Suresh Vir Singh Rana
Chaudhary Charan Singh University
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Featured researches published by Suresh Vir Singh Rana.
Nano Reviews | 2014
Rakhi Jha; Pradeep K. Jha; Koel Chaudhury; Suresh Vir Singh Rana; Sujoy K. Guha
Among the various applications of nano-biotechnology, healthcare is considered one of the most significant domains. For that possibility to synthesize various kind of nanoparticles (NPs) and the ever-increasing ability to control their size as well as structure, to improve surface characteristics and binding NPs with other desired curing agents has played an important role. In this paper, a brief sketch of various kinds of nanomaterials and their biomedical applications is given. Despite claims of bio-nanotechnology about to touch all areas of medical science, information pertaining to the role of nanotechnology for the betterment of reproductive healthcare is indeed limited. Therefore, the various achievements of nano-biotechnology for healthcare in general have been illustrated while giving special insight into the role of nano-biotechnology for the future of reproductive healthcare betterment as well as current achievements of nanoscience and nanotechnology in this arena.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2008
Yeshvandra Verma; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
Effects of Progesterone on Benzene Toxicity in Rats Benzene is a frequently used industrial solvent. Its toxic manifestations could be modified by sex hormones, but mechanisms of their action are poorly understood. We have examined the influence of progesterone on lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde), reduced glutathione (GSH), and cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) in the liver and kidneys of female rats. Progesterone applied to benzene-treated rats inhibited the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but in ovariectomised benzene-treated rats it significantly increased GSH in the liver. No improvement in CYP2E1 activity was observed in progesterone treated rats. Our results evidence that progesterone changes benzene toxicity (generation of ROS, oxidative stress). However, the probable antioxidative effect of progesterone needs to be confirmed by further studies. Utjecaj progesterona na toksinost benzena u atakora Benzen se u industriji često rabi kao otapalo. Zna se da na njegovu toksičnost mogu utjecati spolni hormoni, ali su mehanizmi njihova djelovanja još uvijek slabo poznati. Ispitali smo utjecaj progesterona na peroksidaciju lipida (malondialdehida), pad razina glutationa te aktivnost citokroma P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) u jetri i bubrezima štakorica. Primjena progesterona u štakorica koje su prethodno primile benzen inhibirala je stvaranje reaktivnih molekula kisika (engl. reactive oxygen species, krat. ROS), ali je u štakorica s ovariektomijom koje su također primile benzen doveo do značajnoga rasta glutationa u jetri. U štakorica koje su primile progesteron nije zamijećena poboljšana aktivnost izoeznima CYP2E1. Naši rezultati potvrđuju da progesteron utječe na toksičnost benzena (stvaranje ROS-a i oksidativni stres). Međutim, tek u budućim istraživanjima valja potvrditi djeluje li progesteron antioksidativno.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2009
Neetu Singh; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
Arsenic (iAs)-induced diabetic mellitus has been debated by several workers. However, role of insulin in iAs-induced diabetes is yet to be investigated. Present report suggests that iAs promotes insulin secretion in diabetic rats and inhibits hyperglycemia. Whereas, reverse effects were recorded after insulin treatment to diabetic and iAs-treated rats. These conditions affect accumulation of iAs in liver. It decreased in diabetic and iAs-treated rats but increased after insulin treatment. Reciprocal effects were observed on serum transaminases and total bilirubin. Nevertheless, activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in the liver was stimulated by insulin treatment to diabetic and arsenic-fed rats. These results suggest that manifestations of arsenic-induced diabetes mellitus are not modulated or reversed by insulin. Observations on liver function further suggest that iAs is less toxic in diabetic rats. This protective effect has been attributed to noninsulin-dependent carbohydrate regulatory mechanisms. Diabetes certainly alters the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of iAs in rat.
Fertility and Sterility | 2010
Rakhi Jha; Pradeep K. Jha; Suresh Vir Singh Rana; Sujoy K. Guha
Under guidance of an external pulsed magnetic field the Cuproferrogel iron oxide-copper-styrene maleic anhydride-dimethyl sulphoxide delivered into the rat/rabbit oviduct resulted in oocytes with granulated cytoplasm, zona enlargement, membrane disintegration, and finally loss of viability in 72 hours. Also, the percentage biodistribution of magnetic and electrically conductive particles observed under safe level advocates the use of Cuproferrogel as a potential female fertility control molecule.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2013
Seema Sharma; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
In this study, we investigated the beneficial effects of melatonin against benzene-induced liver function impairments in Wistar rats. After 30 days of treatment, it significantly lowered hepatosomatic indices, bilirubin, and hydroxyproline in male and female benzene-treated rats. Even though it did not influence aspartate aminotransferase, melatonin had beneficial effects on alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. Our results suggest that melatonin is an effective modulator of liver function in benzenetreated rats thanks to its antioxidative properties. Sažetak Svrha je ovog ispitivanja bila utvrditi zaštitno djelovanje melatonina od oštećenja jetrene funkcije izazvanog benzenom u Wistar štakora. Nakon 30-dnevne primjene, melatonin je značajno snizio hepatosomatski indeks te razine bilirubina i hidroksiprolina u muških i ženskih štakora. Premda nije utjecao na aspartat aminotransferazu, povoljno je djelovao na alanin aminotransferazu i alkalnu fosfatazu. Naši rezultati upućuju na to da melatonin djelotvorno mijenja jetrenu funkciju u štakora izloženih benzenu, upravo zbog svojih antikoksidativnih svojstva.
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology | 2011
Yeshvandra Verma; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of ovariectomy on phase II enzymes viz. glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and catalase (CAT) in liver and kidney of female rats treated with benzene. The results showed the significant decrease of the GST and GPX activity in benzene treated rats after ovariectomy. However progesterone supplementation stimulated the activity of GST and GPX in liver and kidney of benzene treated non ovariectomized and ovariectomized rats. Progesterone supplementation to benzene treated ovariectomized rats helps to gain in CAT activity. Our results on DNA damage using single cell gel electrophoresis also confirmed our findings on antioxidant enzymes. The results showed that lack of protective progesterone against benzene toxicity is reflected in alterations in antioxidant enzyme activities. However progesterone therapy to benzene treated ovariectomized rats results in activating the antioxidant defence system. Since female workers are engaged in industrial sector, these results are important from occupational health point of view. Benzene exposure affects their reproductive health. Nevertheless, it could be modulated by suitable hormonal therapy.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2010
Seema Sharma; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
Melatonin Inhibits Benzene-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Liver We studied the antioxidative role of melatonin against benzene toxicity in rat liver. The inhibition of mitochondrial and microsomal lipid peroxidation differed between 24-hour (single-dose), 15-day, and 30-day treatments. Inhibition of mitochondrial lipid peroxidation was the highest after the single dose of melatonin, whereas highest microsomal inhibition was recorded after 30 days of melatonin treatment. No significant difference was recorded between 15-day and 30-day treatments. Cytochrome P 4502E1 (CYP 4502E1) activity declined after the single-dose and 15-day melatonin treatment in the benzene-treated group, but it rose again, though not significantly after 30 days of treatment. Liver histopathology generally supported these findings. Phenol concentration in the urine samples declined in melatonin and benzene-treated rats. Our results show that melatonin affects CYP 4502E1, which is responsible for benzene metabolism. Inhibition of its metabolism correlated with lower lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, melatonin was found to be protective against lipid peroxidation induced by benzene. Melatonin Inhibira Lipidnu Peroksidaciju u Jetri Štakora Uzrokovanu Benzenom Istražena je antioksidacijska uloga melatonina u zaštiti protiv toksičnoga djelovanja benzena u jetri štakora. Utvrđeno je da kratkoročno odnosno dugoročnije liječenje štakora melatoninom u različitoj mjeri štiti štakore istodobno izložene benzenu. Inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije mitohondrija i mikrosoma bila je različita nakon 24 h, 15 dana, odnosno 30 dana liječenja melatoninom. Najveća inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije mitohondrija zamijećena je nakon primjene jednokratne doze melatonina, dok je najizraženija inhibicija u mikrosomima zamijećena nakon 30 dana liječenja melatoninom. Slična istraživanja pokazuju da razina glutationa (GSH) najviše raste nakon 24 h liječenja melatoninom. Nije zamijećena razlika između liječenja u trajanju od 15 odnosno 30 dana. U štakora koji su uz benzen istodobno primali i melatonin razine citokroma P4502E1 pale su nakon 24 h odnosno 15 dana izloženosti. U štakora koji su primali samo melatonin te su razine nakon 30 dana statistički neznačajno porasle u odnosu na skupinu izloženu samo benzenu. Histopatološka analiza jetre načelno je potvrdila ove nalaze. Koncentracije fenola u mokraći bile su niže u štakora koji su istodobno primali melatonin i benzen. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da melatonin utječe na citokrom P4502E1, koji je odgovoran za metabolizam benzena. Inhibira li se njegov metabolizam, smanjuje se lipidna peroksidacija. Zaključak je da melatonin štiti od lipidne peroksidacije uzrokovane benzenom.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2000
Suresh Vir Singh Rana; Archana Chauhan
Protective effects of methionine and zinc on collagenesis in the liver of molybdenotic rats have been studied during present investigations. Further, the relationship between two important pathobiological phenomena (viz. lipid peroxidation and collagenesis) has also been examined. Biological observations suggest that cotreatment with methionine only improves the growth of molybdenotic rats; however, the hepatosomatic index improved in rats supplemented with both methionine and zinc. Administration of methionine and zinc to molybdenum-fed rats decreased liver collagen. Results on urinary hydroxyproline support these observations. Lipid peroxidation was also inhibited in the liver of protected rats. We suggest that collagenesis can be controlled by inhibiting the generation of reactive oxygen species. An improvement in liver function in rats protected with methionine and zinc has also been suggested.
Journal of Drug Targeting | 2017
Pradeep K. Jha; Rakhi Jha; Dilip Rout; Sathishkumar Gnanasekar; Suresh Vir Singh Rana; Maidul Hossain
Abstract Nanocarrier mediated targeted delivery and biosensing in reproductive health care is a major exploratory domain. This work demonstrates the loading of silver nanoparticle (AgNP) inside the multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and their targetability to the intracellular part of the sperm cell for its further application in biosensing based infertility diagnosis. Ocimum tenuiflorum (tulsi extract) mediated photosynthesized AgNP exhibited spherical shape, 5–40 nm size and surface plasmonic resonance at 430 nm. After loading of freshly prepared AgNP into emulsified MWCNT, the loading was confirmed with spectroscopic and microscopic methods. FTIR analysis displayed significant shifting at 3450 cm−1 (–OH stretching) and 1615 cm−1 (CNT back bone) which validated the binding of AgNP with MWCNT and interestingly heat flow analysis revealed that Ag loaded MWCNT has greater stability than AgNP. Moreover, AFM based surface profile height analysis clearly showed the loading of AgNP inside MWCNT as surface height of MWCNT increased from 22 to 32 nm, which in turn confirmed the encapsulation of 10 nm size of AgNP inside the tube. Furthermore, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) confirmed the homogeneous loading as there were no changes in D/G ratio. SERS analysis for the interaction of AgNP loaded MWCNT with freshly collected healthy, motile human spermatozoa showed a significant Raman shift at 800–780 cm−1 (NH2+ twist) and 1050–1060 cm−1 (vas PO3−) for change in DNA packaging process and its stabilizing protein polyamine respectively. Finally, DNA fragmentation and morphological examination confirmed the binding and targetability of AgNP to the sperm nucleus. Improved targeting efficiency and biosenssing ability make AgNP-MWCNT composite suitable in fertility diagnosis.
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry | 2014
Yeshvandra Verma; Suresh Vir Singh Rana
The levels of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and copper (Cu) were assessed in 24 fruit species in Meerut, North India using atomic absorption spectrometry. Data showed that Cd concentrations in fruits except banana, pomegranate, papaya, orange, and cherry were above the recommended maximum allowable limit of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) (0.2 µg/g). Average Cr concentrations in all analyzed fruit samples were also found higher than the safe limit of FAO/WHO (2.3 µg/g). In contrast, fruits viz. banana, lychees, papaya, Indian apple, Asian apple, and tiger nut showed concentration of Cu below the recommended safe limit (40 µg/g). Our study demonstrated that concentration of studied heavy metals in all tested samples varied according to fruit species and respective contaminants. Data suggest that more strict rules/standards need to be applied by National/International regulatory agencies in order to make these important fruit items free from heavy metals contamination and protect the consumer.