Simara Márcia Marcato
Sao Paulo State University
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Featured researches published by Simara Márcia Marcato.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010
Simara Márcia Marcato; Nilva Kazue Sakomura; João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes; Jefferson Costa de Siqueira; Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado; Ednardo Rodrigues Freitas
This work was carried out with the objective of studying the growth profile and the nutrients deposition on organs (heart, liver, gizzard, intestine and proventricle) of male and female broiler chickens from Ross and Cobb lineages. It was used 1,920 chicks at the age of one day placed in experimental shed boxes on the floor. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 × 2 factorial model composed of 2 sexes (mates and females) and two strains with 4 repetitions of 120 broilers each. The broilers were fed formulated diets to supply the nutrient requirements according to each breeding phase. After 24 hours of fasting, the broilers were weighed and slaughtered (1 to 56 days) every week. The weight and components of the organs (water, ash, protein and fat) were weekly obtained, with parameters estimated by the equation of Gompertz and the growth rates were determined by the derived of the equations. There was no influence of the strains on the deposition of nutrients on the heart. Ross chicks were more precocious on growth and on the deposition of water and ashes in the liver, therefore it presents a greater metabolic activity in digestion and nutrient synthesis. Cobb strain was more precocious in the development of the intestine and the growth and deposition of nutrients on the proventricle. Males are more precocious than females on the growth rate and on the protein, fat and water deposition in the gizzard.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008
Ellen Hatsumi Fukayama; Nilva Kazue Sakomura; Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado; Rafael Neme; João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes; Simara Márcia Marcato
Foram utilizados 520 pintos de corte machos da linhagem Cobb® com 1 dia de idade alimentados com dietas a base de milho, farelo de soja e farelo de arroz desengordurado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementacao de fitase sobre o desempenho e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Foi adotado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e oito repeticoes de 13 aves por repeticao. A composicaos percentual dos tratamentos foi: controle positivo (CP) - 3.000 kcal de energia metabolizavel por quilo (EM/kg); 21,4% de proteina bruta (PB); 0,42% de fosforo disponivel (Pd) e 0,96% de calcio (Ca); e controle negativo (CN) - 2.940 kcal EM/kg; 21,2% PB; 0,27% Pd e 0,90% Ca. Avaliaram-se tres niveis de suplementacao de Fitase5000 Ouro Fino na dieta CN: 500, 750 ou 1.000 unidades de fitase/kg racao (uft/kg) e seus efeitos na uniformidade, no consumo de racao, no ganho de peso, na conversao alimentar, na digestibilidade da materia seca (MS), da proteina bruta (PB), do Ca, P, da energia digestivel (ED), %MS e %MN, nas concentracoes de Ca e P e na resistencia ossea nas tibias dos frangos aos 20 dias de idade. A digestibilidade do P das dietas com menores niveis nutricionais foi inferior a da racao controle positivo. A suplementacao com fitase melhorou a digestibilidade do P e da ED, uma vez que os coeficientes melhoraram com a adicao de 1.000 uft/kg. A reducao nos niveis nutricionais da dieta prejudicou o desempenho e a mineralizacao e resistencia ossea das tibias das aves, no entanto, a suplementacao com fitase melhorou estas caracteristicas. As caracteristicas do osso das aves alimentadas com racao CN suplementada com 750 uft de fitase foram semelhantes as obtidas com a dieta controle positivo.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005
Simara Márcia Marcato; Gustavo Julio Mello Monteiro de Lima
With the objective to evaluate the effect of feed restriction on fecal mineral content of finishing swine, forty-eight barrows, with initial weight of 41.92 ± 0.27 kg were assigned to a randomized experimental block design. Treatments were: T1=ad libitum feeding; T2=95% T1 feed intake; and T3 = 90% T1 feed intake and 16 replications. Animals were kept during 21 days in adaptation period to the treatments in collective pens and metabolism cages. Urine and fecal collection was performed during two days, using 20 g of colored plastic particles as fecal markers. There was a reduction of 8.54% in the daily feed consumption of the diet in T3 animals, causing a decrease close to 9.65% in fecal mineral content, as compared to ad libitum consumption (T1). All macro minerals, except for magnesium, showed significant reduction in the fecal content with the increase of feed restriction. Calcium and potassium fecal content represented about 29% of the excreted mineral matter of the animals and both were significantly reduced with the use of feed restriction. For all micro minerals, the relations between excreted amount and consumed amount were equal or higher than 86.60%, indicating that the animals showed a low retention efficiency of these nutrients. In conclusion, feed restriction in finishing phase of swine cause reduction in the amount of dry matter and almost all minerals excreted. Therefore, the use of this practice can contribute to reduce pollution problems of swine manure.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2011
Sandra Regina Freitas Pinheiro; Nilva Kazue Sakomura; Jefferson Costa de Siqueira; Simara Márcia Marcato; Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado; João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes; Euclides Braga Malheiros
The nutritional calcium (Ca) levels were determined for ISA Label broilers in the starter (1 to 28 days), growing (28 to 56 days), and finishing (56 to 84 days) phases. Three trials were conducted, one for each phase and in each trial, 480 birds with age corresponding to the phase were housed in 24 experimental units with shelter and pasture areas. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement of 4x2 (Ca levels and sex), totaling eight treatments with three replicates of 20 birds. Body weight gain (BWG); feed intake (FI); feed per gain (FG); contents of phosphorus (TP), calcium (TCa) and ash (TA) in tibia; and bone breaking strength (BSB) were evaluated. At the starter phase, 1.16% of Ca is recommended in the diet for birds of both sexes. At the growing phase, 0.78 and 0.88% of Ca for males and females, respectively, are recommended and at the finishing phase, the level of 0.69% of Ca is recommended in diet for both sexes.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2009
Simara Márcia Marcato; Nilva Kazue Sakomura; João Batista K. Fernandez; Dáphinne Cardoso Nagib Nascimento; Renato Luis Furlan; Gustavo Henrique Piva
Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil de crescimento e de deposicao de nutrientes nas penas, nos musculos, nos ossos e na pele de machos e femeas de frangos de corte das linhagens Ross e Cobb, no periodo de 1 a 56 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 1920 pintos, alojados em boxes de um galpao experimental, em piso. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, fatorial (2 x 2), sendo 2 linhagens e 2 sexos, 4 repeticoes de 120 aves cada. As aves foram alimentadas com racao, formuladas para atender as exigencias nutricionais das aves nas diferentes fases de criacao. As aves foram abatidas semanalmente, apos um jejum de 24 horas e, em seguida, foram depenadas, evisceradas e realizadas a separacao dos ossos, da pele e dos musculos, estes foram pesados e armazenados em câmara fria. Apos, foram moidos e liofilizados para realizar as analises laboratoriais. Os parâmetros de peso e de deposicao de nutrientes obtidos semanalmente foram estimados em funcao da equacao de Gompertz, e as taxas de crescimento por meio das derivadas das equacoes. Houve interacao (P<0,05) entre linhagens e sexo para peso a maturidade (Pm) e idade de maximo crescimento (t*) do peso e proteinas das penas e Pm, b (taxa de maturidade) e t* de peso do musculo. O crescimento das penas foi mais tardio para as aves Cobb, contudo, a ave Ross foi mais tardia na taxa de crescimento de proteina no musculo. Os parâmetros para peso dos ossos e pele, foram semelhantes entre as linhagens estudadas.
British Poultry Science | 2015
Daiane de Oliveira Grieser; Simara Márcia Marcato; Antonio Claudio Furlan; Vittor Zancanela; Ana Paula Silva Ton; Eliany Batista; Taynara Prestes Perine; Paulo Cesar Pozza; Nilva Kazue Sakomura
Abstract The objective of this study was to estimate growth parameters of carcass components (wing, thighs and drumsticks, back and breast) and organs (heart, liver, gizzard and gut) in males and females of one meat-type quail strain (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) and two laying strains (Coturnix coturnix japonica) designated either yellow or red. A total of 1350 quail from 1 to 42 d old were distributed in a completely randomised design, with 5 replicates of each strain. The carcass component weights and body organs were analysed weekly and evaluated using the Gompertz function; growth rates were evaluated through derivative equations. The meat-type strain presented the highest growth rates in carcass components and organs. Across strains, females showed the highest weight of internal organs at maturity compared to males. Females had greater growth potential in breast, wings and back than males for both yellow and red laying quail.
EPC 2006 - 12th European Poultry Conference, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September, 2006 | 2006
Simara Márcia Marcato; N. K. Sakomura; G. H. Piva; M. A. Bonato; E. C. Freitas
Archive | 2015
Tiago Junior Pasquetti; Paulo Cesar Pozza; Antonio Claudio Furlan; Leandro Dalcin Castilha; Laura Marcela Diaz-Huepa; Marcelise Regina Fachinello; Simara Márcia Marcato; Wesley Tanamati
Revista Eletrônica Interdisciplinar | 2014
Vittor Zancanela; Simara Márcia Marcato; Daiane de Oliveira Grieser; Antonio Claudio Furlan; Ana Paula Silva Ton; Caroline Espejo Stanquevis; Eliany Batista; Taynara Prestes Perine; Edicarlos de Oliveira Queiroz
Revista Brasileira De Zoologia | 2010
Simara Márcia Marcato; Nilva Kazue Sakomura; João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes; Jefferson Costa de Siqueira; Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado; Ednardo Rodrigues Freitas