Simon P. Plunkett
United States Naval Research Laboratory
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Featured researches published by Simon P. Plunkett.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
O. C. St. Cyr; Russell A. Howard; N. R. Sheeley; Simon P. Plunkett; D. J. Michels; S. E. Paswaters; M. J. Koomen; G. M. Simnett; B. J. Thompson; J. B. Gurman; R. Schwenn; David F. Webb; E. Hildner; P. L. Lamy
We report the properties of all the 841 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO) C2 and C3 white-light coronagraphs from January 1996 through June 1998, and we compare those properties to previous observations by other similar instruments. Both the CME rate and the distribution of apparent locations of CMEs varied during this period as expected based on previous solar cycles. The distribution of apparent speeds and the fraction of CMEs showing acceleration were also in agreement with earlier reports. The pointing stability provided by an L-1 orbit and the use of CCD detectors have resulted in superior brightness sensitivity for LASCO over earlier coronagraphs; however, we have not detected a significant population of fainter (i.e., low mass) CMEs. The general shape of the distribution of apparent sizes for LASCO CMEs is similar to those of earlier reports, but the average (median) apparent size of 72° (50°) is significantly larger. The larger average apparent size is predominantly the result of the detection of a population of partial and complete halo CMEs, at least some of which appear to be events with a significant longitudinal component directed along the Sun-Earth line, either toward or away from the Earth. Using full disk solar images obtained by the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on SOHO, we found that 40 out of 92 of these events might have been directed toward the Earth, and we compared the timing of those with the Kp geomagnetic storm index in the days following the CME. Although the “false alarm” rate was high, we found that 15 out of 21 (71%) of the Kp ≥ 6 storms could be accounted for as SOHO LASCO/EIT frontside halo CMEs. If we eliminate three Kp storms that occurred following LASCO/EIT data gaps, then the possible association rate was 15 out of 18 (83%).
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
David F. Webb; R. P. Lepping; L. F. Burlaga; C. E. DeForest; D. E. Larson; Sara F. Martin; Simon P. Plunkett; David M. Rust
A complete halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was observed by the SOHO Large-Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) coronagraphs on May 12, 1997. It was associated with activity near Sun center, implying that it was aimed earthward. Three days later on May 15 an interplanetary shock and magnetic cloud/flux rope transient was detected at the Wind spacecraft 190 RE upstream of Earth. The long enduring southward magnetic fields associated with these structures triggered a geomagnetic storm. The CME was associated with a small coronal arcade that formed over a filament eruption with expanding double ribbons in Hα emission. The flare was accompanied by a circular EUV wave, and the arcade was flanked by adjacent dimming regions. We surmise that these latter regions marked the feet of a flux rope that expanded earthward into the solar wind and was observed as the magnetic cloud at Wind. To test this hypothesis we determined key parameters of the solar structures on May 12 and compared them with the modeled flux rope parameters at Wind on May 15. The measurements are consistent with the flux rope originating in a large coronal structure linked to the erupting filament, with the opposite-polarity feet of the rope terminating in the depleted regions. However, bidirectional electron streaming was not observed within the cloud itself, suggesting that there is not always a good correspondence between such flows and ejecta.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2002
P. Démoulin; Cristina Hemilse Mandrini; L. van Driel-Gesztelyi; B. J. Thompson; Simon P. Plunkett; Zs Kovári; G. Aulanier; A. Young
An isolated active region (AR) was observed on the Sun during seven rotations, starting from its birth in July 1996 to its full dispersion in December 1996. We analyse the long-term budget of the AR relative magnetic helicity. Firstly, we calculate the helicity injected by differential rotation at the photospheric level using MDI/SoHO magnetograms. Secondly, we compute the coronal magnetic field and its helicity selecting the model which best fits the soft X-ray loops observed with SXT/Yohkoh. Finally, we identify all the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that originated from the AR during its lifetime using LASCO and EIT/SoHO. Assuming a one to one correspondence between CMEs and magnetic clouds, we estimate the magnetic helicity which could be shed via CMEs. We find that differential rotation can neither provide the required magnetic helicity to the coronal field (at least a factor 2.5 to 4 larger), nor to the field ejected to the interplanetary space (a factor 4 to 20 larger), even in the case of this AR for which the total helicity injected by differential rotation is close to the maximum possible value. However, the total helicity ejected is equivalent to that of a twisted flux tube having the same magnetic flux as the studied AR and a number of turns in the interval [0.5, 2.0]. We suggest that the main source of helicity is the inherent twist of the magnetic flux tube forming the active region. This magnetic helicity is transferred to the corona either by the continuous emergence of the flux tube for several solar rotations (i.e. on a time scale much longer than the classical emergence phase), or by torsional Alfven waves.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
N. R. Sheeley; A.D. Herbst; C.A. Palatchi; Y.-M. Wang; Russell A. Howard; John Daniel Moses; Angelos Vourlidas; Jeffrey Scott Newmark; Dennis G. Socker; Simon P. Plunkett; C. M. Korendyke; L. F. Burlaga; Joseph M. Davila; William T. Thompson; O. C. St. Cyr; R. A. Harrison; C. J. Davis; C. J. Eyles; Jean-Philippe Halain; N. B. Rich; K. Battams; E. Esfandiari; Guillermo Stenborg
During relatively quiet solar conditions throughout the spring and summer of 2007, the SECCHI HI2 white-light telescope on the STEREO B solar-orbiting spacecraft observed a succession of wave fronts sweeping past Earth. We have compared these heliospheric images with in situ plasma and magnetic field measurements obtained by near-Earth spacecraft, and we have found a near perfect association between the occurrence of these waves and the arrival of density enhancements at the leading edges of high-speed solar wind streams. Virtually all of the strong corotating interaction regions are accompanied by large-scale waves, and the low-density regions between them lack such waves. Because the Sun was dominated by long-lived coronal holes and recurrent solar wind streams during this interval, there is little doubt that we have been observing the compression regions that are formed at low latitude as solar rotation causes the high-speed wind from coronal holes to run into lower speed wind ahead of it.
Solar Physics | 1997
C. E. DeForest; J. T. Hoeksema; J. B. Gurman; B. J. Thompson; Simon P. Plunkett; Russell A. Howard; R. C. Harrison; D. M. Hasslerz
On 7 and 8 March 1996, the SOHO spacecraft and several other space- and ground-based observatories cooperated in the most comprehensive observation to date of solar polar plumes. Based on simultaneous data from five instruments, we describe the morphology of the plumes observed over the south pole of the Sun during the SOHO observing campaign. Individual plumes have been characterized from the photosphere to approximately 15 R⊙ yielding a coherent portrait of the features for more quantitative future studies. The observed plumes arise from small (∼ 2-5 arc sec diameter) quiescent, unipolar magnetic flux concentrations, on chromospheric network cell boundaries. They are denser and cooler than the surrounding coronal hole through which they extend, and are seen clearly in both Feix and Fexii emission lines, indicating an ionization temperature between 1.0–1.5 x 106 K. The plumes initially expand rapidly with altitude, to a diameter of 20–30 Mm about 30 Mm off the surface. Above 1.2 R⊙ plumes are observed in white light (as ‘coronal rays’) and extend to above 12 R⊙. They grow superradially throughout their observed height, increasing their subtended solid angle (relative to disk center) by a factor of ∼10 between 1.05 R⊙ and 4–5 R⊙ and by a total factor of 20–40 between 1.05 R⊙ and 12 R⊙. On spatial scales larger than 10 arc sec, plume structure in the lower corona (R < 1.3 R⊙) is observed to be steady-state for periods of at least 24 hours; however, on spatial scales smaller than 10 arc sec, plume XUV intensities vary by 10–20% (after background subtraction) on a time scale of a few minutes.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1998
Nat Gopalswamy; Y. Hanaoka; T. Kosugi; R. P. Lepping; J. T. Steinberg; Simon P. Plunkett; Russell A. Howard; B. J. Thompson; J. B. Gurman; George C. Ho; Nariaki V. Nitta; H. S. Hudson
We compare the substructures of the 1997 February 07 coronal mass ejection (CME) observed near the Sun with a corresponding event in the interplanetary medium to determine the origin of magnetic clouds (MCs). We find that the eruptive prominence core of the CME observed near the Sun may not directly become a magnetic cloud as suggested by some authors and that it might instead become the ”pressure pulse” following the magnetic cloud. We substantiate our conclusions using time of arrival, size and composition estimates of the CME-MC substructures obtained from ground based, SOHO and WIND observations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
M. S. Marsh; Robert William Walsh; Simon P. Plunkett
On 2008 January 10, the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B spacecraft conducted a high time cadence study of the solar corona with the Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) instruments with the aim of investigating coronal dynamics. Observations of the three-dimensional propagation of waves within active region coronal loops and a measurement of the true coronal slow mode speed are obtained. Intensity oscillations with a period of ≈12 minutes are observed to propagate outwards from the base of a loop system, consistent with the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A novel analysis technique is applied to measure the wave phase velocity in the observations of the A and B spacecraft. These stereoscopic observations are used to infer the three-dimensional velocity vector of the wave propagation, with an inclination of 37 ± 6 • to the local normal and a magnitude of 132 ± 9 and 132 ± 11 km s −1 , giving the first measurement of the true coronal longitudinal slow mode speed, and an inferred temperature of 0.84 ± 12 MK and 0.84 ± 15 MK.On 2008 January 10, the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory A and B spacecraft conducted a high time cadence study of the solar corona with the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager instruments with the aim of investigating coronal dynamics. Observations of the three-dimensional propagation of waves within active region coronal loops and a measurement of the true coronal slow mode speed are obtained. Intensity oscillations with a period of 12 minutes are observed to propagate outward from the base of a loop system, consistent with the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A novel analysis technique is applied to measure the wave phase velocity in the observations of the A and B spacecraft. These stereoscopic observations are used to infer the three-dimensional velocity vector of the wave propagation, with an inclination of 37° ± 6° to the local normal and a magnitude of 132 ± 9 and 132 ± 11 km s–1, giving the first measurement of the true coronal longitudinal slow mode speed, and an inferred temperature of 0.84 ± 0.12 MK and 0.84 ± 0.15 MK.
arXiv: Solar and Stellar Astrophysics | 2009
M. S. Marsh; Robert W. Walsh; Simon P. Plunkett
On 2008 January 10, the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B spacecraft conducted a high time cadence study of the solar corona with the Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) instruments with the aim of investigating coronal dynamics. Observations of the three-dimensional propagation of waves within active region coronal loops and a measurement of the true coronal slow mode speed are obtained. Intensity oscillations with a period of ≈12 minutes are observed to propagate outwards from the base of a loop system, consistent with the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A novel analysis technique is applied to measure the wave phase velocity in the observations of the A and B spacecraft. These stereoscopic observations are used to infer the three-dimensional velocity vector of the wave propagation, with an inclination of 37 ± 6 • to the local normal and a magnitude of 132 ± 9 and 132 ± 11 km s −1 , giving the first measurement of the true coronal longitudinal slow mode speed, and an inferred temperature of 0.84 ± 12 MK and 0.84 ± 15 MK.On 2008 January 10, the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory A and B spacecraft conducted a high time cadence study of the solar corona with the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager instruments with the aim of investigating coronal dynamics. Observations of the three-dimensional propagation of waves within active region coronal loops and a measurement of the true coronal slow mode speed are obtained. Intensity oscillations with a period of 12 minutes are observed to propagate outward from the base of a loop system, consistent with the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A novel analysis technique is applied to measure the wave phase velocity in the observations of the A and B spacecraft. These stereoscopic observations are used to infer the three-dimensional velocity vector of the wave propagation, with an inclination of 37° ± 6° to the local normal and a magnitude of 132 ± 9 and 132 ± 11 km s–1, giving the first measurement of the true coronal longitudinal slow mode speed, and an inferred temperature of 0.84 ± 0.12 MK and 0.84 ± 0.15 MK.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
Brian E. Wood; Russell A. Howard; Simon P. Plunkett; Dennis G. Socker
We perform the first kinematic analysis of a CME observed by both imaging and in situ instruments on board STEREO, namely the SECCHI, PLASTIC, and IMPACT experiments. Launched on 2008 February 4, the CME is tracked continuously from initiation to 1 AU using the SECCHI imagers on both STEREO spacecraft, and is then detected by the PLASTIC and IMPACT particle and field detectors on board STEREO-B. The CME is also detected in situ by ACE and SOHO/CELIAS at Earths L1 Lagrangian point. The CME hits STEREO-B, ACE, and SOHO on 2008 February 7, but misses STEREO-A entirely. This event provides a good example of just how different the same event can look when viewed from different perspectives. We also demonstrate many ways in which the comprehensive and continuous coverage of this CME by STEREO improves confidence in our assessment of its kinematic behavior, with potential ramifications for space weather forecasting. The observations provide several lines of evidence in favor of the observable part of the CME being narrow in angular extent, a determination crucial for deciding how best to convert observed CME elongation angles from Sun-center to actual Sun-center distances.We perform the first kinematic analysis of a coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by both imaging and in situ instruments on board the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). Launched on 2008 February 4, the CME is tracked continuously from initiation to 1 AU using the imagers on both STEREO spacecraft, and is then detected by the particle and field detectors on board STEREO-B on February 7. The CME is also detected in situ by the Advanced Composition Explorer and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory at Earths L1 Lagrangian point. This event provides a good example of just how different the same event can look when viewed from different perspectives. We also demonstrate many ways in which the comprehensive and continuous coverage of this CME by STEREO improves confidence in our assessment of its kinematic behavior, with potential ramifications for space weather forecasting. The observations provide several lines of evidence in favor of the observable part of the CME being narrow in angular extent, a determination crucial for deciding how best to convert observed CME elongation angles from Sun-center to actual Sun-center distances.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
Werner M. Neupert; B. J. Thompson; J. B. Gurman; Simon P. Plunkett
Observations made by the EUV imaging telescope (EIT) and the Large-Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) on board the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) have been used to characterize the eruption and acceleration of flare-associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the low corona. For three well-observed limb events we tracked CME loops back to preexisting but faint EUV-emitting loops at heights of 100–250 Mm that initially brightened slowly and possibly increased slowly in height, apparently in response to filament activity and eruption in the associated active regions. Subsequent CME acceleration coincided with a rapid rise of the soft X-ray flux, occurred between 100 and 350 Mm above the surface, and may have been as high as 0.5 km s−1 s−1, consistent with an impulsive acceleration of the CME to the speeds observed in subsequent white-light observations. The existence of a delay of up to 30 min observed between initial filament eruption in H alpha and subsequent high acceleration of the CME in one event implies that there may have been two separate phases of magnetic reconnection, with the initial filament activity acting as a trigger for subsequent CME and energetic particle acceleration in the impulsive stage of the flare. The presence or absence of this impulsive phase may provide a basis for the two types of CMEs that have been discussed in the literature.