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Featured researches published by Taciana de Barros Jerônimo.

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management | 2014

Measuring quality service

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a model to guide organizations according to the relative importance of customers satisfaction about six quality service dimensions: reliability, empathy, assurance, tangibility, responsiveness (Parasuraman et al., 1985) and price. Design/methodology/approach – The present study uses SERVPERF customer requirements and weights of ELECTRE TRI multicriteria method to provide guidance on an appropriated action plan. Subsequently, it was demonstrated how the proposed model applied to the Inn. Findings – SERVPERF is based on the subjective and cognitive perception of customers service analyses. ELECTRE TRI decreases the deviation of subjectivity and develops managers energy flow, focussed on enterprise resources. Research limitations/implications – Measuring quality is hard work and usually the customer perceptions are not well understood, because it changes many times. In addition SERVPERF and ELECTRE TRI weights do not order the quality importance. Practical...

Revista de Gestão e Projetos | 2011

Avaliação do Risco Gerencial na Elaboração de Projetos de Inovação em Pequenas e Médias Empresas de Alta Tecnologia sob a Ótica da Metodologia Prism

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Lúcio Camara e Silva; Deise de Araújo Batista; Marcella Brito Galvão

A crescente demanda social por servicos pubicos de qualidade e ao alcance de todos, em contraposicao a diminuicao das receitas publicas nos ultimos anos, conferem aos recursos oriundos das transferencias voluntarias da Uniao papel fundamental na execucao dos projetos do poder executivo estadual. Em um Estado no qual os recursos destinados a investimentos dependem das transferencias voluntarias, a falta de planejamento quando da captacao e da execucao, aliada a ausencia de uma ferramenta estadual de monitoramento e controle desses recursos, acarretam perdas financeiras e sociais de dificil reparacao. O objetivo geral deste artigo e propor uma rotina e uma ferramenta de gestao capazes de acompanhar, de forma tempestiva, a execucao orcamentaria, financeira e fisica de todas as fases dos projetos no âmbito do poder executivo estadual, executados com recursos oriundos de transferencias voluntarias. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de carater exploratorio e descritiva, baseada em um estudo de caso. Como principais resultados, listam-se: a identificacao do total de convenios em execucao e dos recursos devolvidos nos ultimos exercicios, alem da propositura de uma rotina e ferramenta de acompanhamento. Sugere-se que futuras pesquisas avancem nas causas de insucesso dos projetos individuais.It appears that in recent years the market share in goods production is increasingly eager for more and more innovative products, with the time-to-market increasingly smaller, lower cost, greater flexibility and adaptability, among others. Therefore this study aims to analyze where agile methods already established, are being applied in the Product Development Process (PDP), as well as whether there are possible loopholes in this application, with the PDP. To this end it has developed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive literature, from which it could find the use of Agile Project Management (APM-Agile Project Management) in specific innovative products, as well as new management models proposed for the PDP, however, as found also some gaps that could approach for future work on the topic. Keywords: Process of Product Development; Agile Project Management; Innovative Products; Agile Methods.The growing use of project management as a strategy for organizations to develop their intents is a tendency present in the last decades that gained power in the late 2000’s. However, this subject is not totally covered by scholarly research. This study aims to measure the recent scenario of the project management success field as a way to better understand this field of research. A bibliometric study was developed with a portfolio of 64 papers about “project management success�? collected at the Web of Science (ISI) database, covering the evolution of this topic over the last five years (from 2000 to 2014). Articles were analyzed by journal, most cited keywords, citations, co-citations, journals’ impact factors and abstract analysis. Conclusions pointed out significant authors and journals, and also a significant cluster of papers written by Aaron Shenhar, as a relevant source of information to the project management success field. These information may be used by other authors to spur other studies about the project management success subject, not covered by this research.Since 2003, Minas Gerais state worked to adopt successful practices for management project in the implementation of its strategic plan projected in the PMDI, regarding that the project office is fundamental mechanism for the implementation of the Shock Management. The implementation of the PMO came from GERAES. New characters emerge, including AGEIs in the structure of State department, and linking technique and methodology to SUGES. The innovative experience, although it has intensified in the third generation and requested more time to gestate, in 2015 has starting a different role from which it was created, becoming a State department counseling and not a sector projects office.The field of project management has historically focused on the administration of one project at a time, a focus that is insufficient given the growing need for organizations to manage multiple projects simultaneously. The requirements of Multiple Project Management (MPM) involves demands and practices that are different from those of single projects. MPM poses a special need for coordination of shared resources across multiple projects in a way that can maintain the firm’s strategic focus and facilitate effective decision making. The construction industry is noteworthy for its frequent need for the management of multiple projects. This paper offers a review of the last five years of indexed literature related to multiple project management in the construction industry, identifies gaps and suggests promising new avenues of inquiry.This study uses a risk management perspective to analyze compliance costs arising from overlapping service tax (ST) jurisdictions. We study the case of an engineering company providing services to the Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo [Sao Paulo State Sanitation Company] – SABESP, a public entity. The engineering company was contracted under public law 8.666/93, to provide engineering service in several townships in Sao Paulo’s metropolitan area. Because the laws governing bidding do not permit later modification in price or provider, subsequent double taxation by one municipality cut into the firm’s margins, and should other local governments follow suit, multiple taxation would render the contract untenable for the provider. Our paper models the impact of conflicting jurisdictions on administrative burden, psychological costs and profit constriction and discusses project management techniques for decision making and management in similar situations.This work aims to analyze the Electronic Bidding (EB) process as part of the Comprasnet System of the Central Government. In the attempt to prevent opportunism from bidders, the government uses the EB system to keep contracting goods and services at more compatible prices. This analysis is comprised of a descriptive case study of the EB process under the Comprasnet System. The subjects include a Government buying area and five auctioneers. The main results indicate that the use of the EB process in the Government buying system shows effectiveness and transparency improvements in the bidding process. The process also provides technological benefits to control bidding compliance with Federal Regulations. In conclusion, this system bolsters, mainly, the automation of compliance to regulations in the bidding process, but it does not seem to provide significant changes in effectiveness of the control to oppose eventual bidders’ opportunism.The organizational environment is increasingly embedded in technologies that provide new forms of interaction between individuals and companies. Mobile technologies, positioned in this environment, are technologies that transform by bringing facilities and challenges at the same time. Analyze the participation of these technologies in managerial life is relevant to be able to understand how managers deal with emerging elements of intense integration of its activities with mobile technology and all its possibilities. In this scenario, financial portfolio managers additionally deal with a change in their profession. The capital market profitability decline has caused a number of investment products proliferate, demanding from this manager not only professional skills, but also as manager and financial advisor, in order to better guide their clients in so many new options available. Through a study with 11 managers, sought to deepen in elements regarding the resource overload of mobile technology, and how these professionals perceive the issues addressed in your routine.Based on the viewpoint of project managers with regards to diversity, this paper used a phenomenographic method. Fifteen project managers were interviewed. The latter focused primarily on the variety of techniques, rather than on varieties of any other kind. This view of diversity extends beyond those angles generally taken in the literature on the theme which in most instances refer to diversity as based on gender, race and disadvantaged ethnic and minority groups. Additionally, the study brings to light the fact that diversities of knowledge and behavior are as beneficial for the development of projects. Furthermore, communication and the role of the project manager were raised as mitigating factors when it came to diversity. And, lastly, the conclusion arrived at was that project managers have similar discourses which correspond to the recommendation of the main project management manuals. These discourses and forms of expression are in most cases ready-made.The present study aims to develop the concepts applied by the PMBOK in efficient management of logistics projects and production management through a case study, seeking the best use of resources used in projects. Thus, we used the analysis of a real case study in a comparative way with the indicators of the model PMMM - Maturity Model Project Management Sector - proposed by Prado (2003), and applied to an automotive company. The findings point to a low level of maturity in project management, demonstrating the need for corrective action.A tradicional abordagem do fluxo de caixa descontado (FCD) nao e apropriada para capturar o valor de eventual flexibilidade de um empreendimento, tendendo a subavalia-lo. A abordagem pela teoria das opcoes reais (TOR) supre essa deficiencia. Este artigo avalia um empreendimento imobiliario com permuta com flexibilidade de adiamento e constata que o valor obtido atraves da abordagem da TOR foi 22,6% superior ao obtido pela tradicional abordagem do FCD. Portanto, recomenda-se que a teoria das opcoes reais seja incorporada as analises de projetos e empresas do setor imobiliario. DOI:10.5585/gep.v3i2.107The competency analysis focused on the skills of project management is an issue that has been debated both organizations and academia. This paper aims to conduct a study of the literature on skills within project management. The methodology consisted of the hybrid approach with techniques of bibliometrics and social networks, and search and selection of relevant publications on the basis of ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). The result revealed 147 items aligned to the theme considering the period from 1992 to 2011, whose 10 main papers were deeper analyzed.Project managers are required to develop competencies that will help them to lead their teams in stressful, challenging and dynamic environments such as in many Information Technology (IT) project settings. Project managers should also develop team commitment in order to improve team performance. Therefore, this study addresses the question: Which IT project manager competencies influence team commitment? The main objective is to develop and validate a new instrument to measure project manager competencies and team commitment in IT projects. To accomplish this objective, we, firstly, did an exploratory and qualitative research. Then, we did a quantitative research in which we collected 484 responses. Besides providing a new scale, this research also presents pertinent implications to the practice of project management in IT settings. For instance, organizations can use the measuring instrument to evaluate project managers, to evaluate the work environment as well as to structure training programs for their employees.The establishment of a Project Management Office (PMO) helps to transform the organizational culture by showing in a structured way the needs of process and governance body for generating more benefits, discipline and understanding for the organization. The challenge of the project-oriented organizations is not only the implementation of a PMO, but what type and where to allocate it in the organizational structure with regard to autonomy and power in the organization. In this context, the purpose of this article is to identify and describe the elements that contribute to the alignment of the PMO to the organizational management in strategic, tactical and operational dimensions. A systemic review of the literature allowed the formation of a theoretical framework containing the main elements in each dimension that can serve as a guide for the practice of PMO management to establish project management improvement and therefore organizational management improvement.This study aimed to evaluate a newly deployed project in Minas Gerais that is engaged in producing inputs for the steel industry, in terms of generation of value to investors. Cash flows were identified, both in explicit projections and in perpetuity, as well as the capital cost of opportunity necessary to discount the future amounts of cash. The estimated cost of capital requires the pricing of the cost of equity, and in this study was used the conditional CAPM. However, as the company has no shares traded on the stock exchange, it was necessary to use the bottom up method with information from companies with similar risks for estimates of leverage beta (systematic risk measurement proxy). The results show that the company can generate positive value in the various scenarios considered, but only the most daring scenario of increased production and sales could result in amounts consistent with the expectations of shareholders upon realization of investments. The other scenarios would imply operational inefficiencies, as it would result in a low occupation of installed capacity. Furthermore, the Value at Risk (VaR) and the expected value of the project were estimated.The aim of this study is to identify scientifically relevant research in the last five years on the alignment between Information Technology - IT and Business in organizations, and also on Project Portfolio Management - PPM as a possible mechanism for promoting this alignment. The methodology used was the implementation of systematic exploratory search in databases associated with the CAPES Journals Portal, the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD of IBICT, and the selection and analysis of articles from the Web of Knowledge portal. Based on the set of selected publications, the main approaches to IT - Business alignment and Project Portfolio Management were determined. The results also indicated a tiny current scientific production directly related to specific topics and their correlation.Abstract During the last decade there has been a considerable growth in the number of research projects conducted in Brazil in several areas of knowledge. Much of this growth is due to the increase of private investment initiatives in research, by creating centers and specialized research institutes, such as clinical research institutes. Due to the increasing competition in this field and the search for better results and success, private financial institutions now requires a higher level of efficiency in their projects. However, many of these new institutions do not use systematic methodologies and practices in project management (PM), leading to unsatisfactory results. This methodological deficiency is accompanied by a low level of maturity in PM. Digite um texto ou endereco de um site ou traduza um documento. Thus, it is necessary the implementation and use of chained and systematized management actions, including restatements of its processes, and the creation of specific management indicators for research institutions. Using this methodology and the implementation of its main techniques, it may be possible to increase the degree of maturity in PM, incorporating streamlined processes that lead to better results in clinical research projects, contributing to the development of a new application in PM methodology. Keywords: Clinical Research and Development; Maturity Level in Project Management; Project Management Methodology. DOI:10.5585/gep.v4i1.124The objective of this paper was to identify the perception of IT professionals in relation to the influence of Third Party suppliers on IT project teams and about the possible conflicts due to this participation on project results. The research was exploratory and 253 IT professionals of several hyerarchical levels took part of it . Results have indicated that a mix of teams are more productive, offers more learning and conditions to the innovation than those traditionally homogeneous, although a mix of teams can presents relationship conflicts among the members.The study contributes to the analysis of the IT professional performance both on the employee and management point of view.This article presents the results of a survey on perceptions of managerial competence in organizations of developing IT projects. The study was conducted with professionals from 14 organizations and sought to assess the perception of these professionals working in development projects on the skills of project managers. In each of the organizations the same questionnaire was submitted to a project manager and three team members (not necessarily all the same project). The data were subjected to a series of statistical analysis suggest that a distinct perception among managers and team members. In general, the latter are a more accurate assessment of the organizations practices in various aspects, especially related to behavioral skills. As an example, we observed that project managers have a more positive perception that team members about their skills.The study aimed to verify the relationship between client and company in the process of coproduction of knowledge intensive services (KIBS), from the perspective of the service provider, involving the analysis of projects of a business consultancy. The qualitative approach was used, based on the case study of a business consultancy, involving the analysis of three projects executed by the company, through semi-structured interviews. The documentary research was also used with documents made available by the company. The Content Analysis was used in the analysis of the empirical evidences. It was concluded that the participation of the client is essential for the delivery of the service through the interaction between client and provider throughout the consulting project. The following responsibilities of the clients were verified: shared resolution of problems, personal dedication, openness to the communication, advocacy and tolerance. The level of customer participation was considered high by the service provider. The client participation management strategies used by the consultancy were related to training, education and socialization, problem management, customer selectivity and preventive actions. This study expands knowledge on the dynamics of the service sector, specifically on the coproduction relation between knowledge-intensive service providers and their clients.Small businesses in Brazilian are among the most managerially challenged in the country, principally because their small size requires a focus on day to day operations, leaving minimal resources for their management. This paper proposes a methodology for mapping individual, functional, and organizational competencies as they relate to the firm’s strategy, and applies it in a small software firm. Our method is based on the systematic integration of “ends activities” (strategic objectives) and “means activities” (competencies necessary to the organization, its functional areas, and its professionals) Put differently, this paper presents techniques for mapping the relation between strategy and organizational, functional, and individual competencies. Data collection involved four phases: 1.) An initial interview with the owner, 2.) Analyses of commercial documents. 3.) Interviews with all managers, 4.) Interviews with selected clients. Our study is unique in that it provides concrete guidelines for firms in the software industry at the same time it brings together previously isolated knowledge from different disciplines and different levels of analysis.A crescente utilizacao de projetos de desenvolvimento rapido de jogos digitais promove a necessidade de identificacao de riscos para auxiliar no sucesso destes projetos. O intuito deste trabalho esta na identificar os riscos em projetos de desenvolvimento rapido de jogos digitais, em estabelecer uma possivel relacao com os riscos identificados na literatura e propor mitigacoes para os riscos encontrados. O carater da pesquisa foi exploratorio, com a aplicacao de uma revisao sistematica da literatura e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados incluem uma lista com 19 riscos identificados, sua relacao com a literatura e 5 propostas de mitigacoes dos riscos identificados. Como implicacao teorica estao uma lista de riscos a serem estudados e como aplicacao pratica esta na utilizacao em projetos de desenvolvimento rapidos em jogos digitais por gerentes de projetos, lideres de equipes e similares.The agribusiness sectors are increasingly enhancing the technological knowledge within their fields.Not only the competition, which is increasingly fierce, but also for survival in the market. Whenproposing planning for rural enterprise, in business, so you should consider that in this type ofproduction system, and there is a much more significant number of random variables, there is stillmuch less information readily available and that they neither always mirror the reality of fact, givenits momentum. The Petri net, because it is a technique where significant advances have obtained theinformation network is complex and subject to various factors, such as the agribusiness, and toobtain a better development of agroindustrial projects in parallel with the decrease of economicrisks faced by this sector, the objective is then, with this work to develop a risk managementmethodology based on concepts of Petri nets, to be introduced in the management of foodprocessing industries, so that eventually there is a contribution to this area, and that therefore it cangradually evolve to maturity of risk management in projects in the agribusiness entities.Immersed in an increasingly competitive environment, resulting from globalization, accounting firms have resented the absence of a Control Management System (CMS), notably the lack of a verification and control system of costs able to guide an adequate pricing strategy of its services. This article aims to fill this gap by developing a management tool of cost for strategic management in accounting business. In terms of methodology, we proceeded to a multi case study in three accounting firms of Belo Horizonte and Contagem in Minas Gerais. It was initially utilized a quantitative approach by applying a calculation and control cost model, followed by a qualitative approach constituted of semi structured and semi-directive interviews with the managers of such offices. Proceeding to a triangulation, it was possible to conclude that the suggested model effectively contributes to solving the problem of the lack of a pricing strategy of accounting services.O desenvolvimento de uma concepcao financeira da empresa, o processo de Financeirizacao e a demanda por esse imposta sobre as empresas para a Geracao de Valor ao Acionista tem buscado pautar a forma como os gestores das empresas tomam suas decisoes, incluindo aqueles referentes a seus projetos, programas e portfolios. O objetivo deste trabalho e realizar uma pesquisa bibliometrica para explorar o campo de pesquisa da Geracao de Valor ao Acionista (GVA) e de sua relacao com a Gestao de Projetos, Programas e Portfolios (GPPP), utilizando Web of Science e Google Scholar como fontes. Os principais achados mostram uma producao recente (a partir de 2000) mas com uma reducao apos a crise de 2008, dispersa tanto em termos de autores quanto de locais de publicacao e que tambem trabalha temas como Inovacao, P&D e TI. Ainda, parecem haver dois pontos de entrada para a GVA no que concerne a GPPP, tanto a tradicional abordagem do EVA quanto a do valor por meio de temas de Marketing como Satisfacao dos Consumidores e Valor no Ciclo de Vida – o que deve retroalimentar tanto a literatura em GVA quanto a em GPPP.O objetivo deste estudo e investigar o processo, as caracteristicas e os fatores influenciadores da tomada de decisao para a selecao de novos projetos. O metodo escolhido foi o estudo de caso unico realizado em uma media empresa brasileira do setor de engenharia. Os resultados permitiram constatar que a empresa-alvo realiza a tomada de decisao de forma menos complexa do que apresentam os modelos teoricos sobre o tema, o que nao seria necessariamente um problema. Contudo, o processo apresenta algumas deficiencias, entre elas, a falta de periodicidade na tomada de decisao, deixando a decisao de empreitar novos projetos para os clientes solicitantes, a falta de uma analise mais robusta para suportar a tomada de decisao, pois a analise fica restrita aos fatores organizacionais em detrimento de fatores ambientais e possui um cunho personalista sujeito a experiencias, limitacoes e preconceitos pessoais do principal decisor da organizacao. Indica-se como contribuicao teorica a necessidade do desenvolvimento de uma literatura que destaque as melhores praticas para a tomada de decisao nas pequenas e medias empresas, sobretudo, as brasileiras. Como contribuicao pratica para os gestores, indica-se a necessidade de tratar com maior importância o aperfeicoamento dos estagios do processo de tomada de decisao e para os governos e associacoes ligadas as pequenas e medias empresas, a necessidade de patrocinio de programas voltados ao tema.Com o crescente desenvolvimento da tecnologia dentro de ambientes produtivos, percebe-se que os processos de automacao industrial estao se tornando pontos fortes de discussoes de investimento perante os executivos e tomadores de decisao nas industrias de uma forma geral. Cada vez mais os projetos de automacao estao em evidencia nos portfolios de projetos da industria.Este trabalho buscou avaliar o modelo de tomada de decisao de projetos de automacao industrial e acompanhar a escolha da tecnologia empregada no projeto escolhido por uma industria de bens de consumo alimenticio e cuidados com a saude. A decisao foi baseada em quatro fatores, fatores financeiros, fatores estrategicos, fatores tecnologicos e fatores humanos. Os fatores foram atendidos, no entanto foi possivel perceber que o fator financeiro e o tecnologico foram os mais evidentes, onde a tecnologia com o menor custo foi escolhida, mesmo nao sendo a com maior pontuacao no scorecard. DOI:10.5585/gep.v3i3.140This paper aims to address issues related to the lessons learned in projects, focusing on the analysis of knowledge management. The starting point was the following question: with the knowledge management perspective, the process of generating lessons learned can add value to project management? From this, it started the scientific quest to answer this question through the systematic literature research. This study found 102 articles published in scientific journals and magazines, which present empirical studies in project management, knowledge management and lessons learned, found at Scopus database. This study points out: why, when and how the lessons learned process can help mitigate the risks associated with projects; obtaining a better understanding of the activities involved; improve knowledge management processes; systematically increase the skills of those involved and; identify the root cause of failures and successes, helping to improve the process.Project management (PM) efficient results in increased probability of success of activities and itscompletion as time, cost and scope planned. Since this triad (time, cost and scope) is connected, anychanges will affect within the scope and increase the cost of the project. This was a case study in alarge company exploiting oil and gas. The research is focused on time management (TM) in an oilproject in order to examine the schedule of activities according to the time tool, the Gantt Chart inMS Project 2003 software. The study design was selected due to its long delay in implementationand lack of planning and managing this. By analyzing the Gantt Chart, activities were identifiedlate. With this, the problems that caused delays were surveyed (the project documents) and theirparents questioned. Thus, it was proposed improvements to an effective control of time on theproblems encountered.Este artigo discute as competencias requeridas de gerentes de projetos que atuam no setor da Construcao Civil. Fundamenta-se em survey que envolveu 27 grandes empresas sediadas na regiao metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais. Essas empresas foram selecionadas pelo criterio de representatividade com o apoio do presidente do Grupo de Intercâmbio da Construcao Civil em Recursos Humanos (GICC-RH) vinculado ao Sindicato da Industria da Construcao Civil no Estado de Minas Gerais (SINDUSCON-MG). Os respondentes foram indicados pelos dirigentes das respectivas empresas. Os dados foram coletados, no segundo semestre de 2014, por meio de questionario fundamentado no framework proposto por Quinn et al. (2003). Foram inqueridos 45 gerentes de projetos que atuam na interface com a Area de Recursos Humanos (ARH). O tratamento de dados baseou-se em estatistica descritiva. Os resultados sinalizam que, na Construcao Civil, a gestao de projetos tem demandado, sobretudo, competencias relacionadas aos papeis de Mentor, Produtor e Diretor, predominando os modelos de metas racionais e de relacoes humanas.This study aims to provide basic tools to build a technical report in the area of Project Management to contribute to public disclosure and to develop tools to facilitate measurement of actual technical production within the academic and professional research, specifically as a result of the production effort of the Professional Masters in Business Administration in the field of Project Management. From the goal now exposed, this protocol presents a script that privileges the contribution of technical work done with a professional purpose, but with the rigor of scientific research. For this, it was developed a protocol adhering to technical production work experience par excellence, but with clear practical application that uses the precepts of academic research so as not to jeopardize the development of additional work in the form of future related scientific papers. The protocol is indicative and may be used to present the case in its entirety or, more specifically, to present a report on a topic of great relevance to the knowledge or experience in the study area, always aimed at prescribing solutions character technical and practical for the study correlated area.New forms of organization, specially the networked organizations, driven by the evolution of the information technology, have been changing the social and economic paradigm and increasing the competition levels. The present study had as main objective to develop and apply a model of strategy formulation capable of align the junior enterprises and federations associated to Brasil Junior in relation to shared strategic references. The research was a case study, with primary and secondary data collection through literature research, document research, interviews and seminars, with the participation of the members of the leadership of the organization. The results showed that the networked organization requires a horizontal strategic management, founded in explicit and clearly comprehended shared purposes.

Revista Brasileira de Administração Científica | 2013

Analysis of managerial innovation flow on the small and medium it sized enterprises

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo

The purpose of this paper is to develop a diagram flow of strategic decisions on small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises and explains how it can be used to transform a innovate idea into a competitive output in the market. These enterprises are characterized, by their ability to create value, employ highly skilled workers, and use high technology in their internal processes. These firms face some problems like weak strategies of IT management and limited human and financial resources. The approach suggested in this paper offers small and medium-sized firms an opportunity to innovate or create newer outputs and increase the competitive effectively with others companies. Additionally, this paper can be used as a guide to building innovation as strategic competitiveness on the small and medium IT sized enterprises, denoted SMET at this paper.

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research | 2013

Enabling the strategic planning of small and medium-sized information technology through advanced results: a configurational perspective of Mintzberg 5Ps

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Individuals are pivotal to supporting knowledge and to contribute with new ideas that generate value for the firm. With this perspective, this paper compares the small and medium sized information technology enterprises (SMET) manager’s behaviour to the 5Ps strategy describe by Mintzberg (1992). This study highlights different ways of strategic thinking, and the importance of the mutual trust and commitment between managers and employees in order to encourage SMET competitiveness through their market changes and environmental uncertainties. The results show the plurality of values shared by the organisational SMET managers. This analysis can guide SMET managers to optimise their behaviour performance. Our analysis relies upon a survey of 13 Brazilian IT firms.

Archive | 2012

The Mature of Strategic Business of Small and Medium-Sized High-Tech Companies in Brazil

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Ibusiness | 2012

Comparative Analysis of the of Management Practices and Behaviour of Small and Medium Information Technology Enterprises

Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo | 2018

Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços: caso real no centro fitness do hotel

Natália de Almeida Ferraz; Fagner José Coutinho de Melo; Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; André Philippi Gonzaga de Albuquerque; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo | 2018

Evaluación de la calidad en los servicios: caso real en el centro fitness del hotel

Natália de Almeida Ferraz; Fagner José Coutinho de Melo; Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; André Philippi Gonzaga de Albuquerque; Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Marketing & Tourism Review | 2018

Avaliação das dimensões da qualidade percebida dos serviços logísticos de distribuição de medicamentos antirretrovirais do programa HIV/AIDS

José Orlando Sousa da Silva; Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Joás Tomaz de Aquino

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | 2018

Evaluation of Quality in Public Transport Services: The Use of Quality Dimensions as an Input for Fuzzy TOPSIS

Joás Tomaz de Aquino; Fagner José Coutinho de Melo; Taciana de Barros Jerônimo; Denise Dumke de Medeiros


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Joás Tomaz de Aquino

Federal University of Pernambuco

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Denise Dumke de Medeiros

Federal University of Pernambuco

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Marcella Brito Galvão

Federal University of Pernambuco

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Deise de Araújo Batista

Federal University of Pernambuco

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Felipe Alves Calábria

Federal University of Pernambuco

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