Rüdiger Klar
University of Freiburg
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Featured researches published by Rüdiger Klar.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2009
Rüdiger Klar; Ernst Pelikan
In Germany there are many successful special applications of telemedicine. However, these projects are generally not extendable to the whole nation because of the highly complex German health care system, limited funding, heterogeneous IT standards in ambulatory and hospital care, insufficient official electronic health card use, the different data protection and privacy regulations of the federal and state governments, doubts of physicians and patients as well as unequal costs and benefits for the various persons involved in telemedicine. These problems can be overcome by better legal regulations for a seamless interaction of ambulatory and hospital care, improved IT standards and support of the interoperability of telemedical and other health care IT, adaption of the health care organization, work flow and reimbursement of telemedicine services, better information and education of all persons involved about the necessity and limits of telemedicine. There are no doubts about the benefits of telemedicine but to achieve these advantages for the whole healthcare system in Germany requires much work, time and good will.ZusammenfassungDie bisher meist kleinen, durchaus erfolgreichen telemedizinischen Sonderanwendungen in Deutschland eignen sich mit ihrem Zusatzaufwand kaum für eine Regelversorgung. Noch passen sie sich schlecht in die vorhandene IT-Welt der Praxen und Krankenhäuser ein. Zudem sind die Schnittstellenvielfalt und Heterogenität der IT-Standards auch bei der elektronischen Krankenakte zu groß. Unser sektorales Gesundheitswesen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen der Selbstverwaltung, der Landesregierungen oder des Datenschutzes ist extrem komplex und daher mit höchst heterogenen IT-Anforderungen belastet. Auch fällt der Nutzen der Telemedizin nicht immer an den Stellen an, die die meiste Arbeit damit haben. Weiterhin könnte das Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis distanzierter werden. Als Konsequenz aus all diesen Problemen sind bessere rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, technische Integrations- und Migrationshilfen, organisatorische und ablauftechnische Änderungen sowie eine verbesserte Aufklärung über die Vorteile und Grenzen der Telemedizin bei allen Beteiligten zu fordern. Denn der Nutzen der Telemedizin ist nicht mehr abzustreiten, auch wenn ihre Anwendung in der Regelversorgung in Deutschland noch viel Zeit, Arbeit und Geduld erfordert.AbstractIn Germany there are many successful special applications of telemedicine. However, these projects are generally not extendable to the whole nation because of the highly complex German health care system, limited funding, heterogeneous IT standards in ambulatory and hospital care, insufficient official electronic health card use, the different data protection and privacy regulations of the federal and state governments, doubts of physicians and patients as well as unequal costs and benefits for the various persons involved in telemedicine. These problems can be overcome by better legal regulations for a seamless interaction of ambulatory and hospital care, improved IT standards and support of the interoperability of telemedical and other health care IT, adaption of the health care organization, work flow and reimbursement of telemedicine services, better information and education of all persons involved about the necessity and limits of telemedicine. There are no doubts about the benefits of telemedicine but to achieve these advantages for the whole healthcare system in Germany requires much work, time and good will.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2009
Rüdiger Klar; Ernst Pelikan
In Germany there are many successful special applications of telemedicine. However, these projects are generally not extendable to the whole nation because of the highly complex German health care system, limited funding, heterogeneous IT standards in ambulatory and hospital care, insufficient official electronic health card use, the different data protection and privacy regulations of the federal and state governments, doubts of physicians and patients as well as unequal costs and benefits for the various persons involved in telemedicine. These problems can be overcome by better legal regulations for a seamless interaction of ambulatory and hospital care, improved IT standards and support of the interoperability of telemedical and other health care IT, adaption of the health care organization, work flow and reimbursement of telemedicine services, better information and education of all persons involved about the necessity and limits of telemedicine. There are no doubts about the benefits of telemedicine but to achieve these advantages for the whole healthcare system in Germany requires much work, time and good will.ZusammenfassungDie bisher meist kleinen, durchaus erfolgreichen telemedizinischen Sonderanwendungen in Deutschland eignen sich mit ihrem Zusatzaufwand kaum für eine Regelversorgung. Noch passen sie sich schlecht in die vorhandene IT-Welt der Praxen und Krankenhäuser ein. Zudem sind die Schnittstellenvielfalt und Heterogenität der IT-Standards auch bei der elektronischen Krankenakte zu groß. Unser sektorales Gesundheitswesen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen der Selbstverwaltung, der Landesregierungen oder des Datenschutzes ist extrem komplex und daher mit höchst heterogenen IT-Anforderungen belastet. Auch fällt der Nutzen der Telemedizin nicht immer an den Stellen an, die die meiste Arbeit damit haben. Weiterhin könnte das Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis distanzierter werden. Als Konsequenz aus all diesen Problemen sind bessere rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, technische Integrations- und Migrationshilfen, organisatorische und ablauftechnische Änderungen sowie eine verbesserte Aufklärung über die Vorteile und Grenzen der Telemedizin bei allen Beteiligten zu fordern. Denn der Nutzen der Telemedizin ist nicht mehr abzustreiten, auch wenn ihre Anwendung in der Regelversorgung in Deutschland noch viel Zeit, Arbeit und Geduld erfordert.AbstractIn Germany there are many successful special applications of telemedicine. However, these projects are generally not extendable to the whole nation because of the highly complex German health care system, limited funding, heterogeneous IT standards in ambulatory and hospital care, insufficient official electronic health card use, the different data protection and privacy regulations of the federal and state governments, doubts of physicians and patients as well as unequal costs and benefits for the various persons involved in telemedicine. These problems can be overcome by better legal regulations for a seamless interaction of ambulatory and hospital care, improved IT standards and support of the interoperability of telemedical and other health care IT, adaption of the health care organization, work flow and reimbursement of telemedicine services, better information and education of all persons involved about the necessity and limits of telemedicine. There are no doubts about the benefits of telemedicine but to achieve these advantages for the whole healthcare system in Germany requires much work, time and good will.
Medical Informatics and The Internet in Medicine | 2007
Philipp Daumke; Kornél Markü; Michael Poprat; Stefan Schulz; Rüdiger Klar
This work presents a new dictionary-based approach to biomedical cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) that addresses many of the general and domain-specific challenges in current CLIR research. Our method is based on a multilingual lexicon that was generated partly manually and partly automatically, and currently covers six European languages. It contains morphologically meaningful word fragments, termed subwords. Using subwords instead of entire words significantly reduces the number of lexical entries necessary to sufficiently cover a specific language and domain. Mediation between queries and documents is based on these subwords as well as on lists of word-n-grams that are generated from large monolingual corpora and constitute possible translation units. The translations are then sent to a standard Internet search engine. This process makes our approach an effective tool for searching the biomedical content of the World Wide Web in different languages. We evaluate this approach using the OHSUMED corpus, a large medical document collection, within a cross-language retrieval setting.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2003
Rüdiger Klar; Stefan Schulz
ZusammenfassungDas World Wide Web tritt als Plattform für gesundheitsrelevante Informationen mehr und mehr in den Vordergrund.Leistungsfähige Recherchewerkzeuge spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle.Die populären Websuchmaschinen decken nur einen Teilbereich des World Wide Web ab und scheitern zudem oft an den Eigenarten der medizinischen Fachterminologie.Domänenspezifische Suchmaschinen haben sich hingegen bisher wenig durchsetzen können.In der Verbesserung der natürlichsprachlichen Benutzerschnittstellen sowie insbesondere in der Erschließung der bisher verborgenen Inhalte des sog.Hidden Web liegen zukünftige Herausforderungen für Suchmaschinen in der Medizin.AbstractThe World Wide Web is becoming a primary platform for health-related information,and powerful retrieval tools play a crucial role. The popular web search engines cover only a part of the World Wide Web and are also affected by the intricacies of medical terminology. However, domain-specific search engines have not yet become generally accepted. Future challenges for medical search engines lie in the improvement of natural language user interfaces and especially in uncovering hidden web contents.
Archive | 1997
Martin Romacker; Klemens Schnattinger; Udo Hahn; Stefan Schulz; Rüdiger Klar
An approach to knowledge-based text understanding of real-world texts from the medical domain (viz. gastro-intestinal findings) is presented. We survey major methodological features of an object-oriented, fully lexicalized, dependency-based grammar model which is tightly linked to domain knowledge representations based on description logics. The parser adheres to the principles of robustness, incrementality and concurrency. The substrate of automatic knowledge acquisition are text knowledge bases generated by the parser from medical narratives, which represent major portions of the content of these documents.
Archive | 1996
Rüdiger Klar; Albrecht Zaiß
In Germany new legal regulations resulted in extended developments and applications of ordered vocabularies in medicine such as the ICD. Quality, efficiency and transparency of medical services of all health care providers should be improved e.g. by transmission of yearly 16 million discharge summaries by nearly all hospitals including ICD coded diagnoses and ICPM coded surgical procedures to the sickfunds. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the International Classification of Procedures in Medicine (ICPM) are monohierarchical conceptual classifications and include disjunctive and extensional vocabularies with about 7000 canonical and 20 000 lexical variant terms (ICD-9). They were developed out of practice with many inconsistencies and unsystematic structures. Conceptual classifications or systematized nomenclatures should cover: completeness of the medical domain, disjunction of classes or terms by non-redundancy, by linkage of synonyms, by precision in definition and by resolution of homonyms as well as consistency of views. In this sense the multidimensional Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) is systematically better constructed than ICD but because of its complexity not well accepted by clinical users for manual coding. These and several other controlled vocabularies, especially the extensively applied Medical Subject Headings MeSH for scientific literature retrieval, are linked together building highly differentiated semantical nets and the large meta- thesaurus for the US-american project UMLS or for the construction of KL-ONE like description logics in the European GALEN project.
Archive | 1992
Rüdiger Klar; Ulrich Schrader; Albrecht Zaiß
In den letzten Jahren haben sich Hypertextmethoden in medizinischen Lernsystemen gut etabliert und weit verbreitet. Hiermit wird die Dialogfuhrung beim Lernen wesentlich verbessert und fur den Autor der Lernsoftware die Erstellung erheblich erleichtert. Eines der zentralen Probleme in hoher entwickelten Lernsystemen mit medizinischen Themen, namlich die inhaltserschliesende Analyse freitextlicher Eingaben des Lernenden, wird in der Regel mit den Hypertextverfahren nicht bearbeitet (Klar, 1990).
Archive | 1990
Rüdiger Klar; J. Schulte Mönting; U. Müller
Anhand problemorientiert dokumentierter Krankengeschichten einer jahrlich randomisiert erhobenen Stichprobe aus allen bundesdeutschen Akutkrankenhausern (Diagnose-Therapie-Index DTI) wurde das Ausmas an Fehlbelegungen, das sind stationare Falle, die nach klinisch-arztlichem Sachverstandigenurteil mit reduzierter Verweildauer hatten behandelt werden konnen, untersucht. Wahrend die gesamte zweiphasige Fehlbelegungsstudie und deren Ergebnisse — z.B., das 17% aller Pflegetage der ab 60jahrigen Patienten fehlbelegt sind — anderweitig publiziert sind (1), sollen hier die Gute der Stichproben und deren Eignung zur Fehlbelegungseinschatzung behandelt werden.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz | 2015
Rüdiger Klar; Werner Vach
Fur die Aufnahme von medizinischen Masnahmen (pharmakologische und nicht-pharmakologische Interventionen, Diagnostika etc.) in den Leistungskatalog der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen fordert der GBA (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss) auf Grundlage des SGB V den Nachweis eines (patientenrelevanten) Nutzens im Vergleich zu derzeit ublichen Vergleichsmasnahmen. Die Notwendigkeit des Nachweises eines derartigen Nutzens fuhrt im Augenblick in Deutschland zu einem Umdenken in vielen Bereichen der medizinischen Forschung, da die bisherige Methodik haufig nicht konsequent auf dieses Ziel ausgerichtet war. Typische Probleme sind z. B. die Benutzung von Surrogatparametern statt patientenrelevanten Endpunkten, die Anerkennung von Placebostudien im regulatorischen Bereich, der Schwerpunkt vieler Studien auf Efficacy statt Effectiveness oder der Mangel an aussagekraftigen Studien in Bereichen, wo bisher Innovationen ohne stringente regulatorische Vorgaben moglich waren (Diagnostik, Medizinprodukte, operative Facher).
Archive | 2011
Rüdiger Klar; Ernst Pelikan
In Germany there are now many successful special applications of telemedicine. However, these projects are mostly not extendable to the whole nation because of the highly complex German healthcare system, limited funding, heterogeneous information technology (IT) standards in ambulatory and hospital care, the insufficient official electronic health card, different data protection and privacy regulations of federal and state governments, doubts of physicians and patients, as well as unequal costs and benefits for the different actors in telemedicine. The solutions of these problems are: better legal regulations for seamless interaction of ambulatory and hospital care, improved IT standards and support of the interoperability of telemedical and other healthcare IT, adaption of healthcare organization, workflow, and reimbursement for telemedicine services, and better information and education of all actors about the necessity and limits of telemedicine. There are no doubts about the benefits of telemedicine, but to achieve these advantages for the whole healthcare system in Germany will require much work, time, and good will.