S. M. Faber
University of California, Santa Cruz
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Featured researches published by S. M. Faber.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Scott Tremaine; Karl Gebhardt; Ralf Bender; Gary Allen Bower; Alan Dressler; S. M. Faber; Alexei V. Filippenko; Richard Green; Carl J. Grillmair; Luis C. Ho; John Kormendy; Tod R. Lauer; John Magorrian; Jason Pinkney; Douglas O. Richstone
Observations of nearby galaxies reveal a strong correlation between the mass of the central dark object MBH and the velocity dispersionof the host galaxy, of the form logðMBH=M� Þ¼ � þ � logð�=� 0Þ; how- ever, published estimates of the slopespan a wide range (3.75-5.3). Merritt & Ferrarese have argued that low slopes (d4) arise because of neglect of random measurement errors in the dispersions and an incorrect choice for the dispersion of the Milky Way Galaxy. We show that these explanations and several others account for at most a small part of the slope range. Instead, the range of slopes arises mostly because of sys- tematic differences in the velocity dispersions used by different groups for the same galaxies. The origin of these differences remains unclear, but we suggest that one significant component of the difference results from Ferrarese & Merritts extrapolation of central velocity dispersions to re= 8( re is the effective radius) using an empirical formula. Another component may arise from dispersion-dependent systematic errors in the mea- surements. A new determination of the slope using 31 galaxies yields � ¼ 4:02 � 0:32, � ¼ 8:13 � 0:06 for � 0 ¼ 200 km s � 1 . The MBH-� relation has an intrinsic dispersion in log MBH that is no larger than 0.25-0.3 dex and may be smaller if observational errors have been underestimated. In an appendix, we present a simple kinematic model for the velocity-dispersion profile of the Galactic bulge. Subject headings: black hole physics — galaxies: bulges — galaxies: fundamental parameters — galaxies: nuclei — Galaxy: bulge — Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Kai G. Noeske; Benjamin J. Weiner; S. M. Faber; Casey Papovich; David C. Koo; Rachel S. Somerville; Kevin Bundy; Christopher J. Conselice; J. A. Newman; David Schiminovich; E. Le Floc'h; Alison L. Coil; G. H. Rieke; Jennifer M. Lotz; Joel R. Primack; P. Barmby; Michael C. Cooper; M. Davis; Richard S. Ellis; Giovanni G. Fazio; Puragra Guhathakurta; Jing Huang; Susan A. Kassin; D. C. Martin; Andrew C. Phillips; Robert Michael Rich; Todd Small; C. A. N. Willmer; Graham Wallace Wilson
We analyze star formation (SF) as a function of stellar mass (M☉) and redshift z in the All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey. For 2905 field galaxies, complete to 10^10(10^10.8 )M at z < 0.7(1), with Keck spectroscopic redshifts out to z = 1.1, we compile SF rates (SFRs) from emission lines, GALEX, and Spitzer MIPS 24 µm photometry, optical-NIR M* measurements, and HST morphologies. Galaxies with reliable signs of SF form a distinct “main sequence” (MS), with a limited range of SFRs at a given M* and z (1 σ ≾ ±0.3 dex), and log (SFR) approximately proportional to log M*. The range of log (SFR) remains constant to z > 1, while the MS as a whole moves to higher SFR as z increases. The range of the SFR along the MS constrains the amplitude of episodic variations of SF and the effect of mergers on the SFR. Typical galaxies spend ∼67%(95%) of their lifetime since z = 1 within a factor of ≾2(4) of their average SFR at a given M* and z. The dominant mode of the evolution of SF since z ∼ 1 is apparently a gradual decline of the average SFR in most individual galaxies, not a decreasing frequency of starburst episodes, or a decreasing factor by which SFRs are enhanced in starbursts. LIRGs at z ∼ 1 seem to mostly reflect the high SFR typical for massive galaxies at that epoch. The smooth MS may reflect that the same set of few physical processes governs SF prior to additional quenching processes. A gradual process like gas exhaustion may play a dominant role.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 1994
Guy Worthey; S. M. Faber; J. Gonzalez; David Burstein
Twenty-one optical absorption features, 11 of which have been previously defined, are automatically measured in a sample of 460 stars. Following Gorgas et al., the indices are summarized in fitting functions that give index strengths as functions of stellar temperature, gravity, and (Fe/H). This project was carried out with the purpose of predicting index strengths in the integrated light of stellar populations of different ages and metallicities, but the data should be valuable for stellar studies in the Galaxy as well. Several of the new indices appear to be promising indicators of metallicity for old stellar populations. A complete list of index data and atmospheric parameters is available in computer-readable form.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2001
Rachel S. Somerville; Joel R. Primack; S. M. Faber
Using semi-analytic models of galaxy formation set within the cold dark matter (CDM) merging hierarchy, we investigate several scenarios for the nature of the high-redshift ) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). We consider a ‘collisional starburst’ model in which bursts of star formation are triggered by galaxy–galaxy mergers, and find that a significant fraction of LBGs are predicted to be starbursts. This model reproduces the observed comoving number density of bright LBGs as a function of redshift and the observed luminosity function at and with a reasonable amount of dust extinction. Model galaxies at have star formation rates, half-light radii, colours and internal velocity dispersions that are in good agreement with the data. Global quantities such as the star formation rate density and cold gas and metal content of the Universe as a function of redshift also agree well. Two ‘quiescent’ models without starbursts are also investigated. In one, the star formation efficiency in galaxies remains constant with redshift, while in the other, it scales inversely with disc dynamical time, and thus increases rapidly with redshift. The first quiescent model is strongly ruled out, as it does not produce enough high-redshift galaxies once realistic dust extinction is accounted for. The second quiescent model fits marginally, but underproduces cold gas and very bright galaxies at high redshift. A general conclusion is that star formation at high redshift must be more efficient than locally. The collisional starburst model appears to accomplish this naturally without violating other observational constraints.
The Astronomical Journal | 2000
S. C. Trager; S. M. Faber; Guy Worthey; J. Gonzalez
This paper analyzes single stellar population (SSP)–equivalent parameters for 50 local elliptical galaxies as a function of their structural parameters. The galaxy sample is drawn from the high-quality spectroscopic surveys of Gonzalez (1993) and Kuntschner (1998). The basic data are central values of SSP-equivalent ages, t, metallicities, [Z/H], and enhancement ratios, [E/Fe], derived in Paper I, together with global structural parameters including velocity dispersions, radii, surface brightnesses, masses, and luminosities. The galaxies fill a two-dimensional plane in the four-dimensional space of [Z/H], log t, log σ, and [E/Fe]. SSP age, t, and velocity dispersion, σ, can be taken as the two independent parameters that specify a galaxys location in this hyperplane. The hyperplane can be decomposed into two subrelations: (1) a Z-plane, in which [Z/H] is a linear function of log σ and log t and (2) a relation between [E/Fe] and σ in which [E/Fe] is larger in high-σ galaxies. Velocity dispersion is the only structural parameter that is found to modulate the stellar populations; adding other structural variables such as Ie or re does not predict [Z/H] or [E/Fe] more accurately. Cluster and field ellipticals follow the same hyperplane, but their (σ,t) distributions within it differ. Most Fornax and Virgo cluster galaxies are old, with a only a small sprinkling of galaxies to younger ages. The field ellipticals span a larger range in SSP age, with a tendency for lower σ galaxies to be younger. The present sample thus suggests that the distribution of local ellipticals in the (σ,t) plane may depend on environment. Since the (σ,t) distribution affects all two-dimensional projections involving SSP parameters, many of the familiar scaling laws attributed to ellipticals may also depend on environment. Some evidence for this is seen in the current sample. For example, only Fornax ellipticals show the classic mass-metallicity relation, whereas other subsamples do not. The tight Mg-σ relations of these ellipticals can be understood as two-dimensional projections of the metallicity hyperplane showing it edge-on. At fixed σ, young age tends to be offset by high [Z/H], preserving Mg nearly constant. The tightness of the Mg-σ relations does not necessarily imply a narrow range of ages at fixed σ. Although SSP parameters are heavily weighted by young stars, modeling them still places tight constraints on the total star formation history of elliptical galaxies. The relation between [E/Fe] and σ is consistent with a higher effective yield of Type II SNe elements at higher σ. This might occur if the IMF is enhanced in massive stars at high σ, or if more SNe II–enriched gas is retained by deeper galactic potential wells. Either way, modulating Type II yields versus σ seems to fit the data better than modulating Type Ia yields. The Z-plane is harder to explain and may be a powerful clue to star formation in elliptical galaxies if it proves to be general. Present data favor a frosting model in which low apparent SSP ages are produced by adding a small frosting of younger stars to an older base population (assuming no change in σ). If the frosting abundances are close to or slightly greater than the base population, simple two-component models run along lines of constant σ in the Z-plane, as required. This favors star formation from well-mixed pre-enriched gas rather than unmixed low-metallicity gas from an accreted object.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 1998
S.C. Trager; Guy Worthey; S. M. Faber; David Burstein; J. Gonzalez
We present absorption-line strengths on the Lick/IDS line-strength system of 381 galaxies and 38 globular clusters in the 4000-6400 A region. All galaxies were observed at Lick Observatory between 1972 and 1984 with the Cassegrain Image Dissector Scanner spectrograph, which makes this study one of the largest homogeneous collections of galaxy spectral line data to date. We also present a catalog of nuclear velocity dispersions used to correct the absorption-line strengths onto the stellar Lick/IDS system. Extensive discussion of both random and systematic errors of the Lick/IDS system is provided. Indices are seen to fall into three families: α-element-like indices (including CN, Mg, Na D, and TiO2) that correlate positively with velocity dispersion; Fe-like indices (including Ca, the G band, TiO1, and all Fe indices) that correlate only weakly with velocity dispersion and the α indices; and Hβ that anticorrelates with both velocity dispersion and the α indices. C24668 seems to be intermediate between the α and Fe groups. These groupings probably represent different element abundance families with different nucleosynthesis histories.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1992
Guy Worthey; S. M. Faber; Juan Jesus Perez Gonzalez
Fe and Mg indices from two homogenous collections of nuclear elliptical galaxy spectra are compared with model indices. In the average giant elliptical, the [Mg/Fe] ratio exceeds that of the most metal-rich stars in the solar neighborhood by ∼0.2-0.3 dex, with a large spread about this mean. This result implies a variable «enrichment effectiveness» of Type II supernovae (SNs) compared with Type Ia SNs in the evolution of ellipticals, caused perhaps by differences in star formation time scales, the initial mass function, or the amount of Fe versus Mg ejected in galactic winds
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
Benjamin J. Weiner; Alison L. Coil; Jason X. Prochaska; Jeffrey A. Newman; Michael C. Cooper; Kevin Bundy; Christopher J. Conselice; Aaron A. Dutton; S. M. Faber; David C. Koo; Jennifer M. Lotz; G. H. Rieke; Kate H. R. Rubin
Galactic winds are a prime suspect for the metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and may have a strong influence on the chemical evolution of galaxies and the nature of QSO absorption-line systems. We use a sample of 1406 galaxy spectra at z ~ 1.4 from the DEEP2 redshift survey to show that blueshifted Mg IYI ?? 2796, 2803 absorption is ubiquitous in star-forming galaxies at this epoch. This is the first detection of frequent outflowing galactic winds at z ~ 1. The presence and depth of absorption are independent of active galactic nuclei spectral signatures or galaxy morphology; major mergers are not a prerequisite for driving a galactic wind from massive galaxies. Outflows are found in co-added spectra of galaxies spanning a range of 30 times in stellar mass and 10 times in star formation rate (SFR), calibrated from K-band and from the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer IR fluxes. The outflows have column densities of order NH ~ 1020 cm-2 and characteristic velocities of ~?300-500?km?s?1, with absorption seen out to 1000?km?s?1 in the most massive, highest SFR galaxies. The velocities suggest that the outflowing gas can escape into the IGM and that massive galaxies can produce cosmologically and chemically significant outflows. Both the Mg II equivalent width and the outflow velocity are larger for galaxies of higher stellar mass and SFR, with V wind ~ SFR0.3, similar to the scaling in low redshift IR-luminous galaxies. The high frequency of outflows in the star-forming galaxy population at z ~ 1 indicates that galactic winds occur in the progenitors of massive spirals as well as those of ellipticals. The increase of outflow velocity with mass and SFR constrains theoretical models of galaxy evolution that include feedback from galactic winds, and may favor momentum-driven models for the wind physics.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1997
James D. Lowenthal; David C. Koo; Rafael Guzman; J. Gallego; Andrew C. Phillips; S. M. Faber; Nicole P. Vogt; Garth D. Illingworth; Caryl Gronwall
We have obtained spectra with the 10 m Keck telescope of a sample of 24 galaxies having colors consistent with star-forming galaxies at redshifts 2 z 4.5 in the Hubble deep field (HDF). Eleven of these galaxies are confirmed to be at high redshift (zmed = 3.0), one is at z = 0.5, and the other 12 have uncertain redshifts but have spectra consistent with their being at z > 2. The spectra of the confirmed high-redshift galaxies show a diversity of features, including weak Ly? emission, strong Ly? breaks or damped Ly? absorption profiles, and the stellar and interstellar rest-UV absorption lines common to local starburst galaxies and high-redshift star-forming galaxies reported recently by others. The narrow profiles and low equivalent widths of C IV, Si IV, and N V absorption lines may imply low stellar metallicities. Combined with the five high-redshift galaxies in the HDF previously confirmed with Keck spectra by Steidel et al. (1996a), the 16 confirmed sources yield a comoving volume density of n ? 2.4 ? 10-4 h -->503 Mpc-3 for q0 = 0.05, or n ? 1.1 ? 10-3 h -->503 Mpc-3 for q0 = 0.5. These densities are 3-4 times higher than the recent estimates of Steidel et al. (1996b) based on ground-based photometry with slightly brighter limits and are comparable to estimates of the local volume density of galaxies brighter than L*. The high-redshift density measurement is only a lower limit and could be almost 3 times higher still if all 29 of the unconfirmed candidates in our original sample, including those not observed, are indeed also at high redshift. The galaxies are small but luminous, with half-light radii 1.8 50?1 kpc and absolute magnitudes -21.5 > MB > -23. The HST images show a wide range of morphologies, including several with very close, small knots of emission embedded in wispy extended structures. Using rest-frame UV continuum fluxes with no dust correction, we calculate star formation rates in the range 7-24 or 3-9 h -->50?2 M? yr-1 for q0 = 0.05 and q0 = 0.5, respectively. These rates overlap those for local spiral and H II galaxies today, although they could be more than twice as high if dust extinction in the UV is significant. If the objects at z = 3 were simply to fade by 5 mag (assuming a 107 yr burst and passive evolution) without mergers in the 14 Gyr between then and now (for q0 = 0.05, h50 = 1.0), they would resemble average dwarf elliptical/spheroidal galaxies in both luminosity and size. However, the variety of morphologies and the high number density of z = 3 galaxies in the HDF suggest that they represent a range of physical processes and stages of galaxy formation and evolution, rather than any one class of object, such as massive ellipticals. A key issue remains the measurement of masses. These high-redshift objects are likely to be the low-mass, starbursting building blocks of more massive galaxies seen today.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
M. Davis; Puragra Guhathakurta; Nicholas P. Konidaris; Jeffrey A. Newman; M. L. N. Ashby; A. D. Biggs; Pauline Barmby; Kevin Bundy; S. C. Chapman; Alison L. Coil; Christopher J. Conselice; Michael C. Cooper; Darren J. Croton; Peter R. M. Eisenhardt; Richard S. Ellis; S. M. Faber; Taotao Fang; Giovanni G. Fazio; A. Georgakakis; Brian F. Gerke; W. M. Goss; Stephen D. J. Gwyn; Justin Harker; Andrew M. Hopkins; Jia-Sheng Huang; R. J. Ivison; Susan A. Kassin; Evan N. Kirby; Anton M. Koekemoer; David C. Koo
In this the first of a series of Letters, we present a panchromatic data set in the Extended Groth Strip region of the sky. Our survey, the All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS), aims to study the physical properties and evolutionary processes of galaxies at z ~ 1. It includes the following deep, wide-field imaging data sets: Chandra/ACIS X-ray, GALEX ultraviolet, CFHT/MegaCam Legacy Survey optical, CFHT/CFH12K optical, Hubble Space Telescope/ACS optical and NICMOS near-infrared, Palomar/WIRC near-infrared, Spitzer/IRAC mid-infrared, Spitzer/MIPS far-infrared, and VLA radio continuum. In addition, this region of the sky has been targeted for extensive spectroscopy using the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck II 10 m telescope. Our survey is compared to other large multiwavelength surveys in terms of depth and sky coverage.