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Featured researches published by Stanisław Rolbiecki.

Biological Letters | 2009

Soil mites (Acari) on plantations of chokeberry and black currant under microirrigation

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki

Soil mites (Acari) on plantations of chokeberry and black currant under microirrigation Bushes of black currant (Ribes nigrum) were slightly higher and wider, and their leaves had a higher content of major nutrients than chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa). Soil samples were collected in 2004, in spring, summer and autumn, i.e. 3×20 samples from each experimental variant. Three irrigation variants were compared: no irrigation (C), drip irrigation (D), and micro-jet sprinkling (M). In the soil of the black currant plantation, the density of mites was higher (in variants C and D), as compared to the chokeberry plantation. The saprophagous oribatid mites were predominant in the studied mite communities, while Actinedida and Gamasida were less numerous. Oribatid mites were more numerous and more diverse in the black currant plantation than in the chokeberry plantation. The influence of irrigation on the density of oribatid mites was insignificant. In the communities of oribatid mites, Tectocepheus velatus was distinctly predominant on most plots.

Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2016


Małgorzata Biniak-Pieróg; Andrzej Żyromski; Roman Rolbiecki; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Marcin Żyromski; Romuald Żmuda

The aim of the experiment presented in this paper is to assess the relationship between the height and diameter increase rate and the thermal conditions and precipitation during its growth. The experiment was carried out in the Agroand Hydrometeorology Observatory of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in 2013–2015. The height and diameter measurement was made each time on the same 43 plants, randomly selected at the stage of setting up the experiment in 2012 and specially marked. Plants included in further analyses were divided into 5 classes and the classification criterion was their height in the 3rd year of cultivation. Initially, an analysis of relationships of selected morphological parameters of Scots pine was carried out, i.e. of the heights and diameters against the changing weather conditions, i.e. precipitations and air temperatures. Subsequently, an effect of the thermal conditions and the amount of precipitation on growth of Scots pine was assessed with the use of the two meteorological parameters mentioned above. These parameters were used as their accumulated sums, calculated as of the dates of biometric measurements, made at the end of each month (the last ten days of a month) in the summer half-year period. Multiple regression analysis was applied to evaluate the effect of thermal conditions and precipitation on the growth of Scots pine in both variants and the significance of the relationships under study was examined with the use of an adjusted coefficient of determination R2. The analyses and calculations indicate a close significant relationship between the height of pine trees and their diameter at the base on any measurement date. Analyses of different measurement periods indicated a decrease in significance of the relationships between the height of pine trees and their diameter at the base. A decrease in these relationships is becoming more and more pronounced with the age of the trees. Of the two weather parameters, i.e. total air temperature and total precipitation, the precipitation dominates in the relationship with the trees height and air temperature – with the trees diameter.

Biological Letters | 2014

Moss mites (Acari: Oribatida) in soil revitalizing: a chance for practical application in silviculture

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki

Abstract The Oribatida (known as moss mites or beetle mites) increase the breakdown of organic material in the soil. The paper analyses the dynamics of their abundance and number of species after various treatments enriching the soil in 4 study areas: afforested post-agricultural area in the Tuchola Forest, afforested degraded post-military training area in Bydgoszcz-Jachcice, and forest nurseries at Białe Błota and Bielawy. The results show that in post-agricultural and degraded soils at the initial stages of forest succession, the density and number of species of oribatid mites were low, even after phyto-land-improvement (afforestation and lupin as green manure). In the forest nurseries, however, we recorded a positive effect of soil revitalizing after mulching with forest ectohumus (i.e. organic surface layer of the soil). The inoculation of soils with forest mesofauna appeared more effective in nursery plantations of silver birch (Betula pendula) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata), as compared with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Thus to revitalize degraded soils effectively and to accelerate forest succession, apart from phytoland- improvement, it is advisable also to reintroduce mesofauna, e.g. with the use of forest ectohumus.

Folia Horticulturae | 2018

Concentrations of some chemical components in white asparagus spears depending on the cultivar and post-harvest irrigation treatments

Dorota Wichrowska; Roman Rolbiecki; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Barbara Jagosz; Wiesław Ptach; Maciej Kazula; Anna Figas

Abstract The effect of post-harvest irrigation and genotype on the quality components of white asparagus spears was investigated. The field experiment was conducted in 2003-2008 on a very light soil in the Bydgoszcz region. The research was based on a two-factorial split-plot design with randomly selected sub-main blocks. The first studied factor was irrigation applied as two treatments: drip irrigation and microsprinkler irrigation. Non-irrigated plants were tested as the control. The second factor considered was genotype represented by three male cultivars of the garden asparagus: ‘Gijnlim’, ‘Ramos’ and ‘Vulkan’. The irrigation started after the harvest of the spears, while the concentrations of chemical ingredients were measured in the white spears collected in the next growing period. The level of the tested components was significantly influenced by both factors studied. The average amounts of dry matter, potassium, iron and nitrates measured in the white spears were 6.37%, 268.9 mg 100 g−1 f.m., 0.29 mg 100 g−1 f.m. and 62.1 mg kg−1 f.m., respectively. Compared to the control, both irrigation treatments considerably increased the dry matter and potassium contents. The irrigation reduced the amount of nitrates, although the microsprinkler irrigation gave better results than the drip irrigation. The highest concentrations of potassium and iron were measured in the spears of ‘Ramos’, especially in the case of drip-irrigated (potassium) and non-irrigated (iron) plants. The amount of dry matter was high in the spears of ‘Ramos’, while ‘Vulkan’ presented a low tendency to accumulate nitrates.

Folia Forestalia Polonica | 2016

Impact of ectohumus application in birch and pine nurseries on the presence of soil mites (Acari),Oribatida in particular

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Roman Rolbiecki

Abstract Intensively used forest nurseries are characterised by degradation processes that lead to a drop in the quality of seedlings. The main reason of this problem is a decrease in biological soil diversity. Therefore, an attempt of nursery soil enrichment by introducing ectohumus – as compost and fresh litter – from the pine forest was carried out. The research was carried out in 2009–2011 in the Bielawy forest nursery near the city of Toruń, Poland. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of organic fertilisation (compost made up of forest humus) and mulching using fresh ectohumus on the density and community composition of Acari mites and on species composition of oribatid mites (Oribatida) in the nurseries of silver birch and Scots pine. Mites, especially oribatid mites, were treated as bioindicators of soil biological activity. Research has shown that mulching using fresh ectohumus caused a multiple increase in the density of mites, especially in saprophagous mites Oribatida. Oribatid mites were clearly more numerous in birch cultivation than in that of pine. Overall, 27 species of oribatid mites were found. Mulching resulted in a significant growth in species diversity in both cultivations. The most numerous oribatid mite in the area under the study was Oribatula tibialis. This species was present in all plots and showed clear preference for birch cultivation. Tectocepheus velatus and Oppiella nova, common and known to be present in a variety of environments, were slightly less numerous.

Forest Research Papers | 2011

Effect of organic fertilization and mulching on the growth of European larch (Larix decidua L.) and biological activity of soils

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Roman Rolbiecki; Dorota Hilszczańska

Wpływ nawożenia organicznego i ściółkowania na wzrost modrzewia europejskiego (Larix decidua L.) oraz aktywność biologiczną gleb Effect of organic fertilization and mulching on the growth of European larch (Larix decidua L.) and biological activity of soils The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of organic fertilization and mulching with ectohumus on the growth of two-year old European larch seedlings (Larix decidua L.) and biological properties of soils in forest nursery under conditions of micro-sprinkler irrigation. The experiments were carried out on the rusty soil in forest nursery Białe Błota (Forest District Bydgoszcz). The use of organic fertilization with treated sewage sludge with the bark or sawdust additives, did not differ significantly the growth parameters of seedlings. Mulching with the caphumus from the fresh coniferous forest significantly increased the height and the fresh mass of above-ground parts of two-year old European larch seedlings. The use of sewage sludge with the bark or sawdust additives did not effect negatively on the state of mycorrhizal structure in the juvenile phase of seedlings. The treatment of mulching influenced positively on the biological condition of nursery soils - the dimension of saprophage oribatid mites was characterized by the manifold increase.

Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - Sggw. Land Reclamation | 2008

Comparison of response of Scots pine seedlings to micro-irrigation and organic fertilization on a post-arable land at zoo-melioration treatment applied under rainfall-thermal conditions of Bydgoszcz and Stargard Szczeciński

Roman Rolbiecki; Cezary Podsiadło; Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki

Comparison of response of Scots pine seedlings to micro-irrigation and organic fertilization on a post-arable land at zoo-melioration treatment applied under rainfall-thermal conditions of Bydgoszcz and Stargard Szczeciński Comparison of response of Scots pine seedlings to micro-irrigation and organic fertilization on a post-arable land at zoo-melioration treatment applied under rainfall-thermal conditions of Bydgoszcz and Stargard Szczeciński. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of microirrigation (microjet sprinkling and drip irrigation) and organic fertilization (compost prepared on the base of sewage sludge) on the growth of Scot pine seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.), cultivated on a post-agricultural ground at zoo-melioration treatment applied, in two different regions. Field experiments were carried out in Kruszyn Krajeński (loose sandy soil of VI quality class) near Bydgoszcz and in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński (sandy soil of IVb quality class). Irrigation was used in three treatments: without irrigation (control), drip irrigation, microjet sprinkling. Fertilization was used in two variants: mineral fertilization (standard applied in forest nurseries), organic fertilization (compost). Weather conditions of vegetation periods were characterized using the following indices: air temperature (t), rainfall amount (P), Sielianinovs hydrothermic index (K), potential evapotranspiration according to Szarovs formula (Etp), rainfall deficiency (N = Etp - E), quotient Etp/P according to Drupkas proposal. Irrigation significantly increased the height and the diameter of Scot pine seedlings. There were no significant differences in the characters of the growth between the two irrigation systems. Fertilization of Scot pine seedlings with the compost increased significantly the height of seedlings. Interaction of irrigation with organic fertilization in shaping of Scot pine seedling height and diameter was noted. Pine seedlings grown on plots fertilized with compost under irrigation conditions were characterized by increased height and diameter. The better effects were obtained in Lipnik than in Kruszyn Krajeński. Joint effect of organic fertilization and microjet sprinkling positively influenced the density and the species number of Oribatida in Kruszyn Krajeński. Obtained results indicated that the amelioration measures used can positively influence on the growth of Scot pine seedlings on a post-agricultural ground. Porównanie reakcji siewek sosny zwyczajnej na mikronawodnienia i nawożenie organiczne na gruncie porolnym z udziałem zabiegu zoomelioracji w warunkach opadowo-termicznych Bydgoszczy i Stargardu Szczecińskiego. Celem badań było określenie wpływu mikronawodnień i nawożenia organicznego na wzrost jednorocznych i dwuletnich siewek sosny zwyczajnej, uprawianych na gruncie porolnym z udziałem zabiegu zoomelioracji, w dwóch różnych regionach. Równoległe doświadczenia polowe przeprowadzono w Kruszynie Krajeńskim pod Bydgoszczą (luźna gleba piaszczysta klasy VI) oraz w Lipniku pod Stargardem Szczecińskim (gleba piaszczysta klasy IVb). Czynnikiem pierwszego rzędu było nawadnianie w trzech wariantach: bez nawadniania (kontrola), nawadnianie kroplowe, mikrozraszanie. Czynnik drugiego rzędu stanowiło nawożenie w dwóch wariantach: nawożenie mineralne (standard stosowany w szkółkach leśnych), nawożenie organiczne (kompost). Pojedyncze poletko o powierzchni 4 m2 obejmowało 4 rzędy roślin o długości 4 m. Łączna liczba poletek w doświadczeniu wynosiła 24 (3x2x4). Nawóz organiczny wyprodukowany na bazie osadów ściekowych (80%) i torfu wysokiego (20%), rozrzucono wczesną wiosną i przemieszano z wierzchnią warstwą gleby do głębokości 10 cm, przed założeniem ścisłych eksperymentów polowych w ilości 100 t ha-1. Zabieg zoomelioracji (przeprowadzony bezpośrednio przed wysiewem nasion) polegał na zmieszaniu wierzchniej warstwy gleby (2 cm) z materią organiczną pozyskaną z siedliska boru świeżego. Scharakteryzowano warunki pogodowe okresów wegetacji wykorzystując: wartości temperatury powietrza (t), ilości opadów (P), współczynnik hydrotermiczny Sielianinova (K), ewapotranspirację potencjalną według Szarowa (Etp), deficyt opadów (N = Etp - P), iloraz Etp/P według propozycji Drupki. Nawadnianie istotnie zwiększyło wzrost oraz średnicę siewek sosny. Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic w analizowanych parametrach wzrostu pomiędzy dwoma systemami nawodnieniowymi. Nawożenie siewek sosny nawozem organicznym istotnie zwiększyło wysokość sosny. Współdziałanie nawadniania i nawożenia organicznego kształtowało wysokość i średnicę siewek sosny. Siewki rosnące na poletkach nawadnianych oraz nawożonych organicznie charakteryzowały się większą wysokością i średnicą. Lepsze efekty zastosowanych czynników stwierdzono w doświadczeniu przeprowadzonym w Lipniku niż w Kruszynie Krajeńskim. Stwierdzono pozytywny efekt współdziałania nawożenia organicznego i mikrozraszania na zagęszczenie osobników oraz liczbę gatunków Oribatida w Kruszynie Krajeńskim. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że zastosowane zabiegi melioracyjne mogą pozytywnie wpływać na wzrost siewek sosny na gruncie porolnym.

Scientific Research and Essays 2013, vol. 8 (5), pp. 227 -237 | 2013

Effect of irrigation and organic fertilization on oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) in forest nursery

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Roman Rolbiecki

Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska | 2013

Wykorzystanie kompostowanego osadu ściekowego i ektopróchnicy leśnej do wzbogacania gleb w uprawie szkółkarskiej lipy drobnolistnej (Tilia cordata Mill.)

Andrzej Klimek; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Roman Rolbiecki; Jacek Długosz; Mariusz Musiał

Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich | 2013

Oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) on plantations of chokeberry and blackcurrant under microirrigation

Andrzej Klimek; Bogusław Chachaj; Stanisław Rolbiecki; Katarzyna Błachowicz


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Roman Rolbiecki

United States Department of Agriculture

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Andrzej Klimek

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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Wiesław Ptach

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

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Barbara Jagosz

University of Agriculture

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Dorota Wichrowska

University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz

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Andrzej Żyromski

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

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Małgorzata Biniak-Pieróg

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

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Romuald Żmuda

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

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Czeslaw Rzekanowski

United States Department of Agriculture

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Anna Figas

University of Science and Technology

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