Sean M. Andrews
Harvard University
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Featured researches published by Sean M. Andrews.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Sean M. Andrews; Jonathan P. Williams
We present a sensitive, multiwavelength submillimeter continuum survey of 153 young stellar objects in the Taurus-Auriga star formation region. The submillimeter detection rate is 61% to a completeness limit of � 10 mJy (3 � )at850� m.Theinferredcircumstellardiskmassesarelognormallydistributedwithameanmassof � 5 ; 10 � 3 M� and a large dispersion (0.5 dex). Roughly one-third of the submillimeter sources have disk masses larger than the minimalnebulafromwhichthesolarsystemformed.Themediandisk-to-starmassratiois0.5%.Theempiricalbehavior of the submillimeter continuum is best described as F� / � 2:0� 0:5 between 350 � m and 1.3 mm, which we argue is duetothecombinedeffectsofthefractionofopticallythickemissionandaflatterfrequencybehavioroftheopacity compared to the interstellar medium. The latter effect could be due to a substantial population of large dust grains, which presumably would have grown through collisional agglomeration. In this sample, the only stellar property that is correlated with the outer disk is the presence of a companion. We find evidence for significant decreases in submillimeterfluxdensities,diskmasses,andsubmillimetercontinuumslopesalongthecanonicalinfraredspectral energy distribution evolution sequence for young stellar objects. The fraction of objects detected in the submillimeter isessentially identicalto the fractionwith excessnear-infrared emission,suggestingthatdustin the inner and outer disks is removed nearly simultaneously.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
Sean M. Andrews; David J. Wilner; Catherine Espaillat; A. M. Hughes; Cornelis P. Dullemond; M. K. McClure; Chunhua Qi; Joanna M. Brown
Circumstellar disks are thought to experience a rapid transition phase in their evolution that can have a considerable impact on the formation and early development of planetary systems. We present new and archival high angular resolution (03 40-75 AU) Submillimeter Array (SMA) observations of the 880 μm (340 GHz) dust continuum emission from 12 such transition disks in nearby star-forming regions. In each case, we directly resolve a dust-depleted disk cavity around the central star. Using two-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations, we interpret these dust disk structures in a homogeneous, parametric model framework by reproducing their SMA continuum visibilities and spectral energy distributions. The cavities in these disks are large (R cav = 15-73 AU) and substantially depleted of small (~μm-sized) dust grains, although their mass contents are still uncertain. The structures of the remnant material at larger radii are comparable to normal disks. We demonstrate that these large cavities are relatively common among the millimeter-bright disk population, comprising at least 1 in 5 (20%) of the disks in the bright half (and ≥26% of the upper quartile) of the millimeter luminosity (disk mass) distribution. Utilizing these results, we assess some of the physical mechanisms proposed to account for transition disk structures. As has been shown before, photoevaporation models do not produce the large cavity sizes, accretion rates, and disk masses representative of this sample. A sufficient decrease of the dust optical depths in these cavities by particle growth would be difficult to achieve: substantial growth (to meter sizes or beyond) must occur in large (tens of AU) regions of low turbulence without also producing an abundance of small particles. Given those challenges, we suggest instead that the observations are most commensurate with dynamical clearing due to tidal interactions with low-mass companions—very young (~1 Myr) brown dwarfs or giant planets on long-period orbits.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Sean M. Andrews; Jonathan P. Williams
We present a high spatial resolution submillimeter continuum survey of 24 circumstellar disks in the Taurus-Auriga and Ophiuchus-Scorpius star formation regions using the SMA. In the context of a simple model, we use broadband spectral energy distributions and submillimeter visibilities to derive constraints on some basic parameters that describe the structure of these disks. For the typical disk in the sample we infer a radial surface density distribution Σr r-p with a median p ≈ 0.5, although consideration of the systematic effects of some of our assumptions suggest that steeper distributions with p ≈ 1 are more reasonable. The distribution of the outer radii of these disks shows a distinct peak at Rd ≈ 200 AU, with only a few cases where the disk emission is completely unresolved. Based on these disk structure measurements, the mass accretion rates, and the typical spectral and spatial distributions of submillimeter emission, we show that the observations are in good agreement with similarity solutions for steady accretion disks that have a viscosity parameter α ≈ 0.01. We provide new estimates of the spectral dependence of the disk opacity κν νβ with a mean β ≈ 1.0, corrected for optically thick emission. This typical value of β is consistent with model predictions for the collisional growth of solids to millimeter-size scales in the outer disk. Although direct constraints on planet formation in these disks are not currently available, the extrapolated density distributions inferred here are substantially shallower than those calculated based on the solar system or extrasolar planets and typically used in planet formation models. It is possible that we are substantially underestimating disk densities due to an incomplete submillimeter opacity prescription.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Sean M. Andrews; Jonathan P. Williams
We present new multiwavelength submillimeter continuum measurements of the circumstellar dust around 48 young stars in the ρ Ophiuchi dark clouds. Supplemented with previous 1.3 mm observations of an additional 99 objects from the literature, the statistical distributions of disk masses and submillimeter colors are calculated and compared to those in the Taurus-Auriga region. These basic submillimeter properties of young stellar objects in both environments are shown to be essentially identical. As with their Taurus counterparts, the ρ Oph circumstellar dust properties are shown to evolve along an empirical evolution sequence based on the infrared spectral energy distribution. The combined ρ Oph and Taurus Class II samples (173 sources) are used to set benchmark values for basic outer disk characteristics: Md ~ 0.005 M☉, Md/M* ~ 1% , and α ~ 2 (where Fν ∝ να between 350 μm and 1.3 mm). The precision of these numbers is addressed in the context of substantial solid particle growth in the earliest stages of the planet formation process. There is some circumstantial evidence that disk masses inferred from submillimeter emission may be underestimated by up to an order of magnitude.
Science | 2013
Chunhua Qi; Karin I. Öberg; David J. Wilner; Paola D’Alessio; Edwin A. Bergin; Sean M. Andrews; Geoffrey A. Blake; M. R. Hogerheijde; Ewine F. van Dishoeck
Solar Snow Lines Models of the formation of our solar system have suggested that condensation lines, or snow lines—the distance from a star beyond which a gas or a liquid can condense into the solid phase—are favorable locations for planet formation. Taking advantage of the increase of N2H+ abundance in cold regions where CO condenses out of the gas phase, Qi et al. (p. 630, published online 18 July) used the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array to image the CO snow line in the disk around TW Hya, an analog of the solar nebula from which the solar system formed. This disks snow line corresponds to Neptunes orbit in our solar system. Millimeter-wavelength observations locate the carbon monoxide condensation line within the disk around a young planet-forming star. Planets form in the disks around young stars. Their formation efficiency and composition are intimately linked to the protoplanetary disk locations of “snow lines” of abundant volatiles. We present chemical imaging of the carbon monoxide (CO) snow line in the disk around TW Hya, an analog of the solar nebula, using high spatial and spectral resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array observations of diazenylium (N2H+), a reactive ion present in large abundance only where CO is frozen out. The N2H+ emission is distributed in a large ring, with an inner radius that matches CO snow line model predictions. The extracted CO snow line radius of ∼30 astronomical units helps to assess models of the formation dynamics of the solar system, when combined with measurements of the bulk composition of planets and comets.
Nature | 2013
Edwin A. Bergin; L. Ilsedore Cleeves; Uma Gorti; Ke Zhang; Geoffrey A. Blake; Joel D. Green; Sean M. Andrews; Neal J. Evans; Thomas Henning; Karin I. Öberg; Klaus M. Pontoppidan; Chunhua Qi; Colette Salyk; Ewine F. van Dishoeck
From the masses of the planets orbiting the Sun, and the abundance of elements relative to hydrogen, it is estimated that when the Solar System formed, the circumstellar disk must have had a minimum mass of around 0.01 solar masses within about 100 astronomical units of the star. (One astronomical unit is the Earth–Sun distance.) The main constituent of the disk, gaseous molecular hydrogen, does not efficiently emit radiation from the disk mass reservoir, and so the most common measure of the disk mass is dust thermal emission and lines of gaseous carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide emission generally indicates properties of the disk surface, and the conversion from dust emission to gas mass requires knowledge of the grain properties and the gas-to-dust mass ratio, which probably differ from their interstellar values. As a result, mass estimates vary by orders of magnitude, as exemplified by the relatively old (3–10 million years) star TW Hydrae, for which the range is 0.0005–0.06 solar masses. Here we report the detection of the fundamental rotational transition of hydrogen deuteride from the direction of TW Hydrae. Hydrogen deuteride is a good tracer of disk gas because it follows the distribution of molecular hydrogen and its emission is sensitive to the total mass. The detection of hydrogen deuteride, combined with existing observations and detailed models, implies a disk mass of more than 0.05 solar masses, which is enough to form a planetary system like our own.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
A. Meredith Hughes; Sean M. Andrews; Catherine Espaillat; David J. Wilner; Nuria Calvet; Paola D'Alessio; Chunhua Qi; Jonathan P. Williams; M. R. Hogerheijde
We present 0. 3 resolution observations of the disk around GM Aurigae with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at a wavelength of 860 μm and with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. These observations probe the distribution of disk material on spatial scales commensurate with the size of the inner hole predicted by models of the spectral energy distribution (SED). The data clearly indicate a sharp decrease in millimeter optical depth at the disk center, consistent with a deficit of material at distances less than ∼20 AU from the star. We refine the accretion disk model of Calvet et al. based on the unresolved SED and demonstrate that it reproduces well the spatially resolved millimeter continuum data at both available wavelengths. We also present complementary SMA observations of CO J = 3–2 and J = 2–1 emission from the disk at 2 �� resolution. The observed CO morphology is consistent with the continuum model prediction, with two significant deviations: (1) the emission displays a larger CO J = 3–2/J = 2–1 line ratio than predicted, which may indicate additional heating of gas in the upper disk layers; and (2) the position angle of the kinematic rotation pattern differs by 11 ◦ ± 2 ◦ from that measured at smaller scales from the dust continuum, which may indicate the presence of a warp. We note that photoevaporation, grain growth, and binarity are unlikely mechanisms for inducing the observed sharp decrease in opacity or surface density at the disk center. The inner hole plausibly results from the dynamical influence of a planet on the disk material. Warping induced by a planet could also potentially explain the difference in position angle between the continuum and CO data sets.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2016
Sean M. Andrews; David J. Wilner; Zhaohuan Zhu; T. Birnstiel; John M. Carpenter; Laura M. Pérez; Xue-Ning Bai; Karin I. Öberg; A. Meredith Hughes; Andrea Isella; Luca Ricci
We present long-baseline Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the 870 micron continuum emission from the nearest gas-rich protoplanetary disk, around TW Hya, that trace millimeter-sized particles down to spatial scales as small as 1 AU (20 mas). These data reveal a series of concentric ring-shaped substructures in the form of bright zones and narrow dark annuli (1-6 AU) with modest contrasts (5-30%). We associate these features with concentrations of solids that have had their inward radial drift slowed or stopped, presumably at local gas pressure maxima. No significant non-axisymmetric structures are detected. Some of the observed features occur near temperatures that may be associated with the condensation fronts of major volatile species, but the relatively small brightness contrasts may also be a consequence of magnetized disk evolution (the so-called zonal flows). Other features, particularly a narrow dark annulus located only 1 AU from the star, could indicate interactions between the disk and young planets. These data signal that ordered substructures on ~AU scales can be common, fundamental factors in disk evolution, and that high resolution microwave imaging can help characterize them during the epoch of planet formation.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
Andrea Isella; Laura M. Pérez; John M. Carpenter; Luca Ricci; Sean M. Andrews; Katherine A. Rosenfeld
Theory predicts that giant planets and low mass stellar companions shape circumstellar disks by opening annular gaps in the gas and dust spatial distribution. For more than a decade it has been debated whether this is the dominant process that leads to the formation of transitional disks. In this paper, we present millimeter-wave interferometric observations of the transitional disk around the young intermediate mass star LkHα 330. These observations reveal a lopsided ring in the 1.3 mm dust thermal emission characterized by a radius of about 100 AU and an azimuthal intensity variation of a factor of two. By comparing the observations with a Gaussian parametric model, we find that the observed asymmetry is consistent with a circular arc, that extends azimuthally by about 90° and emits about 1/3 of the total continuum flux at 1.3 mm. Hydrodynamic simulations show that this structure is similar to the azimuthal asymmetries in the disk surface density that might be produced by the dynamical interaction with unseen low mass companions orbiting within 70 AU from the central star. We argue that such asymmetries might lead to azimuthal variations in the millimeter-wave dust opacity and in the dust temperature, which will also affect the millimeter-wave continuum emission. Alternative explanations for the observed asymmetry that do not require the presence of companions cannot be ruled out with the existing data. Further observations of both the dust and molecular gas emission are required to derive firm conclusions on the origin of the asymmetry observed in the LkHα 330 disk.
Science | 2016
Laura M. Pérez; John M. Carpenter; Sean M. Andrews; Luca Ricci; Andrea Isella; H. Linz; Anneila I. Sargent; David J. Wilner; Thomas Henning; Adam T. Deller; Claire J. Chandler; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Joseph Lazio; K. M. Menten; S. Corder; Shaye Storm; L. Testi; Marco Tazzari; Woojin Kwon; Nuria Calvet; J. S. Greaves; Robert J. Harris; Lee G. Mundy
Gravitational forces are expected to excite spiral density waves in protoplanetary disks, disks of gas and dust orbiting young stars. However, previous observations that showed spiral structure were not able to probe disk midplanes, where most of the mass is concentrated and where planet formation takes place. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, we detected a pair of trailing symmetric spiral arms in the protoplanetary disk surrounding the young star Elias 2-27. The arms extend to the disk outer regions and can be traced down to the midplane. These millimeter-wave observations also reveal an emission gap closer to the star than the spiral arms. We argue that the observed spirals trace shocks of spiral density waves in the midplane of this young disk.