Rudolph A. King
Langley Research Center
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Featured researches published by Rudolph A. King.
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition | 2010
Meelan M. Choudhari; Fei Li; Minwei Wu; Chau-Lyan Chang; Jack R. Edwards; Michael A. Kegerise; Rudolph A. King
Computations are performed to study the flow past an isolated roughness element in a Mach 3.5, laminar, flat plate boundary layer. To determine the effects of the roughness element on the location of laminar-turbulent transition inside the boundary layer, the instability characteristics of the stationary wake behind the roughness element are investigated over a range of roughness heights. The wake flow adjacent to the spanwise plane of symmetry is characterized by a narrow region of increased boundary layer thickness. Beyond the near wake region, the centerline streak is surrounded by a pair of high-speed streaks with reduced boundary layer thickness and a secondary, outer pair of lower-speed streaks. Similar to the spanwise periodic pattern of streaks behind an array of regularly spaced roughness elements, the above wake structure persists over large distances and can sustain strong enough convective instabilities to cause an earlier onset of transition when the roughness height is sufficiently large. Time accurate computations are performed to clarify additional issues such as the role of the nearfield of the roughness element during the generation of streak instabilities, as well as to reveal selected details of their nonlinear evolution. Effects of roughness element shape on the streak amplitudes and the interactions between multiple roughness elements aligned along the flow direction are also investigated.
40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit | 2010
Michael A. Kegerise; Lewis R. Owens; Rudolph A. King
Progress on an experimental effort to quantify the instability mechanisms associated with roughness-induced transition in a high-speed boundary layer is reported in this paper. To simulate the low-disturbance environment encountered during high-altitude flight, the experimental study was performed in the NASA-Langley Mach 3.5 Supersonic Low-Disturbance Tunnel. A flat plate trip sizing study was performed first to identify the roughness height required to force transition. That study, which included transition onset measurements under both quiet and noisy freestream conditions, confirmed the sensitivity of roughness-induced transition to freestream disturbance levels. Surveys of the laminar boundary layer on a 7deg half-angle sharp-tipped cone were performed via hot-wire anemometry and pitot-pressure measurements. The measured mean mass-flux and Mach-number profiles agreed very well with computed mean-flow profiles. Finally, surveys of the boundary layer developing downstream of an isolated roughness element on the cone were performed. The measurements revealed an instability in the far wake of the roughness element that grows exponentially and has peak frequencies in the 150 to 250 kHz range.
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition | 2010
Scott A. Berry; Rudolph A. King; Michael A. Kegerise; William Wood; Catherine B. McGinley; Karen T. Berger; Brian P. Anderson
Updates to an analytic tool developed for Shuttle support to predict the onset of boundary layer transition resulting from thermal protection system damage or repair are presented. The boundary layer transition tool is part of a suite of tools that analyze the local aerothermodynamic environment to enable informed disposition of damage for making recommendations to fly as is or to repair. Using mission specific trajectory information and details of each d agmea site or repair, the expected time (and thus Mach number) of transition onset is predicted to help define proper environments for use in subsequent thermal and stress analysis of the thermal protection system and structure. The boundary layer transition criteria utilized within the tool were updated based on new local boundary layer properties obtained from high fidelity computational solutions. Also, new ground-based measurements were obtained to allow for a wider parametric variation with both protuberances and cavities and then the resulting correlations were calibrated against updated flight data. The end result is to provide correlations that allow increased confidence with the resulting transition predictions. Recently, a new approach was adopted to remove conservatism in terms of sustained turbulence along the wing leading edge. Finally, some of the newer flight data are also discussed in terms of how these results reflect back on the updated correlations.
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition | 2010
Charles H. Campbell; Rudolph A. King; Scott A. Berry; Michael A. Kegerise; Thomas J. Horvath
Efforts to design and operate hypersonic entry vehicles are constrained by many considerations that involve all aspects of an entry vehicle system. One of the more significant physical phenomenon that affect entry trajectory and thermal protection system design is the occurrence of boundary layer transition from a laminar to turbulent state. During the Space Shuttle Return To Flight activity following the loss of Columbia and her crew of seven, NASAs entry aerothermodynamics community implemented an engineering correlation based framework for the prediction of boundary layer transition on the Orbiter. The methodology for this implementation relies upon similar correlation techniques that have been is use for several decades. What makes the Orbiter boundary layer transition correlation implementation unique is that a statistically significant data set was acquired in multiple ground test facilities, flight data exists to assist in establishing a better correlation and the framework was founded upon state of the art chemical nonequilibrium Navier Stokes flow field simulations. Recent entry flight testing performed with the Orbiter Discovery now provides a means to validate this engineering correlation approach to higher confidence. These results only serve to reinforce the essential role that engineering correlations currently exercise in the design and operation of entry vehicles. The framework of information related to the Orbiter empirical boundary layer transition prediction capability will be utilized to establish a fresh perspective on this role, and to discuss the characteristics which are desirable in a next generation advancement. The details of the paper will review the experimental facilities and techniques that were utilized to perform the implementation of the Orbiter RTF BLT Vsn 2 prediction capability. Statistically significant results for multiple engineering correlations from a ground testing campaign will be reviewed in order to describe why only certain correlations were selected for complete implementation to support the Shuttle Program. Historical Orbiter flight data on early boundary layer transition due to protruding gap fillers will be described in relation to the selected empirical correlations. In addition, Orbiter entry flight testing results from the BLT Flight Experiment will be discussed in relation to these correlations. Applicability of such correlations to the entry design problem will be reviewed, and finally a perspective on the desirable characteristics for a next generation capability based on high fidelity physical models will be provided.
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition | 2010
Ponnampalam Balakumar; Rudolph A. King
The steady flow fields with and without roughness elements are obtained by solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The N-factors computed in this study at the transition onset locations reported in Ref. 1 for flow over the swept cylinder are approximately 16.5 for traveling crossflow disturbances and 9 for stationary disturbances. The N-factors for the traveling crossflow are high based on our past experiences. However, they are comparatively smaller than those reported by Archambaud et al., who found N-factor values in the range of 20 to 25 for traveling disturbances and 13 to 20 for stationary disturbances. Similarly, the N-factors computed in this study for the traveling and stationary disturbances for the flow over the sharp wing are approximately 7 and 2.5, respectively, and for the flow over the blunt wing are 6.5 and 4.8, respectively. Using the envelope method, Archambaud et al. obtained values of approximately 8.0 and 4.0 for the sharp wing case and 16.0 and 12.0 for the blunt wing case.
AIAA Journal | 2014
Rudolph A. King; Marlyn Y. Andino; LaTunia G. Pack Melton; Jenna L. Eppink; Michael A. Kegerise
Recent flow measurements have been acquired in the National Transonic Facility to assess the test-section unsteady flow environment. The primary purpose of the test is to determine the feasibility of the facility to conduct laminar-flow-control testing and boundary-layer transition-sensitive testing at flight-relevant operating conditions throughout the transonic Mach number range. The facility can operate in two modes, warm and cryogenic test conditions for testing full and semispan-scaled models. Data were acquired for Mach and unit Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.2≤M≤0.95 and 3.3×106<Re/m<220×106 collectively at air and cryogenic conditions. Measurements were made in the test section using a survey rake that was populated with 19 probes. Roll polar data at selected conditions were obtained to look at the uniformity of the flow disturbance field in the test section. Data acquired included mean total temperatures, mean and fluctuating static/total pressures, and mean and fluctuating hot-wire measurements...
7th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference | 2014
Michael A. Kegerise; Rudolph A. King; Meelan M. Choudhari; Fei Li; Andrew T. Norris
Progress on an experimental study of laminar-to-turbulent transition induced by an isolated roughness element in a supersonic laminar boundary layer is reported in this paper. Here, the primary focus is on the effects of roughness planform shape on the instability and transition characteristics. Four different roughness planform shapes were considered (a diamond, a circle, a right triangle, and a 45 degree fence) and the height and width of each one was held fixed so that a consistent frontal area was presented to the oncoming boundary layer. The nominal roughness Reynolds number was 462 and the ratio of the roughness height to the boundary layer thickness was 0.48. Detailed flow- field surveys in the wake of each geometry were performed via hot-wire anemometry. High- and low-speed streaks were observed in the wake of each roughness geometry, and the modified mean flow associated with these streak structures was found to support a single dominant convective instability mode. For the symmetric planform shapes - the diamond and circular planforms - the instability characteristics (mode shapes, growth rates, and frequencies) were found to be similar. For the asymmetric planform shapes - the right-triangle and 45 degree fence planforms - the mode shapes were asymmetrically distributed about the roughness-wake centerline. The instability growth rates for the asymmetric planforms were lower than those for the symmetric planforms and therefore, transition onset was delayed relative to the symmetric planforms.
44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference | 2014
Ponnampalam Balakumar; Rudolph A. King; Jenna L. Eppink
The effects of forward- and backward-facing steps on the receptivity and stability of three-dimensional supersonic boundary layers over a swept wing with a blunt leading edge are numerically investigated for a freestream Mach number of 3 and a sweep angle of 30 degrees. The flow fields are obtained by solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The evolution of instability waves generated by surface roughness is simulated with and without the forward- and backward-facing steps. The separation bubble lengths are about 5-10 step heights for the forward-facing step and are about 10 for the backward-facing step. The linear stability calculations show very strong instability in the separated region with a large frequency domain. The simulation results show that the presence of backward-facing steps decreases the amplitude of the stationary crossflow vortices with longer spanwise wavelengths by about fifty percent and the presence of forward-facing steps does not modify the amplitudes noticeably across the steps. The waves with the shorter wavelengths grow substantially downstream of the step in agreement with the linear stability prediction.
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit | 2011
Ponnampalam Balakumar; Rudolph A. King
The receptivity and interaction of stationary and traveling crossflow instability of three-dimensional supersonic boundary layers over a swept biconvex wing with a blunt leading edge are numerically investigated for a freestream Mach number of 3. The steady and unsteady flow fields are obtained by solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The receptivity of the boundary layer to surface roughness, freestream acoustic waves, and freestream vorticity waves are numerically investigated. The initial amplitudes of the stationary vortices generated by 1 � � �m roughness elements is about 2000 times larger than the initial amplitudes of the traveling disturbances generated by vortical disturbances with an amplitude level of ˜ u v /U∞ = 1*10 −5 . The traveling crossflow vortices generated by acoustic disturbances of ˜ p ac / p ∞ = 1*10 −5 are about 8 times weaker than the vortices generated by the vorticity waves. The interaction of stationary and traveling disturbances was investigated by solving the equations with both surface roughness and vortical disturbances. When the initial amplitudes of the stationary disturbances are large compared to the traveling disturbances, the stationary vortex dominates the perturbation field. When the amplitudes are comparable, the traveling vortex prevails and the stationary vortex is suppressed.
AIAA Journal | 2015
Jenna L. Eppink; Richard W. Wlezien; Rudolph A. King; Meelan M. Choudhari
A swept flat plate model with an imposed pressure gradient was experimentally investigated in a low-speed flow to determine the effect of a backward-facing step on transition in a stationary crossflow-dominated flow. Detailed hotwire measurements of boundary-layer flow were performed to investigate the upstream shift in transition due to a step height of 49% of the local unperturbed boundary-layer thickness. Increasing the initial stationary crossflow amplitude caused an upstream movement of the transition front for the backward-facing step case. The step caused a local increase in the growth of the stationary crossflow instabilities, but the stationary crossflow amplitude at transition was sufficiently low (<0.04Ue ) so that stationary crossflow was not solely responsible for transition. The unsteady velocity spectra downstream of the step were rich with unsteady disturbances in the 80- to 1500-Hz range. Three distinct families of disturbances were identified based on phase speed and wave angle, namely, a highly oblique disturbance (possibly traveling-crossflow-like), a Tollmien-Schlichting-wave-like disturbance, and a shear-layer instability. The stationary crossflow disturbances caused a modulation of the unsteady disturbances, resulting in spatially concentrated peaks in unsteady disturbance amplitude. This modulation of the unsteady disturbances is believed to be the reason for the upstream movement of the transition front with increasing stationary crossflow amplitude.