Shigeo Nakano
Shimane University
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Featured researches published by Shigeo Nakano.
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2017
Shigeo Nakano; Ken Nakae; Satoru Kaku; Yusuke Koyama
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the history of the construction of Amahou line and land readjustment along the line. The first, Amahou line was constructed for railway line. Because this line disturbed City-planning Street, it did not finished up. And then, Amahou line was diverted to exclusive bus road and limited highway that was the first line in Kansai region. Land readjustment project along the line was planned by Hyogo prefecture during World War II. The plan had contents that were affected by air defense city planning during wartime, and it was formulated in combination with city-planned green spaces. It was also positioned as a typical land readjustment by a public organization from the wartime period to the postwar period.
Aij Journal of Technology and Design | 2017
Ryo Inoue; Shigeo Nakano
井上 亮ー ーーーー * 1 中野茂夫ー ーーーー* 2 キーワード: 鳥取市,防火建築帯,色彩,街路景観特性,統一性
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2016
Ryo Inoue; Hisataka Kobayashi; Shigeo Nakano
Today, the central urban districts of many cities are formed based on city plans implemented after World War II. These plans succeed infrastructures developed during the postwar reconstruction period. After the postwar reconstruction, urban districts throughout Japan have been transformed into effective street spaces through various planning measures. The “building setback” method is one such measure to develop street spaces. Since 1971, Okayama City—under the leadership of Yoshihito Tani, the then chief of the building guidance section of the city—has implemented a measure called the setback method for developing its street spaces. In this method, the municipal government requests relevant buildings being built to be set back from the street, with no easing measures provided. The method was advocated and introduced by the then mayor Hirao Okazaki, who hoped to improve the landscape of the downtown area, where the streets seemed oppressive. This study defines characteristics of the urban district in Okayama City by determining how the street spaces developed through the setback method are how they are maintained and utilized today. Following are the findings on the present situation of the setback method. More than 240 buildings on four major streets follow the setback method today. The number includes many shops and small residential houses for which satisfying the voluntary guidance criteria of the method was believed to be challenging because of the supposed reduction in sales floor area for shops, which in turn may result in reduced sales, or the supposed difficulty caused by physical restrictions of the small houses. Notably, over 40 percent of the buildings on all four streets follow the setback method to the expected extent, and in some cases, they meet more than the expected criteria. Because the maintenance of the setback areas is the responsibility of the owners of the respective buildings, some of these areas suffer a lack of care in terms of maintaining a green cover or insufficient consideration for the landscape with the passing of the years. Rules for maintenance of the setback areas are expected to be reconsidered, and support by the city will be necessary in the future. Furthermore, a lack of unity among the buildings makes it difficult for the district to conduct evaluations as part of city planning, and this becomes another issue about postwar architectural heritage to be solved. Many aspects of buildings and cities developed after the war remain unexamined. Reassessment of buildings built under the setback method will be necessary for their fair appreciation before they are demolished. Suggestions for landscaping policies will be a future theme.
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2014
Shigeo Nakano; Yusuke Koyama; Masahito Fuwa; Shin Nakajima
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relation between the industrial development of Mito works of Hitachi, Ltd. and official city plan of Katsuta during WWII. Uchida Yoshikazu, professor of Tokyo Imperial University, the most authority figure of architecture, planned company housing and Town plan of Hitachi, Ltd. His plan was followed the theory of the neighborhood unit. Katsuta official city plan was draw up street plan but it was followed an existing road improvement plan. Since then, additional street plan was instituted beyond the land readjustment area and surround all over the Mito works. Katsuta land readjustment plan was followed the theory of the neighborhood unit, too. Consequently, the industrial development of Mito works and Katsuta official city plan was closely related. But the neighborhood unit plan was not realization and normal land readjustment was practiced.
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2014
Satoru Kaku; Ken Nakae; Shigeo Nakano; Yusuke Koyama; Naoki Hirai
** *** **** ***** 1. はじめに 本稿は,旧広村などからなる姫路市広畑区の初期工業開発につい て,日本製鐵(株)(現新日鐵住金(株),以下「日鐵」)の工場進出に着目 して明らかにすることを目的とした第一稿である。本稿の着眼点は 3つあり,第一に複数の府県に跨がる広域から広畑を選定した経緯, 第二に敷地選定地における工場建設への法定都市計画(以下「都市 計画」)の影響,第三に工場建設に併せ日鐵が独自に開発した社宅街 と工場の位置関係である。本稿では「広域 >都市 >社宅街」という 圏域の大小の視点から産業都市開発における企業の動向を把握する。 昭和 9(1934)年 2月に官営製鐵所と民間 5社が合同して発足した 国策企業である日鐵は,1~ 2次拡充として八幡や釜石などで既存工 場の拡張を行なった。つづく 3次拡充は輪 わに し 西(室蘭),4次拡充は広 畑,5次拡充は朝鮮の清津で,いずれも新規に工場を開発した 。工 場進出がそれまで一農漁村にすぎなかった当地の都市化を加速させ, 現在の都市基盤を整えたことは室蘭,広畑,清津に共通する。一方, 八幡や室蘭,釜石の工場が資源供給地近接であるのに対し,広畑は 日鐵初の消費地近接の工場であること,また,内務省と兵庫県によ る都市計画が初期の段階で導入されたこと,既報 の通り後に住宅 営団(以下「営団」)が関与することは広畑の特徴である。 明治初期の資本主義確立期から,多くの産業都市は企業主導で開 発が進められた。大正 8(1919)年 4月に都市計画法が公布されると, 国や自治体は,これを開発が進んでいた全国の産業都市に後追い的 に適用していった 。しかし,昭和初期の資本の寡占期から昭和 12 年以降の戦中期には両者が同時に進むようになる。鉄鋼業に目を向 けると,昭和 17年当時,兵庫県都市計画課長の職にあった長澤忠郎 は,広畑で都市計画を進めるにあたり視察した八幡について「街の 伸びるままに放任」した結果「此の街を改造」するための費用は多 大で,こうした無秩序な開発が行なわれないよう「工場中心の工業 都市建設の都市計画事業をやるべき機会は到来した」と『建築と社会』 に記している。このように,昭和 11年 4月 1日に策定された日鐵 4次拡充による広畑の開発は,企業開発と都市計画が同時に進むよう になる初期の特徴を検討する上での好例といえる。 産業都市に関する研究は,建築の分野に比べて経済や経営の分野 で先行し,多くの蓄積がある。その例として岡田知弘の「重化学工 業化と都市の膨張」や長島修の『官営八幡製鐵所論 国家資本の経 営史』,沼尻晃伸の『工場立地と都市計画』などがあげられる。 これらは分野の性格上,物理的な空間について考察するものではな いが,産業都市を読み解く上で多くの示唆を与えてくれる。 このうち,岡田は戦中期の重化学工業の進展による地域開発につ いて,「公共の資金や政策を動員しての地域開発が,一部の私的資本
Aij Journal of Technology and Design | 2018
Yoshimi Okudoi; Ryo Inoue; Shigeo Nakano
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2017
Jun Miyake; Ryo Inoue; Hisataka Kobayashi; Shigeo Nakano
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2017
Ryo Inoue; Shigeo Nakano
Urban and Regional Planning Review | 2016
Shigeo Nakano; Satoru Kaku; Ken Nakae; Yusuke Koyama
Journal of Architecture and Planning (transactions of Aij) | 2016
Ryo Inoue; Hisataka Kobayashi; Shigeo Nakano