Selçuk Nas
Dokuz Eylül University
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Featured researches published by Selçuk Nas.
Journal of Navigation | 2016
Emre Ucan; Selçuk Nas
Nautical services should be allocated efficiently as they have great resource costs. In this paper, the Marine Pilotage Service in the Istanbul Strait has been analysed by using Rockwell Arena Simulation Software. The purpose of the study is to find the required number of marine pilots for vessel traffic flow in the Istanbul Strait. It is evaluated thoroughly by a stochastic, dynamic, discrete simulation for safe service standards in pilotage. The result of the paper shows that discrete simulation technique is an efficient and reliable way of solving complex techno-nautical service allocation problems as proven by experts. As the discrete simulation result data shows, most other techno-nautical services can also be modelled and optimised by using similar techniques. Areas like optimisation of the number of pilots, tugs, resource allocation problems, berthing area selections and many more complex and inherently stochastic problems can be reliably solved by simulation experiments.
International Maritime Health | 2014
Selçuk Nas; Remzi Fışkın
BACKGROUND Obesity and overweight threaten not only seafarers health but also the safety of operations on board a ship. The aim of the study was to investigate the statistical distribution of obesity and overweight among Turkish seafarers by using the health examination reports data collected between 2009 and 2012. MATERIALS AND METHODS The data on weight, height and age obtained from 143,341 medical examination reports of Turkish seafarers were used with the official permission of Directorate General of Health for Border and Coastal Areas. Considering the data in the health reports, body mass index (BMI) values were calculated, analysed and compared with Turkish general population and Danish seafarers. RESULTS It has been found that BMI values of Turkish seafarers were boomed over the years. While Turkish male seafarers get older, their BMI values rise progressively. After the age of 28, BMI scores exceed the acceptable level. In addition, they reach maximum average 27.8 BMI value in their 50s. CONCLUSIONS The activities, which will provide awareness to Turkish seafarers and the ship operators about the dangers of obesity, should be done. Also convenient environments and time for physical exercise on board a ship must be provided for seafarers.
International Maritime Health | 2017
Selçuk Nas; Remzi Fışkın
BACKGROUND The present study aims to investigate and to reveal the relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index (BMI) and obesity among Turkish seafarers by using the health examination reports data obtained from 2009 to 2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS The data on age, gender, weight, height and blood groups obtained from 298,247 medical examination reports of Turkish seafarers were used with the official permission of Directorate General of Health for Border and Coastal Areas. Only 116,871 reports included blood group data. Regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were performed to survey relationship between variables. The results of the study were compared with other studies in the related literature. RESULTS It has been revealed that AB Rh (-) group was associated the highest mean BMI value (mean: 25.952). CONCLUSIONS It is suggested that seafarers with AB Rh (-) blood group, who have the highest mean BMI value, should pay special attention to their weight.
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation | 2013
Remzi Fışkın; Selçuk Nas
This study examined the content analysis of the articles published in International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (TransNav). A content analysis was conducted for a 6-year period from 2007 to 2012. The journal published 6 volumes, 24 issues and 401 articles since 2007. The articles were submitted by 637 authors from 49 different countries. A total of 401 research papers were analyzed in the sense of the author’s score, country and institution ranks of articles published in the TransNav Journal. In this study, no attempt was made to distinguish between departments, research centers, and agencies within an institution. The analyses found that the authors from Poland made the most contributions to the journal. This shows that the journal should be more attractive for authors from other countries. This study also found that the journal mostly attends to safety and security in sea transportation. Algorithms and methods are also widely included in the journal as a topic.
Teknik Dergi | 2018
İrşad Bayırhan; Selçuk Nas
Turkiye’nin en buyuk organize sanayi bolgesi olan Aliaga Organize Sanayi Bolgesi’nin hammaddeye ve pazara yakinligini ile lojistik avantajlari; bolgenin Ege Denizi’ne baglantisini saglayan Guzelhisar Deresi’nin ic suyolu kanali olarak planlanmasi dusuncesini ortaya cikarmistir. Bu calismada Guzelhisar Deresi’nin, Aliaga Organize Sanayi Bolgesi’ne yonelik; ic suyolu tasimaciligi icin tasarlanmasi, elverisliliginin analiz edilmesi ve bolgenin bu anlamda planlanmasi amaclanmistir. Guzelhisar Deresi’nde yapilmasi dusunulen kanalin, teknik tasarimi cercevesinde; uluslararasi standartlar goz onune alinarak suyolu sinifi belirlenmis ve secilen kanal enkesitine gore dere islahi gerceklestirilerek, referans gemi tespitinde bulunulmustur. Referans secilen gemi ebatlari dogrultusunda suyolunun ulastirma muhendisligi acisindan tasarimi ve ilgili muhendislik yapilari belirlenmistir.
Journal of ETA Maritime Science | 2016
Remzi Fışkın; Selçuk Nas
This article is dealing with a brief qualitative analysis of articles published between the years 2013-2016 in the Journal of ETA Maritime Science (whose owner is UCTEA, The Chamber of Marine Engineers), which has been indexed by the ULAKBIM TR Dizin, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and IndexCopernicus. Furthermore, the management process of the journal is also mentioned to give an example of a good management process. Besides, in this study, the types of published articles and statistics, the categories of the published articles and statistics and the reviewers, authors and articles statistics were
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation | 2014
Selçuk Nas; Yusuf Zorba; Emre Ucan
Ever growing energy industry requires larger quantities of LNG to be transported by bigger ships between terminals. Every day, new kind of large vessels created by new technologies, and these are used to trade around the globe. This is the dynamic change in shipping industry. But on the other hand these new vessels need to safely berth to existing terminals which we may accept as more static part of the trade. Thus this study born by the request of Ege Gaz Aliaga LNG Terminal management to determine if it is safe to berth to the terminal by a new breed of large LNG carrier type named as Q-Flex and Q-Max. Transas Bridge Simulator NTPRO 5000 series was used in this study for extensive experiments which had been simulated by the use of hook function. During the study, every force applied to mooring hooks and dolphins by the ship lines were divided into 3 dimensions and then measured by simulation experiments. With analysis of the data, required hook and dolphins strengths were determined for the safe mooring arrangements. Upon the completion of the study Ege Gaz Aliaga LNG Terminal became the first safe berth for Q-Flex type vessels in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. And finally all experiments were confirmed with real life experience when the first Q-Flex type LNG carrier berthed to the Ege Gaz Aliaga LNG Terminal.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi | 2014
Oğuz Atik; Selçuk Nas; Ali Cemal Töz; Burak Köseoğlu
The aim of this review article is to introduce Project “Gemes” and to raise awareness about seafarer shortage and unemployment matter in Turkey. The Project “Gemes”, which is the Turkish acronym for “Vocational Seamanship Training for Proving Unemployed Youth Employment”, was a project partially funded by EU and successfully completed by Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey. The Project focused on providing jobs onboard ships for a number of primary school graduates, unemployed young people between ages 18 and 24. The project mainly aims at making some contributions to the reduction of the regional unemployment in the medium and long term. Within this scope, another goal was to open up an opportunity for the work force and the employers in the region to meet and contribute to their coordination. The project was also designed to provide training program with high standards to bring up qualified employees in the maritime industry and set a model for curing the employment downfalls of the industry. In this context, it was initially intended to provide 120 beneficiaries with training and to ensure employment for a specific percentage. As planned during the preparation of the project, trainings are continued with the contribution of the infrastructure gained, for the sustainability of the project.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi | 2011
Selçuk Nas; Yusuf Zorba
Deniz ve cevresini korunmayi en onemli amac edinmis olan Dunya Denizcilik Orgutu IMO, bu amacla bircok uluslararasi yasal duzenleme yururluge sokmustur. Bu duzenlemelerin bir kismi dolayli bir kismi da direkt olarak deniz ve cevresinin korunmasina yoneliktir. Ozellikle MARPOL sozlesmesi, deniz ve cevresini korumaya yonelik olan en kapsamli uluslararasi sozlesmedir. MARPOL uluslararasi sozlesmesinin hukuksal alt yapisi Turkiye’de Cevre ve Orman Bakanligi ile Denizcilik Mustesarligi tarafindan olusturulmaktadir. Bu kapsamda, deniz ve cevresinin petrol ve diger zararli maddelerden dolayi kirlenmesi durumunda yapilmasi gereken acil mudahalenin ve olusacak zararlarin tazminini duzenleyen yonetmelik 21 Ekim 2006 tarihinde 26326 sayili Resmi Gazetede yayimlanarak yururluge girmistir. Buna gore her bir kiyi tesisinin bulundugu deniz ve cevresini tehdit eden tehlikelerin tanimlanmasi ve risk degerlendirmelerinin yapilmasi istenmektedir. Bu calismada yukarida bahsi gecen yonetmelik kapsaminda Izmir Alsancak Limani icin gemi manevralarindan kaynaklanabilecek tehlikeler tanimlanarak risk degerlendirmeleri yapilmistir. Kabul edilemez duzeyde tespit edilen tehlikeler icin ise risk dusurucu tedbirler onerilmektedir
Journal of ETA Maritime Science | 2016
Yusuf Zorba; Selçuk Nas