S.P. Marelli
University of Milan
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Featured researches published by S.P. Marelli.
Head and Neck-journal for The Sciences and Specialties of The Head and Neck | 2013
Olindo Massarelli; A. Baj; Roberta Gobbi; Damiano Soma; S.P. Marelli; Giacomo De Riu; Antonio Tullio; Aldo Bruno Giannì
Reconstruction of moderate‐sized mucosal defects of the oral cavity/oropharynx represents a surgical challenge. The most widely used reconstructive techniques are skin grafts, local or regional pedicled flaps, and free flaps, but they do not provide mucosal sensitivity, mobility, volume, or texture similar to that of native tissue. The cheek myomucosal flaps seem to provide “ideal reconstruction” because they carry a thin, mobile, well‐vascularized, and sensitive tissue, like those excised or lost. The purpose of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the indications for the advantages and disadvantages of 6 types of buccinator myomucosal flaps which are possible to raise from the cheek mucosa.
British Poultry Science | 2010
M.G. Mangiagalli; P.A. Martino; T. Smajlovic; L. Guidobono Cavalchini; S.P. Marelli
1. The effect of drinking water supplementation with lycopene on the semen quality, fertility and immunity of broiler breeders was evaluated. 2. Broiler breeder males were individually caged from 25 to 42 weeks old and divided into two group: L group, treated birds (lycopene 0.5 g/l) and C group, control birds. Laying hens were divided into two groups and artificially inseminated. 3. Semen variables were evaluated and daily fertility recorded. Serum bactericidal activity was tested. 4. Semen production and viability were affected by lycopene supplementation. Serum bactericidal activity was better in L than in C group. The fertility rate curve of the L group displayed a positive trend.
Animal Biotechnology | 2010
S.P. Marelli; Genciana Terova; Maria Cristina Cozzi; Emiliano Lasagna; Francesca Maria Sarti; L. Guidobono Cavalchini
This study examined breed-specific stress-related hormonal and gene expression profiles in three Italian chicken breeds (Valdarnese Bianca, Bionda Piemontese, Robusta Maculata) reared in controlled conditions. Glucocorticoids work through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which modulates target genes transcription. We investigated breed-specific changes in corticosterone (ELISA) and GR expression. GR mRNA levels were analyzed using one-tube, two-temperature real-time PCR for absolute quantification of the gene expression by the standard curve method. Our results show high expression of GR in hepatic tissue. Significant effect of the breed was recorded for plasma corticosterone concentration: Valdarnese Bianca 3.35 ng/mL, Bionda Piemontese 1.73 ng/mL, Robusta Maculata 2.02 ng/mL. Breed specific gene expression has been recorded with a GR ranging from 1.12E+04 (Robusta Maculata) to 1.00E+05 (Bionda Piemontese) mRNA copy number/100 ng total RNA. Negative correlation was found between gene expression and blood corticosterone level.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2008
Daniele Gallazzi; Alberto Giardini; M.G. Mangiagalli; S.P. Marelli; Viviana Ferrazzi; Carla Orsi; Luigi Guidobono Cavalchini
Abstract In order to evaluate the effects of dietary addition of probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL on hen performance and egg quality, 160 commercial Hy-Line Brown pullets, 17 weeks old, were divided in control group (C) (N=80) and treated group (T) (N=80), with 4 alternate replicates of 20 animals each per group. C was fed with a “standard diet”, whereas the T group received the same diet with an inclusion of 1x109 CFU kg-1 of Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (freeze dried cells). The experimental trial lasted 39 weeks after one week of acclimatization. Hen performance and egg quality (egg production, FCR, egg specific gravity, shell thickness, Haugh Units) were recorded. The results show a higher overall egg production (P<0.01) and better FCR (Kg feed intake/Kg saleable eggs) (P<0.05) in the T birds, but no statistically significant differences were observed in egg weight. The eggs from the T birds were characterized by a higher specific gravity (ESG) (P<0.01) and albumen viscosity (Haugh Units) (P<0.05). No significant differences in egg shell thickness were recorded. In conclusion, Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL improved some important parameters in laying hen performance and egg quality.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2010
S. Cerolini; Manuela Madeddu; L. Zaniboni; Chiara Cassinelli; M.G. Mangiagalli; S.P. Marelli
In Italy, 90 local avian breeds were described; the majority (61%) were classified as extinct and only 8.9% as still widely spread. Therefore, efforts for conservation of Italian avian breeds are urgently required. The aim of this study was to record the breeding performance of the Italian breed Mericanel della Brianza to multiply a small population, in order to develop a conservation programme. Fourteen females and eight males were available at the beginning of the reproductive season in 2009 and organised into eight families (1 male/1–2 females) kept in floor pens. Birds received a photoperiod of 14L:10D and were fed ad libitum. Breeding performance was recorded from March to June. Egg production and egg weight were recorded daily; eggs were set every two weeks and fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability were recorded. Mean egg production was 37% and mean egg weight was 34±3.49 g. High fertility values from 94% to 87% were recorded in the first three settings and the overall mean fertility value was 81.6%. Overall hatchability was only 49.6% owing to a high proportion of dead embryos. Embryo mortality occurred mainly between days 2 and 7 of incubation and during hatching. The highest hatchability values were recorded in settings 1 and 2, 69% and 60% respectively, and a large decrease was found in the subsequent settings. Marked variations in egg production, fertility, hatchability and embryo mortality were found among families. The present results represent the basic knowledge of reproductive parameters necessary to improve the reproductive efficiency of the breed within a conservation plan.
Genetics | 2016
Dayna L. Dreger; Brian W. Davis; Raffaella Cocco; Sara Sechi; Alessandro Di Cerbo; Heidi G. Parker; M. Polli; S.P. Marelli; P. Crepaldi; Elaine A. Ostrander
The island inhabitants of Sardinia have long been a focus for studies of complex human traits due to their unique ancestral background and population isolation reflecting geographic and cultural restriction. Population isolates share decreased genomic diversity, increased linkage disequilibrium, and increased inbreeding coefficients. In many regions, dogs and humans have been exposed to the same natural and artificial forces of environment, growth, and migration. Distinct dog breeds have arisen through human-driven selection of characteristics to meet an ideal standard of appearance and function. The Fonni’s Dog, an endemic dog population on Sardinia, has not been subjected to an intensive system of artificial selection, but rather has developed alongside the human population of Sardinia, influenced by geographic isolation and unregulated selection based on its environmental adaptation and aptitude for owner-desired behaviors. Through analysis of 28 dog breeds, represented with whole-genome sequences from 13 dogs and ∼170,000 genome-wide single nucleotide variants from 155 dogs, we have produced a genomic illustration of the Fonni’s Dog. Genomic patterns confirm within-breed similarity, while population and demographic analyses provide spatial identity of Fonni’s Dog to other Mediterranean breeds. Investigation of admixture and fixation indices reveals insights into the involvement of Fonni’s Dogs in breed development throughout the Mediterranean. We describe how characteristics of population isolates are reflected in dog breeds that have undergone artificial selection, and are mirrored in the Fonni’s Dog through traditional isolating factors that affect human populations. Lastly, we show that the genetic history of Fonni’s Dog parallels demographic events in local human populations.
Avian Biology Research | 2009
M.G. Strillacci; S.P. Marelli; Maria Cristina Cozzi; Elena Colombo; M. Polli; Manuela Gualtieri; Alessandro Cristalli; Paolo Pignattelli; Maria Longeri; Luigi Guidobono Cavalchini
Three fowl breeds, Valdarnese Bianca, a traditional white feathered breed from Tuscany, Golden Comet® a commercial hybrid and Livornese Bianca, a white leghorn type, were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. A total of 74 alleles were detected with locus ADL181 recorded the lowest (six alleles) and locus ADL136 the highest (15 alleles) allele frequencies respectively. Heterozygosity values ranged from 0.210 (locus ADL210) to 0.742 (locus ADL176). The Wrights fixation index values were 0.089 (FST), 0.300 (FIs) and 0.363 (FIT). Factorial correspondence analysis and a dendrogram individual tree constructed using individual genetic distances showed genetic differentiation of the three breeds.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2005
L. Guidobono Cavalchini; S.P. Marelli; M.G. Mangiagalli
Riassunto Effetto della gestione dei fagiani riproduttori sulla fertilità delle uova. Il fagiano (Phasianus colchicus) è in Italia l’animale maggiormente allevato per la caccia. I riproduttori di fagiano vengono allevati in maggioranza utilizzando il sistema con batterie di gabbie a più piani sovrapposti. Ogni gabbia contiene un gruppo di femmine ed un solo maschio. Queste strutture assicurano un miglior management e buoni livelli igienici per l’uovo da cova. Nell’allevamento avicolo in genere il rapporto numerico maschi/femmine riveste un ruolo importante nel determinare la fertilità. Lo scopo della ricerca è quello di valutare l’effetto del maschio di fagiano e delle caratteristiche strutturali dell’allevamento sulla fertilità a fine stagione riproduttiva. I risultati statisticamente significativi ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei dati confermano l’importanza del maschio e dei parametri ambientali nel determinare l’efficienza riproduttiva nel fagiano da caccia. La percentuale media di uova chiare per maschio sul totale delle uova varia tra il 2,15 e il 67,42%. Le gabbie posizionate vicino al suolo (piano 1) sono caratterizzate da una migliore produzione di uova rispetto alle gabbie dei piani 2 e 3: le medie delle uova deposte per femmina sono al primo piano 2,39, al secondo 1,48 ed al terzo 0,80. L’efficienza riproduttiva della specie presa in esame risulta significativamente influenzate sia dalla capacità fecondante del maschio che dalle caratteristiche strutturali e gestionali dell’allevamento.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2010
L. Guidobono Cavalchini; S.P. Marelli; M.G. Strillacci; Maria Cristina Cozzi; M. Polli; Maria Longeri
Abstract Conservation of genetic variability is one of the main goals in animal production science and the analysis of breeds genetic asset can supply objective basis for effective conservation programs and selection strategies. Bionda Piemontese(PIB) and Bianca di Saluzzo (SAB) chicken breeds originated in Piemonte region. Breeds conservation programmes started in 1999 in Verzuolo (CN) aiming to preserve the breeds and to improve their diffusion being particularly adapted to freerange rearing systems thanks to their resistance. PIB and SAB are both suggested for traditional recipes and production (e.g. Morozzo capon) and are Slow Food presidia. A total of 76 birds were analysed: PIB (n=36), SAB (n=40). Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples. All birds were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. Each marker was subjected to PCRand the products were separated by electrophoresis in 4.2% denaturing polyacrylamide gels on ABI Prism 377 DNA Sequencerequipped with Genescan and Genotyper software. The results of this preliminary study highlight the genetic differences occurring between PIB and SAB populations
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2003
M.G. Mangiagalli; Guglielmo Scandolara; S.P. Marelli; Mariagrazia Giuliani; Luigi Guidobono Cavalchini
Abstract Chemical and physical characteristics of game pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)’s egg were studied and compared with domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus)’s egg. The birds were housed in individual cages in a environmentally controlled room (T=18÷20°C; 16L:8D) and fed ad libitum standard breeder diet. A sample of thirty eggs was analysed for each phase of the laying period (beginning, peak and end). The following chemico-physical parameters: egg, albumen, yolk and shell weight; yolk colour; egg and shell dry matter (DM); shell thickness (blunt end, pointed end and middle part) were measured. The protein, lipid, and cholesterol content was evaluated; the fatty acid (FA) profile analysed. We observed: egg weight average of 34.5g ; a high proportion of yolk (37%) in the whole egg (Y/E), consequently, a high lipid content of 13.9%; a protein content DM of 44.3%; the fatty acid composition was similar to that of chicken egg and the oleic acid (36.4%) was the major proportion of the total fatty acids, as in the domestic fowl. The rearing pheasant’s egg has a high nutritive concentration, due to high ratio yolk/whole egg, with biological and nutritional characteristics similar to domestic fowl’s egg.