S. O. Cacciola
University of Catania
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Featured researches published by S. O. Cacciola.
Journal of Plant Pathology | 2013
Leonardo Schena; M. G. Li Destri Nicosia; Simona Marianna Sanzani; Roberto Faedda; Antonio Ippolito; S. O. Cacciola
SUMMARY In recent years quantitative PCR (qPCR) detection methods have been widely utilised to detect phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes and have greatly contributed to the advancement of knowledge in plant pathology. However, major drawbacks and common errors, most typical of earlier reports, still affect many methods currently available in the literature. Errors can be made throughout the entire process for the development of qPCR methods, at the level of selection of appropriate DNA extraction and purification protocols, identification of suitable target regions, choice of the chemistry, design and validation of specific primers and probes, analysis of sensitivity, choice of an absolute and/or relative quantification approach and analysis of the risk of detecting target DNA from dead sources. In the present review the above mentioned steps are analysed, highlighting their critical aspects and providing a practical guide for the users.
Journal of Microbiological Methods | 2012
Silvia Scibetta; Leonardo Schena; Antonio Chimento; S. O. Cacciola; D. E. L. Cooke
Current molecular detection methods for the genus Phytophthora are specific to a few key species rather than the whole genus and this is a recognized weakness of protocols for ecological studies and international plant health legislation. In the present study a molecular approach was developed to detect Phytophthora species in soil and water samples using novel sets of genus-specific primers designed against the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Two different rDNA primer sets were tested: one assay amplified a long product including the ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 regions (LP) and the other a shorter product including the ITS1 only (SP). Both assays specifically amplified products from Phytophthora species without cross-reaction with the related Pythium s. lato, however the SP assay proved the more sensitive and reliable. The method was validated using woodland soil and stream water from Invergowrie, Scotland. On-site use of a knapsack sprayer and in-line water filters proved more rapid and effective than centrifugation at sampling Phytophthora propagules. A total of 15 different Phytophthora phylotypes were identified which clustered within the reported ITS-clades 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8. The range and type of the sequences detected varied from sample to sample and up to three and five different Phytophthora phylotypes were detected within a single sample of soil or water, respectively. The most frequently detected sequences were related to members of ITS-clade 6 (i.e. P. gonapodyides-like). The new method proved very effective at discriminating multiple species in a given sample and can also detect as yet unknown species. The reported primers and methods will prove valuable for ecological studies, biosecurity and commercial plant, soil or water (e.g. irrigation water) testing as well as the wider metagenomic sampling of this fascinating component of microbial pathogen diversity.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Ahmed Abdelfattah; Maria Giulia Li Destri Nicosia; S. O. Cacciola; Samir Droby; Leonardo Schena
The fungal diversity associated with leaves, flowers and fruits of olive (Olea europaea) was investigated in different phenological stages (May, June, October and December) using an implemented metabarcoding approach. It consisted of the 454 pyrosequencing of the fungal ITS2 region and the subsequent phylogenetic analysis of relevant genera along with validated reference sequences. Most sequences were identified up to the species level or were associated with a restricted number of related taxa enabling supported speculations regarding their biological role. Analyses revealed a rich fungal community with 195 different OTUs. Ascomycota was the dominating phyla representing 93.6% of the total number of detected sequences followed by unidentified fungi (3.6%) and Basidiomycota (2.8%). A higher level of diversity was revealed for leaves compared to flowers and fruits. Among plant pathogens the genus Colletotrichum represented by three species (C. godetiae syn. C. clavatum, C. acutatum s.s and C. karstii) was the most abundant on ripe fruits but it was also detected in other organs. Pseudocercospora cladosporioides was detected with a high frequency in all leaf samples and to a less extent in ripe fruits. A much lower relative frequency was revealed for Spilocaea oleagina and for other putative pathogens including Fusarium spp., Neofusicoccum spp., and Alternaria spp. Among non-pathogen taxa, Aureobasidium pullulans, the species complex of Cladosporium cladosporioides and Devriesia spp. were the most represented. This study highlights the existence of a complex fungal consortium including both phytopathogenic and potentially antagonistic microorganisms that can have a significant impact on olive productions.
Plant Disease | 1998
A. M. Pennisi; G. E. Agosteo; S. O. Cacciola; A. Pane; Roberto Faedda
Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) has become an economically important crop in the coastal provinces of Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia, in Calabria (southern Italy). An old local selection Riggitano, very susceptible to root and crown rot caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian, is the prevalent cultivar in this area. Although repeated applications of metalaxyl are used as a soil drench, severe outbreaks occur each year on greenhouse crops. To examine metalaxyl resistance in P. capsici, 60 single-hypha isolates of P. capsici were tested in vitro for their level of sensitivity to metalaxyl. The isolates were collected from 1992 to 1997, during epidemic outbreaks of root and crown rot, from two commercial greenhouse pepper crops, near Vibo Valentia and Lametia Terme (Catanzaro). Fungicide sensitivity was determined by plating mycelial plugs onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with metalaxyl. The fungicide was added to PDA after autoclaving, at final concentrations of 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 200 μg/ml a.i. The percentage of inhibition of radial growth on metalaxyl-amended medium compared with the growth on unamended medium was determined after 6 days of incubation in the dark at 25°C. Three replicate petri dishes were used per treatment and each test was performed twice. The isolates were paired in culture on V8 agar with isolates of P. capsici of known mating type and all proved to be A2 mating type. Significant variation was observed among the isolates tested in responce to metalaxyl. The ED50 values for in vitro inhibition of mycelial growth by metalaxyl ranged from 1 to 11 μg/ml, whereas an ED 50 value of 0.1 μg/ml had been reported for a wild-type isolate of P. capsici obtained from pepper in northern Italy (3). The variation observed among the isolates from Calabria appeared unrelated to both the geographical origin and the year of isolation. The isolates from Calabria were inhibited by between 1 and 12% at 0.1 μg/ml and by between 7 and 27% at 1 μg/ml, proving to be less sensitive to metalaxyl than isolates from Capsicum spp. originating from Central America, tested by other authors (1). According to the criterion used in a recent screening for sensitivity to metalaxyl (2), 19% of the isolates from Calabria should be considered sensitive, as they were inhibited by more than 60% at 5 μg/ml, while all the others were intermediate, as they were inhibited less than 60% at 5 μg/ml but more than 60% at 100 μg/ml. On the basis of this preliminary screening, we report the presence of insensitivity to metalaxyl in field isolates of P. capsici in southern Italy. Although no isolate tested appeared highly resistant to metalaxyl, the presence of a high proportion of isolates with an intermediate level of resistance should be a reason for the growers to use metalaxyl more cautiously to control root and collar rot. References: (1) M. D. Coffey and L. A. Bower. Phytopathology 74:502, 1984. (2) G. Parra and J. Ristaino. Plant Dis. 82:711, 1998. (3) M. L. Romano and A. Garibaldi. La difesa delle piante 3:153, 1984.
Mycologia | 2014
Z. Gloria Abad; Jorge A. Abad; S. O. Cacciola; A. Pane; Roberto Faedda; Eduardo Moralejo; A. Pérez-Sierra; P. Abad-Campos; Luis A. Álvarez-Bernaola; J. Bakonyi; András Józsa; Maria Luz Herrero; T. Burgess; J. H. Cunnington; I. W. Smith; Yilmaz Balci; C. L. Blomquist; Béatrice Henricot; G. Denton; Chris Spies; Adéle McLeod; Lassaad Belbahri; D. E. L. Cooke; Koji Kageyama; Seiji Uematsu; İlker Kurbetli; Kemal Değirmenci
A non-papillate, heterothallic Phytophthora species first isolated in 2001 and subsequently from symptomatic roots, crowns and stems of 33 plant species in 25 unrelated botanical families from 13 countries is formally described here as a new species. Symptoms on various hosts included crown and stem rot, chlorosis, wilting, leaf blight, cankers and gumming. This species was isolated from Australia, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and United States in association with shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals grown mainly in greenhouses. The most prevalent hosts are English ivy (Hedera helix) and Cistus (Cistus salvifolius). The association of the species with acorn banksia (Banksia prionotes) plants in natural ecosystems in Australia, in affected vineyards (Vitis vinifera) in South Africa and almond (Prunus dulcis) trees in Spain and Turkey in addition to infection of shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals in a broad range of unrelated families are a sign of a wide ecological adaptation of the species and its potential threat to agricultural and natural ecosystems. The morphology of the persistent non-papillate ellipsoid sporangia, unique toruloid lobate hyphal swellings and amphigynous antheridia does not match any of the described species. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of the ITS rDNA, EF-1α, and β-tub supported that this organism is a hitherto unknown species. It is closely related to species in ITS clade 7b with the most closely related species being P. sojae. The name Phytophthora niederhauserii has been used in previous studies without the formal description of the holotype. This name is validated in this manuscript with the formal description of Phytophthora niederhauserii Z.G. Abad et J.A. Abad, sp. nov. The name is coined to honor Dr John S. Niederhauser, a notable plant pathologist and the 1990 World Food Prize laureate.
Phytopathology | 2013
Marco Antonio Mammella; Frank N. Martin; S. O. Cacciola; Michael D. Coffey; Roberto Faedda; Leonardo Schena
Genetic variation within the heterothallic cosmopolitan plant pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae was determined in 96 isolates from a wide range of hosts and geographic locations by characterizing four mitochondrial (10% of the genome) and three nuclear loci. In all, 52 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (an average of 1 every 58 bp) and 313 sites with gaps representing 5,450 bases enabled the identification of 50 different multilocus mitochondrial haplotypes. Similarly, 24 SNPs (an average of 1 every 69 bp), with heterozygosity observed at each locus, were observed in three nuclear regions (hyp, scp, and β-tub) differentiating 40 multilocus nuclear genotypes. Both mitochondrial and nuclear markers revealed a high level of dispersal of isolates and an inconsistent geographic structuring of populations. However, a specific association was observed for host of origin and genetic grouping with both nuclear and mitochondrial sequences. In particular, the majority of citrus isolates from Italy, California, Florida, Syria, Albania, and the Philippines clustered in the same mitochondrial group and shared at least one nuclear allele. A similar association was also observed for isolates recovered from Nicotiana and Solanum spp. The present study suggests an important role of nursery populations in increasing genetic recombination within the species and the existence of extensive phenomena of migration of isolates that have been likely spread worldwide with infected plant material.
Phytopathology | 2016
Maria Isabella Prigigallo; Ahmed Abdelfattah; S. O. Cacciola; Roberto Faedda; Simona Marianna Sanzani; D. E. L. Cooke; Leonardo Schena
A metabarcoding method based on genus-specific primers and 454 pyrosequencing was utilized to investigate the genetic diversity of Phytophthora spp. in soil and root samples of potted plants, from eight nurseries. Pyrosequencing enabled the detection of 25 Phytophthora phylotypes distributed in seven different clades and provided a much higher resolution than a corresponding cloning/Sanger sequencing approach. Eleven of these phylotypes, including P. cactorum, P. citricola s.str., P. palmivora, P. palmivora-like, P. megasperma or P. gonapodyides, P. ramorum, and five putative new Phytophthora species phylogenetically related to clades 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were detected only with the 454 pyrosequencing approach. We also found an additional 18 novel records of a phylotype in a particular nursery that were not detected with cloning/Sanger sequencing. Several aspects confirmed the reliability of the method: (i) many identical sequence types were identified independently in different nurseries, (ii) most sequence types identified with 454 pyrosequencing were identical to those from the cloning/Sanger sequencing approach and/or perfectly matched GenBank deposited sequences, and (iii) the divergence noted between sequence types of putative new Phytophthora species and all other detected sequences was sufficient to rule out sequencing errors. The proposed method represents a powerful tool to study Phytophthora diversity providing that particular attention is paid to the analysis of 454 pyrosequencing raw read sequences and to the identification of sequence types.
Talanta | 2010
Wentao Hu; Sara Tedesco; Roberto Faedda; Goffredo Petrone; S. O. Cacciola; Anne O’Keefe; David Sheehan
Protein thiols contribute significantly to antioxidant defence and selective oxidation of cysteines is important in signal transduction even in sub-stress scenarios. However, cysteine is the second rarest residue in proteins and it can be difficult to target low-abundance thiol (-SH)-containing proteins in proteomic separations. Activated thiol sepharose (ATS) allows covalent selection of -SH-containing proteins which can then be recovered by reduction with mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. This is a robust method for enriching -SH-containing proteins. We have used ATS to estimate the percentage (by weight) of thiol-containing proteins in cell extracts from a range of biological sources: a bacterium, Escherichia coli; a fungus, Trichoderma harzianum; and a bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis. -SH-containing proteins account for 2.52% (E. coli), 1.4% (T. harzianum) and 1.4% (M. edulis) of total protein. Exposure to pro-oxidants did not materially alter these values. On removal of low M(r) thiols such as glutathione, the values for M. edulis did not significantly change but those for T. harzianum increased threefold. The two-dimensional electrophoresis profiles of ATS-selected proteins for each organism were compared in control and pro-oxidant-exposed preparations. This revealed that some proteins present in controls were absent in pro-oxidant-treated extracts which we attribute to thiol oxidation. ATS has significant potential in enrichment for -SH-containing proteins in redox proteomics.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Saveria Mosca; Maria Giulia Li Destri Nicosia; S. O. Cacciola; Leonardo Schena
A metagenomic approach based on the use of genus specific primers was developed and utilized to characterize Colletotrichum species associated with the olive phyllosphere and carposphere. Selected markers enabled the specific amplification of almost the entire ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA and its use as barcode gene. The analysis of different olive samples (green and senescent leaves, floral residues, symptomatic and asymptomatic fruits, and litter leaves and mummies) in three different phenological phases (June, October and December) enabled the detection of 12 genotypes associated with 4 phylotypes identified as C. godetiae, C. acutatum s.s., C. gloeosporioides s.s. and C. kahawae. Another three genotypes were not identified at the level of species but were associated with the species complexes of C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides and C. boninense sensu lato. Colletotrichum godetiae and C. acutatum s.s. were by far the most abundant while C. gloeosporioides s.s. was detected in a limited number of samples whereas ther phylotypes were rarely found. The high incidence of C. acutatum s.s. represents a novelty for Italy and more generally for the Mediterranean basin since it had been previously reported only in Portugal. As regards to the phenological phase, Colletotrichum species were found in a few samples in June and were diffused on all assessed samples in December. According to data new infections on olive tissues mainly occur in the late fall. Furthermore, Colletotrichum species seem to have a saprophytic behavior on floral olive residues. The method developed in the present study proved to be valuable and its future application may contribute to the study of cycle and aetiology of diseases caused by Colletotrichum species in many different pathosystems.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Ahmed Abdelfattah; Michael Wisniewski; Maria Giulia Li Destri Nicosia; S. O. Cacciola; Leonardo Schena
An amplicon metagenomic approach based on the ITS2 region of fungal rDNA was used to identify the composition of fungal communities associated with different strawberry organs (leaves, flowers, immature and mature fruits), grown on a farm using management practices that entailed the routine use of various chemical pesticides. ITS2 sequences clustered into 316 OTUs and Ascomycota was the dominant phyla (95.6%) followed by Basidiomycota (3.9%). Strawberry plants supported a high diversity of microbial organisms, but two genera, Botrytis and Cladosporium, were the most abundant, representing 70–99% of the relative abundance (RA) of all detected sequences. According to alpha and beta diversity analyses, strawberry organs displayed significantly different fungal communities with leaves having the most diverse fungal community, followed by flowers, and fruit. The interruption of chemical treatments for one month resulted in a significant modification in the structure of the fungal community of leaves and flowers while immature and mature fruit were not significantly affected. Several plant pathogens of other plant species, that would not be intuitively expected to be present on strawberry plants such as Erysiphe, were detected, while some common strawberry pathogens, such as Rhizoctonia, were less evident or absent.