Satoshi Toi
Kyushu University
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers | 2012
Satoshi Toi; Koji Sakamoto
Infrastructure Planning Review | 2006
Masaki Suehisa; Satoshi Toi; Kohji Sakamoto; Koji Tobina; Keita Nakahara
In this Paper, the access road construction project in Kitakyushu-City that adopts the community participation is introduced and the construction process is analyzed in the district where the project was carried out comparatively smoothly.And we analyzed the residents evaluation of the project by questionnaire survey.As the result we clarified two ideal methods for good community participation.(1) The events in the district create the familiarity to the district, and help good community participation. And it is important to inform the generalresidents of the project.(2) Resident representative organization should negotiate carefully and hard with land owners.
Infrastructure Planning Review | 2005
Ryo Enatsu; Satoshi Toi; Koji Sakamoto; Yasuaki Kikuchi; Yoshitaka Kajita; Masaki Suehisa
This study is on the project of forming the community zone at Wakahisa district in Fukuoka-city. We researched the process of residents participation and agreement by analyzing the conference minutes and interview. As the special feature ofthis case study, the conferences that were held great number of times, the familiarity by naming streets, the analysis from childrens viewpoint, and the reconstruction of streets, are mentioned. It became clear that existence of the leader-person of the area, judgment through the experiences, visualizing the image of facilities, mutual communication, and sharing of information are required for promotion of agreement.
Infrastructure Planning Review | 2003
Takanori Koga; Koji Sakamoto; Satoshi Toi; Koji Takebayashi
In city planning workshop is often carried out in recent years. In the Nagaoka-naka park workshop held in Minami-ku, Fukuoka-city, the technique of the non-determining process planning was adopted from basic plan to construction. The aim of this research is to show the validity of process planning and the problems concerning workshop. It became clear through this research that it is necessary to correspond flexibly for agreement of participants, etc. Moreover, the change for suitable administration system, and the cognition of a workshop are essential in order to spread the workshop. The planning technique, needed for planning of the public space for the future, is shown by the durable procedure.
Infrastructure Planning Review | 2000
Takahiro Kawasaki; Satoshi Toi; Toshiaki Ohta; Motosi Yamauchi
今日,国 際物流の厳 しい大競争時代にあって,わ が国 のハブ港湾の発展を期する上で緊急かつ重要な課題は, 迅速,低 コス トという質の高いサービスを提供すること ができる港湾物流機能の強化,充 実にある.そ の抜本的 対応策の一つとして,高 密度集積コンテナス トックヤー ドシステムが提案されている1).こ れは,高 層化 したス トックヤー ドの各階にコンテナを一段蔵置きし,ス トッ クヤー ドとガントリークレーン,ま たは トランスファー ポイン ト間をリニアモーター駆動の台車によってコンテ ナの自動搬送をすることによって,物 流の高効率化を目 指すものである.ま た,大 型コンテナ船の着岸が可能な 15m以 上の大水深バースを確保するための桟橋方式海 上バース建設も考えられている. 経済成長の著しいアジアにおいて,物 流面で戦略的に 優位に立つには,こ うした荷役システムを導入するとと もに,大 型コンテナ船寄港が可能な15m級 の大水深岸 壁を整備することが必要である.そ の上で,そ うした施 設整備に基づ く特定港湾の機能向上が,そ の港湾を取 り 巻 くコンテナ貨物の輸送構造に与える影響を明確にし, ハブ港湾の実現を可能にするための施設整備の質と規模 について分析する必要がある.そ こで,本 研究では,線 形計画法を適用 して,コ ンテナ船の輸送量とスケジュー ルの制約条件のもとに総輸送コス トを最小化する品目別 港湾間輸送モデルの定式化を試みた.本 稿では,そ のモ デルの考え方を示すとともに,仮 想の港湾におけるコン テナ物流にこのモデルを適用し,物 流環境の改善効果を 検討した.
Infrastructure Planning Review | 1990
Satoshi Toi; Takeshi Chishaki; Tokuhiro Amamoto
So far we have developped several methods to dispose the continual traffic counting points. And it also needs to consider how to distribute the points of general traffic survey on the road network. In this reserch, we analysed the degree that the trip length distribution and the intervals between traffic counting points affect the accuracy of the estimation of the observed frequency and total triplength.This paper shows that the expectation of the observed frequency is in proportion to the trip length, that the estimation error of total trip length is in proportion to the average interval, and that the average interval needs to be less than 5.0km from the analysis of the trip length distribution of the car OD surveyin 1980. On the base of these results, we tried to dispose the traffic counting points nearly equally on the route of the trunk road network of Fukuoka City.
ERSA conference papers | 2005
Yoshitaka Kajita; Satoshi Toi; Hiroshi Tatsumi
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering. Kyushu University | 2004
Yoshitaka Kajita; Satoshi Toi; Takeshi Chishaki; Atsushi Matsuoka
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 2002
Tetsuroh Nomura; Satoshi Toi; Masaru Kiyota
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering. Kyushu University | 2013
Kazuro Yahiro; Satoshi Toi; Yuki Nagashima