de -80o ate -196o, com a utilizacao de nitrogenio liquido ou seco, o que permite um resfriamento rapido e eficiente, conferindo melhores propriedades, atraves de estudos de casos, foi comprovado que os tratamentos criogenicos possuem vantagem sobre os processos de resfriamento convencionais, oleo, salmoura, pois caracteristicas como tamanho do grao e estabilidade interna, sao melhoradas com tratamentos criogenicos O objetivo do presente estudo e apresentar um novo metodo de analise para tomada de decisao uso de geracao de energia solar atraves de paineis solares instalados para pequenas e medias consumidores de tamanho. Usando uma nova forma de injecao de energia solar na unidade consumidora, estara sendo levando em conta tanto tecnica e analise economica de aspectos energeticos. Os beneficios decorrentes da utilizacao de inclusao social nas comunidades que serao instalados em, bem como a disseminacao deste tipo de geracao, e o aumento da sua utilizacao para todos os niveis de classes sociais. Em conjunto com a colocacao de uma proposta as autoridades pertinentes de meios de subsidiar as classes D e E no Brasil com este tipo inovado de geracao, mostrando quanta energia pode ser gerada levando os consumidores a reduzir os custos de contas de energia e aliviar o sistema de rede eletrica brasileira; vamos, do ponto de vista do sistema de rede de energia, analisar as caracteristicas de funcionamento dentro do conceito de geracao distribuida.This article aims to apply and present a bibliographic review by demonstrating methods and tools to increase reliability, basing its relationship with concepts of availability and maintainability in industrial maintenance management, contributing for competitiveness increase in organizations. It starts by reviewing concepts related to definition of maintenance, methods and tools applied to increase the reliability in maintenance management, explain what is reliability, availability and maintainability and its relation with the maintenance function, finally, it is conceptualized the good practices of maintenance and FMEA, relating the competitiveness of an organization and its maintenance function.O presente trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de uma esteira para separacao automatica de material reciclado, tendo em vista que hoje as empresas tem dado grande importância a este assunto e vem adotando a utilizacao de alguns equipamentos, como esteiras transportadoras, separadores automaticos e incineradores, como forma de destinar de forma correta seus residuos. Dessa forma, foi projetada e desenvolvida uma esteira utilizando 1 sensor Indutivo e 3 capacitivos, capazes de identificar os materiais: metal, vidro, papel e plastico e separa-los de forma correta para recipientes especificos. Com a analise dos resultados foi identificado que a esteira se comportou de forma estavel, fez a deteccao e separacao, de forma precisa, dos materiais de maior espessura.Neste artigo e apresentado um estudo sobre modelagem matematica e pesquisa operacional, com foco no problema do fluxo maximo. Especificamente, foi desenvolvido um estudo sobre um problema de distribuicao e balanceamento de agua nas plantas de uma industria quimica, sem essa correta distribuicao para as plantas quimicas acaba por prejudicar os produtos. Estes produtos ao serem processados tem alta temperatura e devem ser resfriados, caso nao seja possivel a empresa acaba perdendo todo material, o que causa perdas na producao e no faturamento. O objetivo e a utilizacao da modelagem e da pesquisa operacional para a organizacao dos dados e plantas dos encanamentos de agua fornecidos pela empresa, para se definir como deve ser feito o balanceamento. O problema pode ser a troca de algum cano pelo fato da planta ter diâmetros diferentes em cada divisao e verificar onde realmente pode estar o problema fornecido. O problema do fluxo maximo e uma poderosa ferramenta de modelagem com uma grande variedade de aplicacoes praticas (fluxo de petroleo, fluxo de mercadorias etc.).Em uma organizacao sem padronizacao, a variacao dos resultados pode ser muito grande, demonstrando que nao existe controle sobre os processos realizados. Este trabalho analisou o comportamento do gestor quanto ao estudo dos tempos e metodos de um processo produtivo, a utilizacao deste estudo na empresa e as ferramentas que foram aplicadas com a finalidade de melhorar os processos e padroniza-los. Neste trabalho foi realizada pesquisa de cunho teorico e pratico que trouxe esclarecimentos sobre os metodos para analise de processos, ferramentas utilizadas nas empresas para visualizar e melhorar os processos e algumas ferramentas que buscam garantir a qualidade final de um produto ou servico. Algumas referencias contribuiram sobre o conceito de padronizacao do trabalho, os tipos, a estruturacao e os elementos que a compoem. A variabilidade dos resultados de um unico processo realizado por pessoas diferentes foi uma das justificativas para elaboracao deste trabalho, bem como o controle da qualidade do produto final e a busca da reducao de desperdicios no processo para sua melhoria e padronizacao. Para confirmar os objetivos do trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de caso, cujos resultados foram discutidos e mostraram que a acao do gestor, mediante a necessidade de melhoria e padronizacao do processo, obteve bom exito. A reducao do tempo de processamento foi significativa, a criacao do documento de trabalho padrao tem a possibilidade de garantir que o processo produza o mesmo resultado independente do executor, alem de se tornar ferramenta de treinamento para futuros executores.Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de otimizacao para apoiar decisoes de planejamento e controle de producao (PCP) em uma empresa produtora de uniformes. O caso estudado aborda os problemas empresariais ligados a necessidade de maximizacao do lucro em um contexto de escassez de recursos e outras condicoes adversas que limitam a capacidade produtiva. A escassez de recursos, frente ao objetivo de maximizacao dos resultados, faz com que os gestores se questionem sobre quais os produtos ou linhas de produtos que deveriam ser eliminados e quais deveriam ter suas vendas incentivadas. Utilizou-se um modelo de programacao linear e o solver Lindo® (6.1) com o objetivo de identificar os produtos com melhor ganho industrial e a producao ideal para maximizar do lucro da empresa. A solucao otima fornecida pelo modelo matematico nao satisfaz a necessidade da empresa, pois ela indica a producao de somente dos itens do portfolio disponivel. Contudo os resultados indicam que o lucro da empresa e restrito a quantidade de horas trabalhadas e a capacidade produtiva da empresa Para que uma empresa consiga atingir um ponto otimo ela tem que desenvolver seu proprio mecanismo de formacao de custos, despesas, precos, remuneracao do seu investimento, enfim obter um modelo ideal que vai desde a programacao da producao ate a colocacao do produto no mercado, somente assim a mesma obtem as referencias acerca do lucro tao almejado a ser atingido.Neste artigo e realizada uma discussao sobre a teoria de ensino-aprendizagem sob o ponto de vista de Vygotsky. Segundo Vygotsky o processo de ensino-aprendizagem esta intimamente ligado a forma como este se desenvolve e como sera apreendido e utilizado pelo alunoem geral. Suaideia principal e firmada na teoria historico-cultural do psiquismo, na qual a interacao do ser humano com seu ambiente social surge para explicar o desenvolvimento do psiquismo relacionado as funcoes mentais e a atividade humana. Com base nestes pressupostos, este trabalho toma a forma desejada enfatizando a importância do professor e do ambiente em sala de aula como evidencia da interacao socio-cultural entre professor e aluno. E ainda baseado na teoria e na vivencia academica a proposta e questionar e propor ideias para o aperfeicoamento e crescimento do ensino superior na area de exatas. Diante do cenario atual da educacao, ha a expectativa que a teoria e metodologias ativas auxiliem o processo de ensino-aprendizagem e principalmente o desenvolvimento racional e mental destes alunos.
IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science | 2016
ClaudiaLysia de Oliveira Araújo; José Wilson de Jesus Silva; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
Conditions found in patient transport are not always the most favorable and are the main contributors to a precarious ergonomic performance. Ergonomics is the relationship between man and the working environment; it effectively contributes to a good development of tasks and makes us to position properly to carry out activities in the exercise of function against any physical effort that might be harmful to the musculoskeletal system. The study aimed to characterize the socio-demographic profile of patients rescuer drivers, knowing the physical activities developed and their complaints about transport use. It is a transversal exploratory study with a quantitative approach. The professionals suffer from some kind of musculoskeletal complaints due to posture or inadequate ergonomic conditions present in the inter-hospital transport of patients, therefore, it is necessary adequacy of ambulances or ministration of training to professionals to reduce
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering | 2016
Erika Aparecida da Silva; Luiz Fernando Vargas Malerba Fernandes; José Wilson de Jesus Silva; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; Marcelo dos Santos Pereira; Joël Alexis
In this project, it is planned to carry out a complete microstructural characterization of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) currently used in the automotive industry. These steels have an elastic effect, called spring back effect, during the sheet metal forming of parts. This spring back is the main problem of this family of steels during the production process of the structural components of the automotive industry: especially for dimensional problems in automotive structural components. It is therefore necessary to evaluate changes in microstructure during the stages of sheet metal forming in order to know precisely the microstructural and mechanical behavior of material after being subjected to this effect. Steels studied in this research work are currently used by all major automobile industries, which are dual-phase (DP) 600 and 780. The spring back effect mechanical characterization was performed by means of a mechanical bending test, called as Air Bending. The results indicate that the spring back effect in the DP 780 has the highest spring back rate due to its high mechanical strength due to Hall-Petchphenomenom. The comparison of analyses EBSD before and after bending tests showed a relation between the misorientation of grains and the spring back effect. The results obtained by microstructure analysis of EBSD confirmed the tendency of DP780 absorb a greater amount of energy during the deformation, thus resulting in greater springback effect.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; José Wilson de Jesus Silva; Luis Rogerio de Oliveira Hein; Eduardo Norberto Codaro; Nelson Tavares Matias
Pit morphology on sensitized 310S stainless steel has been studied using an image processing method based on reflected light microscopy (profile and surface). Salt Spray test has been used to induce the pitting corrosion. Morphological pits character do not depend on sensitization heat treatments here applied. Nucleation rates and growth may be associated with quantity and distribution of chromium carbides. This being so, condition I (heating up to 1065o C during 1 h and air cooling) and condition II (heating up to 1065o C during 1 h and air cooling followed by reheating up to 670°C during 5 h and again air cooling) are the most susceptible to pitting, in particular the first one. In these two conditions, pits are nucleated in grains and in grain boundaries, while in condition III (heating up to 1065o C during 1 h and air cooling followed by reheating up to 620o C during 24 h and again air cooling), pits are preferentially nucleated in boundaries of small grains. Thence, pits usually grow more rapidly in depth than in width, being able to occur partial or total grains separation. Pits are mainly hemispherical, near-hemispherical, near-conical and near-cylindrical without significant geometric transition associated with an increasing exposure period.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
José Wilson de Jesus Silva; A.P.O. Belo; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; Nelson Tavares Matias
In Petrobrás SA refineries, there are thousands of heat exchangers in which cooling water is treated for recycling, often by outsourced companies. In all of these refineries there happens shutdown for corrective maintenance of the exchangers by problems related to corrosion caused by the cooling water, requiring about four days to repair a unit. The shutdown of a production line results in loss of revenue between U
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; Fernando Vernilli; Gilbert Silva; Rafaela Veloso de Oliveira; Messias Borges Silva
200,000.00 and U
Journal of Management & Technology | 2014
Emerson Augusto Raymundo; Erica Weruth Ambrozin; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro; José Verissimo Ribeiro Toledo; José Vitor Candido de Souza
300,000.00 per day. To control the cooling water quality, it is used coupons for corrosion analysis. Tests are limited to visual inspection and by mass loss analysis. In this work, inhibitors such as sodium nitrite, sodium dichromate and benzoic acid are used to protect metals immersed in water in order to avoid the corrosion and consequently the shutdown of the exchanger for corrective maintenance.
Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2012
Nelson Tavares Matias; Victor Orlando Gamarra Rosado; José Glênio Medeiros de Barros; Antonio Henriques de Araújo; Rosinei Batista Ribeiro
Experiment project is an applied methodology in several areas, aiming at the improvement of the productivity and the reduction of the variability, seeking to generate information to guide the decisions during the research and the development of new materials [1,2]. In this work it was studied the optimization of the sintering process of the niobium characterized by the techniques metallography and also for systems of digital processing and images analysis, in agreement with the technical norms [3,4].