Sanzio Mollica Vidigal
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Featured researches published by Sanzio Mollica Vidigal.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2010
Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Marinalva Woods Pedrosa; Marlei Rosa dos Santos
The study was carried out in Oratorios, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with objective of evaluating the plant nutritional state, yield and nutrients extraction by onion, cv. CNPH 6400, in organic system, submitted to rates of organic compost of swine manure. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications and the treatments consisted of five rates of organic compost (0, 10; 20; 30 and 60 t ha-1). The seedlings were transplanted on the 49th day after the sowing (DAS). Plants were harvested on 168 DAS and the maximum yield of marketable bulbs was 60.3 t ha-1, obtained with 43.4 t ha-1 of organic compost. The maximum yield of bulbs Class 3 was 33.346 kg ha-1, obtained with 32 t ha-1 of organic compost. In the Class 4 the yield was increasing and the Class 2 presented decreasing with the rates. The maximum yield of dry matter of bulbs was of 6.271 kg ha-1, obtained with 46 t ha-1. With 43 t ha-1 of organic compost, the export of nutrients by bulbs would be 116.65 kg ha-1 of N; 22.71 kg ha-1 of P; 117.65 kg ha-1 of K; 19.47 kg ha-1 of Ca; 8.31 kg ha-1 of Mg and 19.94 kg ha-1 of S. The application of 43 t ha-1 of organic compost is enough to obtain onion bulbs with great quality and yield. The cv. CNPH 6400 can be recommended for the organic system.
Scientia Agricola | 2000
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Neusa Catarina Pinheiro Garcia; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; AntonioTeixeira de Matos
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a concentracao de nutrientes de sete diferentes compostos orgânicos produzidos com bagaco de cana-de-acucar, capim napier, palha de cafe e dejeto de suinos na forma liquida. Cada composto foi produzido com um ou mais residuos vegetais associados ao dejeto de suinos, sendo o bagaco de cana-de-acucar tambem associado ao gesso e ao superfosfato triplo. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com tres repeticoes e sete tratamentos. Aos 120 dias, as amostras foram coletadas e analisadas quimicamente, para quantificacao, em espectrofotometro de plasma, de macro e micronutrientes presentes nos compostos orgânicos. A presenca do bagaco de cana-de-acucar, como unico residuo vegetal, possibilitou a producao de compostos orgânicos com menor valor de K, Mg, B e pH. A adicao de gesso e superfosfato triplo nao proporcionou melhorias significativas na qualidade do composto produzido com bagaco de cana-de-acucar e dejeto de suinos. Os compostos produzidos com palha de cafe apresentaram valores mais altos para K e pH. A combinacao de bagaco de cana-de-acucar com palha de cafe melhorou a qualidade dos compostos orgânicos e pode ser pratica promissora para a Zona da Mata Mineira, pois estes sao residuos facilmente encontrados na regiao. A concentracao de Cu, Fe e Zn, nos compostos produzidos nao ultrapassaram os limites de seguranca para sua utilizacao no solo.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2012
Malei Rosa dos Santos; Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Marialva Alvarenga Moreira; Clarice Aparecida Megguer; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal
O conhecimento do estado nutricional da planta e a exportacao de nutrientes pela cultura auxiliam na tomada de decisao nos programas de adubacao, podendo melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade de frutos de abobora. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o estado nutricional das plantas, a produtividade, a qualidade e a extracao de nutrientes pelos frutos de duas cultivares de abobora hibrida tipo Tetsukabuto adubada com biofertilizante suino. O experimento foi realizado no periodo de marco a agosto de 2008. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 x 5, compreendendo dois hibridos (Kobayashi e Jabras) e cinco doses de biofertilizante: 0, 5, 10, 20 e 40 m3 ha-1, com quatro repeticoes. A maior produtividade de frutos foi alcancada na dose de 35,34 m3 ha-1 de biofertilizante de suino. A massa fresca e a cavidade interna dos frutos aumentaram com o aumento da dose do biofertilizante. O teor de solidos soluveis totais na polpa dos frutos foi maior na testemunha, sem biofertilizante. A excecao do P e S, os teores foliares de nutrientes apresentaram-se dentro da faixa adequada para a cultura. A quantidade maxima de macronutrientes exportada pela massa seca de frutos de abobora deu-se na ordem decrescente: K>N>P>Mg>Ca>S. O biofertilizante suino pode ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes no cultivo de abobora hibrida, porem e recomendada a combinacao com fontes de P para complementar a baixa disponibilidade deste nutriente.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2014
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Marlei Rosa dos Santos; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Cláudia Lúcia de Oliveira Pinto; Luciano Luís Jacob
O biofertilizante de suino pode ser utilizado em cultivos agricolas respeitando criterios de qualidade e quantidade necessarias ao solo e a planta. Com este trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a nutricao e a produtividade de frutos em duas cultivares de pimentao colorido, adubadas com biofertilizante de suino utilizando-se de tecnicas de cultivo orgânico. Duas cultivares hibridas foram avaliadas: Amanda (frutos amarelos) e Rubia (frutos vermelhos) e quatro doses de biofertilizante (0, 30, 60 e 120 m3 ha-1) aplicadas no solo antes do plantio e em cobertura, apos o transplante das mudas. Observou-se resposta para doses de biofertilizante com efeitos positivos na nutricao das plantas e na produtividade de frutos. A cultivar Rubia apresentou maior indice SPAD e maior teor de N nas folhas em relacao a cv. Amanda (P < 0,05). A produtividade de frutos extras foi de 15,39 t ha-1 com a dose de 110 m3 ha-1 de biofertilizante para as duas cultivares. Quanto a produtividade comercial a cv. Rubia foi mais produtiva (21,45 t ha-1) que a Amanda (17,22 t ha-1). A aplicacao do biofertilizante de suino proporciona plantas com estado nutricional e potencial produtivo adequado podendo, desta forma, ser recomendado na fertilizacao nao convencional do pimentao colorido.
Bragantia | 2009
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Marlei Rosa dos Santos; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Luís Tarcísio Salgado; Marinalva Woods Pedrosa; Luciano Luís Jacob
The objective of this work was to evaluate yield and nutritional status of organically cultivated Santa Cruz okra as a function of planting densities and doses of swine biofertilizer. The experiment was carried out at the EPAMIG Experimental Farm, in Oratorios-MG, Brazil, from 16/10/2007 to 22/02/2008. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks, with four replications, in a 2 x 5 factorial, with two plant populations and five doses of biofertilizer obtained by the fermentation of liquid swine waste. The two populations were 23809 and 35714 plants.ha-1, obtained in the 1.4 x 0.30 m spacing with a plant per hole and 1.4 x 0.40 m with two plants per hole. Biofertilizer doses were: 0; 6; 12; 24 and 48 m3.ha-1, with 80% applied in furrow 15 days before transplantation and 20% top-dressing at 30 days after seedling transplantation. The characteristics evaluated included nutrient leaf content, SPAD index, plant height, number of stems and production of commercial and non-commercial fruits. The use o the swine biofertilizer gave plants with a good nutritional status. The SPAD index correlated positively with N leaf content, with the highest concentrations at the highest doses of the swine biofertilizer, mainly in the smallest plant population. The number and commercial fruit production per plant were larger when a smaller plant population was used. The highest yield achieved in the population of 35714 plants ha-1 was 31.23 ton ha-1, and in the population of 23809 plant.ha-1 was 21.9 ton ha-1, both at the highest dose of biofertilizer. The highest commercial yield of okra fruits was obtained with the largest plant population.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2011
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Marlei Rosa dos Santos; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Luís Tarcísio Salgado
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of soil cover and doses of sludge from sedimentation pond of swine wastewater on yield and nutrient export in sugar beet cultivar Early Wonder. The experiment was conducted at the Vale do Piranga Experimental Farm belonging to EPAMIG Zona da Mata in Oratorios (MG), from 07/08/08 to 09/11/08. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot in randomized block design with four replications. The main plots consisted of three types of mulching: sugarcane bagasse, coffee husk and without any cover, and the subplots of five doses of sludge: 0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 t ha-1. At 70 days after transplanting, harvest was carried out. Mulching with coffee husk provided the highest root unit weight and increased yield of commercial roots, independent of the sludge dose. The most exported nutrients by the shoots were Ca, Mg and S, while N, P and K were the most exported by the roots. With a population of 400,000 plants ha-1and yield of 34.22 t ha-1, the mean quantities of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S exported by the roots were 140, 24, 180, 8, 17 and 5 kg ha-1and 371, 435, 320, 74 and 250 g ha-1of Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu and B respectively.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2009
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Marlei Rosa dos Santos; Luís Tarcísio Salgado
This experiment was carried out in a field in Oratorios, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, to evaluate the effect of organic fertilization associated to mineral fertilization on the production of pepper. The experiment was arranged in the randomized block design, with four replications, in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme; four doses of organic fertilizer (0; 30; 60 and 90 t ha-1) three doses of mineral fertilization (0; 750 and 1500 kg ha-1 of the NPK 4-14-8 formulation applied to furrows at planting). Twenty-eight pepper seedlings, cultivar Magda, were distributed into each 14 m2 plot, at 1.0x0.5 m spacing. Nutrient contents were evaluated in the leaves at the beginning of flowering, production of total, commercial and non-commercial fruits were determined. Commercial fruits were classified based on the length and diameter, into extra, special and first class. The extra class accounted for most of the commercial fruit production. Fertilization with organic compost was efficient for pepper nutrition, increasing pepper yield. The mineral fertilizer had additional effect for fruit production. The highest yield of commercial fruits was estimated when associated 84.43 t ha-1 of composed organic with the highest dose of mineral fertilizer.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2008
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Marinalva Woods Pedrosa; Cláudia Lúcia de Oliveira Pinto; Luís Tarcísio Salgado
Os principais objetivos deste trabalho, foram: avaliar o processo de fermentacao do esterco solido de suinos, fazer a caracterizacao fisica, quimica e microbiologica dos adubos orgânicos produzidos e identificar o tempo ideal de fermentacao. Esterco solido de suinos, proveniente da separacao mecânica, foi arranjado em pilhas de 2,0 m3, sem cobertura e com cobertura com lona plastica e as pilhas foram revolvidas quinzenalmente e umedecidas sempre que necessario, com monitoramento diario da temperatura. Pela analise das caracteristicas temperatura, relacao C:N e pH, verificou-se que o tempo de fermentacao de 65 dias foi suficiente para maturacao do esterco com caracteristicas quimicas e fisicas adequadas. Houve aumento na concentracao de nutrientes, exceto do zinco, durante a fermentacao, o que melhorou a qualidade do esterco de suinos. O periodo de 84 dias de fermentacao foi suficiente para reduzir a populacao de coliformes, da ordem de 99,90%, comparada com populacao inicial. Nao foi constatada a presenca de Salmonella sp e Listeria monocytogenes em nenhuma das amostras do esterco de suinos em fermentacao.
Bragantia | 1998
Maria Aparecida Nogueira Sediyama; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal; Paulo Roberto Gomes Pereira; Neusa Catarina Pinheiro Garcia; Paulo César De Lima
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the plant nutritional status the root quality and yield of carrots, cv. Brasilia, influenced by the following treatments: seven types of organic compounds which were produced from liquid swine manure and straw-materials, that is, crushed-sugar-cane, napier grass and coffee straw and the crushed-sugar-cane with or without gypsum or superphosphate triple; one with dry swine manure; one with chemical fertilization, and a untreated control. The experiment was carried out under field conditions using a randomized block design with four replications, from May 3 to August 23, 1994, at EPAMIG Experimental Estation in Ponte Nova county, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Generally, both a greater plant height and aerial part yield were obtained from treatments with organic compounds and dry swine manure. The organic compounds produced from coffee straw plus liquid swine manure, crushed-sugar-cane plus superphosphate triple and napier grass plus liquid swine manure provided yields of total roots over than 50 t.ha-1. The organic compound produced form coffee straw and liquid swine manure provided a greater yield of total and commercial roots. Enrichment of the organic compound crushed-sugar-cane plus liquid swine manure with gypsum or superphosphate triple did not affect root yield, neither Ca and P contents in leaves and roots. The carrot roots that received organic or mineral fertilization presented superior P and K contents and similar Ca content, when compared to those contents considered as standard for elaborating human diets.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2014
Maria An Sediyama; Jéfferson Lm Nascimento; Iza Pc Lopes; Paulo César de Lima; Sanzio Mollica Vidigal
Branch pruning of plants of the Cucurbitaceae family is a very controversial practice. It has been questioned by technicians and farmers who search for information on how to improve fruit yield, especially for the field-grown staked cucumber plants. In this experiment, fruit yield of three cucumber hybrids with vertical staking and different methods of pruning were evaluated. The experiment, carried out at EPAMIG in Oratorios, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, from September to December 2010, was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications in split plots. The plots were established by three cucumber hybrids [Aladim (salada), Natsuno Kagayaki (japanese) and Safira (caipira)] and the split-plots by five pruning methods. Seedlings were planted and the vertical staking system was applied. Harvesting initiated 52 days after sowing, when number of fruits and fresh mass of fruits and plants were evaluated. The hybrid Natsuno Kagayaki presented the highest yield (62.97 t/ha). Pruning did not influence number of fruits and fresh mass of fruits and plants. Cucumber fruit yield was not influenced by pruning method. In the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, plant pruning does not provide gains in yield and fruit quality for the evaluated groups and hybrids of cucumber