Shigenobu Takeda
Nagasaki University
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Featured researches published by Shigenobu Takeda.
Nature | 1998
Shigenobu Takeda
The major nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and silicate) needed for phytoplankton growth are abundant in the surface waters of the subarctic Pacific, equatorial Pacific and Southern oceans, but this growth is limited by the availability of iron. Under iron-deficient conditions, phytoplankton exhibit reduced uptake of nitrate and lower cellular levels of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Here I describe seawater and culture experiments which show that iron limitation can also affect the ratio of consumed silicate to nitrate and phosphate. In iron-limited waters from all three of the aforementioned environments, addition of iron to phytoplankton assemblages in incubation bottles halved the silicate:nitrate and silicate:phosphate consumption ratios, in spite of the preferential growth of diatoms (silica-shelled phytoplankton). The nutrient consumption ratios of the phytoplankton assemblage from the Southern Ocean were similar to those of an iron-deficient laboratory culture of Antarctic diatoms, which exhibit increased cellular silicon or decreased cellular nitrogen and phosphorus in response to iron limitation. Iron limitation therefore increases the export of biogenic silicon, relative to nitrogen and phosphorus, from the surface to deeper waters. These findings suggest how the sedimentary records of carbon and silicon deposition in the glacial Southern Ocean can be consistent with the idea that changes in productivity, and thus in drawdown of atmospheric CO2, during the last glaciation were stimulated by changes in iron inputs from atmospheric dust.
Progress in Oceanography | 1999
Paul J. Harrison; P.W. Boyda; D.E. Varela; Shigenobu Takeda; A. Shiomoto; T. Odate
The subarctic North Pacific is one of the three major high nitrate low chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of the world. The two gyres, the NE and the NW subarctic Pacific gyres dominate this region; the NE subarctic Pacific gyre is also known as the Alaska Gyre. The NE subarctic Pacific has one of the longest time series of any open ocean station, primarily as a result of the biological sampling that began in 1956 on the weathership stationed at Stn P (50°N, 145°W; also known as Ocean Station Papa (OSP)). Sampling along Line P, a transect from the coast (south end of Vancouver Island) out to Stn P has provided valuable information on how various parameters change along this coastal to open ocean gradient. The NW subarctic Pacific gyre has been less well studied than the NE gyre. This review focuses mainly on the NE gyre because of the large and long term data set available, but makes a brief comparison with the NW gyre. The NE gyre has saturating NO3 concentrations all year (winter = about 16 μM and summer = about 8 μM), constantly very low chlorophyll (chl) (usually <0.5 mg m−3) which is dominated by small cells (<5 μm). Primary productivity is low (about 300–600 mg C m−2 d−1 and varies little (2 times) seasonally. Annual primary productivity is 3 to 4 times higher than earlier estimates ranging from 140 to 215 g C m−2 y−1. Iron limits the utilization of nitrate and hence the primary productivity of large cells (especially diatoms) except in the winter when iron and light may be co-limiting. There are observations of episodic increases in chl above 1 mg m−3, suggesting episodic iron inputs, most likely from Asian dust in the spring/early summer, but possibly from horizontal advection from the Alaskan Gyre in summer/early fall. The small cells normally dominate the phytoplankton biomass and productivity, and utilize the ammonium produced by the micrograzers. They do not appear to be Fe-limited, but are controlled by microzooplankton grazers. The NW Subarctic Gyre has higher nutrient concentrations and a shallower summer mixed depth and photic zone than Stn P in the NE gyre. Chl concentrations tend to be higher (0.5 to 1.5 μg L−1) than Stn P, but primary productivity in the summer is similar to Stn P (∼600 mg C m−2 d−1). There are no seasonal data from this gyre. Iron enrichment experiments in October, resulted in an increase in chl (mainly the centric diatom Thalassiosira sp.) and a draw down of nitrate, suggesting that large phytoplankton are Fe-limited, similar to Stn P.
Marine Chemistry | 2001
Jun Nishioka; Shigenobu Takeda; Chi Shing Wong; W.K Johnson
Abstract The spatial and temporal changes in vertical distribution of soluble Fe ( 0.2 μm, labile at pH 3.2) were observed in deep water at coastal stations both in September 1998 and February 1999. These results suggest that soluble and small colloidal Fe vary spatially and temporally. Particularly, in our observation, the soluble Fe has temporal changes in open ocean seawater while the small colloidal and large labile particulate Fe has spatial changes at coastal area. Thus, we need to consider the existence of small colloidal Fe in the dissolved Fe fraction (
Science | 2008
Ken O. Buesseler; Scott C. Doney; David M. Karl; Philip W. Boyd; Ken Caldeira; Fei Chai; Kenneth H. Coale; Hein J. W. de Baar; Paul G. Falkowski; Kenneth S. Johnson; Richard S. Lampitt; Anthony F. Michaels; Syed Wajih Ahmad Naqvi; Victor Smetacek; Shigenobu Takeda; Andrew J. Watson
It is premature to sell carbon offsets from ocean iron fertilization unless research provides the scientific foundation to evaluate risks and benefits.
Marine Chemistry | 1995
Shigenobu Takeda; Hajime Obata
In the equatorial Pacific Ocean along 160° W, surface-water samples with natural plankton communities were placed in incubation bottles to which subnanomolar levels of Fe were added under ultraclean conditions. Addition of 0.1-0.8 nM Fe to seawater samples containing high NO 3 increased stocks of Chl a and POC, NO 3 consumption and net growth rate of phytoplankton in incubation bottles relative to the controls. A large increase in the Chl a concentration of large- (> 10 μm) and medium-size (3-10 μm) fractions was observed in the Fe-enriched samples. POC concentrations doubled even with 0.1 nM Fe at the equator. The net growth rates of large- and medium-size phytoplankton increased systematically with added Fe concentration. The dissolved Fe concentration in the incubation bottles, which was determined on board by flow injection analysis, decreased significantly during the first 3 days of incubation. However, 50-90% of the added Fe remained in the dissolved fraction (< 0.2 μm) at the end of the experiments. These results indicate that changes in subnanomolar Fe levels affect the equatorial phytoplankton communities by promoting the growth of large phytoplankton.
Marine Chemistry | 1995
Shigenobu Takeda; Kyoko Kawanobe
Nutrient-enrichment bottle experiments in the northwestern Indian Ocean surface waters were conducted to investigate phytoplankton growth following enrichments with either NH4+, NO3−, Fe or Fe + NO3−. Stimulation of phytoplankton growth could be achieved by the addition of either NH4+ or NO3− under the ambient Fe concentrations, but the most significant increases in Chl a, POC, and cell densities were observed in the Fe + NO3−-amended culture. Iron addition caused more rapid responses of phytoplankton growth in the Fe + NO3− treatment than those in the NO3− and NH4− treatment. However, the Fe-enrichment treatment revealed minimal growth of phytoplankton because of severe major nutrient deficiency and was similar to the control treatment. Increases in the cell density of diatoms and spherical phytoplankton cells (< 10 μm) were significant in the NH4+-enriched samples, whereas NO3− enrichment alone had little effect on the diatoms. Simultaneous addition of Fe and NO3− stimulated maximal growth of phytoplankton, in particular in diatoms, coccolithophorids and Phaeocystis type colonies. However, the dominance of coccolithophorids and Phaeocystis type colonies in the Fe + NO3− treatment may be interpreted as resulting from Si-limitation. The high NP ratio for phytoplankton nutrient uptake in the N-amended culture indicates the possibility of some P-limited growth. From these results, we conclude that in the northwestern Indian Ocean, Fe and major nutrients are co-limiting phytoplankton production during the northeast monsoon. Iron appeared to affect the ability of phytoplankton to respond quickly to transient nutrient inputs.
Analytical Chemistry | 2009
Sohiko Kameyama; Hiroshi Tanimoto; Satoshi Inomata; Urumu Tsunogai; Atsushi Ooki; Yoko Yokouchi; Shigenobu Takeda; Hajime Obata; Mitsuo Uematsu
We developed an equilibrator inlet-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (EI-PTR-MS) method for fast detection of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) dissolved in seawater. Dissolved DMS extracted by bubbling pure nitrogen through the sample was continuously directed to the PTR-MS instrument. The equilibration of DMS between seawater and the carrier gas, and the response time of the system, were evaluated in the laboratory. DMS reached equilibrium with an overall response time of 1 min. The detection limit (50 pmol L(-1) at 5 s integration) was sufficient for detection of DMS concentrations in the open ocean. The EI-PTR-MS instrument was deployed during a research cruise in the western North Pacific Ocean. Comparison of the EI-PTR-MS results with results obtained by means of membrane tube equilibrator-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry agreed reasonably well on average (R(2) = 0.99). EI-PTR-MS captured temporal variations of dissolved DMS concentrations, including elevated peaks associated with patches of high biogenic activity. These results demonstrate that the EI-PTR-MS technique was effective for highly time-resolved measurements of DMS in the open ocean. Further measurements will improve our understanding of the biogeochemical mechanisms of the production, consumption, and distribution of DMS on the ocean surface and, hence, the air-sea flux of DMS, which is a climatically important species.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 2002
Koji Suzuki; Atsushi Tsuda; Hiroshi Kiyosawa; Shigenobu Takeda; Jun Nishioka; Toshiro Saino; Masayuki Mac Takahashi; C. S. Wong
To investigate the impact of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton bloom in coastal waters, an enclosure experiment was conducted in Saanich Inlet, Canada during the summer of 1996. Daily changes in the microzooplankton grazing rate on each phytoplankton group were investigated with the growth rates of each phytoplankton group from the beginning toward the end of bloom using the dilution technique with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). On Day 1 when nitrate and iron were artificially added, chlorophyll a concentration was relatively low (4.3 μg l−1) and 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin-containing prymnesiophytes were predominant in the chlorophyll biomass. However, both the synthetic rates and concentrations of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin declined before bloom, suggesting that 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin-containing prymnesiophytes weakened. Chlorophyll a concentration peaked at 23 μg l−1 on Day 4 and the bloom consisted of the small chain-forming diatoms Chaetoceros spp. (4 μm in cell diameter). Diatoms were secondary constituents in the chlorophyll biomass at the beginning of the experiment, and the growth rates of diatoms (fucoxanthin) were consistently high (>0.5 d−1) until Day 3. Microzooplankton grazing rates on each phytoplankton group remarkably increased except on alloxanthin-containing cryptophytes after the nutrient enrichments, and peaked with >0.6 d−1 on Day 3, indicating that >45% of the standing stock of each phytoplankton group was removed per day. Both the growth and mortality rates of alloxanthin-containing cryptophytes were relatively high (>1 and >0.5 d−1, respectively) until the bloom, suggesting that a homeostatic mechanism might exist between predators and their prey. Overall, microzooplankton grazing showed a rapid response to the increase in phytoplankton abundance after the nutrient enrichments, and affected the magnitude of the bloom significantly. High grazing activity of microzooplankton contributed to an increase in the abundance of heterotrophic dinoflagellates with 7–24 μm in cell size, the fraction of large-sized (>10 μm) chlorophyll a, and stimulated the growth of larger-sized ciliates after the bloom.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2014
Takuhei Shiozaki; Minoru Ijichi; Taketoshi Kodama; Shigenobu Takeda; Ken Furuya
Diazotrophy in the Indian Ocean is poorly understood compared to that in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. We first examined the basin-scale community structure of diazotrophs and their nitrogen fixation activity within the euphotic zone during the northeast monsoon period along about 69°E from 17°N to 20°S in the oligotrophic Indian Ocean, where a shallow nitracline (49–59 m) prevailed widely and the sea surface temperature (SST) was above 25°C. Phosphate was detectable at the surface throughout the study area. The dissolved iron concentration and the ratio of iron to nitrate + nitrite at the surface were significantly higher in the Arabian Sea than in the equatorial and southern Indian Ocean. Nitrogen fixation in the Arabian Sea (24.6–47.1 μmolN m−2 d−1) was also significantly greater than that in the equatorial and southern Indian Ocean (6.27–16.6 μmolN m−2 d−1), indicating that iron could control diazotrophy in the Indian Ocean. Phylogenetic analysis of nifH showed that most diazotrophs belonged to the Proteobacteria and that cyanobacterial diazotrophs were absent in the study area except in the Arabian Sea. Furthermore, nitrogen fixation was not associated with light intensity throughout the study area. These results are consistent with nitrogen fixation in the Indian Ocean, being largely performed by heterotrophic bacteria and not by cyanobacteria. The low cyanobacterial diazotrophy was attributed to the shallow nitracline, which is rarely observed in the Pacific and Atlantic oligotrophic oceans. Because the shallower nitracline favored enhanced upward nitrate flux, the competitive advantage of cyanobacterial diazotrophs over nondiazotrophic phytoplankton was not as significant as it is in other oligotrophic oceans.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 2001
Jun Nishioka; Shigenobu Takeda; C.S. Wong
To observe micronutrient dynamics in the plankton ecosystem, controlled ecosystem enclosure (CEE) experiments were conducted in Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada. Two CEEs (2.5 m in diameter, 16 m in length, one for Fe studies and the other for biological studies) were launched for the period 22 July to 5 August 1996 and enriched with 10 µM nitrate and 5.2 nM Fe (13% of total Fe) on day 1. Sampling from three integrated depths, intervals 0-4, 4-8 and 8-12 m, was performed on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Iron concentrations were measured for five size fractions: >25 µm particles, 2-25 µm particles, 0.2-2 µm particles, 0.2 µm-200 kDa small colloidal particles and <200 kDa soluble species. The sediment in the Fe enclosure was also collected on every sampling day after day 2 and its Fe was determined. Size-fractionated particulate organic carbon and total chlorophyll-a were also analyzed.The Fe in small colloidal particles (200 kDa-0.2 µm) comprised 78% of the traditionally defined dissolved phase (<0.2 µm) on day 1. Of all the size fractions of Fe, the small colloidal particulate fraction decreased most significantly during the phytoplankton bloom. In the dissolved fraction (<0.2 µm), the small colloidal particle fraction comprised 79% of the decrease. The decrease in concentration of Fe in small colloidal particles was larger than that of total Fe from day 1 to day 4. In contrast, the >25 µm Fe particles increased over the same period. These results suggest that Fe in small colloidal particles changed to >25 µm Fe particles during phytoplankton growth. A large amount of Fe was kept in the surface layer with the phytoplankton, and transported to the deep layer by phytoplankton sedimentation, at the end of the bloom. From these results, the small colloidal particulate Fe seems to be the most dynamic size fraction and a high percentage of Fe in small colloidal particles changed to large particles due to chemical/physical aggregation and/or physical adsorption to suspended particles such as phytoplankton cells.