Scott Dodelson
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Featured researches published by Scott Dodelson.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Idit Zehavi; Michael R. Blanton; Joshua A. Frieman; David H. Weinberg; Hounjun J. Mo; Michael A. Strauss; Scott F. Anderson; James Annis; Neta A. Bahcall; Mariangela Bernardi; John W. Briggs; J. Brinkmann; Scott Burles; Larry N. Carey; Francisco J. Castander; Andrew J. Connolly; István Csabai; Julianne J. Dalcanton; Scott Dodelson; Mamoru Doi; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Michael L. Evans; Douglas P. Finkbeiner; Scott D. Friedman; Masataka Fukugita; James E. Gunn; Greg Hennessy; Robert B. Hindsley; Željko Ivezić; Stephen B. H. Kent
We present the first measurements of clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxy redshift survey. Our sample consists of 29,300 galaxies with redshifts 5700 km s-1 ≤ cz ≤ 39,000 km s-1, distributed in several long but narrow (25-5°) segments, covering 690 deg2. For the full, flux-limited sample, the redshift-space correlation length is approximately 8 h-1 Mpc. The two-dimensional correlation function ξ(rp,π) shows clear signatures of both the small-scale, fingers-of-God distortion caused by velocity dispersions in collapsed objects and the large-scale compression caused by coherent flows, though the latter cannot be measured with high precision in the present sample. The inferred real-space correlation function is well described by a power law, ξ(r) = (r/6.1 ± 0.2 h-1 Mpc)-1.75±0.03, for 0.1 h-1 Mpc ≤ r ≤ 16 h-1 Mpc. The galaxy pairwise velocity dispersion is σ12 ≈ 600 ± 100 km s-1 for projected separations 0.15 h-1 Mpc ≤ rp ≤ 5 h-1 Mpc. When we divide the sample by color, the red galaxies exhibit a stronger and steeper real-space correlation function and a higher pairwise velocity dispersion than do the blue galaxies. The relative behavior of subsamples defined by high/low profile concentration or high/low surface brightness is qualitatively similar to that of the red/blue subsamples. Our most striking result is a clear measurement of scale-independent luminosity bias at r 10 h-1 Mpc: subsamples with absolute magnitude ranges centered on M* - 1.5, M*, and M* + 1.5 have real-space correlation functions that are parallel power laws of slope ≈-1.8 with correlation lengths of approximately 7.4, 6.3, and 4.7 h-1 Mpc, respectively.
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2002
Wayne Hu; Scott Dodelson
▪ Abstract Cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies have and will continue to revolutionize our understanding of cosmology. The recent discovery of the previously predicted acoust...
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Ryan Scranton; David E. Johnston; Scott Dodelson; Joshua A. Frieman; A. J. Connolly; Daniel J. Eisenstein; James E. Gunn; Lam Hui; Bhuvnesh Jain; Stephen B. H. Kent; Jon Loveday; Vijay K. Narayanan; Robert C. Nichol; Liam O'Connell; Roman Scoccimarro; Ravi K. Sheth; Albert Stebbins; Michael A. Strauss; Alexander S. Szalay; István Szapudi; Max Tegmark; Michael S. Vogeley; Idit Zehavi; James Annis; Neta A. Bahcall; J. Brinkman; István Csabai; Robert B. Hindsley; Zeljko Ivezic; Rita S. J. Kim
The angular distribution of galaxies encodes a wealth of information about large-scale structure. Ultimately, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) will record the angular positions of order of 108 galaxies in five bands, adding significantly to the cosmological constraints. This is the first in a series of papers analyzing a rectangular stripe of 25 × 90° from early SDSS data. We present the angular correlation function for galaxies in four separate magnitude bins on angular scales ranging from 0003 to 15°. Much of the focus of this paper is on potential systematic effects. We show that the final galaxy catalog—with the mask accounting for regions of poor seeing, reddening, bright stars, etc.—is free from external and internal systematic effects for galaxies brighter than r* = 22. Our estimator of the angular correlation function includes the effects of the integral constraint and the mask. The full covariance matrix of errors in these estimates is derived using mock catalogs with further estimates using a number of other methods.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Z. Hou; C. L. Reichardt; K. Story; B. Follin; R. Keisler; K. A. Aird; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; H. M. Cho; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; T. de Haan; R. de Putter; M. Dobbs; Scott Dodelson; J. P. Dudley; E. M. George; N. W. Halverson; G. P. Holder; W. L. Holzapfel; S. Hoover; J. D. Hrubes; M. Joy; L. Knox; A. T. Lee; E. M. Leitch; M. Lueker; D. Luong-Van
We explore extensions to the ΛCDM cosmology using measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from the recent SPT-SZ survey, along with data from WMAP7 and measurements of H_0 and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO). We check for consistency within ΛCDM between these data sets, and find some tension. The CMB alone gives weak support to physics beyond ΛCDM, due to a slight trend relative to ΛCDM of decreasing power toward smaller angular scales. While it may be due to statistical fluctuation, this trend could also be explained by several extensions. We consider running of the primordial spectral index (dn_s /d ln k), as well as two extensions that modify the damping tail power (the primordial helium abundance Y_p and the effective number of neutrino species N_(eff)) and one that modifies the large-scale power due to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect (the sum of neutrino masses ∑m_ν). These extensions have similar observational consequences and are partially degenerate when considered simultaneously. Of the six one-parameter extensions considered, we find CMB to have the largest preference for dn_s/d ln k with –0.046 0 from CMB+BAO+H_0 + SPT_(CL). The median value is (0.32 ± 0.11) eV, a factor of six above the lower bound set by neutrino oscillation observations. All data sets except H_0 show some preference for massive neutrinos; data combinations including H_0 favor nonzero masses only if BAO data are also included. We also constrain the two-parameter extensions N_(eff) + ∑m_ν and N_(eff) + Y_p to explore constraints on additional light species and big bang nucleosynthesis, respectively.
Physical Review Letters | 2007
Pengjie Zhang; M. Liguori; Rachel Bean; Scott Dodelson
Pengjie Zhang, 2 Michele Liguori, Rachel Bean, and Scott Dodelson 6 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science, 80 Nandan Road, Shanghai, China, 200030 Joint Institute for Galaxy and Cosmology (JOINGC) of SHAO and USTC Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA, United Kingdom Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Center for Particle Astrophysics, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510-0500 Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637-1433
Astroparticle Physics | 2015
K. N. Abazajian; K. Arnold; J. E. Austermann; B. A. Benson; C. Bischoff; J. Bock; J. R. Bond; J. Borrill; I. Buder; D. L. Burke; E. Calabrese; J. E. Carlstrom; C. S. Carvalho; C. L. Chang; H. C. Chiang; S. Church; A. Cooray; T. M. Crawford; B. P. Crill; Kyle S. Dawson; S. Das; M. J. Devlin; M. Dobbs; Scott Dodelson; O. Doré; Joanna Dunkley; J. L. Feng; A. Fraisse; J. Gallicchio; S. B. Giddings
This is a report on the status and prospects of the quantification of neutrino properties through the cosmological neutrino background for the Cosmic Frontier of the Division of Particles and Fields Community Summer Study long-term planning exercise. Experiments planned and underway are prepared to study the cosmological neutrino background in detail via its influence on distance-redshift relations and the growth of structure. The program for the next decade described in this document, including upcoming spectroscopic galaxy surveys eBOSS and DESI and a new Stage-IV CMB polarization experiment CMB-S4, will achieve σ(σmν) = 16 meV and σ(Neff) = 0.020. Such a mass measurement will produce a high significance detection of non-zero σmν, whose lower bound derived from atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillation data is about 58 meV. If neutrinos have a minimal normal mass hierarchy, this measurement will definitively rule out the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy, shedding light on one of the most puzzling aspects of the Standard Model of particle physics — the origin of mass. This precise a measurement of Neff will allow for high sensitivity to any light and dark degrees of freedom produced in the big bang and a precision test of the standard cosmological model prediction that Neff=3.046.
arXiv: Astrophysics | 2001
Ryan Scranton; David E. Johnston; Scott Dodelson; Joshua A. Frieman; A. J. Connolly; Daniel J. Eisenstein; James E. Gunn; Lam Hui; Bhuvnesh Jain; Stephen B. H. Kent; Jon Loveday; Vijay K. Narayanan; Robert C. Nichol; Liam O'Connell; Roman Scoccimarro; Ravi K. Sheth; Albert Stebbins; Michael A. Strauss; Alexander S. Szalay; István Szapudi; Max Tegmark; Michael S. Vogeley; Idit Zehavi
The angular distribution of galaxies encodes a wealth of information about large-scale structure. Ultimately, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) will record the angular positions of order of 108 galaxies in five bands, adding significantly to the cosmological constraints. This is the first in a series of papers analyzing a rectangular stripe of 25 × 90° from early SDSS data. We present the angular correlation function for galaxies in four separate magnitude bins on angular scales ranging from 0003 to 15°. Much of the focus of this paper is on potential systematic effects. We show that the final galaxy catalog—with the mask accounting for regions of poor seeing, reddening, bright stars, etc.—is free from external and internal systematic effects for galaxies brighter than r* = 22. Our estimator of the angular correlation function includes the effects of the integral constraint and the mask. The full covariance matrix of errors in these estimates is derived using mock catalogs with further estimates using a number of other methods.
arXiv: Astrophysics | 2008
Daniel Baumann; Mark G. Jackson; Peter Adshead; A. Amblard; Nicola Bartolo; Rachel Bean; Maria Beltr; Francesco De Bernardis; Simeon Bird; Xingang Chen; Daniel J. H. Chung; L. P. L. Colombo; A. Cooray; Paolo Creminelli; Scott Dodelson; Joanna Dunkley; Cora Dvorkin; Richard Easther; F. Finelli; Raphael Flauger; Mark P. Hertzberg; Katherine Jones-Smith
We summarize the utility of precise cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization measurements as probes of the physics of ination. We focus on the prospects for using CMB measurementsWe summarize the utility of precise cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization measurements as probes of the physics of inflation. We focus on the prospects for using CMB measurements to differentiate various inflationary mechanisms. In particular, a detection of primordial B‐mode polarization would demonstrate that inflation occurred at a very high energy scale, and that the inflaton traversed a super‐Planckian distance in field space. We explain how such a detection or constraint would illuminate aspects of physics at the Planck scale. Moreover, CMB measurements can constrain the scale‐dependence and non‐Gaussianity of the primordial fluctuations and limit the possibility of a significant isocurvature contribution. Each such limit provides crucial information on the underlying inflationary dynamics. Finally, we quantify these considerations by presenting forecasts for the sensitivities of a future satellite experiment to the inflationary parameters.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
A. Drlica-Wagner; K. Bechtol; E. S. Rykoff; E. Luque; A. Queiroz; Yao-Yuan Mao; Risa H. Wechsler; J. D. Simon; B. Santiago; Brian Yanny; E. Balbinot; Scott Dodelson; A. Fausti Neto; D. J. James; T. S. Li; M. A. G. Maia; J. L. Marshall; A. Pieres; Katelyn Stringer; Alistair R. Walker; Timothy M. C. Abbott; F. B. Abdalla; S. Allam; A. Benoit-Lévy; G. M. Bernstein; E. Bertin; David J. Brooks; Elizabeth J. Buckley-Geer; D. L. Burke; A. Carnero Rosell
We report the discovery of eight new ultra-faint dwarf galaxy candidates in the second year of optical imaging data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Six of these candidates are detected at high confidence, while two lower-confidence candidates are identified in regions of non-uniform survey coverage. The new stellar systems are found by three independent automated search techniques and are identified as overdensities of stars, consistent with the isochrone and luminosity function of an old and metal-poor simple stellar population. The new systems are faint (MV > −4.7
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
James Annis; Marcelle Soares-Santos; Michael A. Strauss; Andrew Cameron Becker; Scott Dodelson; Xiaohui Fan; James E. Gunn; Jiangang Hao; Željko Ivezić; Sebastian Jester; Linhua Jiang; David E. Johnston; Jeffrey M. Kubo; Hubert Lampeitl; Huan Lin; Robert H. Lupton; Gajus A. Miknaitis; Hee-Jong Seo; Melanie Simet; Brian Yanny